I REVI ED MI TES CPS F.No. 4-2/2013-NF M GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & CO OPERATION CROPS DIVISION (NFSM-CELL) Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 19.02.2015 Subject:- Revis d minutes of the meeting to reView the strategies for control of karnal bunt disease in wheat held at Bhopal on 28.01.2015 under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner- reg. *-A-k**** In supersession of this ministry's letter of ev n no. dated 11.02.2015, the undersigned is directed to enclose herewith the revised minutes of the meeting to review the strategies for control of karnal bunt disease in wheat held at Bhopal on 28.01.2015 under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner. Encl: a/a Distribution: A. State 1. Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal 2. Principal Secretary (Agriculture)/Commissioner of Agriculture, Govt. of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Sachivalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 3. Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Govt. of UP, Krishi Bhawan, Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, Lucknow. B. University/ ICAR 4. Vice Chancellor, Agriculture University, Kota, Borkhera Baran Road, Post Box Number 20, Kota- 324001, Rajastha. 5. Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Adharatal, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482004. 6. Vice Chancellor, Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Opp. Mela Ground, Race Course Road, Gwalior-474002 . 7. Director, Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (IIWBR), (DWR), Kamal. 8. Director, IARI Regional Research Station, Karnal Copy also to: 1. Dire tor (Agriculture) Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. 2. Director, Directorate of Pulses Development, Bhopal. 3. PP to Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR, - Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. 4. PS to Joint Secretary (Crops), Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Sub.: Iinutes of Meeting held at Bhopal on 28.1.2015 to Review the Strategie.. for cuntrol of Kamal Bunt di easc. **** o rcvi \\ the strategies for control of Karnal Bunt diseas~, a meeting oj three ~tates lZ. Madh~a Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh an Rajasthan, repres nting irectorsl D s and other st31 c holders was organized at Bhopal on 28 111 Janu3ry, 2015 under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India. Review Meeting was hosted by Government of Madhya Pradesh and 'oordinated by Directorate of Pulses Development, Bhopal. List of participants is enclosed at nnexul-e-i. The Meeting started with the welcome address of Shri Mohan La!. Director Agricultmc. Department of armer elfare and Agriculture Development. Or. M.S.Saharan, Principal Scicilti. t, IIW&BR, Karnal gave a brief presentation on Status of Kamal Bunt Disease in India. Brief proceeding of the meeting al-e as under: • In his opening remarks, Agriculture Commissioner, Govt. of India highlighted the economic importance of KarnalBunt disease in view of the Export issues. • He opined that in view of the zero tolerance and quarantine issues, it is necessary to create awareness about this disease amongst the growers and extension workers. • Il wa . impressed that seed is one of the important source of spreading this disease; hence the seed crops need to be specially taken care of. The Seed Celtification agencies should be sounded on this count. A clear differentiation between Karnal Bunt and Loose Smut should be known to stakeholders through a massive training programme involving universities, IIWBR Kamal, ZRS, Pawarkheda and Regional Wheat Research Station (IARI), Jndore. • The avoLlrable temperature for spread of Kamal Bunt is IS-22°C with >80% relative humidity and the physiological stage of the crop being boot stage.The Tilfeliaindicasp. which is prevalent in Jndja is a monocyclic disease, therefore, a proper crop rotation involving legumes and with 3-5 years strategy. Control measures for Karnal Bunt (a) Growing durum wheat (Resistant to Kamal Bunt) for 2-3 years. (b) Popularization of Kamal unt resistant wheat varieties: WPZ: PBW 502 and POW 2331 PDW 291/ PDW 314 (Durum) NHZ: HPW 251, HS 490, HS 507 CZ: GW 366, HD 2864, MP 3336 and Hl 8498(Durum) (c) Avoid irrigation at heading stage of wheat (d) In Kamal Bunt prone areas spraying of fungicide Propiconazole/Tebuconazole 25 EC @ 0.1 % at heading stage. If rains occur in February, 2nd spray be given at an interva'i 5 of15 days after 1 ! spray. (e) To contain soil borne inoculants LIse Methyl Bromide fumigation and Trichoderma, GIiocladium, Pseudomonas (antagon istic m iero-organ isms). • I he gl i ·ultun.: Co nmis 'iOlll'l und'rlint.:d the imporulI1ce o!' L 1l1C-\ isc strategy to conlain disease. polic_' of minimum seed movement frol11 onc place to other and L1'C or prop 1'1) ·tl;;r·'il.ed Iwashed combine harvester to vanish teliosporcs. • Tile Director Pesenrch 'Icrvi 'es. P VSKVV. (,walior highlighted henefits 01' soil solarization/summer deep ploughing. • The In-charge. Zonal Research Station, Pawarkheda desired the State Govt. cooperation in collection of sample of wheat for KamaJBunt. He viewed that the PB W :143 & WI 1­ 542 varieties brought from Punjab were sown in Hoshangabad and the infested sample \'v'3S recorded from these field. • Dr. S dana, Consultant (NFSM) underlined the need for soil test based I and also t~lci!ity of water testing in the S.T.L. • [t is ob rved that the years 20 J 1-12 to 2013-14 has been the years with favourable weather conditions for Karnal Bunt in the state of MP. • The irector in charge, Directorate of Pulses Development advised the state to in orporate cropping system based demonstration in the command areas of the state Ihich is prone to Kamal bunt. The districts like Hoshangabad, Harda, Narsinghpur, Vidisha Bhopal, Indore and Sagar should be focused districts in the Annual Plan of NF lIState plan with mandatory soil test based recommendation of fertilizer/[NM. • T.he Deputy Director Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. requested the IlWBR Kamal for organi illg awareness training for the field functionaries to propcrly understand the symptoms of the disease, difference between Kamal Bunt & Loose Smut & appropriate control measure etc. • The Agriculture Commissioncr in his concluding remark advised the Government of M.P. .P. & Rajasthan to develop detailed Zone-wise strategy for Kamal Bunt prone areas and directed the llWBR, Kamal to take large samples from across the state in consultation with the IAR! Regional Research Station wheat, Indore; SA Us, K YKs and SDA. • n existing crop scenario, the state Govt. of U.P. & M.P. informed the house on good crop stand and better prospects of current Rabi harvest. • The meeting was folJowed by the field visit on way to Bhopal-Indore. A farmers' meeting & field visit was organized in village Amiya Jagir, Block Sonkach, District was. The progressive horticulture farmer Shri.Narayan Singh Sendha took the Team to his field of vegetable crops (like tomato brinjal, chilli), fruits (like guava) and Cereals (Wheat) and pulses (Gram). The farmer is using the latest techniques of moisture conservation like mulching and tilling machinery with micro irrigation system and fertigation in place.Thc area comes under Horticulture Corridor. The visit was accompanied by the Directorate of Pulses Development, Bhopal. Deputy Director Agriculture, Project Director-ATMA and their staff in Dewas organized the visit. **** -2­ AonexUl' ­ ist of participant' Government of India 1. Dr. J. S. Sandhu, Agriculture Commissioner, Government of India, Mini try of Agriculture (DA) ew Delhi. 2. Dr.A.K.Tiwari, irector (lie), Directorate of Pulses Development, Government of India, Ministry f Agriculture (DAC), Bhopal. 3. Dr. U.S. (dana, National Consultant (NFSM), Goverllment of India, Ministry of Agriculture (DAC), New Delhi. 4. Dr. A. L. Waghmarc, STA, Directorate of Pulses Development, Government of India, Mini try of Agricullure (DAC), Bhopal. ICAR 1. Dr. M.S. Saharan, Principal Scientist, DWR, Kamal. tates Department of Agriculture 1. Shri Mohan Lal, Director (Agriculture), Department of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development, Bhopal. 2. ShriG.M. Tripathi, Deputy Director Agriculture (Plant Protection), Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad (UP). 3. Shri M.R.Jatav, Additional Director Agriculture, Department of Fanners Welfare and Agricult1lre Development, Bhopal. 4. Shri. S.M.Balpande, Joint Director Agriculture, Department of Farmers Welfare and Agricult re Development, Bhopal. 5. Shri. A.K.Rastogi, Joint Director Agriculture, Department of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development, Bhopal. 6. Shri. G.S.Chouhan, Deputy irector Agriculture, Department of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development, Bhopal. 7. Shri. B.L.Tyagi, Assistant Director Agriculture, Department of Fanners Welfare and Agriculture Development, Bhopal. State Agricultural University 1. Dr. H.S.Yadava, Director Research Services, RajmataYijayaRaje Scindia KrishiVishwaYidhyalaya (RVSKYY), Gwalior, M.P. 2. Dr. D.K.Mishra, Director Farms, JNKVV, Jabalpur.M.P. 3. Dr. P.C.Mi hra, Principal Scientist, ZARS, Powarkheda, M.P. .
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