u Your guide to fitness and wellnes •' •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• ~------------------------------------------------ -- --- 84th Year, Issue 25 @ 1994 For the week beginning July 8, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35¢ TillS WEEK Decision nears on LIBER1Y DAY FFsnvrriES In sports 200-home site here Vote scheduled at July 11 council meeting By JENNIFER L. RODGERS which is willed to DuPont's gra nl­ children. NEWARK POST STAF F WRITER A publ ic hearing to dis uss the ho using plan during Newark Land located between William Pl;mning Commission's May 3rd M . Re dd Park and Curti s Mill meetin g un vei led concerns about Road may be designated as the site traffic, the number of units-ori gi ­ for 200 new homes at Newark City nally 275 homes were proposed, Counci l's July II meeting at 8 and th e absence of bike paths as p.m. reasons for the commission tu rec­ The 74.12 acres of la nd pro­ ommend again st the pl an. posed for development are part of However , a traffi c analyses 253 acres of DuPont prope rty compiled by eng ineers at Telra annexed by the c ity in 1989. Tech, In c. , sa id traffic volumes Initiall y, it was ag reed the land ha ve decreased at both intersec­ would be used for a 600,000 ti o ns- w he re C urtis Mill Road square-foot office building and intersects with C leveland Avenue wi ll remain slated for such use, if and at Possum Park Road- th at the rezoning from man ufacturing lead ro the proposed development s. to residenti al is not approved. The study also said residenti al traf­ Corporate downsizing, ev i­ fi c wou ld be less when compared denced by the sale of the nearby to traffic that would be generat ed DuPont. Louviers plant, has le ft a by an offi ce building. surplu s of office space in the area. If the land is rezoned, the city DuPont said he beli eves it would wi ll require the owner to include, be better to use money made from among other things, a children 's housin g now, rather than wait until pl ayground, sidewalks along Curti s Newark National catcher David Quinn the marke t for office space Mill Road, a traffi c signal at Curtis during Saturday's game. improves. Mill Road and Old Paper Mill The Cook a nd Cu ll en farms Road , and the relocat ion of the sig­ were originally located on the land na l at DuPo nt Lo uv iers O ffi ce that was eventually purchased by Building to the intersecti on of the S. Hall ock DuPont. Wilmington lmLELFAGUE Trust is tru s tee for th e estate, See HOMES. 2A .... ALL-STAR On Bear/Glasgow agenda: ACTION GETS maintenance associations By JENNIFER L. RODGERS education maintenance associati on UNDERWAY. leaders and get a feel for how the ir lB NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER associati ons work. She also hopt:S to generate a li st Hoping to improve a situation of names and maintenance associa ­ Three-year-old Jacqueline Roser (above), daugh ­ th at has prev io us ly pit ne ighbo r ti ons, th <1t can be used by members ter of Gary and Maureen Roser of Newark, plays REYBOLD HOMES again s t neig hbo r , th e of future ta. k force that wi ll in ves­ in soap bubbles while Newarker Alice Venier (top Bear/G lasgow Council o f Civic ti gate m a inte nance associati on photo) reads the Declaration of Independence at Organizations and New Castl e problem and alternatives. Liberty Day festivities.The Reynolds family of County councilmen, Chris Roberts " You have a required lega l Elkton, Md . (right) takes a break to eat snow FALLSIN lB and Joseph Miro, are sponsoring a associ<~tion that you have to belong cones and (bottom) Vendor Ruth Chandler of free seminar about maintenance to," Hansen sa id . " But no where in Kennett Square, Pa . displays her hats for sale. TOURNAMENT. associations July 9 at 9 a.m. at the the county can you find out where Boys and Girls Club on US 40. these associations are, our how to Hi s toricall y, pro bl ems have contact them." In the news started when developers hand open One alternative is park di stri cts. space over to reside nts. After a Hansen said there is a state law development is 50 to 75 percent already in place th at enables res i­ finished , the developer de legates dent s to apply to have th eir open MORE HISTORIC the responsibility for open space to space renamed as a park district. homeowners, who in some case If it is re labeled, a volunteer don' t yet have a civi c association. park commissioner could then hire UNIVERSITY The homeowners are then required a staff to coll ect fees and maintain to coll ect fees in order t.0 mainta in th e area. their communal prope rty. Hansen hopes th e seminar wi ll ELMS TAKEN Stephanie Hansen, presid ent of un cover " th e players" in mainte­ 4A th e BGCCO , has said s he has nance associations and their prob­ BYDISFASE. heard about operational problems lems. from "dozens" maintenance associ­ For more information, call ati ons in the Bear/Glasgow area. Hansen at 834-6573. 'UNDISCOVERED' The seminar is pl a nned to help Vice principal to assume PASSENGER TRAINS top spot at Christiana High MAKE DAILY By TONJA CASTANEDA to continue improvin g teaching me thods throug h mo re s tude nt STOPS HERE. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER hands-on learning and greater use 5A Chris ti ana Hi g h Sc hoo l of technology. Assistant Principal Mi chael Epler E pl e r said he wants to see will take over as principal of th e great er parent al feedback and com­ In Lltnnlylo s hool as of Aug. I. munity in vo lv ement. "The tradi­ Epler, 45, will replace current tional methods of reaching out are Principal Kim Kremer, who is get­ through newslett ers and meetings," ting married and moving to the Epl er said. "but we need to go one Liberty Day draws large crowd NEWARK, CHRISTIANA step further and lit erall y make con­ tact with civic organizations ;md By TONJA CASTANEDA She said the most popular activities of the day service groups." ············································ ············ ··· ·· ···· ····· s emcd to be the bubble fun area, where children ClASSES OF 1964 He said he would like to see NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER and adults produced bubbles. and the music stages student acti vities have u g reater Weather was bright and sunny on July 4th for whi ch were heavil y attended throughout the day. foc us on anti -a lcohol and drug Newark 's Liberty Day Celebration. produ ing a Also new thi s year. Ho uck said. were the 15 BACKAFTER abuse. "Students arc involved in crowd of about 5,000 - the bi ggest in fi ve years. classic and antique automobiles on display. She 8A this and I' m supportive of expand­ "We had a nice crowd at Liberty Day and the ·aid about 500 people cast votes fo r their favorite 30WARS. ing effort s to ;mti-smoking," Epl er weather was very cooperati ve," said Carol Houck, car. said. He said for example, instead of the Newark Parks and Re reation Department. Trophies were awarded to Newarker Jim Frazer of detention. he would like to sec " It was hot, but there was a breeze throughout the the owner of a 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, for first Index th e stude nt s caug ht s moking on day." pl ace; to Andrew Barbour of Newark for hi s 1964 school grounds get warnings and Houck said there was some concern about rain Porsche, for second and to David Heath of Ri ing then be required to attend an anti­ in the forecast but said the c ity was going to go Sun, Md. owner of a 1933 Ford Cabriolet for third m:ws 1-12A smoking se. sian. ahead with th e event. " We were lucky the day pl ace. POLICE 2A " I want Christiana High School remained nice," said Houck. Hou k said the event made money which will go to be a pia e that provides skills to offset the cost of pri£es and staffing during 5A She said last year, Liberty Day attendan c was COMMUNITY and opportunities so that students down because the event was held during a hc:tt Liberty Day. Staffing included nine state park OPINION &A can b · successfu l but I also want wave. employees, eight Newark Parks and Recreation per­ them to have fun , be se ·ure and sonal and 40 pat1 -timc Iaffer . OBITUARI "'-'=ES~­ 7A Epler This year, she said, she believes attendance was safe,'' Epler said . up because of the holiday falling on a Monday and Weather was not so pleasant on July 3, when LIFESTYLE 8A Baltimore area. He has been as istant prin ipal because of the changes made this year to Lihert y heavy thunderstorms rolled through the Newark DIVERSIONS 11A "I'm excited to be named prin­ at hrist ian a Hi gh School s ince Day. " Possibly, we arc offering mor · enticing 11rea. Inclement weather canceled a $6,000 fire­ 1991 and beginning in 19!\J taught works display at Faith City hurch, located near ARTS 12A cipal of hristiana Hi gh School," events," said Houck.
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