mormnome SPORTS: Weather: ghs in the 90s Spartans hog- tiedS Monday by Cowboys I lot with mostly sunny skies and tliI Pg.4 ()her 7, 1996 light winds Lows in the 50s n Daily Serving San Jose Slate I...nisei-silt Sint c 11131 1 11 I W.1.1 S 11.4(111 Daily Ready for mid-day hoop madness? it dep.1111114111 It, 11141ke 1111t1 ,t %Ilitlis,1 It/1 111t. p cin (), I) dining the time 111t. WADI It -ti (.,t11%. (11.111 dire( 101 lilt FV1.111SCC111,-1, Said Midnight madness canceled because di, .1,11 %, lit.11111ctl It/ I/1.14 t' .111t1 till 11 -N1111 In' %sant% it begin winking with students so eyents like At/ \ 1.111111,..1." this t in happen. .1,11 s.1111 1111 1'> It the midnight event tin 11111- "I had no prnblem with holding the event here at of budget and planning problems , 11 st lit, 1111111g k baud it, pet Ittini. npening rice Midnight, est' vitt tot the fire beet pi np,,sal," Its ci it i ,k t It1141%,11 111/111 1111. 11.1,11.1 1111V sail! "I had in sa% id t IttIlial. By Mike Traphagen "Ii was a bit itt a thIs.ilItt tutu iti t I it 11,11,, kit t it , 1.stills Centel ct hi.iulclist 10,14 01`, W1111 the ASS1/1, late(' Students Spartan Daily Sc.fF Writer 1.1111 going I,/ 11.1plitil.- st 1,1-1 th, ..,1/1111 p ,)1,14' 11It'S 111411114111 \St/11111 .1111-1111 kslinps lit tr.', hi students what to A(1,11%1111. "Vt W.111101 Ic1 11.1s, \ 11,1111v,li 1 \i 1,111, The Spartans were the Outlet ella team in t ollege 1 he plavers .11111 %Wilt 111% 1%41 gitrii iii tsittcc_iht'uh expert and vt hat mitsii, 115 14) Ask %%lien they plan an Wt ,tt11111 1.11./t .1 11.11111t1 .111,1 11.1t iI I n,111 basketball last season when they won the Big West title S.011111 in 11,,I,1 slit Ii iii rtriit. derii said Ilie event like this Students t oine in with iii« ideas and %Vt. Died It, get it togethei and 'pub it. bill it ill and played in the NCAA Basketball 'Tournament, but Witt Ii 1111' I 5I-1115 %,1‘, 1,111N Ill, 11111 the 1,11111.1(- gttilt1 11111'1111,01%. but they don't have the bat kgit,tintl till tough. no one will be around at midnight (k t. 15 to see if 1,1 .1111,01111 St.,ii1,1 "cc, sci 1111 and t lean -tip t ti%l%, Ilia! pi ntessit mal pt "motet s have in gei these things they've turned back into a pumpkin. ,"." ""le "1' i" us. hl"'"gh Its It" 111111 .111t1 11,1114 11 iti 11.1114114 I Ii, 11%1111. dmie lug us'!Ylitl-tlay Sladliess ' College basketball teams across the ((tunny will he 1 it 11111t 111 (1111.11 11111111 1111111'1 have enntigh (1.0% added that the $7,,0011 cost that W.1% given to Sji.utan basketball plat. is .it .l sitti, ills Ii iii \II it, holding "Midnight Madness" next week, hut the 1rd and Ilie c.011(111) find a hold Alidnight Ma, hie,- t.,isn't a set ligni 111 It, gti as Spartans will celebrate their annual lit St plat tit e of itII" N1 0 II 1 111111 1, 0 1 lit (1 till plalincil "No one eve1 t ame it. led Cady and asked to thus. It"event ( ) Imega olinatoritir h."""" lot it l'"""'"" ""t., 11,.(111i. ct ""'hI_ict it 1itt thlu't,i the year in the afternoon because the «.un ouldn't .I"" 1`i.nitl"i "I. Ha" "V" 'is' a with vsl'enses" Cad'. said' "We 'ilwa" .tla tut lit ltling nit ii Student Union 11,,, in. -1111[s r: ,iren salt] "Hitt c IIiu't,i secure the Events Center, owned by I its "i S""li."IS "1 e1"."SeS his "Mg agt,. /,, l"gl" Inc., at midnight for the event. I 111,111 piol.lt Ws, .11,,11 Planning chili,obits and budget 1111114 1111, 1 11111 ,ot 11111W. t 0111, 1. tNp., 1,111% 11 ).tct N,,int it, See Madness, Back page Human rights Measures 66 Al times we were tit %ea lf,r Iuu woks, mid those ityli (lay% without Airing fatal was like leader hopes drive into ?lnI/llfl,L,i I (al, 9, for peace It Ed ()herweiser commute 111,41.111,411, .1.1155riirr Rigtilirl Ii Men, 1992 Nobel Peat e World Class ma,' kuil 1,,i human lights III problems vliatritiala. said Ille c it'll Nal Ilial in,,cr than 1)0,000 (mateimilan t it thans and lasted tii By Sona Sharma spans. may stet writ., niav cod his month sv ly 1111141%, glean tI the Anyone who has naveled tut ..idllugi ti SttI1,11 \N.111 Inn" InterstatesS80 and 237 has tales t tl chit iii Men, hit to Ow anthem t. it woes to share about traffic «mgt.* altt tilt ion in Mows Dailey tion. Anyone who has tried to \tlthilt ii huh sat nig. "I Ins negotiate through the two-lane etriiing's speakci is an inlellia (.;uadeltipe Parkway will s'uitielt kit Iinnal symbol ot human i gluts." the stop and go oath,. When Negotiations whit li began to whining and «implanting did not )lso, Not way in lool air almost lessen the pain itt (Itinnititing, .1 finished, !Skutt liii said She said few SJSU students det ided it, take Itoth sides uric Lit hittuuu agi cc matters in their 11W11 hands :11111 1111111 al lust S1111 1. 111141 right joined the Citizens I :ttalition lot agIcritirtil.s Wile Made dining the 'Traffic Relief. last live seals I.,, I> at 4 'id hut Citizens tatalition for Itaffit in the net vssities the Relief, a group pr mate( wens, I:mm.111Am' she soil elected (Alit «Is, and community Nets talks st.111.41 I linisan. ( I>t groups, woks to prtivide snliitinns 1, in Music ci (.11V, Mein liii said for traffic problems. The goal or Letting the 'Owls bat k into the their r ampaign is to spread .114'.11' tlint al system is living de., iissed. ness about Measuies A and 11, at c lading 1,, NIttic lull whit h lay out a plan for Santa 1111 I% Ilititc1111 Olt' .1,4 ol Clara County to build a (limply stuhl lx. signed Is lute (ii tnloei and hensive transportation network. ( aidittnalatis Imp, 111I WIII it takes me half an hour to 45 ....III 11.11, ocs, siti s.1111 minutes to get to Sirs'. from ,11,111.111.11,111, .1111 agtre S wale. The time it takes me to writ! ssrs pr,,ples' vet to s/ hit"! slimild nick he Tri ittut Is. wilikr 1hr ,,tirs lit 1.1 minutes," said Shanahan Li tit, a .1.11\ .111111, N. 14 .11.igt1.1 and junior in SIM' and als., a volun- \igriitina I lie% %tali' ,It-ititic teer in the i anittaign. "I talked to Men, hi, said my pridessors, and this let om- 1 lir 11,aling 1,1,11 I., hill Is- kin{ mended this as an ex( client lim- Int ( It 01 It) it/I ,141 5. 1 1111 it.« to wot k tin bet ause I nit nter- tqtii cstil 11.1%t Ito 1,it .111 painful ested in poll, y and things that an After spending last semester taking her classes on a now returned to San Jose to finish her degree in broad- Insses and test11i. almni them in going around on th e ommunity. cruise ship, sailing around the world, Kristen Simoes has cast journalism. she said. These it ansportatit iii ineasiii es are 11.11t lin is nn, del" Is Vet,' 11111/01 1.1111 lir Ow flit 111,11111 1. 1.11lici Mill its,, 111,411 county " its Illnidt It'd .111,1 I"! 1111 1,1 The purpose of Measure A is to Cruising around his Ill,I /Mil, 111.11,111 .tints. .1, ,t1,1 work on poi« is that will iminove mg to Irei 11,1.,k, traffic iimgestion, provide tiansit 511111 Iiii" and a 11111S., it11 .1.,e los alternatives arid t I 1.Itl 1,11e1 111 for college credit S 1111111111, 14/1 S.r1 I.11 ving ii,ii,fitiitiis itt Santa (lira Res111 o11111/111R. %dill 11 ,1,4 if ISI ;led County residents Me -amity li is a By Siina Sharma 111'1 ii, lout- %parlay, IYaily stall Writ/ half-cent sales tax that will genet \liiuuhu-ui-us and I, a lin cis tilt1%11 ate funds Ior Imp, Is these Fttctru 1.11 1% 1 1111/.111.,11% It. tit. .1, 1,111s 11111st 111' 11111110114 .1% 1/.11 1 If Carl (ilia:ditto, the campaign been (linen lo% the thii 1,, , ,I1 the healing pi". \km liii sm.I manager and a gratIlLIte 1/1 SIS1 Iv slut, st tug-. I t H, mid -.,11 "51'.. %m it t,, pain. tax will last fni nine said the sales taut 1111..111% iiiput SlIllig 1 11, l""n" ""I years. S111 1,1 its U111%1'1%11% 511.111 1111, WInt %LIP 1111 .1 11,111111.111,41 was passed "In 1984, Measure A takes students loin) all 'iv, i i It I ill!, Si .1.
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