Burke insideinside Patriotic Salute News, Page 3 Anna King, Kendall Griffith and Aneina Zelkin of Bar- bara Sheppard’s Academy of Dance salute the crowd before their routine at the Burke Centre Festival. Classified, Page 23 Classified, ❖ Faith, Page 7 ❖ Life Sports, Page 19 Sentence For Burke Murder News, Page 4 Requested in home 9-19-08 Time sensitive material. Attention Postmaster: U.S. Postage PRSRT STD PERMIT #322 Easton, MD Civic Activist PAID Sally Ormsby Dies News, Page 4 Photo by Derek B. Johnson/The Connection B. Johnson/The by Derek Photo www.connectionnewspapers.com www.ConnectionNewspapers.comSeptember 18-24, 2008 Volume XXII, Number 38 Burke Connection ❖ September 18-24, 2008 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Burke Connection ❖ September 18-24, 2008 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-917-6440 or [email protected] Celebration in Burke Annual festival draws 10,000, to enjoy music, food and entertainment /The Connection Derek B. Johnson Derek Photos by Photos Barbara Sheppard’s Academy of Dance, located on Old Georgia Grandy, 4, enjoys face paint and a Don Jacobs of Prince George, Va., started Keene Mill Road in Burke, performed Saturday at the mouthful of ice cream at the Burke Festi- making ships out of beer cans years ago, 2008 Burke Festival. Sheppard’s Academy is a private val Saturday. and now sells them in the market portion dance company. Shown here are Angela Click, Eliana of the festival. Shops lined side by side on Nash, Reagan Raczynski, Kendall Griffith, Tyler Wernecke, Conservancy grounds gave festivalgoers a Taylor Larson, and Caroline Clemson. wide selection of items for sale. Strands of Market DNA the presidential elections could have on the Realtors summit tackles housing market. Dr. Jed Smith, managing director of Quanti- foreclosures and housing tative Research at the National Association of bubble. Realtors discussed housing market trends, in- cluding the steady By Derek B. Johnson pendulum swing The Connection from what he and other speakers de- “It’s like going to hat has happened to the national scribed as a glut of a banquet and “W economy is very complex,” said Dr. home ownership Stephen Fuller, director of the Center and mortgage lend- overeating. Now for Regional Analysis at George Mason University. ing in the early “A big part of that is the housing market.” 2000s to the even- we have an upset /The Connection The 12th Annual 2008 Economic Summit took tual bursting of the place at Dewberry Hall in the Johnson Student Cen- housing bubble stomach.” ter at George Mason University on Saturday, Sept. around 2006. — Dr. Stephen Fuller, 11. The Northern Virginia Association of Realtors Doug Duncan, George Mason University hosted the conference. vice president and Clicking through their Power Point presentations, chief economist for Derek B. Johnson Derek five featured guest speakers from the field of eco- Fannie Mae discussed some of the warning nomics went about the business of updating a por- signs seen in an unhealthy credit market, at tion of their 12,000 members on the recent develop- one point displaying a Power Point slide of a Photo by Photo ments in the “DNA” of the market. pool filled up twice has high as it should have Stephen C. Fuller, director of the George Mason Dr. David Seiders, chief economist and senior staff been, relating it to the strain that was put on University’s Ph.D program in public policy, speaks vice president of the National Association of the financial housing market as national about the rush to buy homes in 2002-03, which he said Homebuilders gave a presentation on the effects the homeownership began to skyrocket. led to the high rate of bank foreclosures over the last 2008 Housing Bill, the recent government takeovers few years. of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and See Realtors, Page 16 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection ❖ September 18-24, 2008 ❖ 3 Week in Burke News Budget ‘Dialogue’ Fairfax County residents will have an opportunity to pro- Community Activist Dies vide their input on the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget (which runs from July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010) to county leaders neighborhood of Fairfax]. She in a variety of ways this year. The county, in conjunction with Sally Ormsby praised as really was an integral part of Fairfax County Public Schools, has scheduled 20 community Mantua and Fairfax County,” dialogue sessions, established a budget hot line and created environmental, land-use said John Jennings, president an online budget feedback form. of the federation. The first four of the community dialogue sessions will be activist. He also praised her work on held Saturday, Sept. 20, from 9:30 a.m.-noon at: Photo File By Derek B. Johnson the environment. “She has ❖ Chantilly Regional Library – 4000 Stringfellow Road, The Connection been instrumental in helping Chantilly. to protect the Occoquan.” ❖ Reston Regional Library – 11925 Bowman Towne Drive, ally Ormsby, director of the Northern Vir- Jean Packard, former chair- Reston. ginia Soil and Water Conservation District Sally Ormsby man of the Fairfax County ❖ Sherwood Regional Library – 2501 Sherwood Hall Lane, and long-time community activist in Fairfax Board of Supervisors, said Alexandria. S County died Monday, Sept. 15 as a result of Ormsby’s passing was a blow to community activ- ❖ George Mason Regional Library – 7001 Little River Turn- liver cancer. ists. “She was the most organized person I ever knew,” pike, Annandale “”She was always a very thoughtful advocate for said Packard. “Her dedication to the environment and The input gathered from the public will be used to help environmental protection,” said James R. Hart, to the importance of citizen participation was un- guide budget decisions, providing the public with greater op- Fairfax County Planning Commissioner (At-large). paralleled, and her experience in and knowledge of portunity to help shape the budget before County Executive “She did so many things for the envi- county and state affairs was invaluable Anthony H. Griffin presents his proposed budget to the Board ronment.” to many individuals and organizations of Supervisors in February. Residents will still have an oppor- “She leaves Hart recalled Ormsby’s diligence and with whom she worked. She leaves an tunity to provide feedback in March and April to the board at dedication when she came before the an empty empty space in the public realm that will the budget hearings as in previous years. Planning Commission during discus- be all but impossible to fill.” Residents are encouraged to call the budget hot line at 703- sions about changes to zoning regula- space in the One of Ormbsy’s neighbors in Mantua, 324-9400, submit comments online or attend one of the com- tions. Fairfax County Board of Supervisors munity dialogue sessions (registration required online or by “She was one of the few people who public realm Chairman Gerry Connolly (D-At-large), calling 703-324-2391, TTY 711). took the time to read the proposed that will be called Ormsby his “very good friend.” amendments and make constructive “Fairfax County loses the citizen ac- TJ Open House Sept. 27 criticism,” he said. all but tivist extraordinaire,” he said. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Ormsby’s list of community involve- In an interview Wednesday, Connolly (TJHSST), which serves as the Governor’s Regional School ment stretches to the 1970s, when she impossible to said that Ormsby continued to work to for Science and Technology in Northern Virginia, will hold an began as a member of the League of make Fairfax a better community to the Open House on Saturday, Sept. 27, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. to Women voters and eventually rose to fill.” very end. Visiting her on Sunday night provide eighth grade students and their parents with infor- the board of directors and chair of the — Jean Packard at the hospital, Connolly found her go- Women’s Issues and Environment Com- ing through committee files to give to mation about the school and its admissions process for the mittee. She became involved in land- people to follow up. 2009-10 freshman class. Admissions information sessions will use over the years, working with the “We’re all a little less without her and be held at 8:45, 9:45, and 10:45 a.m. TJHSST is located at Fairfax County Citizens Committee on Land Use and all a little bit more as a community because of her,” 6560 Braddock Road in the Alexandria area of Fairfax County. Transportation. In 2006, the Fairfax County Federa- said Connolly. The deadline for submitting applications to Thomas Jefferson tion of Citizens Associations presented Ormsby with Funeral services for Ormsby will be Saturday, Oct. High School for Science and Technology for the 2009-10 fresh- its Citizen of the Year award. 18, at 11 a.m., at Providence Presbyterian Church, man class is Friday, Oct. 24. Applications will be available “I’ve worked for Sally for years in [the Mantua 9019 Little River Turnpike in Fairfax. beginning Monday, Sept. 22. intend to pursue college prepa- ration in the sciences, engineering, or related fields. For more information about the TJHSST admissions pro- cess, visit the admissions web site at www.TJAdmissions.org. Contact the TJHSST admissions office at 703-876-5265. Life for Murder of Burke Man … and provided for his Candidate Mailers Questioned Day laborer helped police family,” Boynton said. “One of the extreme Some residents have recently been questioning some of the solve murder, refused ironies of this case is the mail U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) and U.S. Rep. Jim Moran defendant came to this (D-8) have been distributing on the taxpayers dime.
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