*****************ECRWSS**** PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE The Local PAID Postal Customer KOHLER, WI 53044 KoKohlhlerer PERMIT NO. 6 VillagerVillager219 Church St., Kohler, WI 53044 FREE Published twice monthly In Kohler, WI 53044 OCTOBER 1, 2013 Volume 9, Number 5 Kohler High School named 2013 Seminars National Blue Ribbon School by selling fast U.S. Department of Education at Kohler Kohler High School has mentary School in Food & Wine been named a 2013 Muskego; Grafton El- Blue Ribbon School ementary School in Experience by the U.S. Depart- Grafton; Our Re- ment of Education deemer Lutheran Tickets are selling fast for the th for overall aca- School in 13 annual Kohler Food & Wine demic excellence Wauwatosa; Experience at The American Club or success in im- Ridgeway Ele- resort and hotel rooms at The proving their stu- mentary School in American Club and Inn on Wood- dent academic Ridgeway; and lake are fully committed for the achievement. Suamico Elementary event. The four-day extravaganza Kohler is among only School in Suamico. of food, wine and fun boasts sem- seven schools in the state to re- The Blue Ribbon Schools Pro- inars, celebrity chef presentations, ceive the recognition. Five of those gram began in 1982 to recognize intimate wine tastings and schools are public schools, while schools where leaders articulate a plied for the honor and provided Schools were an inspiration to the evening celebrations. Many sem- two are private. Among the five vision of excellence and stay in- evidence of student academic region and entire nation, and urged inars are already sold-out or are public schools to receive the volved in day-to-day learning, achievement. them to “transform your schools approaching sell-out. award, Kohler is the only high have high standards for teachers, Kohler received the same award into engines” Food and wine enthusiasts are school. students and administrators, dili- in 1988-89. Kohler Schools superintendent urged to purchase tickets now to The other Blue Ribbon schools gently use data to adapt teaching State Superintendent Tony Quynh Trueblood spoke to the au- ensure a spot at favorite events or in Wisconsin include Aquinas and learning to support every stu- Evers nominated the schools last dience of students and teachers, with a favorite celebrity chef. Catholic Middle School in La dent, and have a culture of mutual fall, and the recipients were chosen followed by School Board Presi- Tickets available purchase at Crosse; Country Meadows Ele- respect and trust. Each school ap- by the U.S. Department of Educa- dent Marlene Yang, teachers Jessie www.KohlerFoodandWine.net or tion. Each award winning school Good (who offered an emotional 866-243-8548. will receive a plaque and flag, and dedication to recently retired Out-of-town guests are encour- a principal and teacher from each teachers), Jodi Grossen, Rich Ten- aged to experience overnight ac- will attend a November recogni- gowski, Lori Hucke, Dana Krej- commodations at The Ostoff tion ceremony in Washington, carek, and students Andrew Grose, Resort or Blue Harbor Resort & D.C. Kohler will be represented by Anne Benishek, Megan Conklin, Spa, both located 20 minutes from science teacher Dana Krejcarek. John Tengowski, and Logan Kohler. The Osthoff Resort is a Students from all grades in Wright. Director of Student Life AAA Four Diamond resort lo- Kohler gathered in the Kohler Me- Doug Bocchini gave the closing cated on 500 ft of recreational morial Theatre to view a recorded message. The students all received lakefront in Elkhart Lake, Wis- broadcast from U.S. Secretary of ice cream sandwiches as they ex- consin. Rooms starting at $176 Education Arne Duncan. Dr. Dun- ited the theatre. per night. Transportation to/from can stated that the Blue Ribbon Continued on page 12 2 OCTOBER 1, 2013 = KOHLER VILLAGER KOHLERVILLAGER.COM Girl Scout Troop Thinking About Planting 8048 earns Trees or Landscaping? Bronze Award Then See the Experts. Submitted by Girl Scout Troop nations on materials at different t5SFFQMBOUJOHBOENPWJOHTFSWJDFT 8048 stores as well as gather design Last spring, Girl Scout troop ideas (Shopping and Decoration t&WFSZUSFFCBDLFECZPOFZFBSHVBSBOUFF 8048 of Kohler earned the Bronze committees). We went online to re- t4NBMMQPUUFEUPGPPUUSFFTGPSTBMF Award. The Bronze award is the search, email stores, look for dis- highest award a Junior Girl Scout counts, and we called a number of t"TLBCPVUPVSDPNQMFUFMBOETDBQJOHTFSWJDFT can earn. Our troop researched different stores. The Communica- possible needs in the community tions committee coordinated plans t8FMDPNJOHSFTJEFOUJBMBOECVTJOFTTDVTUPNFST around us where we could be of with Rocky knoll, handled corre- Now accepting wood waste, call for details. service. We found that need in Ply- spondence and media needs and 4UPQCZBOECSPXTFUIFMBSHFTFMFDUJPOJOPVSUSFFOVSTFSZ mouth at Rocky Knoll. Rocky kept track of what needed to be Knoll is a health care center that done to meet Bronze award re- 8FBMTPTFMMNVMDI TPJM BOETUPWFQFMMFUT offers long term nursing care and quirements. We worked on this short term rehabilitative care. Once project for about 9 months. 7230 Sauk Trail Road, Sheboygan Call 452-1967 www.AMTrees.com we took the tour of Rocky Knoll Out troop made a final presen- with the director of entertainment, tation to the Rocky Knoll Resident Kim Loose, we decided what we Board of Directors in May 2013 needed and wanted to do. We and delivered over 200 center- wanted to spruce up their life in the pieces! We are so grateful for all nursing home. So we decided to the parent support we have as a make seasonal and holiday center- troop. We could not have done this pieces for tables in the dining without them! Special thanks to Bill Erbstoesser Jeff Romanoski rooms and other places in the cen- these groups who donated time and e-Commerce Director Sales Manager ter. We also did a hands-on craft products: Festival Foods, Hobby 800-459-6840 Cell 920-254-9065 800-459-6840 Cell 920-918-0352 with the residents as part of our Lobby, Otter Creek, and The [email protected] [email protected] project. American Club. Two dealerships, with one location, and one goal, to be your dealer! In order to plan for the project Looking forward to a great year we organized committees to ad- as Cadette Girl scouts! If you are dress details, such as creating a interested in joining the troop budget for the troop and this proj- email our leaders Shannon Bullard ect(Finance committee), storage and Susan Senti at for our decorations at Rocky [email protected]. Kohler High senior selected to Knoll, search for discounts and do- be member of state Honors Music Project Andrew Grose, a senior at Over 1500 students, throughout tickets are available through Kohler High School, has been se- the state, auditioned in February www.overturecenter.com. lected as a member of the 2013 for the opportunity to be part of Andrew is a vocal student of Wisconsin School Music Associa- one of the State’s ensembles. Last Mrs. Lori Hucke and Mr. Michael tion’s (WSMA) State Honors year, Andrew was selected as a Schulz. He has performed in the Music Project. He was chosen as percussionist for the 2012 State KHS Concert Choir, Madrigals, one of 25 tenors in the Honors Honors Band. He will have the rare OCTOBER 10 • 4-7 Mixed Choir. experience of being selected for Show Choir, CLC Honors Choirs, Solo/Ensemble program and the Lakeshore Technical College The High School State Honors the State Honors Project as both an Cleveland Campus Music Project is designed to “pro- instrumentalist and a vocalist. St. John the Evangelist choir, and vide musically talented students In June, the musicians attended in all four musical theater produc- EXPLORE OVER 60 with the opportunity to rehearse an intensive 4-day camp at UW- tions while attending KHS. An- and perform with the nation's Green Bay where they met with drew is not only an excellent COLLEGE DEGREE PROGRAMS finest conductors in a professional their conductor and rehearsed as a musician, but an overall strong and highly disciplined setting. Stu- newly formed ensemble. Next leader at Kohler High School, An- Don’t miss this exciting new event where you can talk with dents are challenged to perform at month, the choir will reconvene in drew is grateful to Mrs. Hucke for faculty and staff about how you can be career-ready in two their musical best throughout the Madison to perform a concert at years or less. rehearsal period, which culminates the Overture Center For the Arts her support and encouragement with an inspired performance, cel- on October 24 during the Wiscon- throughout the audition process • Attend Breakout Sessions to learn more about earning ebrating the reach of music educa- sin State Music Conference. The and for helping him work toward college credit for prior learning and work experience, and tion statewide.” concert is open to the public and his musical goals. paying for college • Hear about high-demand careers and how to best prepare for them • Get an up-close look at LTC’s high-tech, hands-on learning environment Call 920.457.WOOF to schedule your next Bring your family and friends to this event appointment. (Weekends available) that can jump-start your future. gotoltc.edu/PreviewNight 3513 S. 32nd Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081 920.457.WOOF (9663) LTC is an equal opportunity employer/educator. www.centralbarkusa.com KOHLERVILLAGER.COM OCTOBER 1, 2013 = KOHLER VILLAGER 3 Annie coming to KHS stage The trials and triumphs of Little as her benefactor, Daddy War- plays Drake, Warbucks’ butler, and Patrick Marzano, Anna Mesalles, Orphan Annie will hit the stage at bucks, and Katie Ruelle as War- Chloi DuCharme plays the NYC Courtney Rutten, Angela Schmitt, Kohler Memorial Theatre Novem- bucks’ loyal secretary, Grace starlet.
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