4> GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL RECORD, SCRANTON AND DUNMORE. 438 Z J. M. Acker, Belleviie, Hyde Park, superintendent of the Bellevue Morgan Bowen, residence Chestnut street, Hyde Park, inside fore- mines (formerly a plasterer), was born in Kockport, Pa., November man in the School Fund Association's mines, was born in Llangonyd, Knd, 1831, and married Margaret Ridall, of Wilkcs-Barro. Glamorganshire, South Wales, April 2Tth, 182.S, and married Margaret Williams, of Bryn Mawr, Breconshire, South Wales. He was formerly a Byron F. Akerly, attorney (office Fecond National Bank building-, miner, and has served as common councilman. Scranton; residence 10th street, Hyde Park), was born April 2nd, 1814, in South Abington township, where he was formerly a farmer, and mar- .1. C. Bowman, Providence, formerly engineer, now foreman of Ca- ried Sarah Clark. .\-uga mines, was born in Sentzburg, Switzerland May 2Sth, 18.38, and married Jennie Coal, of Falmouth, England. I. H. Allen, stationary engineer, Hyde Park, was born in Blossburg, Pa., December 3d, 1841, and married Maria Smith, of Carbondalo. Dur- Daniel B. Brainard, proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel, Scranton, ing- the Rebellion heserved three years—in Company 1 132nd Pennsylva- was burn in Boston, March 1.5th, 182.5, and married Ann Rafter, of Car- nia volunteers nine months and in the signal corps twenty-seven bondale. Mr. Brainard was superintendent of the Lackawanna Iron and months. Coal Company's rolling mills for twenty years. Fred J. Amsden, Scranton.son of ,Toel Amsden, architect and civil William Bright, carriage manufacturer and blacksmith. Providence, engineer, and for seven yonrs city surveyor, was born in Rome, N. V., residence at Cireen Ridge, was born in Cornwall, England, April 19th, June 19th, IStl. During the war he held the oIBce of second lieutenant 1848, and married Lucy A. Titus, of Harpersfleld, N. Y. of Company B 136th Pennsylvania infantry, and was afterwards promot- ed to first lieutenant. He was subsequently appointed second lieuten- Cornelius Brinckerhofp, jr., architect and civil and mining engi- ant of the signal corps. United States army, and discharged in 1865. neer, was born in New York, July 29th, 1839. At the age of sixteen he began an apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade in the Gosport navy George Archeald, Providence, near the depot, assistant boss at yard, Virginia, where he worked until the spring of 1862, when, in com- the Leggetfs Creek mine, was born in Chattau, England, January 1st, pany with his father, he engaged in the book trade at Portsmouth, Va., 181-4, and married M. E. Catterson, of Sterling, Wayne county. Pa. remaining there until the fall of 1801, since which 1im3 he has been em- ployed in his present profession. He married Miriam Fowler, of John Arsibrust, butcher, Scranton, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Buffalo, N. Y., and has been a resident of Scranton since July, 186S. September 17th, 1832, and married Caroline Vcolker, of his native State. Sidney Bro.\dbent. superintendent of machine shops, Scranton, was William Assion, secretary of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, born in Yorkshire, England, April ICth, 1828, and married Catharine residence Willow street, 11th ward, is a native of Scranton, and was Broadbent, of Paterson, N. J. born November 18th, 18.j6. H. EvELY-N Brooks, Scranton (formerly a teacher), county superin- J. L. Atherton, Providence, formerly a carriage manufacturer, now tendent of schools, was born in Linesville, Crawford county. Pa., Feb- superintendent of coal works, was born in the Wyoming valley, Janu- ruary 5th, 1841. ary 6th, 1836. His first wife, formerly Clara Bullard, died August 12th, 1871. His present wife was Nellie Frost Blair, of Boston. R. G. Brooks, superintendent of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Com- pany's coal mines, residence Jackson street, Hyde Park, was born in S. G. Barker, formerly superintendent of machine shops, now scale Scranton, December 2.")th, 1847, and married Mary Ann Morgan, of Nes- manufacturer, was born in Kingston, Luzerne county, Pa., May 22nd, quehoning. Carbon county. Pa. 1821, and married Susan Keidder, of Wilkes-Barre. Residence, 338 Madi- son avenue, Scranton. James O. Brown, Scranton, steward and house surgeon of the Lacka- wanna Hospital, formerly an apothecary, was born March Uth, 1852, in D. P. Barton, formerly a carriage maker, now proprietor of livery Factoryville, and married Ella A. Sturdevant, of Laeey ville. and exchange stables, Dunmore, was born in Orange county, N. Y., March 24th, 1825, and married Mehetabel Krotzer, of Providence town- Edward L. Buck, Scranton, assistant postmaster, formerly a confec- ship. He served three terms as deputy sheriff of Luzerne cimntj', and tioner, was born in Easton, August 25th, 1844. He served three years three years as sealer of weights and measures. and two months in the 51st Pennsylvania volunteers during the Rebel- lion, and one year in the U. S. army as commissary general of subsistence. Horace F. Barrett, a merchant of Schultzville, is one of the Lacka- He married Maggie A. Coslette, of Scranton. wanna county commissioners. He was born on Staten Island, N. Y., October 18th, 1846, and married Jennie E. Nichols, of Clark's Green. Henry Burnish was born in Worcestershire, England, December 1803; married Mary Jenkins, a native of Gloucestershire, England; Daniel Bartholomew, saddler and harness maker, Scranton, was 25th, came to America in 1842 and located in Scranton in 1847. Since that time born in Scranton, June 17th, 1842, and married Anna Powell, also of has been in the employ of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company Scranton. He served three years in Company K 17th Pa. cavalry, and he bricklayer furnace builder. is captain of Company B 13th regiment national guards of Pennsyl- as and vania. John Butler has been thirty years a resident of Dunmore and an of the Pennsylvania Coal Company. He is now master B. Griffiths Beddoe, druggist, Hyde Park, was born in Merthyr employe was born in Staffordshire, England, September 1st, 1817, Tydvil, South Wales, May 19th, 1855. mechimic. He and was married there to Jlary Ann Hill. George W. Benedict, Scranton, editor and publisherof the Srra?i(o» Joseph P. Cameron, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Jmirnal, 303 Lackawanna avenue, was born in Carbondale, November Rev. St. David'sChurch, Hyde Park, residence Green Ridge, 29th, ia39. His wife was formerly Jennie S. Widger, of Waymart. Green Ridgcand Scranton, was born in the Bermudas, August 9th, 1846, and married Henry Beyea, Dunmore, was born in Sullivan county, N. Y., Decem- Mary O. Johnstone, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ber 27th, 18a5, and married Ellen Pursel, of Bear Creek, Pa. Mr. Beyca is paymaster for the Pennsylvania Coal Company. Rev. Thomas M. Cann, principal of the School of the Lackawanna, Scranton, was born in New Castle county, Delaware, August 19th, 1819, H. R. Bishop. Scranton, foreman blacksmith, and for many years in and married Sai-.ah S. Goodnow, of Framingham, Mass. He graduated the employ of the D., L. & W. Railroad Company, was born in New York at Delaware College in September, 1842, and entered the ministry in the city, August 1st, 1828, and married Rebecca Roslin Colcher, of Port Presbyterian church in 1840. Colden, N. J. Thomas B. C.abev, bridge and breaker builder, Hyde Park, was born M. Lewis Blair, formerly a farmer, a school teacher and a merchant, in Wayne county, in 1836, and married Ellen A. Mumford, of Belmont, now alderman of the 5th ward, residence Hyde Park, was born in Nel- Pa. son, Madison county. New 'i ork, January Itth, ia36, and married Hattie Phillips, of Hyde Park. He was captain of Company E 143d regiment OSCAK Carpenter, proprietor of the Susquehanna House, Scranton^ Pa. volunteers three years during the late war. was boi'n in Leno.x town.ship, Susquehannacounty, in 1840, and married Emeline Pedriek, of Nicholson, Wyoming county. Mr. Carpenter, who William Blume, carriage manufacturer, residence in 21st ward, Hyde was formerly engaged in farming, served in Company G 198th Pennsyl- Park, was born in Germany, April 0th, 1838. and married Julia A. Brown, vania volunteers. of Columbia, N. J. He was orderly sergeant of Company G 31st N. J. volunteers. Thomas Cakson, inside foreman at the Hampton mine, was born in Breconshire, South Wales, June 11th, 1837, andmarried Catharine Eynon, Garrett Bogart, corner Adams avenue and Spruce street, Scranton, ( f Glamorganshire, South Wales. Residence Washburn street, Hyde is assistant superintendent for the D,. L. & W. Railroad. He was born Park. at Blau\-eltvillo, N. Y., June 8lh, 1837, and married Maggie H. V^oss, of Bridgeville, N. J. IS. J. Chamberlain, M. D., residence onBlakcly street, Dunmore, was born in Hanover, Luzerne county, January 18th, 1824, and married Colonel Henry M. Boies, of the 13th regiment N. G. Pa. (president Sarah Lewis, of Schuylkill county, Pa. of the Moosic Powder Company), was born in Lee. Mass., August 18th, 1837, and married Elizabeth L. Dickson, of Scranton, February 17tli, 1870. John Chambeklin, carriage manufacturer, Apple street, Dunmore, Residence, Clay near Vine street, Scranton. was b.-)rn in Bloom^bar^, Columbia county. Pa., June 2jth, 1330, and.
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