pHttWATlQHAO Wht KaMe<jram Vol. 47 Staunton Military Academy, Kable Station, Staunton, Virginia, Friday, May 8, 1964 No. 9 Kablegram And Shrapnel 180 Juniors Take SIP A Honor Awards Take MMSQT Nearly 180 juniors at Staunton Four SMA cadets and three faculty advisors joined 1023 Military Academy took the 1964 other students and teachers last weekend for the 35th annual National Merit Scholarship Quali- Southern Inlerscholastic Press Association Convention. The fying Test recently. meeting was held May 1, 2, 3, on the campus of Washington The qualifying test is a three- and Lee University at Lexington, Virginia. hour examination of educational Newspapers, magazines, and yearbooks from 183 schools development. The test is the first step in the tenth annual competi- in eight states were judged. tion for four-year Merit Scholar- SMA's Kablegram and Shrapnel won Honor Awards. A ships provided by the National first place award is the highest category: honor is the inter- Merit Scholarship Corporation and mediate one. Achievement award is a lower one. by sponsoring corporations, foun- The Scimitar, SMA's general interest magazine, was eval- dations, colleges, associations, un- ions, trusts, and individuals. uated, but no ratings were given. The number of scholarships The Southern Interscholastic Press Association Conven- awarded in any year depends upon tion offers classes and workshops for the delegates, followed the extent of sponsor participa- by critiques of t'he publications. tion. In 1963, 1528 Merit Scholar- They led ns at Winchester — SMA's Color Guard: Poole, ships were awarded; 951 were pro- CHILDS, FEATURED SPEAKER Weeks, Dalton, and Weston. vided by 179 sponsors and 577 by the Merit Corporation. There are Featured Speaker at the convention was Marquis Childs, 4118 Merit Scholars attending 425 syndicated Washington columnist. Childs, speaking on "The SMA Units March In colleges in the current academic Free Press in a Revolutionary Age," said that all communica- year. tions media must become more objective in their coverage if Results in May they are to carry out their share of responsibility in this time Apple Blossom Parade The test scores of students wdio of challenge. He termed our century the most "revolution- Spring is Apple Blossom time — and time for the Win- are examined in March will be re- ary" in the last twenty. chester Apple Blossom Festival, held annually to honor one ported to their schools before May Following Childs was Forrest "Bud" Sagendorf noted of Virginia's moslt famous products. 15. The scores are used by coun- cartoonist and artist of the "Popeye" comic strip for King selors in many high schools to A key feature of the Festival was the Grand Festival help students make decisions about Features Syndicate. Sagendorf, making his second visit to Parade, held last Friday. Annually SMA's Color Guard, college attendance and field of the convention, spoke on "Life with Popeye." Howie Rifles, and Brigade Band particiate in the parade. study. Many students who do not The Convention concluded with an awards luncheon and Grand Marshall was T.V. and movie actress Lucille Ball. expect to win a scholarship take presentation of trop'hies. the test in order to learn more lt took more than four hours for the whole parade, which about their individual strengths SMA REPRESENTED began at two o'clock, to pass the reviewing stand. Festival and weaknesses in the areas mea- Queen Luci Baines Johnson, Queen Shenandoah XXXVIII, sured by the test. Joe Ritok and Tyler Pugh, managing editor, represented and her mother, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, were on the stand. Some 14,000 Semifmalists, the the Kablegram. Wayne Gallimore, editor, and George Howard highest scorers in each state, will attended for the Shrapnel. The Scimitar did not send cadet The parade had four divisions. It was composed of floats be named early next fall. Names school bands, drum and bugle corps, majorette groups, march- delegates. of Semifmalists are published in a booklet which is distributed to all Capt. James W. Walker, of the Scimitar and Lt. Darrell ing units, and official cars carrying pretty girls. Unfortunately the weather was cool and overcast:, with colleges and to other sources of W. Hurst, of the Shrapnel, accompanied the group. financial aid for undergraduates. Capt. Dennis G. Case, Kablegram advisor and a member a drizzle of rain. Never the less spectators turned out in Further, their names and test erf SIPA's Advisory Committee, attended portions of the Con- droves to witness the "springtime extrovagonza." scores are sent to the colleges they vention. He headed the nominations committee to select The Howies and the Band did not do well enough to express an interest in attending as their first and second choices. SIPA's Advisory Chairman. place. Among the marching units, the first three places were taken by Randolph Macon Military Academy, the Gregory The order of preference is not shown. Guards of VPI, and Lenord Hall Junior Naval Academy Juniors Take Academy Plans respectively. The winners of the prep school band competi- Special Awards tion were Randolph Macon Military Academy, first; Massa- An additional 35,000 students, Over Corps Senior Luncheon nutten Military Academy, second; and Augusta Military selected on a national basis, re- Academy, third. ceive Letters of Commendation Nearly 200 SMA seniors and for their high performance on the for Weekend post-graduates will join the faculty The SMA units enjoyed leave in Winchester until 11 p.m. qualifying test. These students and staff in a school custom when and sleepily returned to Staunton by bus after midnight. are considered for special awards Every year at SMA one week- they gather Sunday, May 24 for President Johnson himself made a surprise visit to Win- made through the Merit Corpora- end is set aside to test the ability the Senior Luncheon. tion, and their names and test The luncheon is scheduled for 1 chester Thursday to watch his daughter crowned. of each junior eligible for high scores are also sent to their first- p.m. in the Stonewall Jackson Ball- and second-choice colleges. positions in the corps for the fol- room. Each Semifinalist will be asked lowing year. The seniors carry- The affair is tendered annually SMA Units Summer Reading to take a second examination. ing sabers are given a weekend of by the Academy in honor of its Those who repeat their high per- relaxation and leisure. A junior graduating Class. formance will become Finalists in Featured is a good meal and a Featured in ProgramlsPlanned who is given a position must carry the Merit Program. Winners of very short program. Col. Harrison Merit Scholarships will be selected the full duty of the person he is SMA has announced plans for a S. Dey, Superintendent, makes a Lexington Parade summer reading program, designed from the Finalist group on the replacing. He also serves place at short speech to the class. The to increase general background and basis of school records and recom- the special junior parade which Class President, Jeffrey P. May- SMA's Band and Howie Rifles knowledge of students and to pro- mendations, test scores, extracur- ends the affair. field, responds. drill team entered an unfamiliar vide enjoyment. A test or review ricular activities, leadership ability, Seniors and postgraduates are This year Cadet Darrell Tyler arena Monday. They traveled to of the books will be given in class and accomplishments outside the expected to attend. Uniform is during September. classroom. Each Finalist is award- was given the position of brigade Lexington, Virginia, to inarch in Summer C. For Cadets Entering Ninth ed a Certificate of Merit attesting commander with Cadets Alan the parade that opened Washing- Grade: The Wonderful World of to his outstanding performance. Fejes, Tim Miniter and Lester ton and Lee University's Mock Mathematics—Lancelot T. Hogben; Stipends Davis on his staff. Heading the Republican Convention. Microbe Hunters—Paul deKruif; first battalion was Cadet Robert Band Takes The W&L students hold the Treasure Island — Robert Louis The scholarship stipends are L. Smith, whose staff consisted of convention each four years. It Stevenson; Adventures of Tom based on financial need. The min- Cadets Dennis Kaiser and Randy Honor Rating precedes the major party nominat- Sawyer — Mark Twain; Gods, imum award is $100 and the maxi- Dodge. ing conventions. The session spot- Graves, and Scholars — C. W. mum is $1500. The average sti- Band company won the coveted Second battalion commander was lights the party out of power — Ceram; The Life of Louis Pasteur pend awarded to freshman Merit honor rating for May, based on Cadet Alan Worsky with Cadets the party not controlling the presi- —Rene Vallery; Kim — Rudyard Scholars in 1963 was $796 annually, April's judgmgs. It is only the Charles Drumhcller and Bob Den- dency. Kipling. or $3184 for the four years of col- second time in about ten years that nis as staff. Company Commanders Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, For Cadets Entering Tenth lege. Each scholarship constitutes SMA's musical unit has taken this were Cadet Harold Deitler, A Com- Grade: Mathematics — Life Sci- a form of educational insurance, award. Cadet Captain Dean Fejes a leading contender for the "real" pany; Cadet Bruce Platt, B Com- Republication nomination, is an ence Library; David Copperfield— since the stipend may be increased pany; Cadet Randy Doffermeyer, commands the Band. Charles Dickens; Tales from at any time if the student's finan- Echo Company, commanded by SMA alumnus. C Company; Cadet Bill Ledford, The W&L Convention has been Shakespeare — Charles Lamb; The cial situation changes during the Cadet Captain Rodney Smith, took D Company; Cadet Jim Kudish, E held twelve times. It is rated high Adventures of Huckleberry Finn— four-year term of the scholarship.
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