Town of Atherton ATHERTON RAIL COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, June 2, 2020 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. This meeting was held virtually This meeting is compliant with the Governors Executive Order N-25-20 issued on March 4, 2020 allowing for deviation of teleconference rules required by the Brown Act. The purpose of this is to provide the safest environment for staff and the public while allowing for public participation. The meeting will be held by tele or video conferencing. The public may participate via: Zoom Meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Remote Public Comments: One tap mobile Meeting participants are encouraged to submit +16699006833,,97996012676# US (San Jose) public comments in writing in advance of the meeting. The following email address will be Dial by your location monitored during the meeting and public +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) comments received will be read into the record. Meeting ID: 979 9601 2676 Email: [email protected] Weblink: https://ci-atherton-ca.zoom.us/j/97996012676 1. ROLL CALL Committee Members: Alex Keh (Chair), Scott Lane (Vice Chair), Malcolm Dudley, Jack Ringham, Greg Conlon, Paul Jones, Nerissa Dexter, Jim Janz, John Maulbetsch, James Massey Councilmember Liaisons: Council Member Cary Wiest Staff: Robert Ovadia 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS – For items not on the agenda. (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Rail Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from acting on items not listed on the Agenda.) None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – February 4, 2020 Recommendation: Approve minutes for February 4, 2020 Town of Atherton Rail Committee Minutes – June 2, 2020 Page 2 Approval of February 4, 2020 Minutes: Approved Motion: John Maulbetsch Second: Paul Jones Abstained: Alex Keh and Nerissa Dexter 4. PRESENTATIONS – High-Speed Rail Authority (20 min.) Update on HSR Activities, 2020 Business Plan, and EIR/EIS release and Public Input Opportunities Boris Lipkin, California High-Speed Rail Authority Northern California Regional Director provided an update on current High-Speed Rail Authority activities including: 2020 Business Plan Expenditures Status of Project Segments Status of Environmental Clearances San Francisco – San Jose Project Segment o Environmental Document . Overview of Alternatives . Structure of EIR/EIS . Release – Anticipated July 10, 2020, 45-day comment period . Public Comments – Accepted through August 24, 2020 . Anticipated Public Workshops 5. REGULAR AGENDA 5a. Caltrain Station Closure (10 min.) The Committee will receive a brief update on the proposal received from Caltrain to close the Atherton Caltrain Station. The Committee will have the opportunity to discuss this item. Not an action item. Council Subcommittee has been formed and assigned to coordinate with Caltrain regarding station closure. Memorandum of Understanding being developed with Caltrain. Caltrain has initiated required analysis to support closure. Roland Lebrun indicated that he gave a presentation to the Redwood City City Council regarding a new Caltrain/HSR/Dumbarton station at Redwood Junction. Offered to provide the same presentation to the Rail Committee. 5b. Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project Update and Discussion (5 min.) The Committee will receive a brief report on current activities related to Caltrain’s electrification of the peninsula corridor. The Committee will have the opportunity to discuss current and upcoming activities as well as related items. Not an action item. Caltrain’s Contractor, Balfour Beatty, has been working in the vicinity of Town of Atherton Rail Committee Minutes – June 2, 2020 Page 3 the Watkins Avenue Crossing including new communications building and trenching for conduits to the gates at the corners. No schedule provided yet regarding the installation of the remaining foundations and standing of the poles. 5c. High-Speed Rail Update and EIR/EIS Discussion (30 min.) The Committee will receive an update on the High-Speed Rail Project including procurement status and anticipated timing of the business plan and environmental documents associated with the Northern segment. Due to the anticipated timing of the public comment periods, the Committee may discuss how comments are to be submitted by committee members and designate a committee member to aggregate comments and work with staff to draft a response letter for consideration by Council. The Committee also may act to authorize a recommendation to Council to formally send the aggregated response letter to the High-Speed Rail Authority. EIR/EIS for the SF/SJ segment anticipated for release on July 10, 2020, with comments due by August 24, 2020. Committee members encouraged to review the EIR/EIS and submit comments to staff. Subcommittee formed (Maulbetsch, Jones, Keh) to review the comments and develop a draft comment letter for the Committee’s review at the August meeting. 5d. Caltrain Update (10 min.) The Committee will receive a brief report on current issues and considerations at Caltrain including governance structure and proposed sales tax measure. The Committee will have the opportunity to discuss current and upcoming Caltrain issues as well as related items. Not an action item. Caltrain is working on a potential 1/8 cent sales tax funding measure for the November 2020 ballot. To be placed on the ballot, measure would need approval from three County Boards of Supervisors (San Mateo, San Francisco, and Santa Clara), SamTrans, and the three County transit authorities. Filing deadline is August 7, 2020. Caltrain has been reviewing and exploring changes to its governance structure as part of the development of its 2040 Business Plan. Caltrain is investigating the potential separation from SamTrans. This potential change is being pushed by San Francisco and Santa Clara Counties to allow them greater input in how Caltrain runs. PA Post Article regarding ridership and budgetary shortfalls. 5e. Dumbarton Rail Corridor Update (5 min.) The Committee will receive a brief report on the current status of the Dumbarton Rail Corridor. The Committee will have the opportunity to discuss the Dumbarton Rail Corridor, current and upcoming activities as well as related items. Not an action item. Town of Atherton Rail Committee Minutes – June 2, 2020 Page 4 Facebook is considering backing out of the Cross-Bay Transit Partnership. They want to focus on local community issues and may withdraw their financial support for continuing the environmental review process. 6. COMMITTEE AND STAFF MEMBER COMMENTS None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Presentation from Rolland Lebrun that he presented to Redwood City High-Speed Rail Authority EIR/EIS for San Francisco – San Jose Segment 9. NEXT MEETING – August 4, 2020 10. ADJOURN Next meeting is scheduled for: August 4, 2020 Please contact the City Clerk’s office at (650) 752-0500 with any questions. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 752-0500. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (29 CRF 35.104 ADA Title II) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION Atherton Rail Committee June 2, 2020 STATEWIDE PROGRAM 2 DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN • Required by PUC Section 185033 » Foundational document for implementing the program » Required every two years (even years) • Includes: » Updated capital cost and other estimates » Updated ridership and revenue forecasts » Summary of progress over last two years » Review of current challenges and how to address them • Released in mid February and requires 60 day public review • Public Comment period extended to June 1 • Due to the Legislature July 1, 2020 DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN 3 LEADERSHIP IN SUSTAINABILITY • California is the national leader on clean transportation in the era of climate change • Meeting our mobility, economic, and environmental goals • More than $6.4 Billion has been invested in planning and building high-speed rail DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN 4 A GOOD INVESTMENT Cost of High-Speed Rail Phase 1 compared to cost of equivalent highway/air capacity DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN 5 WHERE WE ARE IN 2020 • 350 miles of electrified high-speed rail on the way to or under construction » 171 miles between Merced and Bakersfield » 51 miles of the Caltrain Corridor being electrified » 130 miles connecting Las Vegas to Southern California • Remainder of Phase 1 (San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim) environmental clearance underway » 5 Draft EIR/EIS documents planned in 2020 DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN 7 LOOKING AHEAD TO 2022 • 350 miles of high-speed rail under construction » First high-speed trains under development • Full Phase 1 environmental clearance complete » Advancing strategic investments » Pursuing additional funding DRAFT 2020 BUSINESS PLAN 8 MOMENTUM PICKING UP IN THE FIELD AVERAGE MONTHLY EXPENDITURES BY QUARTER STATEWIDE PROGRAM 9 MOMENTUM PICKING UP IN THE FIELD WEEKLY AVERAGE WORKERS DISPATCHED First week of April was an all time high of 821 workers dispatched STATEWIDE PROGRAM 10 MOMENTUM PICKING UP IN THE FIELD STRUCTURE AND GUIDEWAY PROGRESS 2019/2020 As of first week of April up to 77 miles of Guideway and 39 Structures underway and/or complete STATEWIDE PROGRAM 11 ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT 2018/19 • Estimates the economic impacts of planning and constructing a high-speed rail system California Statewide Economic Impacts
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