Joe O’Shea, left, and Joe Mahshie TRUE Seminoles we will strive to uphold the ideals to promote the TRUE Seminole of our namesake and of Florida campaign and instill a sense of core State,” said FSU senior Joe values that bind us as Seminoles — Mahshie, the president of the Semi- compassion and service to others nole Student Boosters. — is through a T-shirt program,” “The campaign harnesses O’Shea said. “It is just one of the what is best about our Seminole projects the campaign plans to im- culture — a humble, warm and in- plement.” clusive community,” said Joe FSU students — and all FSU O’Shea,auniversitytrusteeandthe fans for that matter — will be student body president. “It stems strongly encouraged to wear the from the reason I came to FSU in garnet, Nike T-shirt to every home the first place. It’s our niche in the football game. “I am a Seminole” collegemarket,andit’swhatmakes will be emblazoned on the front; FSU Photo Labus / Bill Lax so special. At FSU, we embrace “We are Florida State” will be on our community and acknowledge the back. that we’re privileged simply to “Theconceptfortheinaugural By Jeffery Seay “Tradition, Respect, Unity and Ex- have the opportunity to go to col- T-shirtdesigncamefromthewhole Editor in Chief cellence” as fundamental to being lege.” idea that we are a ‘Seminole com- a Florida State Seminole. O’Shea added that the cam- munity,’” Mahshie said. “As single lorida State University The students of the Seminole paign fits perfectly with FSU’s ini- people, we each are Seminoles, but has launched a cam- Student Boosters who dreamed up tiatives to enhance its culture of in- together, we are one university.” paign that is intended the idea to energize school spirit clusionandcaring,suchasitsCARE The shirts will do more than to unite its student andpromoteservicetoothersases- Program that helps low-income, boost spirit at sporting events. Five Fbody through shared sential to the FSU experience also first-generation students. dollars from the sale of each shirt values and to strengthen the will use the campaign to under- As a major component of the will be used both to endow schol- connection students feel toward score the respect they have for the TRUESeminolecampaign,theuni- arships for student-athletes and to their alma mater. Seminole Tribe of Florida. versity has sanctioned an official provide opportunities for students Through the student-inspired “It is an honor to represent the game-day T-shirt, the “TRUE Pride in need. TRUESeminolecampaign,theuni- unconquered spirit of the Seminole Tee.” “Our retail partners have em- (Continued on page 15) versity will advance the ideals of Tribe, and through this campaign “Initially,the most visible way Ancient ice core draws researchers from around the world By Libby Fairhurst Shelf,theEarth’slargestfloatingice FSU News and Public Affairs two national user facilities at FSU gathered at the ice-cold FSU facili- (the National High Magnetic Field ty to study its extraordinary new body –– the hard-won specimen is Laboratory is the other). In fact, last acquisition: an ancient sediment laced with sediment dating from n the outside, it’s an May the AMGRF curatorial staff core offering the best record yet of the present day to about 10 million unassuming one-story and members of the FSU geologi- globalwarming’simpactonoceans years ago. annexatthewestendof cal sciences faculty hosted an inter- worldwide. Now housed at the AMGRF, Othe Carraway Building. national team of users –– scientists, Extracted during the most re- the core provides a geologic record Inside, however, the drillers, students and educators –– cent Antarctic summer from of the ice shelf’s history in unprece- Antarctic Marine Geology Re- from across the nation and New record-setting drilling depths –– dented detail. search Facility (AMGRF) at Florida Zealand,Italy,theUnitedKingdom 4,214 feet below the sea floor that A polar research news feature (Continued on page 15) StateUniversityisaverycoolplace, and Germany. The researchers lies beneath Antarctica’s Ross Ice and in more ways than one. Established at FSU in 1963 throughtheNationalScienceFoun- dation’s Office of Polar Programs, the chilly curatorial and research center began as a national reposito- ry for geological material from the Southern Ocean, and now houses the premier collection of Antarctic August 2007 deep-sea sediment cores. What’s more, the AMGRF –– an adjunct of the geological sci- ences department –– is one of the Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Public Broadcast Center PAID 1600 Red Barber Plaza, Suite 104 Permit #281 St. Cloud, MN Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32310-6068 FSU Photo Lab / Bill Lax FSU geology Professor Sherwood W. Wise Jr. of the Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility (left), visiting postdoctoral researcher Simon Nielson, who is the AMGRF’s incoming curator (center), and current curator Matthew Olney (right) standing in the facility’s massive cold-storage vault. 2 / August 2007 August 2007 / 3 FSU campus on guard against crises, severe weather By Bayard Stern Managing Editor cluded the Florida A&M Uni- verisity Police Department, the Leon County Sheriff’s Depart- Why We Chose The shooting tragedy that oc- ment, the Tallahassee Fire Depart- curred this past April on the cam- ment, local emergency services, pus of the Virginia Polytechnic In- the FSU Office of the Dean of Stu- WESTCOTT LAKES AT SOUTHWOOD stitutesentshockwavesofsadness dents and FSU Athletics. and grief across the country.Cam- In response to the Virginia pus security procedures immedi- Tech tragedy, on April 30, Florida SPONSORED BY FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY ately were put under scrutiny,and Gov. Charlie Crist created the Gu- university police chiefs suddenly bernatorial Task Force for Univer- were being asked how they would sity Campus Safety, charged with respond to similar scenarios. researching university campus Florida State University Chief safety in Florida. Perry, the only of Police David Perry already was university police chief asked to involved in asking and answering serve on the task force, made a It’s a Gift to those very types of questions on presentation, “The FSU Police Ap- April 16, the day of the shootings. proach to Crisis Intervention,” to Our Children Inside FSU police headquarters, Perry was hosting the inaugural Atlantic Coast Conference Chiefs “ of Police Training Summit. In at- Bayard Stern tendance were the chiefs from One of the three warning sirens that are part of Florida State University’s emergency notification system. Georgia Tech, North Carolina In the event of an emergency, the university can sound the sirens or use them as a public address system. State, the University of Miami, ” Wake Forest and the University of nowvery,veryawareofvulnerabil- Ready designation, FSU had to ulty and staff informed about situ- Maryland. Absent was Wendell ities on all campuses. The situation meetseveralcriteria,saidDaveBu- ations that need to be made public Flinchum, Virginia Tech’s chief, at Virginia Tech could occur any- jak, FSU’s emergency manage- immediately. who had decided not to come to where—evenonourcampus—so ment coordinator. “FSU has installed a series of Tallahassee and remained in mentally,our preparedness has be- “Among other things, we in- sirens on campus that will allow us Blacksburg, Va. come even more sharpened and fo- stalled80NOAA(NationalOcean- to notify students, faculty and staff a dynamic new Life Fulfilling “I kept Wendell’s name tag,” cused. Inwardly, we all have ic and Atmospheric Administra- of any weather emergencies that Community® for adults age 62+ said Perry, holding Flinchum’s David Perry changed and thought about how tion) weather radios throughout are occurring on campus,” said laminated tag. “He was one of the critical our jobs are here at FSU and the campus to keep faculty, staff, FSU President T.K. Wetherell. “The where you truly can “have it all”: first people to register for the con- Crist and the rest of the task force howcriticalitistotrainandprepare students and visitors safe when sirens are capable of sending voice ference, and he wanted to be here on May 3 on the FSU campus. for those types of emergencies.” threatening weather approaches,” messages about other emergency a maintenance-free, resort lifestyle; to share his insights because they FSU police are trained to han- TheFSUPoliceDepartmentis Bujak said. events.Wehavealsoupgradedour had a shooting several months dle any type of crisis, according to fully accredited as a law-enforce- “Our mission is to save lives emergencytext-messagingsystem, etired appellate judge faculty-like campus privileges; and a R ago. He was eager to attend, but Perry,and he has every confidence ment agency by the Florida Ac- and property by issuing forecasts andwehavea‘blast’e-mailsystem Jim Joanos and his wife Betty Lou — 10,000-square-foot Fitness Center. Plus, there was a situation on his cam- in his officers and staff. creditation Commission. and warnings,” said Bob Goree of with which we will be able to noti- pus (unrelated to the shootings) “The event brought extra Being ready for any emer- the Tallahassee office of the Na- fy students instantaneously about both Florida State alumni — were the the security provided by our Health and he felt he needed to be there as meaning to all of the training that gency,including severe weather,is tionalWeatherService,whichislo- weather events or emergencies. the law-enforcement leader.” FSU police officers have complet- a top priority for FSU, Perry said. cated on the FSU campus in the “In addition, we’ve estab- LEARN MORE!! first to sign up for Westcott Lakes. Assurance Guarantee — the only one Perry said the conference was ed, and continue to do,” he said. FSU received “StormReady” Love Building, along with the FSU lished two emergency centers of productive and became more “Events like that amplify the im- certification from the National department of meteorology.
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