K A V n U A - ' * " ' " K i ’ *- - JSffl^/?::r-T -' r ■■■. ■ ■ ,a» , t,' f K: V.* S o t n i r ^ a o o a t l f t . - ^ * • mL. X. NO. 37. MANCHESTER, CONN., SEPTEMBER 26, 1891. FIVE CENTS. : AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. George Oviatt has a novelty in the ORANGE FAIR. shape of a cotton plant in blossom. ve must fit, or you will not wear it, Successful Exhibit at Town Halt. A. H. SKINNER. This week has been unusually warm The last of twin babies of Mr. and f'A for September. Manchester Grange was obliged to’ go fett must fit, or you cannot bear it Mrs. James Loomis was buried last Sun­ ; Mr. McKinley or any other The scarlet feyer patient in Studio day. to the town hall for its exhibit this year Its last fair was given in Cheney block has recovered. William Fitzgerald was fined $8 and where the fancy work and fruit showed worst thing known your whole life through man would be astonished at Druggist Bostwick h ^ feoved into the costs last Saturday for assault and to good advantage on the long tables be­ f . • • tenement over Weldon’s drug store. breach of the peace. The bill amounted the low prices which prevail neath the gaslight. Cheney hall is at a cramped up foot in a misfit shoe. to $37.70, and he went to ja il. to work *it C. N. Sweetser, Hale & Day’s veteran present closed for repairs, and tiie out. at A: H. Skinner’s. New clerk, is proud of a bran new delivery change to the somewhat cramped quar­ wagon. Charles Anderson and Carrie Olssen ters and the kerosene lamps of the totm goods in all departments. The sim now sets at quarter before six. will be married at the Swedish Lutheran hall was not an improvement. ‘ Still ^ e The mill hands will have to go home in rectory this afternoon at fotir. They 20 poundsGranulated Sugar attendance was good, aud. tiie exhibit the dark soon. will give a reception this evening at was on the whple satisfactory. The for $ i ; 22 pounds white Ex. Rockville will hold a citizens’ mags their apartments in the Spencer build­ offer of cash premiums brought out meeting tomorrow evening to discuss ing, south of Cheney’s store. many exhibits that would Qot otherwise W ear^ Comfort, Ease,-and Style, C f o r $ i ; 24 pounds white C the license question. have been shown. PERSONAL MENTION. Those who understand the points of a A pagoda of fruit and vegetables oc­ $1. [Readers of The Herald are r^uested to cupied the center of the room. This good hoBse w ill be interested in Robert end Itemb for this column. The name of Cheney’s letter on page 2. the sender should alwa/ys accompany the item ws^ fianked on either side by long tables Best California raisins lo of fruit, and next to the wall on one There are but tw6 grand jurors in in order that we may know it is genuine.] side was the exhibit of fancy work cents. New canned salmon, town, W. W. Ellsworth,of Manches­ Clarence Merrill and his mother, of on the opposite side the vegetables. ter Green, and C. R. Hathaway, of New York, spent Sunday in town. The cut and'potted fiowers occuided t^e 2 cans for 25 cents. Gold* South Manchester. H. G. and Robert Cheney are expected' platfmrm. Downstairs, in the s e le ^ home from Europe next week. By a collision of freight trains on the men’s room, refreshments were served. ‘ ■ * Dust for four pound package, Mrs. C. A . Anderson, so long employed west 'end of the New Tibiglftnii road The list of premiums, printed here­ by Cheney Brothers, has accepted a po­ jot left some Great Bargains from the Thursday an engineer, fireman and with, shows the character of the ex­ 20 cents. Puritan and White sition at The Herald office. brakeman were killed. hibits ; ^ Misses Minnie and Florence Lewis, Elephant Soaps still take the Company G’s marksmen will shoot for Silk quilt, Is^ A fire Q axe- who left for Tennessee last spring, have IB BANKRUPT STOQK. badges at the Keeney street rang^ today. Albert Bidwell; wca^teu quilt, let Mrs. returned to town. lead. Twenty-one members of the company E. C. EmmoiiB; calico quilt, 1st Mrs. Q. Jj, Bidwell, 2d Aliena Taylor : piano have qualified as marksmen. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Chapman visited Am all right on Success Flour Mr. Chapman’s brother, in Washington, cover, Mrs. A. Schildge; af^an, Alice Tbe South Manchester iMtnd will come H are; rug, 1st Mrs. M. H /K e e n e y , Bd this week. Mrs. M. H. Keeney { pillow shams. Mrs. a large quantity at old price. over to Manchester for aii outdoor drill Gteorge Robbins, o f Chicago, drove J. C. Bidwell; sofh pillow, 1st Bachei (■ ,SAMUELS & COMPANY, this evening. They will come over on out from Hartford with his sister, Mrs. Tedford, 2d Minnie Book; s$and scarf, the 7 o’clock train and march back. Mrs. Carl Seaman; crocheted'sT B. W. Loveland, last Wednesday. lone Burdick; tidy, . 1st Otto IN DRY GOODS Three new dwellings, near the comer Harry Hewlett, now bookkeeper for nickson, 2nd Mrs. A. S<diildge; of Spruce and School streets, are nearly an electric appliance company in New collection knitted laee, Mrs. Chas. we still offer bargains to value completed. They belong to A. Moreau, York, visited friends in town this week, Couch; table mat, Aliena Taylor; ban­ James Wartley and»Oscar Hagenow. ner, Lizzie Hayes; drawn work, 1st Dd- Cbrp. Williwn Maxwell and Private la Tiffany, 2nd Mi& E, O. Strong; land­ land Shoe House. make room for ^heavy goods. Hie French wool-scouring company Daniel C. Beebe, of Company G, have scape painting, Miss Annie Malkin, 2nd have until next Wednesday to decide been promoted to sergeant and cor­ Mrs.I. G. L. Bidwell; fiower Will close out summer goods whether they will or will not take the poral respectively. Nellie Rock, 2nd ibs. G. ti. Bldwefi l^' ,354 jt Cor. Kinsley, Hartford, Conn. fruit painting, Mra G. L. BidwellMil; ’gni^’ at greatly reduced prices; It; XTnipn o^ll jproperty on the terms of­ mal l u t i n g , 1st Mre Fredridk;^’ r -j-T- -^ r '-vr - fered Breaking up Old Miachinery* now, 2d Mre. ^G. :-lcL'-. .. ■'■■ .- ', •' -y ■■ •■■ ," ' ■ .' : painted .^ banner,; will pay you to; buy and||^eep , aged eight, w;ho with The New; Britain P^} M.-'i y, ’ * t the payment — _______ bfe by invifaiiom wd some tune ago. ner Warren; oaaned fruit ihsuce^' prices the lowest. only V desirable. persons have been in- Albiston; Itodj Mrs Qi^i^er rarren;! special, Mris.)M. H. K eic^ y; Inee pants ■T’ : EPWORTH LEAGUE. lea, Mn. Gardner Warren; collepfiw Of ' _I3 ‘ burie*! first, Jos. Albiston; 2nd, -District QonyantlriO: at North. I Boys. South’s and M^n’s tw o lariiK petroleum tanks near the spur odist Church Next WeSk. track sot^ qd the Park street bridge, The village will be full of young peo­ special, Mrs H wry Taylor: oatT; pants in a great variety.'Re­ ipes will ^nnect the tanks with the ple the first half of next week. They flowers, mBt Jos, Albistmi; 2nd,Mr8jQar x)iler rooms, where the petroleum is to will come from all over eastern Connec­ Loomis; potted plants, Mrs -C. W. Beid;/ member, the place ’ . collection of farm p^ u ce, first, F. L.: SteclL, HaUet & D am , Etc., Etc. be used for fuel ticut as delegates to the third n.nnna.1 Bidwell; 2nd Jos. Coshman; ooUeotion Stories of big potatoes are numerous convention of the Norwich District Ep- of potatoes, first, K. B.. Loreois* 2nd, Henry Bidwell; bush, potatoes, Wnu Q. ;hisfall. Wells Wethere 11 says he has worth League. No less than 100 dele­ gates are expected. They will be enter­ Keish; 2nd Norman X^mia; cdUectioii A. H. SKIHHER’S. raised 109 bushels from a quarter acre o f onions, Henry Bidw ell; sqoashee^ tained at private houses. The meetings f $20, $25, $36, $40, $60, $60, $76. of land. Case Brothers raised on first Joseph Albiston; 2nd Gardner War­ their farm from two seedlings, 55 will bea^ at two o’clock Monday and ren; larg^ squash, Mrs Geo.' Howe; largest puinpkm, Jos. Albiston; largest pounds of potatoes. will ,clffe Tuesday noon. They will be ^' SHONINGER, ESTEY, WILCOX, WHITE, ETC- open to the public, and a special invita­ watermelon, F. L. Bidwell; largest cab­ The meeting of the directors of the bage, Geo. W. Bidwell; . coUecidoa tion to be present is extended to the of sweet corn, F. L Bidw^; Some used only a few months. All in good order, Driving association, called for Thursday Christian Endeavor societies of Manches­ bushel of com in. ear, G. W. Bidwdll; evening, was adjourned on account of ter and vicinity. bushel of buckwheat, John Lremis; above mentioned instruments must be sold at once to make room at the absence of the president and other bushel of rye, 1st, Gardner Warren, 2nd, The program for Monday afternoon members of the board. The association Norman Loomis; carrots, special. Wal­ will include an address of welcome by ter Bidwell; potatoes, special, H. O. Bbn- will clear about $100 from its fall meec- ; iev. J. McVay and a response by Rev. eon; peppers, spreial, K Q. Strong; ing. muskmelons, special, B. F. T. Jenney; Gallup & Metzger's, B o t a n i c o » W.
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