APPENDIX I WHATCOM COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY APPROVED PLANT LIST Groundcovers and Small Shrubs - Under 2' Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Achillea tomentosa yellow or Flower heads need to be 1 3-5 Wooly Yarrow cream mowed in fall Antennaria dioica Foliage is furry, can tolerate 1 2 pink Pussy Toes extreme cold Arctostaphylos media bright red Leathery dark green leaves, fast 2 10 Manzanita Media branches growing Arctostaphylos uva ursi leaves turn Many varieties available, great 1 15 Bearberry or Kinnikinnick* red for slopes Artemesia caucasica Silky silver foliage, tolerates 0.5 2 yellow Silver Spreader extreme heat and cold Baccharis pilularis Bright green mat, needs cut 2 6 Dwarf Coyote Bush back once per year white to Camellia sasanqua 1 1 Evergreen, glossy 2-3" leaves red Ceanothus blue to 1.5 2 Stay with local varieties Wild Lilac violet Cerastium tomentosum Silver gray foliage covered with 1 5+ white Snow-in-Summer white flowers Ornamental seed capsules with Dryas drummondii 0.5 1 yellow silvery white tails Juniperus Many varieties of low growing Juniper-Carpet, Creeper, or 2 5-8 junipers Spreader Oenothera May die back in severe winters, 1 2 varies Evening Primrose come back strong Penstemon davidsonii, rupicola Evergreen shrub, tolerates cold 2 1.5 varies Beard Tongue and heat Pyracantha augustifolia orange 1 4 white One of the hardiest 'Gnome'* berries Rosmariunus officinalis blue to 2 4-8 Dark green needle-like leaves Rosemary 'Prostratus' violet Trailing habit, dark green oval Saponaria ocymoides 1 3 pink leaves Sedum Use local varieties, cut flower 2 1-5 varies Stonecrop stalks in fall Teucrium chamaedrys or red-purple Toothed, dark green leaves, postratium 1 2-3 or white water until established Germander * Highly-recommended species Page 1 Thymus white to 2 1-2 Many varieties Thyme purple Shrubs Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Arctostaphylos bright red Shiny dark green leaves turn 2-15 20 varies Manzanita berries maroon in fall. Berberis verruculosa 4 4-6 Warty Barberry Calluna vulgaris Large selection of cold hardy 3 3 varies Scotch Heather varieties. Avoid larger species over 15' in Camellia 1-15 1-10 varies evergreen heighth Caryopterus lavender Cut back nearly to ground in 3-8 2-5 Blue Spirea or Bluebeard blue spring Chamaecyparis obtusa 3-20 4 Slender, soft, and dense False Cypress Elaeagnus commutata tiny silvery 12 6-8 Extremely cold hardy Silverberry fragrant berries Forsythia intermedia 'Karl Sax' 7 6 yellow Profuse spring bloom Karl Sax Forsynthia Juniperus Select correct size species for 1-10 3-15 evergreen Juniper* location Kalmia latifolia 6-8 4 white Glossy, leathery leaves Mountain Laurel* Kerria japonica 'Plentifolia' Double yellow rose-like flowers, 8 6 yellow Plentifolia Kerria stems stay green in winter Mahonia aquifolium small 2-6 3 blue berries Very Hardy Oregon Grape* white small Osmanthus 4-8 3-6 evergreen Select cold hardy species only white Picea abies 'Nidiformis' 3 3 Very compact Birdis Nest Spruce Pieris japonica white 8 4 Andromeda clusters Pinus Mugo 4-10 3-6 Bushy, and can be dense Swiss Stone Pine or Mugo Pine* Potentilla froticosa yellow or 4 3 Cinquefoil* white Pyracantha Compact and spreading 1-5 5-20 white red berries Firethorn varieties available, evergreen Evergreen, good foliage, and Rhododendron* 3-6 3-6 variety bright flowers * Highly-recommended species Page 2 Ribes white to 1-12 2-5 red berries Select cold hardy species only Currant red Rosmarinus officinalis blue to Dark green needle-like leaves, 1-4 1-8 evergreen Rosemary violet fragrant Santolina chamaecyparissus 2-3 3-4 yellow Attractive whitish gray foliage Lavender Cotton Spiraea bumalda 2-3 4 varies Flowers from June to fall Tsuga canadensis 'Sargenti' 2-3 4 Graceful form Sargent Weeping Hemlock Huge flower clusters, many Viburnun 3-15 3-6 varies varieties Small Trees - Good for 4' Minimum Planting Strips With Limited Space Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Acer ginnala 'Flame' Select or prune for single stem; 20 20 red Amur Maple can be multi-trunked Acer grandidentatum 'Schmidt' 25+ 15 intense red Rocky Mt. Glow Maple Acer griseum Smooth, peeling, cinnamon- 25 20 Paperbark Maple colored bark Acer palmatum yellow, Hundreds of varied cultivars, 20 24 small red Japanese Maple* orange, red slow growing Amelanchier grandiflora 20 15 white bright red Good for limited space 'Princess Diane'* Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance 20 15 white bright red Reliable bloom Serviceberry'* Cercis canadencsis 25 30 red yellow Blooms before leaves are out Eastern Redbud Cornus kousa 'Chinensis' reddish to Most resistant to disease of the 20 20 white Chinese Kousa Dogwood* scarlet dogwoods Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Johnson' 18 16 yellow A miniature in every way Leprechaun Ash Magnolia x loebneri 20 20 large white yellow Several cultivars Magnolia grandiflora Useful where larger varieties 15 10 white evergreen 'LittleGem' are inappropriate Red fruit, excellent scab Malus 'Adirondack' 18 10 white resistance Good for narrow spaces, red Malus 'Red Barron' 18 8 red yellow berries Malus 'Golden Raindrop' 18 13 white yellow Abundant yellow fruit Parrotia persica Showy yellow- Select or prune for single stem; 30 20 Persian Parrotia stamens orange red can be multi trunked * Highly-recommended species Page 3 Prunus 'Frankthrees' 20 20 pink Purple foliage Mt. St. Helens Plum Prunus 'Newport' 20 20 light pink reddish Purple red foliage Newport Plum Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Upright growth, darkest foliage Vesuvius' 30 15 pink of the plums Flowering Plum Prunus 'Snowgoose' Upright when young, spreading 20 20 white Snow Goose Cherry when older Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' pale pink Particularly useful for very 20 6 bronze Flowering Cherry double narrow planting strips Prunus x yedoensis 'Akebono' 25 25 pink yellow Flowing Cherry Medium Sized Trees - Good for Standard 5' Planting Strips Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Acer campesire 30 30 yellow Hedge Maple Acer campesire 'Evelyn' More upright branching than 35 30 yellow Queen Elizabeth Maple most of the species Good substitute for Pacific Arbutus 'Marina' 25 15 pink evergreen Madrone. May exceed 25' in some conditions. Crataegus crus-galli 'Inermis' small orange to 25 30 Red persistant fruit Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn white scarlet Crataegus phaenopyrum small 25 20 Scarlet Thorny Washington Hawthorn white Koelreuteria paniculata bright 30 30 yellow Mid-summer blooming Goldenrain Tree yellow Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria'* 25 20 white evergreen Malus 'Tschonoskii' 28 14 white scarlet Sparce, green fruit; pyramidal Prunus x hillieri 'Spire' 30 10 pink orange-red Sorbus x hybridia 30 20 white rust Oakleaf Royal Mt. Ash Styrax japonica 25 25 white yellow Plentiful, green, 1/2" seeds Japanese Snowbell * Highly-recommended species Page 4 Medium to Large Trees - Good for Planting Strips 6' or Wider Not Under Power Lines Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Acer freemanii 50 40 orange Autumn Blaze Maple Acer nigrum 'Green Column' yellow to 50 20 Good close to buildings Green Column Maple orange Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' yellow- 40 15 Bowhall Maple orange Acer rubrum 'Karpick' yellow to May work under very high 35+ 20 Karpick Maple orange power lines with approval Acer rubrum 'Scarsen' yellow- 40 20 Scarlet Sentinel Maple orange Acer rubrum Small red orange to Tolerates poor soil and 50 40 'Red Sunset' clusters red drainage, very hardy Acer pseudoplatanus not Leaves green on top, purple 'Atropurpureum' 40 30 significant underneath Spaethii Maple large 10" Aesculus x carnea 'Briottii' Resists heat and drought better 30 35 red Red Horsechestnut than other chestnuts clusters Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' 35 25 yellow Pyramidal Euopean Hornbeam Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple' 40 12 Purple foliage Dawyck Purple Beech Betula jacquemontii White bark makes for good 40 30 yellow Jacquemontii Birch winter interest Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywood' reddish 35 25 Raywood Ash purple Fraxinus pennsylvanica Extremely hardy, may be 'Platmore' 45 35 yellow seedless Platmore Ash Fraxinus americana 40 25 purple Autumn Applause Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 'Urbanite' 50 40 deep bronze Urbanite Ash Ginko biloba 'Autumn Gold' 45 35 yellow Ginko biloba "Princeton Sentry' 40 15 yellow Very narrow growth Nothofagus antarctica Rugged, twisted, branching, and 50 35 Southern Beech petite growth * Highly-recommended species Page 5 Botanical Name Height Spread Flowers Fall color Comments Common Name (ft) (ft) Oxydendron arboreum reddish 35 12 Consistant and brilliant fall color Sourwood purple Gleditsia triancanthos 45 35 yellow Do not confuse with 'Sunburst' Shademaster Honeylocust Quercus 'Crimschmidt' 45 15 Hard to find Crimson Spire Oak Quercus Ilex Prune to keep small or leave 20 20 Holly Oak alone for larger growth Prunus sargentii 'Columnarus' orange to The cherry with the best fall 35 15 pink Columnar Cherry orange-red color Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud' 20 20 light pink Dark purple foliage Thundercloud Plum Robinia x ambigua 'Idahoensis' 35 25 rose pink yellow Fragrant flowers Pink Idaho Locust Tilia cordata 'Chancole' 30 20 yellow Pyramidal Chencelor Linden Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' 40 30 yellowish Symmetrical, pyramidal form Greenspire Linden Limited use where sugar maple Acer saccharum 'Legacy' yellow or 50 35 is desired in standard planting Legacy Sugar Maple orange-red strips Liquidambar straciflua
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