February 2, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 575 Once, ill-advisedly, the trusty Marina but these exceptional moments only under- was not only emotional, but involved a Stokes—who has been with the maestro as score his judicious, masonry approach. great deal of physical sacrifice. You an assistant and friend for over 15 years— The excitement of the performance was the see, Mr. President, Mrs. MacArthur tried to teach Temirkanov to drive. excitement of comprehension. One heard lived with the General in Manila until ‘‘It was a disaster,’’ she says with thinly Mahler’s effort to build a new psychology for concealed mirth. ‘‘He drove over a flower the orchestra while remaining somewhat dis- they were forced to retreat to Cor- bed.’’ tant from the music’s bellicose and sloppy regidor by the Japanese. While on Cor- ‘‘You see!’’ laughs Temirkanov. ‘‘Even my extremes. It made Mahler unfold the way regidor, she endured daily air attacks left foot is romantic! I don’t drive into cars. Beethoven unfolds, though at a much more while raising their 4 year old son, Ar- I drive into flower beds.’’ geological pace. thur. Furthermore, when it was obvi- This runs counter to misguided expecta- ous the Japanese would take the Phil- [From The Washington Post, Jan. 21, 2000] tions about how Russian-trained conductors ippines, the president of the Phil- BALTIMORE SYMPHONY’S MAN OF SUBSTANCE conduct, and how Mahler is supposed to be ippines offered passage for her and her (By Philip Kennicott) played. Temirkanov’s interpretation was not a cinematically sweeping approach, nor an son to Australia. She replied: ‘‘We have The solid and sensible Baltimore Sym- drunk from the same cup; we three phony Orchestra, which puts its decidedly overly personal one. But it invited serious working-man’s city on the cultural map, has listening, appreciation of the orchestra’s shall stay together.’’ She then contin- an aristocrat at its head. Yuri Temirkanov, manifold strengths and respect for the con- ued to stay with her husband in the the eminent and respected Russian con- ductor’s attention to balance. field until General MacArthur finally ductor, gave his inaugural concert as the Temirkanov was rewarded by his new or- accepted the surrender of the Japanese BSO’s music director last night. If his tenure chestra with ferocious attention. String in Japan. builds on the strengths of this performance, sounds were clear and incisive, woodwind After the death of General Mac- the Temirkanov years could be legendary. playing precise and balanced, horns and trumpets warm and blended. Chaos was al- Arthur, Mrs. MacArthur lived out her Baltimore is a lucky city. Fifteen years life in New York where she remained ago, when the Cold War was still in progress, ways intentional, never an unfortunate acci- the idea that one of the Soviet Union’s fore- dent. Soprano Janice Chandler and mezzo-so- active in philanthropic activities. She most and distinguished artists would take prano Nancy Maultsby were well chosen, and even served as the honorary chairman the head artistic job at the BSO was incon- used as elements within the musical con- of the MacArthur Foundation, which ceivable. Temirkanov was the chief of struct rather than soloists dominating it. was created in honor of her husband. Leningrad’s Kirov Opera, and within a few The BSO chorus sang its opening whisper of The spouses of our Americans in uni- years, would take the helm of the country’s resurrection—‘‘Auferstehen’’—with a sound form seldom receive the recognition most respected orchestra, the St. Petersburg familiar from Robert Shaw, a fully fleshed whisper, at the limit of a large chorus’s abil- they deserve for their contribution to Philharmonic. He was a blue-blood musician, the valor, patriotism, and loyalty of if not in the traditional sense, in the artistic ity to sing a shade above silence. sense, a man of wide culture, immense influ- Baltimore and the orchestra made the our fighting forces. Her contribution to ence and a reputation for artistic and per- evening an event. Outside the Meyerhoff America cannot be quantified, but it sonal integrity. He could afford to take risks Symphony Hall, a searchlight cut laserlike must not be forgotten. It’s no wonder that would have sunk a lesser figure. swaths through the cold night sky. Mayor that General MacArthur often intro- Then the Cold War ended, and with it the Martin O’Malley gave the new conductor duced her as ‘‘my finest soldier.’’ subsidies that made the Soviet musical scene honorary Baltimore citizenship. But musical Mr. President, I ask my colleagues to flourish. The St. Petersburg Philharmonic, protocol and political protocol don’t mix join me today in paying tribute to this which he still leads, maintains its quality well; Mahler’s monumental symphony was the point of the evening, and Temirkanov outstanding woman and her sterling but is threatened by dwindling audiences and ∑ dwindling resources. To keep it afloat, seemed uncomfortable receiving his first contribution to America. Temirkanov must tour the orchestra, and huge ovation before having conducted a note. f But that discomfort represents the strengths when he does, foreign audiences want him to TRIBUTE TO THOMASINA bring Russian repertoire—Tchaikovsky, this cultured, dignified and exceptional con- Shostakovich, Prokofiev. ductor will bring to the orchestra: a style ‘‘TOMMY’’ ROGERS But Temirkanov doesn’t want to be pigeon- long on substance and refreshingly free of ∑ Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise holed. One might have expected that the empty gestures and self-aggrandizement.∑ today to congratulate the Administra- world’s very best orchestras would offer one f tion on the selection of Thomasina of the finest living conductors the chance to ‘‘Tommy’’ Rogers, a constituent and conduct Elgar and Mahler; yet Baltimore se- MEMORIAL OF MRS. JEAN friend, to serve as the Chairman of the cured him, and now a very good orchestra MACARTHUR has a very great conductor. Early signs sug- Occupational Safety and Health Re- gest that both will flourish. ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise view Commission. Ms. Rogers was con- Temirkanov chose Mahler’s Symphony No. today to recognize the passing of a firmed by the U.S. Senate and has 2 for his first official concert as music direc- wonderful woman and a great Amer- served on the Commission since No- tor. Like Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, ican. On the 21st of January, at the age vember 1998. On June 4, President Clin- which also does service for large, ceremonial of 101, Mrs. Jean MacArthur passed ton designated her Chairman. occasions, Mahler’s Second is best heard in- away at Lenox Hill Hospital in New Ms. Rogers, a resident of Upper Marl- frequently; even for listeners who love it be- yond reason, it takes discipline to keep its York. boro, MD, has held a number of high brutality raw and its sentimentality delicate In 1988, President Reagan recognized ranking positions in the federal gov- and unself-conscious. Although it lasts at her contribution to America by pre- ernment, both as a career civil servant least an hour and a half, it is perhaps senting her the Presidential Medal of and as a political appointee. She en- Mahler’s most succinct statement: Every- Freedom. As you know, the Medal of tered the Senior Executive Service in thing that he does before and after this sym- Freedom is the highest award our 1987. At the U.S. Equal Employment phony is here in germ, the funeral marches, country can give to a civilian. The ci- Opportunity Commission, she served as the bucolic alpine sounds, the despair of tation for the award recognized that Legal Counsel where she received nu- death and the frisson of hope that perhaps this world is not wrought from cold, insen- ‘‘Jean MacArthur has witnessed the merous awards for exemplary perform- sible iron. great cataclysms of our time, survived ance. She was later nominated and con- The new music director conducts Mahler war and peace, conquered tragedy and firmed to chair the Administrative with little wasted motion. In this often vio- known triumph.’’ President Reagan Conference where she served until 1995. lent and saturnine work, Temirkanov called also referred to her as ‘‘a shining exam- Ms. Rogers received a law degree for only those cataclysms necessary to make ple, a woman of substance and char- from Columbia University and an un- the composer’s point. He is a purist on the acter, a loyal wife and mother, and like dergraduate degree in journalism from podium, attending diligently if not slavishly her General, a patriot.’’ Northwestern University. She has to the score, taking the spare theatrical lib- erty that proves he is confident of the audi- The General and Mrs. MacArthur served on the Boards of Directors of ence’s attention. He will extend a pause to were married in 1937. Mrs. MacArthur Children’s National Medical Center in the breaking point or allow the sound of off- remained devoted to her husband until Washington D.C. and the American Ar- stage horns to die into protracted silences, his death in 1964. Her devotion to him bitration Association since 1995. VerDate jul 14 2003 11:22 Jul 30, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S02FE0.002 S02FE0.
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