S4590 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 17, 2007 Montana State Legislature. Both the independent music community on forceable standards. I have no reason houses of the legislature approved this airplay and rules of engagement. I to believe that the potential good from legislation unanimously. Thirteen want to especially commend Commis- these agreements will not be fulfilled, other States have anti-REAL ID legis- sioner Adelstein for his tireless work but we can’t allow backsliding, espe- lation that has passed one of the to bring these groups together and cially after the 3-year term of the de- houses of the legislature. In Montana then-Attorney General Spitzer for crees expires. This means that the FCC and the rest of these States, opposition spearheading the initial investigation will need to maintain vigorous and to this poorly constructed law is bipar- that has led to State and now Federal continued oversight. I urge the FCC to tisan. settlements. take the next step of building on this That is why I am pleased to once I was encouraged to see internal busi- first wave of settlements and reaching again offer my support for the Identi- ness reforms, increased recordkeeping agreements or taking enforcement ac- fication Security Enhancement Act, in- for transactions between labels and tion against the other stations impli- troduced by Senator AKAKA and Sen- radio stations and unfettered access to cated by the Spitzer investigation. ator SUNUNU—another bipartisan show these records by the FCC as part of the f consent decrees. While these provisions of opposition to the REAL ID Act. TAX RELIEF Why is there so much opposition to are not as broad as those included in REAL ID beyond the beltway? It comes my previous payola legislation, the in- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask down to three reasons. First, the REAL creased recordkeeping and disclosure unanimous consent that a posting by ID Act puts massive new Federal regu- in the consent decrees represent a step someone under the name ‘‘Blue Bun- lations on the States. From new data- in the right direction. Transparency ting’’ made to the Care2 News Network bases and fraud monitoring, to new and accountability through sustained be printed in the RECORD. This posting network and data storage capacity, the oversight will go a long way in elimi- is a supplement to a speech I gave last States will be tasked with an enormous nating the pervasive shadowy practices Thursday, April 12, on attempts by range of new regulations and require- that have plagued the radio industry some Democrats to elude responsibility ments. Once REAL ID becomes effec- on and off almost since its inception. for tax relief permanence. There being no objection, the mate- tive, every State’s Department of While the parties to the consent de- rial was ordered to be printed in the Motor Vehicles will have to play immi- crees do not directly admit wrong- RECORD, as follows: gration official by reconciling discrep- doing, the payment of $12.5 million to ancies in social security numbers with the U.S. Treasury from the four station [From Care2 News Network] the Social Security Administration. groups is an implicit acknowledgement THE MONSTER REPUBLICAN TAX HIKE DMVs will have to require proof of that the evidence uncovered by then- COMMENTS ‘‘legal presence’’ in the United States Attorney General Eliot Spitzer showed Blue Bunting: Tuesday April 3, 2007, 8:32 that significant abuses had taken pm from immigrants. Last week I made a note to link to this I am for a strong immigration policy. place. From all accounts, the stations post at Obsidian Wings. I just spotted the I believe we ought to enforce our bor- also deserve some credit for working in note. ders and enforce the laws we have on good faith with the FCC and the inde- Hilzoy notes the commentary in some the books. But it is completely unrea- pendent music community to work to- quarters that: sonable for the Federal Government to ward a solution that did more than just Following the example set by their Senate put this matter behind them. The in- brethren last Friday, House Democrats will put that job on the Montana Depart- adopt a budget resolution containing the ment of Motor Vehicles, or any other ternal reforms and side agreement ne- largest tax increase in U.S. history amid State’s DMV. gotiated with the American Associa- massive national inattention. And these new regulations carry with tion of Independent Music, A2IM, ap- Bet you didn’t know that, eh? The Dems them a hefty pricetag. DHS now esti- pear to show a real desire to change are already pushing through the largest tax mates that Real ID will cost the states and include the voices of local, un- increase in U.S. history! and nobody is pay- and their taxpayers $23.1 billion. signed and independent musicians that ing attention! have unfortunately been missing more Anyway, Hilzoy digs a bit further into the Finally, REAL ID raises some very story. It really is worth reading. real privacy concerns. Data mining and often than not from our public air- Long story short . Republican Con- data theft have become all too common waves over the past decade or more. gresses chose not to make their tax cuts (or, phrases for too many Americans who I am pleased by the voluntary side as PGL would note, their tax deferments) resent having their personal informa- agreement by the radio station groups permanent. They didn’t have to put in a sun- tion collected by the government, or to provide more airtime and fair rules set clause—they chose to, in an attempt to worse, having it stolen from the gov- of engagement. These rules of engage- make long term projections look better. ernment. We all recall the massive po- ment require nondiscriminatory treat- Even with that obfuscation, the situation no ment for labels and musicians seeking longer looks quite so rosy. But . if the tential problems that arose from the new Democratic Congress doesn’t do what theft of personal data from the VA last to be played at the stations and echo the Republican Congresses that preceded it year. I have no doubt that the data- requirements from my previous payola failed to do, namely make the tax cut per- bases called for in REAL ID will be an legislation. I am heartened that these manent, well, that’s the equivalent of the even greater target for data thieves. major radio station groups have appar- Democrats pushing the largest tax increase We can do better than REAL ID. Sen- ently come to the realization that the in history. Maybe it’s just me . but since this ator AKAKA’s legislation shows that. old system wasn’t working and that it was in their best interest to make it whole thing was planned and executed by a Today, Montana adds its voice to those Republican Congress under a Republican calling for the Federal Government to easier for small labels and local musi- President, shouldn’t we be referring to this go back to the drawing board. Let’s lis- cians to be heard. With more and more as the Republican’s tax increase? And my bet ten to what Montana has to say. musicians being successful without or is that there are a lot of Republicans in Con- f with limited radio airplay—just look at gress now, and that will be seeking re-elec- the commercial and critical success of tion some time soon, that voted for this mas- PAYOLA SETTLEMENT the Dixie Chicks’ last album—I hope sive tax increase. Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I radio stations are realizing they must Blue Bunting: Tuesday April 3, 2007, 9:07 pm would like to briefly comment on an change and play what their potential Fact Check important settlement that has been re- listeners want to hear in order to re- Robert Novak wrote this in today’s Wash- cently announced by the Federal Com- main relevant. I hope this important ington Post: munications Commission, FCC. commitment by four station groups ‘‘Following the example set by their Sen- Four major radio station groups, will be replicated throughout the rest ate brethren last Friday, House Democrats Clear Channel, Entercom, Citadel, and of the radio industry. will adopt a budget resolution containing the CBS Radio, have taken an important I have a few lingering concerns that largest tax increase in U.S. history amid massive national inattention. first step in cleaning up the radio in- both the consent decrees and side Nobody’s tax payment will increase imme- dustry through today’s consent decree agreement depend heavily on contin- diately, but the budget resolutions set a pat- with the FCC and side agreement with ued good faith instead of strong en- tern for years ahead. The House version VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:20 Apr 18, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17AP6.019 S17APPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE.
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