508 Pacifica Tribune, December 5, 2012 _ Page 7A Community Forum & Opinions Find us online: www.mercurynews.com/pacifica Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon held at JUHSD Office Charlotte Levine’s legacy Food Services Director Arlinda Marvin to accom- continues at Tiger Café plish the feat, with a little help from their volunteer friends on the actual day of Charlotte Levine retired derful turkey luncheons the luncheon. from Terra Nova High inspired all of them to Maureen Poggetti, School in June of 2011, af- want to revisit those grand Food Services manager at ter 15 years of doing her times, so Charlotte worked Terra Nova High School special thing – Tiger Café with the students to do it was also invaluable, as she – which started by teach- on an only slightly reduced cooked the turkey, pota- ing her students the entire scale. It was so successful toes and stuffi ng for them. process of putting together that everyone wanted to do Volunteers Linda Jonas a traditional Thanksgiving it again this year. and Georgia Berry picked dinner, but at lunchtime, at So that’s what they did! those items up and brought school. It progressed from Charlotte called some of them to the site for the lun- there to doing additional her long-time volunteers, cheon. specialty luncheons several and they called a couple Thanks to the friendly times throughout the year. more, and, together with volunteers, Linda, Geor- Her retirement did not the staff and students, gia, Diane Hart and Elaine mark the end of the turkey a delicious Thanksgiv-Maynard for rounding out luncheon, however. ing dinner was served at the crew. And thanks, too, Last year Charlotte was lunchtime the week before to the fabulous group of substituting for one of the the real Thanksgiving. students who worked on Special Day Classes of 18-22 Teachers of the two decorations, greeted the year-old students at the Jef- classes, Danielle Messer guests at the door, served ferson Union High School and Kevin Roach, and the the food and the beverages, District Office, where some classroom aides, Barbara cleaned up and – all in all PHOTOS BY LINDA JONAS of her former colleagues Barisone, Lorraine Mor- – provided one and all with The servers are Victor, Lupita, Alex, the aide Barbara, and Steven. from Terra Nova now work ton-Feazell, Vana Blair and a beautiful Thanksgiving as administrators. Fond Crystal Cabarle, worked memory. memories of those won- with Charlotte and JUHSD — Contributed report Holiday happenings and the coming new year ‘Tis the holiday season. Be North Pole) is this Friday, The early deadline for the sure to pay a visit to the many Dec. 7, for publication in the Jan. 2 issue is Dec. 21. The local festive events — includ- Dec. 12 issue and Thursday, Tribune again will be closed ing the upcoming Rockaway Dec. 13 for publication in Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 but the pa- Beach Tree-Lighting cer- the Dec. 19 issue. (Parents: per will be delivered as usual emony this Sunday which please help Santa’s Elves at Wednesday, Jan. 2. promises to be a special holi- the Tribune when it comes to Back by popular demand day treat for all ages. deciphering “wish lists” from is the Tribune’s annual “Best The Pacifica Tribune is the kids.) of Pacifi ca” contest, which also in the holiday spirit and There will be early dead- will allow Pacifi cans the op- will be publishing, starting lines for editorial and adver- portunity to vote by paper this week, several weekly tising copy and photos for ballot or online for their fa- pages devoted to local holi- the Dec. 26 and Jan. 2 issues. vorite eateries, merchants day happenings. Kids, it’s All materials for publication and service providers in Pa- time to get your “letters to Dec. 26 must be submitted cifica. The official ballot with Santa” sent in or dropped no later than Dec. 14. The all the categories is on Page off at the Tribune’s office at Tribune offices will be closed 13A of this issue. Pacifi cans 59 Bill Drake Way. An offi - Monday and Tuesday, Dec. can vote online starting this cial “Santa Letter” form can 24-25 although there will be Thursday by visiting the Tri- be found on 12A in this issue. no change in the Wednes- bune’s page at mercurynews. Deadline for timely delivery day, Dec. 26 delivery date to com/pacifica Greeters are Joe, Richie and Aram. to the Tribune (and on to the homes and businesses. — Elaine Larsen My Turn Ron Root (Writer Jim Cook re- that men lost incentive to wages and superior ben- talism and socialism does ernment will resort to even States with its deficits cently wrote an article he work or earn. thousands efits for themselves. Under not choose between two more socialism. Historians and runaway government entitled: Bread & Circuses, of Romans, to escape the socialism Roman civiliza- social systems: it chooses will write about the reasons spending is doing a fi nan- it reads as follows: A year taxation, fled to seek ref- tion withered and died. between social cooperation for the decline and fall of cial high wire act. By em- ago I was fortunate enough uge smong the barbar- The great economist, and the disintegration of America as they do about bracing more central bank to visit Rome and stand ians.” Doesn’t that sound Ludwig von Mises, explains society. Socialism is not an Rome. Basically, Rome dis- inflation and other social- in the ruins of the Forum. familiar? The same high why Rome failed and why alternative to capitalism; it appeared as a viable city. Its ist schemes we ensure a Nothing else quite conveys taxes, big government and we are failing. “Socialism is an alternative to any sys- population shriveled. With terrible fall to the sawdust the grandeur and great- excessive regulation that is not in the least what it tem under which men can our huge population of sub- below. The Romans never ness of Roman civilization. destroyed a once prosper- pretends to be. It is not the live as human beings.” sidized citizens (many of saw their collapse coming. A new book, The Rise of ous Roman civilization are pioneer of a better and fi ner If this frightens you then low character) there will be Most Americans are clue- Rome , explains the reasons in the process of doing the world, but the spoiler of well it should. We are at the safer places in the world. less. for this success. It’s the same thing here. Rome what thousands of years of point where the welfare re- It should be clear to any However, once you sus- same reason the U.S. grew began to penalize the suc- civilization have created. It cipients and the subsidized observer that we are mov- pect what is going on you great, “favorable conditions cessful with smothering does not build: it destroys. are in control of who wins ing in dramatic fashion can prepare and ready for production and trade.” taxation and reward the For destruction is the es- our elections. That means away from the things that yourself. Factor our warn- The market economy, with unproductive with a dole sence of it. it produces more government spend- made us great- limited gov- ings into your thinking. So its trade and commerce (free bread and entertain- nothing, it only consumes ing and higher taxes until ernment, low taxes, free it is written, so shall it be. built Rome. ment). what the social order based the capitalist and entrepre- markets, and a rugged indi- (Thank you Jim Cook) To explain the downfall Eventually under the on private ownership in the neurs have been liquidated. vidualism that spurned the I realize this is rather of the Roman Empire, I Emperor Diocletian in 301 means of production has Unfortunately, limitless dole. cerebral reading, not nec- rely on the famous histori- AD, Rome fully embraced created.” Mises went on to borrowing is impossible We cannot survive so- essarily for the rank and ans Will and Ariel Durant. socialism. The bureaucrats explain what happens to a and the markets will begin cialism with any semblance fi le. In fact, statistically 99 “To support officialdom- feathered their own nest civilization that embraces to abuse the dollar. As the of American greatness, as percent of Americans are the army, the court, public just as today’s unionized government intervention value of the currency di- no country has ever pros- virtually clueless to the works, and the dole- taxa- government employees and socialism. “A society minishes in face of an infla- pered under government machinations of the world tion rose to such heights have established higher that chooses between capi- tionary holocaust the gov- intervention. The United in which they live. ginger, and nutmeg (or just use a generic pumpkin these comic comebacks: “Not traveling soon, but I know pie spice). I tried a store brand and an organic brand that I will be in Extremis shortly before my death.” but found that Libby’s (owned by Nestle) is not only ”Have you ever been in Satiable? Now that’s a trip.” “I Wandering & cheaper but also healthier: higher fiber and lower would have responded sooner, but I was in Carcerated, carbs than other brands. Wondering why, I phoned in Accessible, and in Competent.” So, are you in? Wondering Libby’s customer service and learned that Libby’s uses Dixon pumpkins from California, which apparently are OK LIQUORS UPDATE John Maybury naturally higher in the good stuff and lower in the bad Jeff Bagshaw, who had known OK Liquors’ owner Steve stuff.
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