City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Ash, Autumn Fraxinus americana ‘Junginger’ 45 40 Beautiful fall colors Purple Ash, Flowering Fraxinus ornus 30 25 Summer flowering Ash, Globe-Headed Fraxinus excelsior 'Globosum' 20 15 Rounded, dense European Relatively horizontal branch Ash, Golden Desert Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aureafolia’ 20 18 structure, good fall color Fraxinus Ash, Green ‘Marshall’ 50 40 Tough and adaptable tree pennsylvanica Ash, Oregon Fraxinus latifolia 50 30 Native Fraxinus Dark glossy leaves, choose Ash, Patmore ‘Patmore’ 45 35 pennsylvanica male selection, very hardy Ash, Raywood Fraxinus oxycarpa ‘Raywood’ 45 30 Fast growing Fraxinus Symmetrical, apparently Ash, Summit ‘Summit’ 45 25 pennsylvanica seedless Very good selection, glossy Fraxinus Ash, Urbanite ‘Urbanite’ 50 40 leaves, tolerant of city pennsylvanica conditions Page 1 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Resistant to heat, ‘Autumn Ash, White Fraxinus americana 40 25 transplants easily, compact Applause’ shape Beech, European Fagus sylvatica 50 40 Oval, dense, upright Beech, Rivers Purple leaves that fade to Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ 50 40 Purple green, good canopy tree Difficult to establish, slow Beech, Tricolor Fagus sylvatica ‘Roseomarginata’ 30 20 growing, good canopy tree Can be difficult to transplant as Ball and Burlap, droopy Black gum/ Black Nyssa sylvatica 35 20 branches when young, Tupelo adaptable to urban conditions Rhamnus Native, shade tolerant, Cascara 25 28 purshiana attracts wildlife Cherry Prunus x yedoensis ‘Akebono’ 25 25 Red foliage, pink flower Cherry, Canada Prunus virginiana ‘Canada Red’ 25 20 Pink flower Red Cherry, Columnar Pink flower, good fall color, Prunus sargentii ‘Columnaris’ 35 15 Sargent narrow, upright Page 2 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Upright growth habit, Cherry, Kwanzan Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ 30 20 showiest flower Columnar, good for tight spaces, made famous by Cherry, Yoshino Prunus x yedoensis ‘Yoshino’ 30 30 Tidal Basin in Washington D.C. Coffeetree, Gymnocladus Irregular branching habit, 50 35 Kentucky dioicus better for open areas Crabapple, Malus sp. ‘Centzam’ 20 15 Red flowers, upright growth Flowering Crabapple, Malus sp. ‘Prairifire’ 20 20 Very pink flowers, red fruit Prairifire Adapts to urban conditions, Crabapple, Red Malus sp. ‘Red Barron’ 18 8 narrow form, one of the best Barron crabs Low branching, the Kousa hybrid selections are the Dogwood, Kousa Cornus kousa Many cultivars 20 20 best choices, Chinese, Constellation, Aurora, and Stellar Pink. Page 3 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Tolerant of DED and Elm, Homestead Ulmus ‘Homestead’ 55 35 Phloem Necrosis, good canopy tree, fast growing Tolerant of DED and Elm, Lacebark or Ulmus parvifolia 40 40 Phloem Necrosis, good Chinese canopy tree Round, good shade tree, Ginkgo, Saratoga Ginkgo biloba ‘Saratoga’ 30 30 gold leaves drop all at once Deep roots seldom causes sidewalk damage, difficult to Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 45 35 transplant in Fall, a tough tree tolerant of urban abuse Small tree with 1 ½ “ thorns, Crataegus Hawthorn, Black 20 15 showy flowers, shade douglasii tolerant Hawthorn, Crimson Crateagus Red flowers with white ‘Crimson Cloud’ 25 18 Could laevigata centers Irregular vase shape, good Hawthorn, Lavalle Crataegus x lavellei 28 20 foliage Hawthorn, Crataegus 25 20 Orange fruit Washington phaenopyrum Page 4 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Gleditsia Tolerant of Pod gall midge, Honeylocust ‘Shademaster’ 45 35 triacanthos irregular vase shape Honeylocust, Gleditsia Tolerant of Pod gall midge, ‘Skycole’ 45 35 Skycole triacanthos well behaved form Honeylocust, Gleditsia Tolerant of Pod gall midge, ‘Sunburst’ 40 35 Sunburst triacanthos yellow foliage Slow to establish after Hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana 40 25 transplanting, good in urban American settings Hophornbeam, Round shape, belongs to Ostrya chisosensis 40 25 European birch family Hornbeam, Carpinus Difficult to transplant, 25 20 American caroliniana outstanding fall color Columnar when young, but broadens to oval shape, few Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ 35 25 pest or disease problems, European eriophyid mites can cause severe yellowing Page 5 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Heart shaped leaf, Cercidiphyllum susceptible to drought Katsura Tree 40 40 japonicum induced leaf drop in mid to late summer All Japanese Lilac are Lilac, Japanese Syringa reticulata 20 15 susceptible to bacterial Tree blight Large leaves compared to Tilia Americana x Linden, American ‘Redmond’ 35 25 ‘Greenspire’, grows rapidly euchlora when young Linden, Glenleven Tilia x flavescens ‘Glenleven’ 50 30 Pyramidal form Does very well in street Linden, Greenspire Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’ 40 30 situations, can sun scald Narrow, tight symmetrical Linden, Little leaf Tilia cordata ‘Chancole’ 35 20 tree Beautiful tree, gray Linden, Sterling Tilia tomentosa ‘Sterling’ 45 35 undersides to leaves, vigorous growing Often multi-stemmed, large Magnolia, Kobus Magnolia kobus 40 30 white flowers Page 6 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Green foliage, turning Maple, Amur Acer ginnala ‘Amur’ 20 20 yellow Maple, Autumn Good, long lasting orange Acer x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ 50 40 Blaze to red fall color Good columnar tree, sturdy Maple, Bowhall Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’ 40 15 and narrow, smaller than Red ‘Armstrong’ Maple, Cleveland Good for city use, compact Acer platanoides ‘Cleveland’ 40 30 Norway and upright Maple, Columnar Unsightly when young, but Acer platanoides ‘Columnar’ 35 15 Norway relatively narrow Maple, Crimson Purple leaves, good looking Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ 40 35 King Norway but susceptible to sun scald Compact and heavily Maple, Crimson branched, great tree, most Acer platanoides ‘Crimson Sentry’ 25 15 Sentry Norway resistant to trunk scald of Norways Very good upright branched Maple, Emerald Acer platanoides ‘Emerald Queen’ 50 40 selection, oval, good Queen Norway tolerance Page 7 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Great fall color, but variable Maple, Flame Amur Acer ginnala ‘Flame’ 20 20 growth habit and lots of seeds, very hardy The original lollipop tree, best in very formal Maple, Globe Acer platanoides ‘Globe’ 15 18 situations, dense and Norway compact, can block vision if branched too low Low maintenance tough Maple, Hedge Acer campestre ‘Hedge’ 30 30 tree, long lived, med-slow growing Upright, oval, uniform Maple, Norwegian Acer truncatum x A. ‘Keithsform’ 35 25 canopy and branch Sunset Norway platanoides structure Round, last to color in fall, Maple, October Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’ 40 35 less cold hardy, good fall Glory Red color Maple, Pacific Acer truncatum A. Outstanding color, ‘Pacific Sunset’ 30 25 Sunset platanoides spreading form Exfoliating bark, attractive Maple, Paperbark Acer griseum ‘Paperbark’ 25 20 leaves in summer and fall Page 8 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Good upright selection, nice Maple, Parkway Acer platanoides ‘Columnarbroad’ 40 25 branching, good for wide streets Maple, Queen Acer campestre ‘Evelyn’ 35 30 Upright and vigorous Elizabeth Maple, Red Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’ 45 15 Very narrow, fast growing Brilliant red color, upright, Maple, Redpointe Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr.’ 45 30 broadly pyramidal form One of the best, usually Maple, Red Sunset Acer rubrum ‘Franksred’ 45 35 over planted, fast growing Maple, Rocky Mt. Acer Slow growing, intense fall ‘Schmidt’ 25 15 Glow grandidentatum color Maple, Scanlon Upright, narrow, red/orange Acer rubrum ‘Scanlon’ 40 15 Red fall color Maple, Schwedler Round, dense, yellow Acer platanoides ‘Schwedlerii’ 50 45 Norway foliage in the fall Glossy dark green leaves, Maple, Sugar Acer saccharum ‘Legacy’ 50 35 excellent cultivar Page 9 of 14 June 2013 City of Sandy Street Tree List Planting Strip Height Width Width Common Name Scientific Name Cultivar Comments (feet) (feet) 3’-4’ 4’-6‘ 6’+ Maple, Superform Well behaved growth, Acer platanoides ‘Superform’ 42 40 Norway symmetrical and uniform Small stature, good for Maple, Trident Acer buergeranum ‘Trident’ 20 20 confined sites, lovely fall color Broad and rounded large Oak, English Quercus robur 50 40 sturdy tree Quercus One of the most beautiful Oak, Bur 55 45 macrocarpa oaks, good canopy tree Upright oval with extremely Oak, Forest Green Quercus frainetto ‘Schmidt’ 50 30 glossy foliage, good canopy Hungarian tree Needs space due to limb drooping, good for parks or
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