View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 102, 556-563 (1986) An Elementary Proof of the First Fundamental Theorem of Vector Invariant Theory MARILENA BARNABEI AND ANDREA BRINI Dipariimento di Matematica, Universitri di Bologna, Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5, 40127 Bologna, Italy Communicated by D. A. Buchsbaum Received March 11, 1985 1. INTRODUCTION For a long time, the problem of extending to arbitrary characteristic the Fundamental Theorems of classical invariant theory remained untouched. The technique of Young bitableaux, introduced by Doubilet, Rota, and Stein, succeeded in providing a simple combinatorial proof of the First Fundamental Theorem valid over every infinite field. Since then, it was generally thought that the use of bitableaux, or some equivalent device-as the cancellation lemma proved by Hodge after a suggestion of D. E. LittlewoodPwould be indispensable in any such proof, and that single tableaux would not suffice. In this note, we provide a simple combinatorial proof of the First Fun- damental Theorem of invariant theory, valid in any characteristic, which uses only single tableaux or “brackets,” as they were named by Cayley. We believe the main combinatorial lemma (Theorem 2.2) used in our proof can be fruitfully put to use in other invariant-theoretic settings, as we hope to show elsewhere. 2. A COMBINATORIAL LEMMA Let K be a commutative integral domain, with unity. Given an alphabet of d symbols x1, x2,..., xd and a positive integer n, consider the d. n variables (xi\ j), i= 1, 2 ,..., d, j = 1, 2 ,..., n, which are supposed to be algebraically independent. Let K[(x,Ij)] be the letter place algebra [6], namely the polynomial algebra generated over K by the variables (xi 1j). * Research partially supported by Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti of C.N.R. 556 0021.8693/86 $3.00 Copyright :Q ,986 by Acadmuc Press, Inc. Ail rights of reproduction m any lorm reserved. VECTOR INVARIANT THEORY 557 Given k integers i, ,..,, ik E { 1, 2,..., d}, k < n, the bracket of step k is the element of the letter place algebra defined as (Xi, ,..., Xlk) = det((xil j))i= r, ,..., ik;j= I ,..., k, A bracket monomial is a product of brackets of any step. A bracket polynomial is an element of the letter place algebra which can be written as a linear combination of bracket monomials. The subset B of all bracket polynomials is a submodule of the letter place algebra and will be called the bracket polynomial space. It will be sometimes convenient to write a bracket monomial as a Young tableau, namely, (Xi, ,"', x,/J (x ,, YJ,,) (**I with h 3 k > . 3 p. The integer h + k + ... + p is called the content of the monomial. Fix a linear order on the symbols x, ,..., xd; the bracket monomial (*) will be called a standard monomial whenever the symbols in the tableau (**) are increasing from left to right in every row and nondecreasing downward in every column. Consider now a partition of the linearly ordered set (x, ,..., xd} into three blocks A = {a, ,..., a,}, B= {B ,,..., bpj, C= {c ,,..., cr}, so that a,<b,<c, for every i, j, k. A semistandard monomial relative to the partition A, B, C will be a bracket monomial M satisfying one of the following conditions: (i) either M is a standard monomial in the symbols a, and b, or M is standard in the symbols ai and ck ; (ii) M can be written as a product M= S. T, where either S is a standard monomial in the ails and b/s and T is a standard monomial in the ck’s, or S is a standard monomial in the a:s and ck’s and T is a standard monomial in the bj’s. We explicitly note that semistandard monomials are nonzero polynomials in the bracket polynomial space. 558 BARNABEI AND BRINI 2.1. PROPOSITION. Let M be a semistandard monomial of content q. Let X be the greatest symbol occuring in M, j the greatest integer such that the variable (X I j) appears in M, and k the maximum degree of M in the variable (Xl j). Write where P, Q are polynomials in the letter place algebra and Q has maximum degree strictly less than k in (X 1j). Then, P is a semistandard monomial and its content is strictly less than q. Proof. Immediate from the definition. m We remark that, in this case, the tableau of P can be obtained from the tableau of M by deleting the symbol X from the k rows where it appears in the jth (and last) position. 2.2. THEOREM. Semistandard monomials are linearly independent in the bracket polynomial space. Proof Let {M,, Ml,..., M,} be any finite set of semistandard monomials, and let q be the maximum content of a monomial in the set. We prove that (M,, Mz,..., M,} is linearly independent by induction on the positive integer q. If q = 1 the assertion is trivial. Suppose now that every finite set of semistandard monomials of maximum content less than t is linearly independent; set q = t and suppose there exists a nontrivial linear relation &Mi=O, &EK. t Let X be the greatest symbol occuring in the monomials of the relation (*), j the greatest integer such that the variable (X 1j) appears in (*), and k the maximum degree of the polynomial xi l,M, in the variable (X 1j). Then, (*) can be rewritten as (Xl j)“P+Q=O, where P, Q are polynomials in the letter place algebra and Q has maximum degree strictly less than k in (XI j). So, it must be P=O. Now, by Proposition 2.1, P is a nontrivial linear combination of distinct semistandard monomials of content strictly less than t and we get a con- tradiction. 1 VECTORINVARIANTTHEORY 559 In the sequel, we shall use the following result, usually attributed to Hodge [7]. 2.3. PROPOSITION. Let B be a bracket monomial consisting of the product of g brackets of step n; then, B can be uniquely written as a linear com- bination with integer coefficients of the standard monomials Ml, M2,..., M, such that each Mi is the product of g brackets of step n and contains the same symbols as B with the same multiplicities. 1 3. THE FIRST FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM Let V be a vector space of dimension n over a field K, and let [ ] be a bracket on P’, namely, a nondegenerate alternating n-linear form on V. Denote by B the set of all linearly ordered basesof V, and by F the algebra of all functions f: V”‘xB-+K, where m is a fixed positive integer. For any given pair of integers i, j with 16 i < m, 1 < j 6 n, we define an element (i 1j) of F by setting (i I .i)(u I ,...>v,; Xl ,...>x,) = cx, ,..., x,] -‘( - l)J- ‘[II;, x1 )..., .2,‘“.’ x,]. We explicitly note that, for every fixed basis (e,,..., e,} of V, the evaluation (i I Ato, ,..., 0, ; el ,..., e,) gives thejth coordinate of the vector oi with respect to the basis el ,..., e,. Moreover, Let F, be the subalgebra of F spanned by the set {(ii j); i= l,..., m, j= l,..., n}; F, will be called the algebra of forms of V. A homogeneous form is an element of F, which can be written as a homogeneous polynomial in the functions (iI j). A homogeneous form F(v, ,..., v, ; x, ,..., x,) is called an invariant whenever the following condition holds: there exists a nonnegative integer k such that, for every fixed {e , ,...,e,, >, {fl ,...,f, > E 4 Cf,,..., fnlkF~~l,..., ~,;f,,..., f,) = Ce,,...,e,lkF(ul,..., 0,; eI,..., en) for every uI ,..., v, E V. (1) 560 BARNABEI AND BRINI Given a homogeneous form i”(or ,..., u, ; x, ,..., x,) of degree g, the function GE F defined as G(u I ,..., u,; xl ,..., x,) = [x ,,..., x,]gF(ul ,..., II,,,; x ,,..., x,) can be written as a polynomial in the functions of F C0i,xI 3...3i,j3..., xnl, i = l,..., m; j = l,..., n. Hence, F is an invariant if and only if there exists a nonnegative integer k such that, for every fixed {e I,..., e, 1, {f, ,..., f, 1 E 4 Cfi,..., fnlkCeI,..., e,lgG(~I,..., ~,,,;.f~,...,fn) = CeI ,..., e,lk[fi ,..., fnlgG(ul ,..., u,; el ,..., e,), for every ur ,..., U, E V. (2) 3.1. THEOREM. (The first fundamental theorem of vector invariant theory). Let K be an infinite field and V a vector space of dimension n over K. A homogeneous form F(u, ,..., v, ; x,,..., x,) of degree g is an inuariant if and only if m > n and there exists an integer k, with 0 <k < g, such that the function G(u 1 ,*.., u,; x1 ,..., x,) = [x, ,..., x,-JRF(uI ,..., II,; x1 ,..., x,) can be written as a linear combination of functions of the form where i, < . < i,, i,, , < . < i,, ,..., i,,- ,,,,+ L < . ’ < ikn and, for euery h= 1,2 ,..., n, i,,<ih+n< ... bi,+o~,jn. Moreover, the representation above is unique. Proof Let A be the algebra of functions v”xv”xT+K, (~1,..-,u,;~1,...,x,;Yl,..., y,)+f(4,..., ~,;xI,-*~x,; Yl,-, Y,) spanned by all the bracket functions in the uis, xi’s, yk’s. Let {b, ,..., 6,) be a fixed basis of V with [bl,..., b,] = 1, and denote by (ui 1j) the jth coordinate of the vector ui with respect to b1 ,..., b,. Since, for every u1,..., 24,E V, CU1 y-.y u,l= det((ui I A), VECTOR INVARIANT THEORY 561 the algebra A can be seen as a subalgebra of the algebra of polynomial functions over K in the variables (Vi I j), (xi 1j), (ri 1j), which can be iden- tified with the algebra of polynomials in the variables above, the field K being infinite.
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