- r_..-- - 4 ^ * v^ . V ' 1 . .J< ... .* : r--^ -‘ • -•;% *‘‘ ’* ■. ^ ___ _ THE ........ -------------------------V - ................- # i ® W --------- — ^ w I IFoNcaot by V. • . W oath« " NET PRESS RUN ■ New Oaeea 'AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION 1" 1 Coiin. State Library ' f<W the month of JanDary, 1928 Bain and wanner t<W|tg* ^ -W^* nesday dearin* a»d ali|#i|Iy .«**«• 5,087 V V .,U - .- ?• '■ Mesiber of the Andit Boccaii of ^4 f * \ CIrenlotloMa raiCiTHKEB CBNn UAMCHESTEa CONN, TOBBOAY, FBBR0ARY 14, 19?B, (Classified Advertising on Page 8) VOL. X U L , NO. 115. CONFESSES HE “Look This Way, Mr. Rockefeller!” UNDY Ea*ECrS KILLED WIFE PLANESTdI|K W rm jA M M E R THE AMERtAS Says There is Nothing Diffi­ CAGED STUDENTS Fox to Pay With His life FW' Ex-Army Major Caught In HOOVER GOES iN HIS CELLAR cult in Establishing lin es Mnrder of little Marion Philadelphia — Murdered Football Star Subdues 65 o iffiCnCRRElON Parker— Is Calm When Over the Routes H(s Just A-FISHINGAS .’Em and Carts Them t Wife Week Ago In N. Y. Father’s Home. Covered. L E A D ^ W O R R Y B Y RADIOPHONEI Court Pronounces Sen­ New York, Feb. 14— Scores Hotil. of Columbia freshmen and sop­ tence-Proceedings Take homores today sported black St. Louis, Mo., Feb, 14.-:—A eyes, swollen lips and various Accomiriislies Feat First New York, Feb. 14.— "I killed broad vista of the United States, Political Dopesters Lay other bruises'as souvenirs of But 30 Minntes— Doomed her. She knew I was going to do Central and South America linked the annual dinner of the fresh­ TimV in History^UniYer- It. I intended to kill myself, too. by commercial aviation was invl- Awake Nights Fignring the man class, hrid in a Brooklyn hotel last evening. Youth Roshed to Peniten­ “ She was fully awake. W’e joined sioned here today as a distinct pos The fun began when 100 sity Professor Here For in a short prayer. Then I struck her sibility in the near future by Col. Ootcome of the Primaries sophomores battered down the tiary and Death Watch. over the head with a hammer. Charles A. Lindbergh who bated his door of the dining room. When “ I walked to a window. I was hopes for uniting the Americas on police answered a riot call, Test; Further Experiments his own experiences in cohering a In Ohio. going to jump out— but I lost my the hotel was littered with Placed Over Him* large portion of the westernT hem­ broken chairs, smashed dishes, nerve.” isphere south of the Rio Graairae fol­ and the supine bodies of’ stu­ The voice of man penetrated the In these words, Cecil Clyde lowing his tour over each ^of the Washington, Fe'b. 14.— Herbert dents who had been rendered 48 United .States. Arctic regions by radio for the Court Room,, Los Angeles, Feb. Campbell. 4 3, a former army major, Hoover went fishing today— for hors de combat. confessed in Philadelphia, where “ There is no more to retard the Today thirty metropolitan first time in history late Sunday 14.— -williann Edward Hickman was development of commercial aviation fish— leaving behind him more he is under arrest today, that it housewives feared a rise in the night and the voice first to accom­ sentenced today to pay with his life was he who beat his wife, Mary Lyle in South and Central America than political excitement and speculation price of sausages, because the tlmre was in the United States,” plish the feat was that of John L. on the gallpws for the kidnaping MacLean Campbell, to death in than Washington has seen since chairman of the dinner -com­ Room 11 OS of the Grand hotel, Lmdbergh declared. “ I believe it is Reinartz of 176 Wadsworth street, j and murder of Marion Parker- simply a matter of time until we Calvin Coolidge said he didn’t mittee, who promised to pay Broadway and 31st street. New for the damage, is the son of a this town. Mr. Reinartz talked Friday, April 27. 1928 was set York City, a week ago yesterday. have regular lines connecting with choose to run. the countries I have just visited.” “ sausage king.” as the date of execution. Campbell, a tall, powerful man “ I will make no personal cam­ The freshmen won the bat- “ You shall suffer the penalty of with a ready smile, declared that he Carried No Parachute paign,” said the Cabinet candidate, He has not carried a parachute tle by scoring 237 points, death,” Judg ^ Trabucco told Hick­ and his wife stayed at the Grand relative to the battle he has accept­ which were awarded for the hotel several days, all the while dis­ since December 13, the day he left man in announcing he had found Washington for Mexico City to start ed for Ohio’o 51 delegates, and he capture of rival underclassmen. cussing his finait^cial difficulties, and suited the action to the words by The leading point, scorer Vas him guilty'bf-snurder' in th« Awt finally agreeing to “ end our lives.” his southern good will tour, and despite the fact that his tour toot departing for a vacation trip south- Harry Scott, freshman fobtball'^^ degree. "siie looked up into my eyes and ward- player. He subdued 65 sopho­ smiled just before I struck her,” he him over mountains, unchangad Judge Trabucco sentenced Hick­ territory and the roughest sort of Meanwhlle, with his presidential mores and carted them to the •N declared. Tohn D Rockefeller, Jr., grinned like a schoolboy as he faced a man to life imprisonment at San young army of photographers (lower photo) in ^aslungton the oth^ terrain he insisted he had not tak­ candidacy at. last in the open, the cellar of his home in Flushing, Eager to Confess day. He had gone to the capital to testify in the Teapot Dome inqulrj. en a foolhardy chance but had bea t secretary will rely wholly upon his Long Island. Quentin penUenliar;’ for his con­ He made his amazing admissions viction on the kidnaping charge, Beside him is Senator Gerald P. Nye. ______________ __________ perfectly safe without a ‘chute. friends and managers to map out The gridiron stai-’s father, eagerly. A few hours before he had “ Parachutes are useful, in com­ the'plan of the'Qhio campaign, upon hearing a constant 'commotion the first count in the indictment. taken part in a revival hymn serv-| bat flying, formation flying, In which so much rests. The next thir­ in the cellar inquired the Hickman Calm ice and had heard a sermon on military maneuvers, test flying and ty days will see the state, long the cause. Hickman stretched' to the full “ Those Who Live by the Sword I SOFT COAL OWNERS in air mall service when landings political cockpit of the country, “ Just an experiment I am height of his five feet four inches Shall Perish by the Sword.” He was ALEX. TROHER are made at high speed, but a plane overrun with Hoover agents. conducting,” young Scott ex- when ordered, to stand before the captured in a hotel operated by the j carrying the gas tanks forward bar. I Volunteers of America. He was pen-: Leaders Divided explalned. and other details of construction Seldom has any approaching He never as much as flickered an nilo.ss and remorseful. IS DEAD TODAY ARE REORGANIZING like mine can be landed with safe eyelash,.yhile Judge Trabucco met­ “ Remorse,” he said, “ is man's political contest found the so-called ty to the pilot even If the ship authorities so divided in opinion as ed out ms fatal judgment. gieatest prerogative.” ! does ‘crack up,’ ” Lindbergh ex­ “ And may the Lord havi. mercy Campbell Insisted he was thel in the Hoover-Willis battle In Ohio, plained. whiqh will be decided pn April 24. upon your soul,” said Jiid^ Tra- husband of the woman with whom Even In trees a safe landing can he had registered at the Grand hotel Well Known Local Real Es­ Overproduction Has Almost Willis undeniably controls the Re­ Foreign News j bucco. be made, Lindy said when asked if publican organization in Ohio, and i He concluded in tones which re- as “ Mr. and Mrs. T. M. James of he would rather come down via Troy, N Y.” She was forty years old that fact makes the practical politi­ I sounded through the little court- tate Financier Passes Killed the Industry— To parachute than In a disabled plane ! room as he passed sentence. and she was not his common law cians of the hard-boiled type favor In - --------------------— John L. Ueinettz. wife, he said. He had been divorced during some of his flying oveV wild Hickman was’ * remanded to wasteland in South America. As his chances. On the other hand, it ■fay his first lyife Mrs. Cornelia Settle Strike. is claimed by soins keen politicians from his owm radiophone at his Sheriff William I. Txaeger, who was Campbell of Portland, Me. Away at Hartford Hospital for a water fall, he laughed away Cable Flashes instructed to take him to San Quen­ that possibility, as something not that there is a ground-swell for home here on a 20 meter wave Day of Murder Hoover in the state, W ich, while -length. With him-When the con­ tin- peflitentiary for e^cutloa. He said on the day of the murder to be thought ^f unless abadlutely Three armed d,.putles pushed ■Wa.shington, Feb. 14.— The-soft pjat now,-SO > apparent, WTH"Tf©~§Wf- versation was carried on were he and his wife went to their room AlBxcftndcr jrrotter, of .1.00 East necesaaryl flclent by April 24 *o surprise the George H.
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