4-.. Haganian MeaiDrlal Tih,^ East WavenHaven?, ni^Coimf . Ubraiy Is scheduled fof 7:1S. Pries'tot pllcftllon for .'such pc-rmll, notice of No Decision THK nnAxroitn i!i-,\ii;«^ CKamHer Invites Public which hearing shall be iiuhllshcd in Tin-: I;A.SI' HAVION .M;\>S the meal Is $2. Phono Mrs. Frank Branford A spokesman for tlic Sliitt! I.iii- To Meeting On Zoning Wrisloy, 8-003'), tor reservations. County Farm News tt,newspaper having a circulation I'nge 8 Thurs. April In, lil.'ii An Independent Trowbridge was active In bring­ within the Town, nnr Commission in Hartford said Serving The Town of Continuing Its series ot planning yesterday there has been nn deci­ nnd zoning tnlks, the Chnmbcr o[ ing about the adoption of zoning In PigL aws " 3. Before Issuing said permit Wnlllngtord whore he Is a resident. Complied by the Extension Scrvice, Production and iMai*- sion In the upplleatlon of .loseiih Services Held For Weekly Newspaper Coliimorce will hold nn open <tlnncr On December 16, 1941, a town sold Board ot Selectmen nnd East Haven Kcting Adminlslration nnd Soil Conservntion Service of New Health Officer shall certify nt their I'rank niccintti for a llirnse to sell meeting on Thursday, April 17, In meeting passed the following two ®l|p lEaat Mmm N?tns The Census Bureou reports that Haven County. ordinances relating to the trans­ opinion that the proposed or exist­ liquor nt the Veterans nf World II the Onsis with Charles Trowbridge, Wilfred T.Nott i. At the recent PMA Spring Con­ In 1950 there wns nn average of tension Service headquarters, ,1.35 portation of garbage in the town ing location of .said piggery will not clulihnilse,' suburban editor oC the Register 409.7 Inhabitants per sqynre mile In ference In Farmlngton Clyde A. nnd the mnlntonnnce ot piggeries; be detrimental to public henlth and Zohner, chairman of Pennsylvania Prospect Street, New Haven, Con­ speaking on "Public nelnllons nnd Connecticut compared with 348.9,In necticut. Ask for folder numbei' Be It Kesolved: welfare or constitute a public nuis­ .Ship, Ahoy SNETC Executive Combined Willi The Branford Keview /Zoning." 1940. State Committee discussed llio ance, ' \ The Branford Yncht^ Club Tucs- Funeral scrvics for Wilfred T. value of the farmer committeeman. VI. 1. No person shall transport any Vol. VII No. 30 PiiMisliM W«Uy by Free Pmj l»iihli(ations, Inc. lalinns nnd Zoning." • • • • ' garbage, refuse, animal matter, 4. A piggery wilhin the meaning d.iy voted to lake over the .spon­ Noll, retired assistant to tho pres­ Yearly Sdbicription $2.50. ^EASf HAVENrcONNKcflUT, TMURSDAY, APRIL I 7^ 1952 5 Cents Copy—$2.50 A Year They can speak the farmer's lang­ sorship of the Branford Sen Scout All Interested property owners Three out of four traffic Occi­ Harold Bunnell, purebred Guern­ mnsh, hones, fat or other rejected, of this ordinance shall mean n ident of Ihe Soulliorn New Eng­ dents linppen In clear weather on uage becou.w I hoy are farmers .ship. Flying Cloud, for 19D2. Com­ linvo been urged to attend. Dinner themselves. In addition they arc sey breeder on Turkey Hill, Pros- unwholesome or waste subslancos> place \vliore more than 10 swine land Telephone Company, were held win be served ol 7 nnd the Inik di'y roads. peel, has added nn addition to his or, other filthy-or noxious matter, are kept or bred. modore Miller oopolnted M. Phclp.5 Education Assn., Hears Pica Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Jr., Elected more familiar with local problems. Wall to head a committee to sup­ on Monday, March .ll, in Trinily She Won The Easier Bunny Thoi'ofore they arc In n hctler po­ hnrn. With several young heifers througli the streets or highways of 5. Anyone who shall violate the Town Educators said town of Branford, unless the ervise the aclivltlos ot the ship and Church, with the Kcv. Tlionius sition to administer the local Agri­ coming along, Ilniold plans to ex­ provisions hereof shall bo deemed appointed Walt IlalUer as skipper. For Aid To The Middle East President of Woman's Club cultural Progj-am. pand his milking herd next winter. transportation of such material be guilty of a ml.sdomcnnor and upon Shannon officiating. Burial was in nn • DANCING SATURDAYS In watertight nnd closely covered Tho Vacht Club members also . 'ITTe April meeting of the East Mis, Fred Wolfe, ,lr,, wns clcclrd Floyd M. Callward, Extension , • • « . ,. conviction shall be punished by a Center Cemetery. 9i00 P.'M. to 1:00 A. M. receptacles. * voted the opening day to be .Tune Haven Education Association was jirositliMil of Ihe Hast llnvcn \Vo- Hire Four forester gave a thought provoking Al Tlskn, Urnnford, just com­ fine ot not more than $25.00 for 1, and Dick Cronin wns appointed Mr. Noll, wliose liomc wns in lopics num's null III n mcctln;^ on Wed­ 1,000 Children TO THE MUSIC OF talk on "Conservation la Every­ pleted constructing a small poultry 2. No per.son .ShidI bo permitted each violation. by the Commodore as chairman of 69 South'MaIn Street, died on Miir. Chamber held on Moniiay afternoon In High­ nesday. April n in tile llngniiitin one's Du.siness." ' "Good manage­ house In preparation for the 1052. to bring any such mnterlal, as B. It any provi.iilon ot this .or­ that committee. land .School. Mi'innrinl Lilirnry. enumerated In Section One of this 28 in his 77lh year. ment nnd wise liso ot the land" Chleken-of-Tomorrow contest. dinance shall he declared Illegal or A social hour preceded the busi­ Ollii'is cU'i'lcd during the mcct- Search The Green LARRY HATCH should be the aim ot every land­ This house Is made from new lum­ ordinance, into said Town of Bran- unconstitutional. It shall not In­ Second only to speeding as an ac­ Born in New Haven, the son of Tho American Legion Variety ness mcellng. Miss =:-.za;icth Rll- Teachers Charles R. and Sophie Cooper iiii; wore; First vice presldeni, Mrs, owner. ber. Is well Insulated nnd should be ford from any surrounding city or validate the remaining provisions cident factor in 1951 was failure to Show scheduled for presentation in chlc, Mrs. Mnrgnrel Kottnge, Miss Uoy 1.. Wilson: second vice presi­ Burton Ilccd, chrtirman,^ presided town, for the purpose ot feeding Notl, ho started with the telephone Elects 6 For Elusive Eggs 'C'MvK^ and his Orclicslra 'J'ho propo.setl ACP policy for an excellent home for his Corni.sh tlioroof. respect the right-of-way. May has been postponed until Fall, Corrinc Peters, Miss Mary Ryan, dent, Mrs. .lohn WnlUer, ,lr.; re- at the Board of Education meeting Contest birds. .; the same to pigs or other animals, 7. The above ordinance shall not company as an errand boy more Miss'Bclty Hognn and Mrs. Eli-zn- eoriliiig seerelnry, Mrs. Vincent ,1. 19.5,1 wns explained by Fred CJ. than -lO years ago. He was secre­ Chairman Donald llartlin has an­ Tile Legion I2gg Hunt held on the held Frjdny evening In the high # NO COVER ' • * *t # '• 1^ or for any other purjtoses without apply to the territory included in Three out of four motor vehicles both Watrous were hostesses. Kasaii:i; eorrcipotidlng seerolary, Knst Ilnven Orecn Saturday morn- Itltchlo, deputy director ACP first petitioning the Board of Se- tary of the SNE Telephone Em­ nounced. acjiool. Other incnibcrs in attend- • NO MINIMUM Branch, It Is Intended thafovei-y A group ot prominent Connecti­ the limits of the Pine Orchnrd As­ Involved In 1951 accidents wore Directors Mrs. Josephine Orlando presided Mr.s. .lohn O'Donnell; nudllor, Mrs. Ing was a well attended and c.tcil- cut farmers will discuss agriculture forn permit to do so. SaUl Board sociation so long as said Pino Or­ passenger cars. ployes Association and was a mcni- ' All tickets arc sold for thi; dinner lOllsworth UrocUotl, nnd treasurer, Ing event. Appro.\lmatcly one hnco were ttie Mrs. John Flanagan, farmer will be contacted by his of Selectmen shall make a com­ her of the Telephone Pioneers As- At the annual meeting of the at the business nicetlns. DINING — DANCING — WINE & LIQUOR PMA Ijocnl committeeman and and what It stands for al the State chnrd Association shall have an honoring Rev, Jcrcmlali J, Brodc- Mrs, Koiinetli Orlffllhs, thousand children lined tho green W. Oren Parkdr, John tlipait arid plete Investigation ot said petition s<iciation. rlck tanight at tho,legion rooms. East Haven Chamber of Commerce A committee composed of Mis.s given nn opportunity to request Fni-m Policy Conference April .') at ordinunco of tho same effect nnd Tho hour from sl.x to seven P. M. Doris Houston, Ml.ss Alice 7.ciKlcT. The new officers were presciiled waiting nn.xlously for tho starting AJvln Thompson, and .latnca.EmB- the University of Connecticut. nd sliatt issue .said permit, upon purport. is the most dnngcrous of the day or Surviving Is his wife Maude For­ Tho affair sponsored by the Harry which look place on Monday even­ hy llio noinliinting cmnmlllee, whistle at 10:.in A. M, Several nt- u.sslslunce In carrying out e.ssenlial Its findings that the petitioner is Wlss Pearl Mngld, Mrs. Vinln tnido, Charles Copcland, James Midway Restaurant coiiservatlon iiractlces on his farm. Chosen tor their understanding night In traffic. V.^l^UBilfin bes Noll. K. Bartlett Post vrlll present Fath­ ing at the Adam Hou.sc restaurant, Grovcr and Miss C. McGoverii, wliieli ennsistcil of Mr.f, II, .Sliepnrd IraSllvo prizes woie awarded the not creating or maintaining a lucky finder.'! of .silver foiled eggs.
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