©Ijp “XV ut Hampshire VOL. 31. Issue 41. Z 413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, APRIL 1, 1941. PRICE, THREE CENTS Musical Extravaganza Opens Tomorrow Nite “ Ladies in Hades” Phi Sigma Host to The New Hampshire Has ‘Battle of the Centuries’ April Fool’s Issue Scintlliates With Second Biological Maybe Spring missed her cue, Star-Studded Cast Conclave April 19 but All Fool’s Day is right on time. This issue of The New Craig and Vaughan Have Demonstrations, Movies, Hampshire is exceedingly con­ servative compared with some is­ Leads in Student written, Original Papers Form sues that have celebrated this day Directed, Acted Bevue Part of All-Day Program of days. The number of exams most of After but a few weeks of intensive On April 19 the New Hampshire us are being struck with this week rehearsals, frantic re - writing and chapter of Phi Sigma, national hon­ are enough to drive the entire changing of lines, and arduous coach­ orary biological society, will be host student body- mentally topsy-tur­ ing, the curtain rises tomorrow eve­ to representatives from several New vy, on top of which comes this ning at 8:00 o’clock in New Hamp­ England colleges who will come to wild, terrific musical comedy — shire Hall on “ Ladies in Hades,” Durham to participate in the Second making this a special kind of which has been termed the biggest Annual Eastern New England Bio­ Hell Week. musical extravaganza north of Bos­ logical Conference. Following regis­ The psychology conference ton. tration in the main lobby at Nesmith would do well to convene early An entirely student written, direct­ Hall, the delegates will be welcomed and study the studentry this ed, and acted production, this year’s by President Fred Engelhardt in week; but we fear the strain Grlnite Varieties show promises to Murkland auditorium. The all - day might necessitate a long rest cure, far surpass last year’s success, “ Gla­ program will be primarily concerned and that would never do. morously Yours.” A production staff with the presentation of papers and of 180, as compared to last year’s 120, demonstrations of a biological nature an even more original plot, more in informal meetings held at Nesmith. Psych Conference songs and more dances, the innova­ Luncheon will be held at Commons. tion of an accompanying singing More papers will be presented in the Will Convene Here chorus, a 22-piece band under the di­ afternoon, and there will be informal rection of Jack Mitchell, and many discussions. At 4:15 P.M. Arthur University to Play Host more such creative ideas add to the Gross, Ph.D., professor of ornithology to New England Colleges brilliance of the revue. at Bowdoin College, will show a mov­ Craig Has Lead ing picture, in color, of New Eng­ at Week-end Conference Mask and Dagger veteran and last land birds. year’s Granite Varieties director, While most of New Hampshire’s Schools Represented Charlie Craig, has the leading role of students are losing no time in leaving Between 150 and 200 delegates are ”Joe” and Martha Vaughan, a new­ campus for a week of fun and relax­ expected from the following schools: comer to the University, plays the ation, members of the University of American International College, Bos­ part of that temptress, Cleopatra. A New Hampshire Psychology Club will ton University, Bowdoin, Brown, Mask and Daggerite and a leading be playing host this Friday and Sat­ Harvard, M. I. T., Simmons, Tufts, lady in last year’s production, Winnie urday to eighty-odd psychology stu­ Wheaton, Wellesley, Emmanuel Col­ Kennedy will play “ Sally,” Joe’s gal dents and professors from fifteen New lege, Rhode Island State, University friend upon Earth. The face that England colleges and universities. Mercury: “Aw Cleo, you’ve stalled me off for 2,000 years.”* of Connecticut, and the University of launched a thousand ships, Helen of A feature of the 75th anniversary, Cleo: “ Scram Bud, before I bust a bustle.” New Hampshire. All students who are Troy, will be acted by Margie Chal­ the New England Intercollegiate Con­ Martha Vaughan and Herbert Smith in a scene from “ Ladies in Hades. interested at all in the subject of the mers, whose experience gained sing­ ference on Psychology will meet at conference are invited to attend any ing with the university choir greatly Durham this week-end in a busy two- of the open meetings. The conference, 500 Voice Chorus Contest Sponsored aids and abets the cause. day convention. Highlighting the con­ which met for the first time last year (Continued on page 4) ference will be the address Friday at Tufts, places special emphasis on Sings in Festival by Speech Society evening by President Leonard Car­ the original work of undergraduates. michael of Tufts who will speak on Lyman Calahan, Richard Snowman, Orchestra Accompanies First Speech Contest to “ Psychological Contributions to Na­ BVD’s Right Wear and Leonard Foote are co-chairmen of tional Defense.” President Carmichacl Chorus in Bach’s Cantata Be Held on Campus the affair. Other committee heads are is rated as one of the best authorities for Sophomore Hop publicity, Eleanor Hillier; programs, No. 4, Mozart Mass in F Last Week in April on psychology in the East and at pres­ Robert Lennon; luncheon, Constance by Pat Gibson ent is devoting a large part of his The first College Choral Festival The first speech contest ever to be Hale; registration, Connie Campbell; “Where were you when the lights time in a defense capacity as Per­ ever to be held in New England will held on campus will be sponsored by exhibits, Richard Stroud; and demon­ went out?” Pajamas? Curlers? Your sonnel Advisor to the United States take place on campus April 18 and Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary forensic strations, Professor Howard Smith. oldest ripped-in-the-knees slacks? Or Army. 19 in collaboration with the celebra­ society, the last week in April. Half tion of the 75th anniversary. A chorus a dozen general topics will be an­ what did you have on?? These are Allport Speaks Alpha Kappa Initiation of 500 voices from various colleges in nounced shortly, one of which, each what you’ll be seeing Friday night at Also on the speaking program is New England will sing under the di­ contestant must choose. the Sophomore Blackout Dance at Banquet Held in Dover Professor Gordon Allport, noted psy­ rection of Hugh Ross, Director of the New Hampshire Hall. Maybe you The night of the contest each parti­ On March 24, ten sociology majors chologist and author, of Harvard Uni­ Schola Cantorum of New York City. won’t recognize your best friend, but versity, who will address the conven­ cipant will be assigned a specific topic he’ll be there jittering to the tunes of were initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta, The chorus will be accompanied by in his general group and given a national honorary sociology society, tion on “Psychology in the Near Harder Downing and Ernie “Jumping an orchestra of approximately 40 couple of hours to work up a seven at a banquet held at Daeris’ in Dover. Future.” Other features of the pro­ Jive” Washington. Anything goes, be pieces, made up of players from vari­ to ten minute extemporaneous speech. The initiation was conducted by gram will be round table discussions informal, be comfortable. ous colleges and some professional Three prizes will be awarded: gold, President Janet Ford, Secretary Alice with reports presented by students The decorations committee is scout­ from Harvard, Radcliffe, Dartmouth, players. The score calls for strings, silver, and copper medals with the ing the countryside for everything Shorey, and faculty representatives trumpets, trombones, French horns, winner’s name engraved o n them. Dr. Charles Coulter and Dr. Joseph Tufts, and the University of New from burlap bags to old horsecollars organ and piano. Because the univer­ This contest is open to all students, Bachelder. The initiates include: Ruth Hampshire, a meeting for visiting and sandbags. The chaperons will find faculty members with Professor C. A. sity has no organ, a special orgatron regardless of their class. safety in their air raid shelter to pro­ Eastman, Eleanor Gay, Ella Good­ is being lent by Chickering and Son Dickinson of Maine as chairman, and Entrants must turn in their names tect them from a multi-colored bal­ win, Barbara Ham, Donald Picker­ of Boston. The orgatron is similar to ing, Robert Prescott, William Robin­ a banquet Friday night. and subjects to Professor Cortez, Ray loon barrage. Sprained ankles, scraped a Hammond organ but has a better Colleges to be represented at this Keesey, or John Hall before April 18. knees, and wrenched wrists will be son, Maxine Johnson, Doris Trafton, pipe organ tone. The orgatron will be and Ruth Tabor. conference will be Dartmouth, Tufts, The committee for arranging this con­ taken care of in the first aid stations. played by Mr. Charles Tritt. Mr. Simmons, Rhode Island State, the test consists of Jack Wentzell, Mar­ The New Hampshire Hall of gym Following the initiation A K D mem­ Robert Manton will play the piano. ber Roger Judkins told about his trip University of Maine, the University jorie Callahan, and Jack Sheinuk. periods and lectures will be Durham Special Choir to Alaska. He illustrated his talk with of Vermont, Middlebury, Harvard, “ when the lights are now.” There many photographs, postcards, and Radcliffe, Westbrook, Colby Junior, The solo parts in the Bach Cantata Teachers College, Rhode Island State will be prizes for the best (worst to maps. Bates, Boston University, St. An­ and the Mozart Mass will be taken by College, University of Connecticut, you) costumes and special surprise selm, and Mt.
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