University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-10-1956 Sandspur, Vol. 61 No. 25, May 10, 1956 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 61 No. 25, May 10, 1956" (1956). The Rollins Sandspur. 1023. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1023 TheJRollins Sandspur Volume 61 Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, May 10, 1956 No. 25 Banks And Mulson Seniors Will Depart Gaily Win Fellowships In Social Whirl At Rollins To State Colleges By Jim Locke honored at the President's re­ Franklyn Banks, senior sociology Wh^t is most pleasant about ception to be held fittingly enough, major, and Joe Mulson, senior leaving college, other than the at President McKean's home. physics major, have been awarded fact that you will soon be able On Friday, June 1, a meirtber of graduate assistantships to Ohio to save money (unemployment seniors will see a Florida sunrise State. University and Penn State. for the first time when they jour­ benefits) is the fact that every­ ney over to the' "Family Tree" on Banks, a member of the Phi one wishes to honor the seniors. Lake Virginia for a 6:30 a.m. Society, Key Society and Pi Gam­ Tonight the Rollins Alumni As­ breakfast. Then, that same morn­ ma Mu, national honorary society, sociation commences with the pre- ing at 10 o'clock, the four years turned down three other fellow­ commencement festivities by giv­ of occasional intensive study will ships offered to accept the Ohio ing a dinner for the seniors at the be culminated when the seniors State grant. The offers from In­ University Club in Winter Park. don their caps and gowns for the diana, Kent State College, and This first flurry of the senior last time and file past President Tulane totalled about $4,500. He social whirl will subside until the McKean, who, it is hoped, will afternoon of May 19 when the present sheepskins to cover intel­ Senior academic work will things by paying tribute to them­ lectual nakedness. terminate at the end of classes selves with a bit of innocent revel­ Saturday, May 26, it was voted ing. The soon-to-be graduates will by the faculty Monday. All then have a week to ready them­ Frank Banks has come to the Physics lab to congratulate Joe Mulson. selves for the Student Council Both have won large graduate fellowship grants. classwork for underclassmen Botany Institute will end at 1 p.m. Thursday, All College Dance in honor of the May 31. The faculty also ap­ seniors on the 26th. proved a freshman skip day On the following day (Sunday, Invites Vestal Tenure Suggestion Sent Friday, May 18. It was the first May 27) the seniors, or at least time that this day had been a representative group, will attend approved by the faculty. the Baccalaureate Service with To Meeting To Trustees On Tuesday guest minister' J. Wayne Drosh Dr. Paul Vestal, Professor of will receive out of state tuition from Mirror Lake Christian Church Biology at Rollins College, is one A proposal designed to bring crease the effectiveness of the plus $1300 from Ohio State. of St. Petersburg delivering the of 50 of the nation's leading faculty and student opinion to­ Student Council. sermon. botanists invited to attend the Frank graduated from Winter gether on faculty tenure was made Monday will be the senior day Summer Institute for teachers , of by Press Hull, President of the Park high school validictorian of Botany in small colleges at Cornell his class in 1952. of rest and if all goes according Student Council, at the May 3rd to plan the seniors will follow University, July 2 to August 11. joint meeting of the Student- Two Rollins Profs The Maitland senior, who at­ Monday with Tuesday and the FacultyTrusteee Committee. At the tended American University on Annual Faculty-Senior Show at request, of President McKean, the Washington Semester plan last 7:30 p.m. in the Annie Russell Press Hull and Corky Borders Win Fellowship year, will be an assistant teacher Theatre. This Faculty-Senior show prepared the following proposal: of sociology at Ohio State while gives* the seniors the opportunity "... The committee shall act in Awards For Work he works for his Ph.D. degree. to produce a skit parodying the an advisory capacity only to the After receiving the degree, he faculty and the faculty contrive President of the College represent­ Mr. Robert Greenfield and Mr. plans to become a college pro­ to match the matchless wit of ing student opinion concerning Ross Rosazza, Rollins professors, fessor. reappointment and tenure of facul­ have been granted $300 each by Mulson, who has served as a the Southern Fellowship Fund to The" Sandspur erroneously re­ ty members . The student com­ physics laboratory assistant for ported last week that Harlan mittee will present their findings enable them to do summer re­ two years, will also be an assistant search. Cleveland, who will deliver the in writing to the president. It teacher at Penn State. He will re­ commencement address June 1, shall be jhe duty of this committee Mr. Greenfield, professor of ceive $1400 from Penn State in was publisher of The Republic to explore every possible factor of social psychology and anthropolo­ addition to^his out of state tuition. magazine. Cleveland is publish­ student opinion in arriving at their gy, announced that he plans to er of The Reporter. findings." The proposal was pre­ contiue a project of study which He plans to work first on his Masters Degree, and hopes to re­ The Sandspur offers its sented for approval at the weekly he started last year. Mr. Green­ apology to Cleveland and its field will conduct a social psycho­ ceive a research assistantship to meeting of the Trustees on Tues­ finish work on his Ph.D.. readers for this error. day. logical attitude study. This work President Hull stated that stud­ will be done at the Ohio State Joe is a member of the Key the seniors with a skit of their ents interested in Fiesta Scholar­ University Summer School and Society at Rollins. An army vet­ will help Mr. Greenfield to com­ own creation satirizing the de­ ships should write an application eran, he lives with his wife in plete work leading to his Ph. D. Casselberry. He plans to either parting scholars. to Miss Lyle. Scholarships will DR. PAUL VESTAL degree. teach or go into industry, after Wednesday at 10:30 will be a The institution is sponsored by be awarded after the Student finishing school. Council Scholarship Committee Before doing gradute work at dry run of the Diploma Ceremony the Botanical Society of America meets with Miss Lyle. the University of Ohio, Mr. Green­ in the Chapel and then the next and financed by the National Sci­ day (May 31) the parents of the At the May 7th meeting, Con­ field attended Bates College, Lew- Reprints of photographs appear­ ence Foundation at Cornell Uni­ graduating seniors will be honored rad Bollinger, freshman class iston, Maine, and Kent State Uni­ ing in the Sandspur are available versity. Purposes of the sessions at a luncheon in the Morse Gal­ president, announced that the of­ versity, Kent Ohio. are the presentation of advances in from the Rollins Photographic lery of Art. That evening both ficial freshman class Skip Day will Mr. Greenfield has recently subject • matter and methods in Department whose officers are in graduates, their immediate fami­ be held all day May 18. spent two years supervising a re­ specialized fields of Botany; the search team which studied intel­ the Student Center basement. lies and the faculty will all «be free discussion of subject matter President Hull announced that a ligence procedures for the Strate­ by persons of common interests; vote will be taken at the Monday, gic Air Command. This confiden­ and the encouragement of and ad­ May 14th meeting concerning the tial work was designed to improve vice on the initiation of modest pumping or a sand beach at the personnel procedures at all SAC personal research programs. lakefront. The proposed beach, installations. Vestal, who joined the Rollins costing $2. per foot, is planned to faculty in 1942, became a full pro­ extend 50 yards from the main Mr. Rosazza, professor of voice fessor in 1949. He received his dock toward the diving tower. and repertoire, will do summer research on vocal technique. He bachelor of arts degree from In order to prepare the lake Colorado College, and his masters for the girl's swimming "races on plans to study at Southwestern College, Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. and doctors degree from Harvard Sunday, the council has asked all University. He is Director of the groups to meet at the lakefront Rosazza has taught at Rollins for 6 years. Thomas R. Baker Museum of on Wednesday and Thursday at Natural Science, and the Beal- 3:30 to help the swimming in­ Mr. Rosazza studied at the Westminister Choir College, Maltbie Shell Museum here at Rol­ structor, Fleet Peeples, pull eel lins. grass. Princeton, New Jersey. He has a The application of George Kosty B.A. degree. Mr. Rosazza was a for Student Comptroller was un­ Fulbright scholar at the Conserva- animously approved by the coun­ t o r y American, Fontainbleau, WAC Officers cil.
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