E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2011 No. 119 Senate The Senate met at 10:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, plete change in the way we enact laws; called to order by the Honorable HERB PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, that it just doesn’t work anymore, and KOHL, a Senator from the State of Wis- Washington, DC, August 1, 2011. what is going on is terrible, awful. consin. To the Senate: I want to take a few minutes and his- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby torically review what our country is all PRAYER appoint the Honorable HERB KOHL, a Senator about. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- from the State of Wisconsin, to perform the In the summer of 1787, the Founding fered the following prayer: duties of the Chair. Fathers were meeting in Philadelphia, Let us pray. DANIEL K. INOUYE, and they were having a very difficult O God, how majestic is Your name in President pro tempore. time. They had tried a number of ways all the Earth. Long before the birth of Mr. KOHL thereupon assumed the in the past to keep the country to- the mountains, You have always been chair as Acting President pro tempore. gether. They had the Articles of Con- God, sustaining the universe with Your f federation. They knew it wasn’t appro- commands. Although life’s challenges priate; it wasn’t working. sometimes prompt us to feel that we RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY In June of 1787, a delegate from Con- are rearranging furniture in a burning LEADER necticut came to a conclusion, and he building, we take comfort in the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- had an idea that he would suggest to knowledge that You hear and answer pore. The majority leader is recog- other members in the delegation—the prayer. nized. Founding Fathers—about how they We thank You that our lawmakers f could come up with a constitution. are striving to find common ground. That is why they were there. While work remains to be done, em- SCHEDULE His suggestion was full of merit be- power them to discover opportunities Mr. REID. Mr. President, following cause they had not been able to solve in this current crisis to build perma- any leader remarks, the Senate will re- the problem of the great State of New nent bridges of cooperation as they re- sume consideration of the motion to York, a huge area with millions of peo- member that with many counselors concur in the House message to accom- ple, and the little State of Connecticut, there is safety. pany S. 627, which is the legislative ve- a very small area and a few people— Bless the members of their staffs, hicle for the debt limit increase. how could those two States be together who have labored diligently so that we The Senate will recess from 11 a.m. in the same Union? They had already can see the beginnings of a rainbow until 12:30 p.m. When the Senate recon- decided they were going to have three after the storm. May the sometime un- venes at 12:30, the time until 2 p.m. will separate branches of government. But sung heroes and heroines know that be equally divided and controlled be- the problems they had in Philadelphia You will reward their faithfulness. tween the two leaders or their des- those many years ago was how to han- We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. ignees. dle the legislative branch. f The Senate expects to vote on the The delegate from Connecticut came PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE compromise we have reached, hope- up with what was called the Great fully, during today’s session. When the Compromise. His suggestion became The Honorable HERB KOHL led the vote is scheduled, Senators will be no- part of our Constitution and allowed Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: tified. the Constitution to become real. His I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the suggestion was that we would have one United States of America, and to the Repub- f body of the legislature, the House of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, HISTORICAL REVIEW indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Representatives, that would be elected Mr. REID. Mr. President, I want to every 2 years. If someone died, there f spend a few minutes with the Senate would have to be an election. No one in APPOINTMENT OF ACTING and the American people to talk to the history of our country has gotten PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE them about this great body in which to be a Member of the House without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The we serve. I know there are all kinds of having been elected by their constitu- clerk will please read a communication pundits and commentators who talk ents. to the Senate from the President pro about how the ‘‘system is broken.’’ The Senate, however, would not be tempore (Mr. INOUYE.) They point to what has been going on representative of how many people The assistant bill clerk read as fol- in Washington in the last few months were in the State. Each State would lows: and say it shows that we need a com- get the same number. That was the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5155 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:15 May 31, 2012 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\S01AU1.REC S01AU1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S5156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2011 breakthrough. It was an experiment—a ful. A number of people have identified Reid amendment No. 590 (to amendment noble experiment. It has worked so our system of government, but I guess No. 589), to change the enactment date. well over these many years, where we the best way to talk about it came Reid motion to refer the message of the House on the bill to the Committee on the have the legislative branch consisting from Winston Churchill who said about Budget, with instructions, Reid amendment of two separate bodies. It is bicameral democracy: No. 591, to change the enactment date. in nature. It has been said that democracy is the Reid amendment No. 592 (to the instruc- There has been conflict. The Found- worst form of government except for all oth- tions (amendment No. 591) on the motion to ing Fathers built conflict into the leg- ers that have been tried. refer), of a perfecting nature. islative government because they be- Reid amendment No. 593 (to amendment I am not proud of the conflict we No. 592), of a perfecting nature. lieved that would be enough to offset have had these last many months, but The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the power of the judicial and executive I am satisfied we have been able to branches of government. Over the pore. The Senator from Illinois. come together to find a solution. It is Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, let me years, things have been much worse not over until both Houses of Congress say a word about the leadership in the than they have been in Washington in pass the legislation dealing with the Senate. I have the good fortune of the last 3 months. Our country has debt crisis. It is not over until the working with Senator HARRY REID, our been so successful as a result of the President signs the bill. majority leader. In my role as whip, or Constitution’s guidance. After weeks of facing off against each assistant leader, I have been close at I repeat, the Constitution has been so other, and this partisan divide we have hand when most of the major decisions successful because of the Great Com- in the Senate, we were finally able to have been made. I have come to take promise of the legislative branch of break through with an agreement, the measure of this man from Search- government. which is typical for agreements that light, NV, and I have found him to be In the early days of our country, are difficult. No one got everything an extraordinary leader. there was conflict that went on all the they wanted. Everyone had to give up At first blush, most people would not time. They were, from the very begin- something. People on the right are choose him for his ringing oratory or a ning, thinking: Can this great country upset, people on the left are upset, and commanding presence. But I will tell survive? Then we had the conflict de- people in the middle are upset. It is a you that he has created a leadership veloping prior to the Civil War. One compromise. It is not always easy for style in the Senate that is exceptional. Congressman and Senator, Henry Clay two sides to reach a consensus, but I have watched him during the span of from Kentucky, was known as the that is what we did. We did it on a bi- the last 21⁄2 years, particularly as he Great Compromiser. He worked for partisan basis. has faced a myriad of challenges: a new generations to see what he could do to So I believe reasonable Republicans President of his own party; passing the stop the dissolution of the Republic.
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