UN 1 1 KM 1 V rtlffi II III H SJ fli !t , IS I i IN A W H" m IMi1 1i 1 I rf Miiiiii 14 1 t Eitsbllihad JlnlT 9, 1858. VOL. XIX.. 3STO. 3720. HONOIIJXTT. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY. JUKE 23, 1S94. PRICE: 5 CEKTS. Uusmcss (arbs. I . 1 i : : AS TO Packet, purchased in 1S17 of Captain THE "HERALD" YARN Blanchard; the brig Niu, sold to HAWAIIAN Liholiho in August, 1S19, for $51,750; The Most Complete st Millinery HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., the brig Thaddeus, purchased in 1820 The Hawaiian Company for $40,000; the brig Karaehameha, tap HARDWARE, purchased by Thomas Meek in 1823 Co. Professor Alexander Gives for 3100 piculs ; besides several vessels, ract aad Title IN ALL ITS STYLES AT IS PREPARED T) DELIVER TO a Few FAMILIES Cutlery and Glassware including the Becket, the Kamaha-lolan- i, IN AND AROUND THE CITY of the Facts in the Case. etc., sold to Kaumualii, King 307 of J. J. Egan's, 514 Fort St. THEIR CELEBRATED INVIGORAT- Fort Street. Kauai on several of which unpaid SO. MERCHANT e1. ING STIMULATING AND 3575-l- y balances remained due for a long time. , ; Commodore Jones' orders from the HONOLULU, H. 1. A large assortment Non - Intoxicating Hop J. M. DAVIDSON. of Woolen Dress Beer! COMMODORE JONES AND HIS COURSE. Secretary of the Navy directed him, Goods, Storm Serge in Blue, Black and among other things, "to secure cer- White; Scotch, English and American IN LARGE OR 8 HALL QUANTITIES. tain debts due American citizens by Ginghams in large quantities. Attornsy and Ccunsellor-at-La- v. the native government." jf. M. natcu President A fancy-figure- d A. By Ono . Vice-Preside- nt fine line in wash Kanaina. schooner, Cecil Brown Manufactory, Punchbowl St., about 200 tons, W. B. Castle Secretary Goods. A Letter from Captain John Meek, who sold by a captain (Rey- fc Between Palace Walk and King et. nolds was his mate) for 40,000 paunas; J. F.Brown, Treasurer Manager A complete stock of Striped Office36 Merchant 3tret. was Present at the Settlement Affect- W. F. Frear Auditor and j0Mutual Telephone 314. (?) The brass gun was' paid for in Checked Flannels. This is the place 3704 tf ed by Jones The Latter was Very sandalwood, he does not remember to buy your Laces, Embroidery and WILLIAM C. PARKE, Friendly to the Chiefs of Hawaii. how much; a piece of silk' was valued Hosiery, cheap; a complete line. at $40 and paid for In sandalwood at Xnis Company is prepared to search M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. -- -- $10 the picul. Few of chiefs had furnish abstracts of to CGDressmaking done in all its ATTORNEY AT LAW the records and title well-know- n dollars; the goods were property the Kingdom. branches by the Dressmaker, Ay paid for in all real in Mrs iienner. sandsdwood. placing loans on, or contemplat Agent to titko Aeknowladgmant. In view of the absurd story pub- A. By John Meek. Goods were Parties lished in the N. Y. sold cheap for sandalwood; was Ing the purchase of real estate will find it Ornci No. 13 Kaahnmanu Street, Hono-- Herald, which there to their advantage to consult the company lnln, H. attacks the good name of a dis- then no cash to pay for them. One in regard to title. I. pauna consisted of two piculs. Kana- tinguished officer of the Amer- ina means the brig Waverly; dots not 55 All orders attended to with prompt-Ees- s. This -- :- Space Reserved x:k2sttist, BEAVER SALOON, ican navy, I beg leave to submit a kuow the price paid for her, but thinks few facts bearing on the case. it could not have exceeded $15,000 or Bp!) f?5; P. O. Box FORT STREET, OPPOSITE WILDER A CO.'S $20,000; Tf"ahfmr FOR 23 HOTEL STaZ2T. The late R. C. Wyllie, Minister of Reynolds must kuow. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Foreign Affairs for the Hawaiian Q,. Had the American missionaries Firgt-cla- es Cof- or any of them anything to do with BREWER & CO., LIMITED Lunches served with Tea, Kingdom, in his report to Legis ft H. H. WILLIAMS fee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or AUik. the the arrangements ninde by Captain layOrric Ho ttbs 9 a. m. to 4 r. m. lature of 1855, commented severely on Jones? If so, state what missionaries HOTEL STRE KT, ST"OPEN FROM 3 A. il. TILL 10 P. M. Commodore Jones' course in'rpresslng" by name? Queen Street, 'Honolulu, JET. J. Smokers' A. By Kekuanaoa and John II. -:- -:- Recuisitesa epei ialty. NEXT - TO - HORN'S BAKERY "SAKS SOUCr' HOTEL the settlement of the claims of the Do not think they had anything to do S679--tf American traders against the native with it. AGENTS FOR SEASIDE RESORT, A. PERRY, chiefs in December, 1S2G. By Kanaina. The missionaries were Commodore Jones' reply and a mass employed simply to iuterpret for the Agricultural Co., Onomea WAIKIKI, : HONOX,TJIjTJ. chiefs. Hawaiian ATTORNEY AT LAW of accompanying documents were pub- Bufzar Co., Honomu Sugar Co , Wailuku And Notary Public. A. By John Meek. Thinks all the SogarCo., Waihee Sugar Co., Makee tlJ desire to find no quieter haven lished in the supplement to the report missionaries had to do with the settle- Sugar Co., Haleakala Kanch Co., Kapa-pa- la than the lSans SoucV, and may well Office: Over Bishop's Bank. of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to ment was, to Interpret bttween the Hancb. Stocks and Bonds add with the poet: 3C92-l- y Legislature of 1856. chiefs and Captain Jones. the Q. Did Planters' Line San Francisco Packets. 'In a more sacred or sequestered bower, The American Minister the missionaries or any of Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Resident at them tell the King and chiefs, before Cbas. Nor nymph nor Faunus haunted.' B. W. M'CHISNET, J. M. A F. W. VCHIXSTXT. Honolulu, Hon. D. L. Gregg, also Packets. 124 Clay 8t. , S. F. 40 Queen St , Hono. the arrival of Captain Jones, that the Agents Boston Board of TJriderwriters. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON" took the testimony of Rev. A. Bishop, claims of the American traders were -- -- P. C. 7, 1893. M. W. McOHESNEY & SONS, Agents Philadelphia Board of Under- Advertiser, Oct. Capt. Kekua-nao-a, just, and that the chiefs ought to pay FOR SALE. John Meek, Governor them? writers. iWholesale Grocers, Commission Mer- - John Ii and Kanaina, which U3T OF OFFICERS: A. By Kekuanaoa and John Ii. T. A. Simpson, chants and Importers. was published at the same time. No, do not recollect that they ever did. 3523-l- y P. C. Jones President MANAGER. Capt. John Meek, a well-know- n A. By Kanaina. Does not remem- Geo. H. Robebtson Manager j 40 Queen St., Honolulu. ber that the missionaries J - A and respected resident, stated as fol- did, but E. F. Bishop .Tres. and Secy. FEW SHARES C. B. RIPLMY, lows in his letter dated January 10. knows that Kaahumanu ordered the Coi.-- F. Allen .....Auditor 1856: chiefs, Boki, Kuakinl and Hoapill, I -- ARTHUR REYNOLDS, & C. M. Cooke... ) 'y x - of-- LEWIS CO., I was present at the final media also Naihe, always to pay at the time H. Watebhouse .......Dire tlon and settlement affected through for whatever they got. C L. Carter friendly offices of A. By John Meek: Wholesale and Retail Grocers the Capt. Jones. He Thinks "all the t .' HAWAIIAN SUGAR CO. STOCK" acted as a sort of umpire between the missionaries had tolo jith the settle- 1 Office New Safe Deposit Building, parties. Commodore Jones had been ment was to interpret between the Honolulu , H. I. 111 FORT STREET, examining and tryiug to arrange the chiefs and Captain Jones." Iron Works Stephen Agricultural matter for a month or more, and Reyno!ds' diary, kept at Hawaiian Co. Stock. Plans, Specifications, and Superintend- Telephone 240. P. O. Box 297. understood it fully. The final council the time contains the following refer- ence given every " - for description of Build- or ences: QTJKB3N- Olowalu Sugar Co. Stock. ing. meeting at which the decision was STREET, JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, reudered, lasted only a short time, 1826, December 11. "Signed a re- Old Buildings successfully remodelled perhaps not over two or three quest to Captain Jones to speak of. Between Alakea and Richard Streets. end enlarged. hours old ALSO Importer Most of the chiefs were there, and debts. December 14. Cap- Designs for Interior Decorations. ana Dealer la some of the claimants also. The tain Jones and Consul Jones went to Maps or Mechanical Drawing, Tracing, were to a the chiefs to of old claims reduced considerable talk debts and 1 ! -:- GENEEAL LIESOH UNDERSIGNED ARE Hawaiian - Government -:- - Bonds and Blueprinting. A1TDISE. extent. Cominndore Jones took the other Important matters." ng3 THE to make all kinds of Iron, C3?-Drawi- for Book or Newspapei side of the chiefs, and was regarded 1827, No. 25-- 31 Queen . January 2. "At 10 o'clock the . Street, Honolnln Brass, Bronze, Zinc and Lead Castings; Illustration. an very friendly to them. They were chiefs assembled under the grove of also a general Repair Shop for Steam e Cent. perfectly satistitd and even pleased, cocoanut trees below Per Interest. H. CO-- , the fort, where Engines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Water HACKFELD & and admitted the amountof his award they assembled all the people of the Wheels, Wind Mills, etc. ; Machines for Ewa Bonds (first mort- The New to be justly due. The other parties village to hear their orders, viz: the cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil Beans, Plantation Co.
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