Cloudy, chance of rain High: 75 | Low: 60 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE yourdailyglobe.com Friday, August 30, 2013 75 cents Bessemer school GOT CHOCOLATE? district staff studies emergencies By KATIE PERTTUNEN parents to keep an open dialogue [email protected] with their children, at an age BESSEMER— Gogebic Coun- appropriate level, regarding ty Sheriff’s Department deputy drills and questions they might Brandon Lyons met with Besse- have about school intruders. mer school district staff on “Keeping students safe is a Wednesday to discuss precau- very high priority for all staff in tions for safety. our schools,” Vander Velden In the event of a shooter or an said. intruder in the school, Lyons At Monday’s school board explained what police roles meeting, head teacher Diana would be and what staff roles Hansen said the teachers will be would be in keeping students getting kits for emergency pre- safe. paredness including two-way Principal Dan Vander Velden radios. said the protocol in the event of “The radios are a great tool, an intruder has changed. Police especially when our schools have used to seal the perimeter of the multiple floors,” Vander Velden building, and wait for a SWAT said. team, but current protocol is to With the Sheriff’s Depart- eliminate the threat. ment directly across the street Bessemer schools conduct fire from the high school, Vander drills every month along with Velden said police response to tornado drills, and Vander an incident would be about 30 Velden said it’s important for seconds. EPA ‘tentatively’ approves Bad River treatment plants Pat Krause/Daily Globe THE IRONWOOD Red Devil football team poses with their milk mustaches recently, because the team is participating in the “Rethink Your ODANAH, Wis. — The U.S. hearing, and residents can still Drink” campaign through the National Dairy Council. Players will replace water and sports drinks with chocolate milk after football games this Environmental Protection Agen- submit comments on the project fall. Team members include, first row, Matt Dary, Jon Clemens, Charlie Gotta, Ian Sackett, Ryan Tibaldo and Shawn Pertile; second row, Shane cy held a public hearing on Tues- until Sept. 3. Buckley, Ryan Broemer, Zach Turner, Desmond Sackmann, Nick Merritt, Elliot Gudgeon and Zach Morrison; third row, Dylan Neil, Devon day in relation to permits for Earlier this year, the EPA DeRosso, Jesse Carroll, James Giannunzio, Brett Ossanna, Zachary Combs and Jordan Luoma; fourth row, Jared Sobolewski, Brady Stefonich, three waste water treatment issued a compliance plan, requir- Denver Sharrow, Jacob DiGiorgio, Adam Mackey, Austin Backlund and Dan Freeman; fifth row, coaches Dan Niemi, Pete Auvinen, Phil Watson, plants on the Bad River Reserva- ing the Bad River Band of Lake Ryan Niemi, John Lorenson and Casey Hamen. The Red Devils open their season tonight at Hurley. tion in Ashland and Iron coun- Superior Chippewa Indians to ties. correct Clean Water Act viola- According to an EPA tions. spokesman, the permits have The band is required to Red Devils join National Dairy Council “tentatively” been approved as submitted in April 2013. Approx- imately 13 people attended the EPA — page 5 focus on drinking chocolate milk By CORTNEY OFSTAD “Each year different grants are available chocolate milk, and according to Hampston, US Postal Service warns against email scam [email protected] in different areas and this year we received the campaign has been successful so far. The United States Postal Ser- ment that install a virus on to IRONWOOD — Football players at a grant from the National Dairy Council,” “They really like it,” Hampston said. “I vice released information about a the computer, if opened. Luther L. Wright High School in Ironwood Mary Hampston, school district food service have some asking for more milk. It’s really scam targeting people through Each email instructs the are drinking something different after director, said. “It’s a good connection cool to see.” their email accounts. receiver to click on the link, open games as part of the “Rethink Your Drink” between the kids and the program, because In the future, Hampston would like to see The scam is a fake email the attachment or print the campaign through the National Dairy Coun- milk is so good for them. It’s been proven the program continue with other sports. about a package delivery or cil. that it is a better recovery drink than any- online postal charges. Scam Instead of water, juice or sports bever- thing else.” emails contain a link or attach- ages, players are drinking chocolate milk. After every game, players will be given SCAM — page 5 CHOCOLATE — page 5 HURLEY MARCHING BAND Ontonagon Labor Festival runs through weekend By JAN TUCKER This year’s list of bands [email protected] include Marty’s Goldenaires ONTONAGON — One of the (Bessemer) and the Blue Notes most popular parts of the annual (Ishpeming) drum and bugle Ontonagon Labor Festival run- corps; Ontonagon, Bessemer and ning this weekend is the parade Hurley high school bands, and a on Sunday. clown band from Houghton. Scheduled for 2 p.m., the Prior to the parade, the Ed parade is known for its home- Hansen 5K and 10K races will be made floats and fine musical held. Registration is at the fire- entertainment. hall at 8 a.m. with race set to Band members who travel begin at 10. Contact Kelly throughout the U.P. to other Roehm at the Aspirus Onton- parades have said that only in agon Fitness Center for informa- Ontonagon are the floats so tion or pre-registration. Pre-reg- unique. Floats built by civic, istration will lessen the wait the Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe church and school groups, as well day of the race, Roehm said. THE HURLEY High School marching band, under the direction of Jessika Cane, bottom right, practices at the school Thursday evening. The band as families fill the competition. will play at tonight’s home football game at Veterans Memorial Field against Ironwood and at the Labor Day Festival parade in Ontonagon Sun- Entries are due on Parker day afternoon. Avenue at noon for judging. LABOR — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY HOUSE OF THE WEEK Business . .8 Daily Globe Inc. Thursday Today’s records Vol. 94, Ed. 204 118 E. McLeod Ave. High 82 High 90 (1961) Classifieds . .13-15 Cloudy, chance of rain A mini castle waits new Comics . .12 PO Box 548 —Details, page 2 Low 62 Low 35 (2009) home owner Ironwood, MI 49938 Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation —Home & Garden Obituaries . .6 yourdailyglobe.com High 88 To 7 a.m. page 16 Low 55 Thursday none Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 Sports . .9-11 WEWEPre-1964 Silver AREARE Coins Paying 17.00 BUYING!!BUYING!! x Face Value! • Pre-1936 Silver Dollars Paying GOLDGOLD $20.00 and up! • All other-- collectible SILVERSILVER coins, paper money, tokens, && medals, MORE MOREstamps, militaria. Spot Aug. 29, 2013 • Gold - $1412.50 - Silver $24.20 • 10K Gold pay $13.20 per gram • 14K Gold pay $18.50 per gram • Dental Gold pay $19.00 per gram • 18K Gold pay $23.80 per gram Any Sterling Silver - $15.75 per ounce Pre-1967 Canada Silver Coins Paying 11.50 x Face Value! 1965-1970 Kennedy Half Dollars Paying 5.75 x Face Value! Mon.-Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. 9:30-4:30pm, Sat. 10-3pm (call first) 906-663-4030 (Subject to Market Fluctuation) U.P.U.P. COINCOIN && CARDCARD • 1002 East Lead St. (in the Evergreen Plaza), Bessemer, Michigan • • 2 l FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013 NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD US making case for TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY action against Syria Scat'd T-storms Mostly Sunny Few Showers Partly Cloudy Sunny WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres- “tough response” to the use of tion of anonymity because they 75º 60º 81º 64º 71º 53º 63º 49º 69º 57º ident Barack Obama faced deep chemical weapons, he would were not authorized to discuss Winds: Light winds Winds: 5 mph SW Winds: 5-10 mph SW Winds: 5-10 mph W Winds: 5 mph SW resistance Thursday to plans for respect the will of the House of the intelligence publicly. a possible military strike against Commons. Despite shortcomings in the OUTLOOK Syria, with U.S. lawmakers France, though, announced intelligence, the White House Ontonagon demanding more proof that that its armed forces “have been signaled urgency in acting, with 73/61 Today we will see mostly cloudy skies with a Bashar Assad’s government per- put in position to respond” if Earnest, the White House 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms, high temperature of 75º, humidity of 73%. petrated a deadly chemical President Francois Hollande spokesman saying the president Bergland weapons attack and Britain’s commits forces to intervention believes there is a “compressed 76/60 Light winds. The record high temperature for today is 90º set in 1908. Parliament rejecting military against Syria. Hollande does not time frame” for responding. Wakefield Ironwood 45 action in a stunning late night need French parliamentary “It is important for the Assad Saxon 76/59 75/60 SUN AND MOON vote. Even so, the U.S. could approval to launch military regime and other totalitarian 75/61 Marenisco launch action within days. action that lasts less than four dictators around the world to Bessemer 77/59 Unless British Prime Minis- months. understand that the internation- Hurley 75/59 2 Watersmeet Upson ter David Cameron defies Par- Obama discussed the situa- al community will not tolerate 76/60 75/60 77/59 Sunrise . .6:19 a.m.
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