University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-30-1913 Las Vegas Optic, 12-30-1913 The Optic Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Optic Publishing Co.. "Las Vegas Optic, 12-30-1913." (1913). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i HlSTORtCALSOCITEY COLDER weather and HOW would you like cloudy skies is the pre- to be treated like the diction for tonight and j Mexican federals, who Wednesday. are not even allowed to run away? EXCLUSIVE ASSOCIATED FF; --3 LEA8ED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE VOL. XXXV. NO. 40. LAS VEGAS DAILY C ' C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. CITY EDITION. -- i Simpson-Crawfor- d company, the Four- popper rii: region will be asked by yesterday. One fight started at the isenator M RECEIVERS WILL teenth Street Store, the Merchants' COilLIMIONTIIE .ine of New Jersey, when FEOERALS GET A village of San Francisco, three miles A i n STRIKE Express company, Henry Siegel and congress onvene? January 12, southeast of Ojinaga. Six miles fur- LIKELY Frank E. Vogel, doing a wholesale jless lnc by the department ther away another fight was in prog- and banking business, in the name of of justice . il the department of labor ress at Mulata, where Rodriguez is POLICY BE it TAKE SIEGEL Henry Siegel and Company, acquired 10 should veiie. WHIPPING AT stationed with 2,000 rebels. It is gen- ON FRISCO all the properties indicated as well I Follov. his request on Attorney erally believed the rebels are ' closing as the entire stock of Siegel, Cooper General ;nolds Senator Martine in. STORES and Company of Chicago and the FOLLOWED conferred b. .lay with Solicitor General OJINAGA Communication with Presidio was R OAO o .he e Simpson Realty company, a New York Davis prospect of an investi-i- by way of Marfa, thence by a fence corporation. The capital stock of the gation by department ot justice, wire 67 m'les to the border. is GOVERNMENT Attorney ( oral McReynolds has not PARENT COMPANY HAS SUBSIDI- Siegel Stores corporation $7,997,900 LABOR OFFICIAL THE CONSTITUTIONALIST TROOPS The telegraph operator at Marfa re- TELEGRAPHERS AND decided win THE RE IN common and $2,00i),0()0 preferred. The TO END his department will ported that the United States army ARIES DECLARED INSOL- TRIES THE MICH- CHASE THEM INTO THEIR CEIVERS ARE UNABLE TO officers are Henry Siegel, president: take up Hi question, but Senator had taken control or the wire to Pre- VENT CONDITION IGAN STRIKE do ENTRENOHMENTS REACH ' F. K. Vogel, vice president and treas- Martine tared he would wait a sidio and no messages other '.nan for AGREEMENT urer;, Robert J. McMeekin, secretary; reasonable t tne and then would con- - the army wer being sent. Tne last fer with Pi i retary Wilson of the r. AFFECTS directors Henry Siegel, F. E. Vogel, HE ARRIVES IN CALUMET A word from Presidio came through be- SIXJORPORATIONS ot" BATTLE IN THE NIGHT DISCUSSIONS ARE HOSTILE Max Pam, J. H. Butler, Joseph Beach, partment fore noon. W. J. Maloney and Isaac Kein, NEW YORK AND BOSTON ESTAB- MAKES IT CLEAR THAT HE IS NOT Mcv-ei- Will Return The Greenhut-Slege- l company, a de- REBELS COME UP TO MEET THE London Helps Distressed Bank CONFERENCE IS BROKEN OF? LISHMENTS ARE HEAVILY in New THERE ON INVESTIGATION Chicago, 3' c 30. Charles II. Moyer, London, Deo. 30 partment store York City, is ADVANCING REMNANT OF The London EARLY THIS AFTERNOON, RE- - - - president of tlie Western Federation of ' DEBT not. involved in the receivership. Jos- TRIP .. HUERTAS ARMY agents the bank of London and .IN of who that he was SUMED LATER seph B. Ureenhut is associated with Miners, charges Mexico today confirmed the report shot and s! " od Jerome Siegel and Company, and not by persons antagon- that negotiations are in progress to FRIENDLY istic to the cause of the in PROCEEDINGSJRE with Henry Siegel. LOOKING OUT FOR TROUBLE strikers, FIGHT G0ES0N TODAY furnish that bank with $4,000,000 so SOME ROPE ENTERTAINED the MithifVii copper at the Banks Will Liquidate peninsula that it can tide over its difficulties. the time of his enforced departure, Paris houses are BIG CHICAGO CONCERN WILL The banking business was conduct- FEELING banking participat- STILL PREVAILS THAT will not return alone to the scene of DESERTERS FROM THE MEXICAN THE CONFEREES ARE WILLING ed in connection with the Fourteenth ing in the transaction. TO BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE MEN 1j ALLIANCE CAUSED FIRE the strike. , in- ARMY FLEE INTO THE UNI- AGREE ON Street store in this city, but the personal bodyguard, Speyer Brothers will pay the Jan- CERTAIN FORMER BUSINESS PANIC his brother, S. F. chief amount of deposits or the number of cluding Moyer, TED STATES uary coupon of the National Railways CONTENTIONS of police of 'Boone, la., will accom- of Mexico depositors was not made known. Coun- bonds under an arrange him. The brother arrived in Dec. 30 . pany ment which the Mexican Boston, Ancillary receivers sel announced, however, that Henry Calumet, Mich., Dec. 30. John B. Presidio, Tex., Dec. 30. by, govern- St. Dec. 30. Chicago yetstftrday. President Fighting Louis, The negotiations were appointed in the United States Frank E. Vogel, Densmore, solicitor for the Moyer Mexican ment will deposit certain securities to Siegel and principal department ' between federals and con- between the receivers of the Louia district court for six corpora- is recover! its,' rapidly.' cover the amount to St today owner of the stores, had pledged of labor, arrived here from Washing stitutionalists at Ojinaga, Mexico, was necessary pay and San Francisco railroad ana tha tions in which Henry Siegel of New in' ton to the dividend. The negotiations to in stock the Siegel Stores today attempt conciliation of resumed this morning. The rebels ad- grievance committee of the Order oS York is a large owner, on the petition pro- the AUSTRALIA IS COMING this end were completed today be- corporation toward the depositors' copper miners' strike. vanced upon the federal trenches Railway Telegraphers were broken of of the Stores The Dec. 30 tween the Mexican finance Siegel corporation. tection. The bank will proceed to "I came to confer with both, sides of Washington1, Unaffected where the remnant gf Huerta's army minister this afternoon. here followed the ar-fo- the declination and the firm. proceedings appoint- liquidate. the controversy and if possible r by of their parent in northern Mexico had taken refuge Speyer After the New of Mar- t negotiations were broken? ment in York William A. will to a of dif- government participate officially in after disastrous of It was emphasized by Speyer Broth- Efforts be made reorganise peaceful settlement the its defeat last off, the grievance committee went in- ble and John S'. Sheppard, Jr., as re- the Panaiu i Pacific exposition, the ers that no negotiations for a Mexican the chain of Btores as soon as possi ferences," he said. "Please make it night. to secret session. Whether a ceivers for Simpson Crawford & Co., commonwejij Ji of Australia and the A loan through them were either on foot strike ble. Meanwhile the business will be clear that my mission is one of con desultory fire opened by the will be called is as and "The Fourteenth &:reet Store," government of New Zealand is or in uncertain, tha re conducted by the receivers. ciliation and not investigation. I giving rebels, who appeared within eight of contemplation. ceivers left the New York; Henry Siegel Company of cordial ort to the fair, and botn way open for a re- shall remain on the ground just as sujji the village Jn greatly increased num- of Boston, and the Merchants ICxpress will be fully To Drive sumption negotiations should the "FRESNO DAN" WINS long as I think it possible to do any represented. bers. Indicated that the constitution- Enemy Across Border New York. At the same The Ameri headed Dec. 30. grievance committee so desire. company, Boston, Dec. 30. The Bupreme court Saod." jttn commission, alist forces intended to push the fight Juarez, Dispatches receiv- time Melville was re- Adrnana O'Nell The receivers have yielded on some Henry appointed Under-surfac- e by Alva and including ed at constitutionalist head- approved the claims of "Fresno Dan" mutterings rather right into the federal stronghold, to today of ceiver of & Co., bankors Mii A. the demands of the Henry Siegel today when Judge Sheldon confirmed than actual marked the Sevier, jur Sydney Cloman, put a decisive end to the conflict. The quarters here stated that the federals telegraphers, re- developments a but attempts to reach a un- and wholesalers, New York. Each A. United St it army, and Thomas G. federals had retreated to Inner at Ojinaga practically had been de- complete the report of Gilbert A. Peave, copper mine strike situation today. the thus ceiver furnished a bond of ?50,000. StallsmithJ ivhich was sent to Aus-i- ! most feated. It was said to be the purpose derstanding far have failed. master in the case, that the California Fears of radical action by union trenches, apparently without After Messrs. Marble and Sheppard were tralia to s nilate interest in the ex--i of the rebel commanders to drive the consulting among themselves, man and not "Dakota Dan" is Daniel members, Inflamed by rumors that en hope of repulsing the attacking Torce.
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