eir DOCUMENT RESUME ED 230 823 CE 036 372' AUTHOR Henderson, William Edwird, Jr. TITLE Articulated, Performance-Based Instruction Objective Guide for Food Service/Food ServiceManagement. INSTITUTION Greenville County School District, Greenville,S.C.; Greenville Technical Coll., S.C. SPONS AGENCY .South Carolina Appalachian Council of Governments, Greenville. PUB DATE May 83 CONTRACT ARC-211-B NOTE 578p.; For related documents, See ED 220 579-585,CE 036 366-368, and CE 036 310-371. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Guides '(For Teachers) (052) Tests/Evaluation.Instrumepts (160) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC24 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Articulation (Education); Behavioral Objectives; Career Education; Competency Based Education; *Cooking Instruction; Cooks; Criterion Referenced< Vests; Curriculum. Guides; *Food Service; High khools; *Managerial Occupalions;Nutrition; trition Instruction; *Occdpalional Home Economics; 4cupational Information; Secondary Education ABSTRACT Developed- during a project designed to provide continuous, performance-based vocational trainingat the secondary and p9stsecondary levels, this instructional guide is intendedtO helrteachers implement a lateral* and verticallyarticulated secondary level food service and food bervicemanagement program. Introductory materials include descriptions of FoodService I and II, a discussjon of potential career opportunitiesv descriptions of . secondary and postsecondary food service and 'food servicemanagement programs, postsecondary course descriptions, a discussion of sample tests provided in the guide, and suggested instructional time. Twenty-eight units are provided for Food Service I (10 units) and II (18 units). Topics include safety; sanitation;terminology; standardized recipes; eguipTent; utensils; job duties;menu planning; planning, organizing, and scheduling; serving offoodsi seasoning and condiments; food preparation; nutrition;.ordering, receiving,and inventorying; cost control and recordkeeping; preparingfor work; and career opportunity, Suggested instructional time and task listings 'begin each unit. For each task ina unit, some or all of the following are provided: performance objectives,performance actions,_ performance standards, recommendedsources, related technical information, and other information the teacher mightneed. A sample proficiency report and exemption,testare appended along with a set of appendices which are relativelY'standard for theitems in this sereis and a',set of outcome-referenced tests. (YLB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made ffom the original document. *********************************************************************** FINAL DOCUMENT FOR ARTICULATIONOF FOOD SEFICE/FOOD SERVICEMANAGEMENT Project No, 82-1361 Contract No. ARC 21I-B Wm'. Edward Henderson,Jr. 'Coordinator, Occupational Education ArticulationProgram The School District ofGreenville County P. O. Box 2848- 301 Camperdown Way Greenville, South Carolina29602 ARTICULATED, PERFORMANCE-BAUD INSTRUCTION OBJECTIVE GUIDEFOR FOOD SERVICE/FOOD SERVICEMANAGEMENT US. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .1 E THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REP- GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN CENTER 1E1310 Thm document has been reproduced 'las recorved from the person or organization onginating it Minor changes have been made to improve May, 1983 reproduction quality Points of view; opinions stated in this docu TO THE EDUCATIONAL:RESOURCES merit do not necessarily represent official NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" position or policy Occupational Education Articulationprogram of The School Districtof Greenville County. and Greenvige TechnicalCollege Funded in part by SOUTH CAROLINA APPALACHIANCOUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS .t -4I 2 ARTICULATED, PRFORMANCE-BASEt CURRICULUM GUIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF GREENVILLE 'COUNTY DR. J. FLOYD HALL 4 . SUPERINTENDENT DR. NORMAN MULLINS ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MRS. DORIS CLANTON DIRECTOR, INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES MR. 0. RICHARDCOTHRAN, JR. CONSULTANT, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ARTICULATION GUIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF GREENVILLE COUNTY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE . THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF GREENVILLE COUNTY VIP GREENVILLE, ,SOUTH CAROLINA REVISED 1983 3 -14 11. 4" or DISCRIMINATION PR011iTITED- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: "No person in the Unite%States, shall, on the grounds ofrace, color, or national origin,' be ,extludedfrom participationiri,be denied the benefit' of or .be subjec*tedto `discrimination under anyprogram or activity-xeceiving federal financial assistance." Therefore, the Occupational Education Articulation Projectislike all other programsor . activities receiving financial assistancefrom the Appalachian Council of Governments, must Se operatedin compliance with this law. The opinions expressed herein donot necessarily reflect the positionor policy of the Appalachian Council of Governments and no official,en- dorsement by that ageiilcy should be inferred.- 4 , .A P . 1 410 . ') BIAS STATEMENT This articulated, peiformance-based instruction guide-has been developed ( based upon the tasks (objectives)and task actions (enabling important to the success of objectives). entry level workers in thevocation. The' objectives were derived from task analysis and availabletasks lists suchas V-TEC Catalogs. Theystandards of performanceare those expected by local businesses and inbiatries for jbbsUccess. Test samples are included to represent valid and reliablemeasures of the mastery of objectives. ! This articulated, performance-based instructionguide has been designed . to com#ly with the requirements of PL 94-482Edpcational Amendments of 1976, Tttle II, which is intended to "...ensurethat...curricula do not reflect stereotypes based upon sex, race, or national origin..." .,1 COPYRIGHTED DISCLOSURE 'STATEMENT Every effort has been made to 4ppropriately documentany copyrighted material uses in this articulate', performance-based instructionguide. The objectives and task'actions irzthis guide were developedor con- tributed by task forcecommittee (t structor) participants based on , their expertise and on task lists tom resourcessuch as V-TEC Catalogs. Standards included in this guide ar those identified by localbusi- nesses and industries as importantt the success of entry level ers. work- Sample knowl*dge and performanctests are included for the purpose of representing valid and relile test items thatmay be used to measure mastery of objectives. Test samples taken from woik loks typicalli .texts or are those being uselocally and appropriate men ation has been,included. docu- Wm. Edward Henderson,Jr., Coordinator Oacupational Education ArticulationProgram The School District of GreenvilleCounty ii it 5 Henderson, Wm. 'Edward, Jr., ed. Articulated, Performance-basedInstruc- tion Guide for Food Service, Greenville, SC: The School District 'of Greenville County (Occupational EducationArticulation Program funded.by the South CarolinaAppalachian 'Council of Governments), 1983. .% 4 ( ,r , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Articulated, Performance-based InstructionGuide for Food Service is the product of the work of the following instructorsrepresenting the secondary program of The School District of GreenvilleCounty and the post-secondary similar program at Greenville TechnicalCollege: Donaldson Vocational Center- - Mary J. Rawley Foothills Vocational Centar Odell Evans. Golden Strip VocationalCenter William M. King Greenville Technical College Joe Whisonant Greennville TechnicalCollege Roy L. Springer The cooperation of theseinstructOrs and others reprjLiing 'District of Greenville The School.- County and GreenvilleTechnical College is ciated. appre- iii ABSTRACT Title of,Project: Occupational Education ArticulationProgram: Food Service Project Coordinator:' Wm. Edw iHenderson, Jr.. Contracting Agency: The School District of GreenvilleCounty P. 0.'Box 2848- 301 Camperdown Way Greenville, sp 29602 Program Period: March 1, 1982, through FebrUary28, 1983 PURPOSE: To develop a continuousline of vocational training in . similar Food Service and Food Service Managementprograms so that students may continue theireducation at the secondary and post-secondary 4 levels without loss of time nr waste of effort in repeating tasksthat have been mastered previously. To provide a system whereteachers can cooperate effec- tively in providinga continuous occupationaldevelopment program where the level and.type oftraining that leads to entry-level employment skillswill be clear tostu- dents, teachers, other educators,and employers. METHOD: Food Service and Food Service Management teacherrepre- sentatives from three secondary level vocationalcenters of The School'District ofGreenville C unty andpost- secondary level Food Service and Food serviceManagement teacher representatives fromthe Business Division, Greenville Technical CollegeWere brought together in task force committed meetings and workshops tosurvey %very similar vocationalcourses of training to identify possible overlap orgaps asistudents' continued Food Service and Food ServiceManagement training from-the secondary level to.the post-secondary,level. Articulated, performance-based (competency-based)instruction objectives guides were developgdby the Task Force Committee on Food Service/Food Service Managementto facilitate articulation. The Task ForceCotamittee on Food Service/FOod ServiciManagement using-the task analysis process identifiedthe essential competencies *for a student
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