Kentucky Directory of Radio WMMG-FM- Aug 23, 1972: 93.5 mhz; 3.4 kw. 290 ft. TL: N37 59 05 WTCO(AM)--Co -owned with WCKO(FM). March 1948: 1450 khz; 1 WOXO(FM)- Co-owned with WNES(AM). Dec 18, 1956: 101.9 mhz; W86 09 24. Stereo. Web Site: www.wmmgradio.com. Rep: Rgnl Reps. kw-U. TL: N37 20 07 W85 22 33. Phone: (270) 469 -9826. Format: All 100 kw. 215 ft. TL: N37 16 09 W87 08 32. (CP: Ant 676 ft.). Format: Target aud: 18-65. *Gwen Blevins, gen sls mgr & adv mgr; Dave Sports (ESPN radio). News staff: one. Target aud: 25-64. Hot adult contemp. Clark, progmg mgr & pub affrs dir. WGRK -FM-See Greensburg Buffalo Clinton Campton WLLE(FM)- 1997: 102.1 mhz; 12.5 kw. 476 ft. TL: N36 44 22 W88 WXAM(AM)- Nov 26, 1974: 1430 khz: 1 kw -D. TL: N37 31 49 W85 47 13. Box 679, Mayfield 42066. Secondary address: 1176 State Rt. 42 49. Box 177, Hodgenville 42748. Secondary address: 216 S. WCBJ(FM)- 1999: 103.7 mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. TL: N37 44 23 W83 33 45 N., Mayfield 42066. Phone: (270) 247 -5122. E -mail: roth @wkyx.com. 42748. Phone: (270) Lincoln Blvd., Hodgenville (270) 358-4707. Fax: 41472. Fax: 59. 129 College St., West Liberty Phone: (606) 743-3145. Licensee: Bristol Broadcasting Co. Inc. (group owner; acq 2 -20 -2004; 358-4755. Licensee: Mark Goodman Productions Inc. (acq 2-1-89; (606) 743 -9557. Licensee: Morgan County Industries Inc. (group grpsl). Format: Talk. Gary Morse, gen mgr; Roth Stratton, opns VP $99,292; 2- 13 -89). Network: USA. Format: Country. Mark Goodman, owner) Format: Rock. Paul Lyons, gen mgr. & sls dir; Joe Jackson, news dir; Greg Walker, chief of engrg. VP; Carolyn Goodman, gen mgr. Cannonsburg Burkesville Coal Run WOKT(AM) -- December 1987: 1040 khz; 2.5 kw -D, DA-D. TL: N38 WKYR -FM- October 1988: 107.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 312 8. TL: N36 47 23 39 W82 41 53. 3027 Lester Ln., Ashland 41102. Phone: (606) WPKE -FM- Sept 21, 1974: 103.1 mhz; 1.2 kw. Ant 741 ft. TL: N37 26 W85 22 47. Box 340 42717. Secondary address: Hwy. 90 Stereo. 928-3778. Licensee: Big River Radio Inc. Group owner: Baker Family 27 57 W82 33 04. Stereo. Box 2200, Pikeville 41502. Secondary 42717. Phone: 433 Fax: (270) 433 E -mail: E. (270) -7191. -7195. Stations (Positive Radio Group) Format: Contemp Christian, bluegrass address: 1240 Radio Dr., Pikeville 41501. Phone: (606) 437 -4051. wkyr Network: ABC, Radio ®kih.net. Licensee: WKYR Inc. Jones gospel. Target aud: General. Fax: (606) 432 -2809. E -mail: wpke @wpke.com. Licensee: East Networks. Format: Country. Louise Curtis, gen sls mgr; Larry Kentucky Broadcasting Corp. (group owner; acq 6 -94; $480,000. with Nelson, engrg dir. WBPA(AM) Elkhorn City). Network: ABC. RgnI Reps Womble, Carlyle. Carlisle Sandridge & Rice. Format: Rock. News staff: one. Target aud: General. Walter E. May, CEO; Keith Casebolt, VP & opns mgr; Burnside Beverly Newman, gen mgr, mktg mgr & adv mgr; Debbie Lawson, dev WBVX(FM)- December 1994: 92.1 mhz; 32 kw. Ant 610 ft. TL: N38 mgr; Randy Jones, progmg mgr; Shannon Deskins, news dir; Paul 11 19 W84 22 13. Stereo. 401 W. Main, Suite 301, Lexington 40507. WKEO(AM) - Feb 28, 1984: 910 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N37 01 46 W84 Phone: (859) 233-1515. Fax: (859) 233-1517. Licensee: L.M. Manuel, engrg mgr; Walter Dingus, engrg mgr. 36 28. Box 740, Somerset 42502. Secondary address: 101 First Radio Communications of Kentucky LLC. Group owner: L.M. Communications Ln., Somerset 42501. Phone: Fax: (606) (606) 678.5152. 678 -2026. Inc. (acq 8 -17 -01; $4.8 million). Format: Adult contemp. Target aud: E-mail: thefirstradiogroup @.com. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group General. Lynn Martin, pres; James MacFarlane, gen mgr; Bill May, Columbia owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 12-8-00; grpsl). gen sls mgr; Bill Clary, progmg dir; Mary Lynn, news dir; Julianne Format: Southern gospel. News statt: one; News: 5 hrs wkly. Target Hatton, pub affrs dir; Phillip Fralet, chief of engrg. WAIN(AM)- Aug 1, 1951: 1270 khz; 1 kw-D, 68 w -N. TL: N37 06 36 aud: 25.54. *Michael S. Tarter, gen mgr & stn mgr. W85 16 42. Box 69 42728. Secondary address: 1521 Liberty Rd. Carrollton 42728. Phone: (270) 384-2134. Fax: (270) 384 -6722. E -mail: WLLK(FM) -Co -owned with WKEO(AM). Aug 17, 1985: 93.9 mhz; 50 wainOduocountry.com. Licensee: Tri -County Radio Broadcasting kw. 492 ft. TL: N37 09 15 W84 27 35. Stereo. Format: Adult contemp. Corp. Group owner: Key Broadcasting Inc. Network: ABC Information WIK1(FM) Apr 12, 1968: 95.3 mhz; 3 kw. 423 ft. TL: N38 W85 - 3958 & Entertainment. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Format: Talk. News staff: one; 16 51. Stereo. 2470 N. Hwy. 7, North Vernon, IN 47265. Phone: State News: 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 16-65. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs. Louise 273 (OH, IN, Fax: (812) Cadiz (812) -3139. Phone: (800) 953 -9454 KY). Wooten, gen mgr. 265 -4536. Licensee: Star Media Inc. (acq 1999; $550,000). Network: Westwood One. Jones Radio Networks. Rep: RgnI Reps. Pepper & WKDZ(AM) - Apr 8, 1966: 1110 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N36 52 57 W87 50 Corazzini. Format: Country. News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 10.90; WAIN -FM- Mar 1, 1968: 93.5 mhz; 4.7 kw. 220 ft. TL: N37 06 36 44. Box 1900 42211 -0316. Secondary address: 1487 Will Jackson Rd. general. Marty.Pieratt, CEO, pros, gen mgr & opns dir; Juliette W85 16 42. Stereo. Network: ABC. Format: Country. *Louise Wooten, 42211 -0316. Phone: (270) 522 -3232. Fax: (270) 522 -1110. Licensee: Knola, gen sls mgr; Larry Duke, prom dir & news dir; Jamur Tuttle. gen mgr & mktg mgr. Ham Broadcasting Co. Inc. (acq 1- 22.91; $200,000 with co- located progmg dir. FM; 2- 11 -91). Network: ABC, CNN Radio. Format: News/talk. News staff: 3; News: 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs WHVE(FM) -See Russell Springs wkly. D.J. Everett Ill, pres; Beth A. Mann, gen mgr; Alan Watts, news Catlettsburg dir. Corbin WRVC -FM- Jan 19, 1972: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. 298 ft. TL: N38 27 58 WKDZ -FM- May 18, 1972: 106.5 mhz; 1.4 kw. 321 ft. TL: N36 52 57 W82 35 27. Stereo. 401 11th St., Huntington, VN 25701. Phone: (304) W87 50 44. Stereo. Network: ABC. Format: Real country. News staff: 523 -8401. Fax: (304) 523 -4848. Web Site: www.wrvc.fm. Licensee: WCTT(AM)- May 9, 1947: 680 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N36 54 09 2; News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -64. Fifth Avenue Broadcasting Co. Inc. Group owner Kindred Communications W84 04 50. Box 742 40702 -0742. Secondary address: 821 Adams Rd. Inc. (acq 7 -7 -98; with WCMI(AM) Ashland). Network: ABC Information 40701. Phone: (606) 528 -4717. Fax: (606) 528 -4487. Licensee: & Entertainment. Format: Rock. *Mike Kirtner, Ares & gen mgr; Encore Communications Inc. (acq 5 -95; with co- located FM; 6-22-81). Calvert City Cameron Smimz, opns VP; Rich Menvola, gen sls mgr; Teresa Network: ABC. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Shaw Pittman. Format: Talk/news, Nichols, news dir 8 pub affrs dir; John Davis, chief of engrg. oldies, MOR. News staff: one. Stephanie Waggoner, gen mgr. WCCK(FM)- 1993: 95.7 mhz; 960 w. 505 h. TL: N37 04 21 W88 15 04. Box 1116 42029. Phone: (270) 395 -5133. Fax: (270) 395 -5231. WCTT-FM- June 1, 1967: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. 492 ft. TL: N36 54 09 E -mail: wcck @charter.net. Licensee: Jim Freeland DBA Freeland Cave City W84 04 55. Stereo. Rep: Rgnl Reps. Format: Adult contemp. News: Broadcasting. Network: CBS. Format: Classic Country. News: 10 hrs one hr wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. wkly. Target aud: 30 plus; professionals and retired. Jim Freeland, WPTO(FM)- Sept 2, 1988: 103.7 mhz; 13.5 kw. 449 ft. TL: N37 06 CEO, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Sherry Darnall, opns dir: Greg Learn, 39 W85 58 41. Stereo. 113 W. Public Sq., Suite 400, Glasgow 42141. progmg dir; Leal D. Cole, chief of engrg. Phone: (502) 651 -6060. Fax: (270) 651 -7666. E -mail: WEKF(FM)- June 24, 2003: 88.5 mhz; 21 kw vert. Mt 499 ft. TL: wptq ©commonwealthbroadcasting.com. Licensee: Commonwealth N37 01 13 W84 23 41. Stereo. 102 Perkins Bldg., 521 Lancaster Ave., (acq 11.25 Broadcasting Corp. -97). Network: Westwood One. Pepper Richmond 40475 -3102. Phone: (859) 622-1660. Fax: (859) 622-6276. Campbellsville & Corazzini. Format: Classic rock. News staff: one; News: 7 hrs wkly. Web Site: www.weku.fm. Licensee: Eastern Kentucky University. Target aud: 25-44. Daren Steenbergen, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Network: NPR, PRI. Hardy, Carey & Chautin. Format: News, classical. Alex Parocai, opns mgr & progmg dir; Jay Turner, news dir. 'WAPD(FM)- 1996: 91.7 mhz; 330 w. Ant 216 h. TL N37 19 59 W85 News staff: 3; News: 35 hrs wkly. *Tim Singleton, stn mgr; Mary Ellyn 19 53. (CP: 7.5 kw). St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 1001 S. Cain, opns mgr; Carol Siler, dev dir; Marie Mitchell, news dir; Bill Central Ave. 42718. Phone: (270) 465 -7559. Fax: (270) 844 -9176. Browning, chief of engrg. Licensee: American Family Association. Group owner: American Central City Family Radio Format: Christian. Linda Collins, gen mgr. WMTA(AM)- Feb 19, 1955: 1380 khz; 500 w -D, 23 wN.
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