PAQS FOURTEEN iianrlifHtfr lEufttutg Hpiralb SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1962 SUiodtimhile Here Tomorrow f^m 2 to 7 P. M, Give! tlng life back into these aging Special Services benes, jl Avenurc Daily Net Press Run About Town . Hospital visitation is something ---------Y ek tha .Week S o M g - - Heard Along Main Street we can*t • pass up,- Mr. --Editor; - At Zion Ghurcli Fbrediet o( if. 8. WcMtber Baread _tJ» Atf»lU*ry Mora , than' .100. friends stoppedJn May to, 1952 . i t ownwmteTff I t 1 to wish me Well. You never appre­ day night »t 7 o'clock. And on Some of MancheMePi Side Streets, Too ciate friendship as much as you Various empha.scs will be com­ 10,513 • /M ostly cloudy, cool, tioeeslenal do when those, friends-.inks ..time bined with the services tomorrow Tiboorerg tonight n ii.i .TtMfldsy. Th« next meeting of ist. Biridg- from their own occupations and at Zion Lutheran Church. fo l­ Member of the Andit 17 ■ ^ Ml'- at'a Mother*'Circle wlil be held ^ . Cat Came to Breakfast -‘.next year will be a bigger man, Mlnlmmq tonight 48. leisures to esse the loneliness of lowing the traditional emphaids of home comfort Bnreaa of ClrenlaHons at th* homa of. Mr*. Anthpny c its , like children, often take physjcally^ than the average U. S. a hospitellsed or bed-ridden eom- singing -to the Lord, a special se­ Manchester— -A City of Village Charm A0»to. dT Spruu atreet, Monday a notion of frequently vlaiUng cltlSen. panion. The Variety Shop In the lection of l^ymns with some re­ avenihg at 8 n'clhck. neighbors' house*. Thl* particular ! W* make tIjU prediction on the lobby nearly brought suit against marks will fit into the service. .•«*_ _• • . tabby of-which we ar*-writing is baals of a report which has been MOfiriARTY Bros .me-for-trying-to run a eoneewtmt V MMher'a Day iwn W VOL. LXXI, m 190 - .tcaawtfied AdrettMiif on Pago lYl ■ M ANGHESTER;7C,0NN.; MONDA Yv M A Y 12, 1952 < FOURT^ENl*AGB8r- PRICE PFVB CBSNT9 ' llHhli Ehglemah. ■ doHSiffliUiiOhOT ^ i C y bHgHf. m e s 'r o Hd-e^-W 7 * 3 1 5 CENTER ST of education for the Blnte of Con­ of my own on the third floor. and so will Armed Forces Day ob­ hood of a car at eVery opportunity, j week* now and which we recently Th^ks, one and all. servance, May n -l7 . A general mktm necticut, wHl apeak on. "EJducatlon trie* t(f play with the tvlndahleld came across while looking for a TEL 5135 Today" at the meeting of Ihe Kl- whin it I* raining, jump* from pair of sneak*. titlin g back to you. G. E., the prayer will include those in au­ battery was pe-c barged, all thority, in the service, welfare of - .«aiUa. cluh..Moaday...nQ<>aALlSU.lA .himto,tn.Jteli..a(..itL,lr.W...»A™«!l?^V....,,„,IJmjcwoxW at th* Country Club. Alvan Yule* a squirrel. She can also do a dls- licity. release— was sent to u* by ■*tfne«kr rewaveii' fr«m "n ir jaiBia' ■wlY’etTOtry'ifflrtirrwarRt:----------- fresh oil inserted, *nd the radla- C0AI.-C0Kr v.aMuced. the .apoakerv-aod the at:, appearing ACL,.Jn..»fl.,Jlm.e. ,«t-fll),^P*n^a;.Today,..on*..of.,those. lM.tle .-..A .fPficlai. .y?ffp.r.r„iia!,uiic,aj, Esrloii! ' • s-sa-is'tW'W-a**.*" tendance prlee will be furnished and, though yotmg, sleep* hour* pocket-slsed .national msgaslne* Ihr Tlii'sired‘orti;’XJMdSt^Bmay W will be transmitted ftom Zion’s Barney Wi^hman. on end. ' _^ttiat^; ' pre-digests .the news for Its report for duty, (gft-rrrrrr) tower in the’ evening, and the post- The other day *he made her readers whose mental teeth, the wouldn’t, you say?. Let's see you Easter setting n-ill be retained Polish National Alliance Group morning call on her next door magasine’a editors apparently be­ .figure out a head for that one. for the last time, No. 198*' meet* tonight at 7 neighbors, two business women, lieve, , are not sharp or strong Hal Turktngton - A cordial invitation, ia extended o’clock at 77 North street. All and a* usual stationed herself near enough to digest the fact* for P. S. I made Silre of getting my to all, especially such' as have ho nieinlwr* are uged to attend^^____ the refrigerator. After she was own admittance in the hospital BRAY'S tbemselves. In .anUclpatlon of. an' church hpm_e, . i: 'A-'.-.- ------- - -TSOSa^SMXI fed she made a duick getavvay and Issue, carrying, gn Article .on the notes, but -how did 1 ever rate ad- T h e Holy Ghost Mother* Circte Wasn't mls*ed imttl tt was time for cdhdillon on the health of the 10 tfltWnaT space In bbth‘”About Town FOk fiNisT C A K IN has Elected the, following officer* her hostesses to leave for the day’s leading Presidential candidates. New* and Local Sports Chatter? for th* coming year: Leader. Mr*. work. • , Of course, since the thing was W. J. Klnlry; co-leader. Mr*. T. G. A search of the house from Cel­ Sent us early in April, it ^Is tin- Ansnr'rs to ‘Progressive' POODLECUT! ■ Btilltvan;■ ■ secretayy,' Mr*. Gordon lar <o attic and mueh calling failed -We don’t know exoctly what -It . i to locate the cal. Neither, of the de'rslandably bu r o f dale. "Presi-; Todd; treasurer. Mr*, frank Reil- jl*b!LK*rry K jrruman, who has was. Maybe It was because he ly; repreaenTativea. Mr*. StsHley -women ixmld -recall'Jelttng-h*i^ g«v signed-hls-ietter "Progressive,’’ Or POODLE CUT! outdoors, and the folk* at her. since withdrawn from the race 1 - Bteiner. Mr*. W. J. Klnlry; Way* unequlvocahl.v, 1* listed as is Il­ maybe last week’s contrtbutAr to 1 pelrmanent home knew nothing of this column just has "maU’' ap- Rc^ulariy $1.50 AT McCarthy Hits ^ - -- — -----...... .....■ ■ —-—-- and Means committee, Mr*. Pat- linois Governor Adlal Stevenson, ^fPAHh ttek Peak, Mr*. Elwtn f>. ■ Me* her whereabouts, .Tbars was noth­ peal. Whatever The case, Vuir ing to do but leave matter* a* they who has' withdraw-n almost lin- . lOWESr COST Adaina, Mr*. A. V. Oiacomlni; pub­ equivocably also. Another man "Progreaslve’v letter of lajit week SPECIAL licity, Mr*. McAdams: contact were. brought two responses, both tak­ However,^ one of- the women who probably doe*n.'t belong on chairman. Mr*. P- J.' Smith; his­ ing Tssue -with the views it - ex-- If fhtr* (i itill IK« In A d v o c a te s thought about it so often during the list out of deference to his pressed. Hearings on ^^ster J torian, Mr*. James McVeigh; li­ own wishes is General Douglas your eld wotch, our brarian, Mr*. Leonard Delaney. the forenoon that she determined We’re .printing the letters, but $1.00 to rhake a trip from Hartford and MacArthur.- On the other hand, •xporl rtpoir Mry-. we feel we should remind our loyal with the purchase of any ICO cerT mokt it run Use of T -H back at noon by bus to see if she one Candidate not listed, who reader* thst the survey ns* been home permanent refill. Epworih ■Cthcl* member* win should be, Is Averell Harrlmsn, like ntw ego'in. foe* IVoohinffirtn Mnv ‘12__ f/Pl»ever since. The IVlsconsin'SenatoiL meet Monday night at 8 o'clock could find the Imprisoned cat. She completed and-thst the telephone tery ’ guQronftrtrf 45 a.-!tlingt0n. 5ia> introduced s resolution asklngl searched again through the cellar America’s iinofflclal ambassador company, has; already started Limited Time Only. — Pulilic hearings on a move Semfl, Korea, Mav. -< /P )L . ashington.-May 1 2 ^ ^ ) at the home <jf Mrs. Oarl Johnson, at large and official Director of poirH. Speedy •erv* for an Investigation of Benton. 12 Waahingtonr May .12—<rf’) and two floors without result. .equipment changes for th^ new tee. Iring in year aimed at Un.seatipjr Sen.. Mc­ 89 Spruce street. Mrs. Raymond As a last resort she went up to Mutual Security. He became a Pledges Fair Probe — Brig. Gen. Frapci.s T. Dofld ~ fe “ - Knowland (U. Calif.) ^—John W, Davis argued to Woodbridge will he co-hostess toll-free, higher-rate service to Oiling watch todoy* Carthy (R., Wis.) opened to­ Gillette ssld the subcommittee said tonight Communist proposed that ship- the attic and took a gobd look candidate late in April when he Hartford. In fact, the whole sys­ JAMES' the Supreme Court today that around, and found the rat fas.t. was practically assured New York MRS. JOHN K. CISCON day. Chairman Gillette (D., has approached its task without prisoners of war .who held moots (jf jet planes t.> Ameri- •The'Ever Ready Circle nf King's tem is expected to be in opefation 148 Main 8 t —Tel. 2-S701 any prejudice and' he promised I*re«ident Truman's fkilurft;to asleep on cushions of a couch ham­ state’s 90-odd , convention votes, in the latter part iff next year. in.) of the Senate Elections ‘ ^ can Allies bo limited to 10 Daughters will meet Tuesday eve­ mock where she had evidently Aik About Our liborol "fair consideration'.’ for .both Mc- him ho.stajre on Koje island use the Taft-Hartley law in but it was top late for People To­ While we - have confidence In ML»* Theresa Mary Kiirys. t Goad* of Coventry and Miss Helen Blt’ocom m iltee .said at the ou t- carthy and Benton.
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