3256 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 30, 1865. according to his class, as set forth in the following steward and ward-room cook in vessels below scale : — fourth rates, gun-room steward, gun-room cook, First Class.—Staff-captain, inspector of steam assistant sick-berth attendant, engineer's cook, machinery afloat, when embarked with a fleet, engineer's servant, captain's servant, commander's inspector-general, or deputy inspector-general of servant, secretary's servant, warrant officer's cook, hospitals and fleets, when embarked with a fleet: cook's mate, barber, second class ordinary seaman, —Forty-five shares each. captain's cook's assistant, ward-room servant, Second Class.—Senior Lieutenant of a rated ward-room cook's assistant, ward-room officer's ship, not bearing a commander under the captain, servant, gun-room servant, warrant officer's ser- secretary to the admiral of the fleet, or admiral vant, krooman, ship's steward's boy, boy first commanding-in-chief, staff-commander :—Thirty- class, supernumeraries, except as hereinafter pro- five shares each. vided, persons borne merely as passengers, and Third Class.—Sea-lieutenant, master, captain not .declining to render assistance on any occasion of marines, of marine artillery, or of land forces of capture of seizure, &c.:—Two shares each. doing duty as marines, whether having higher Tenth Class.—Boy below the first class :—One brevet-rank or not, staff-surgeon, secretary to an share. admiral or to a commodore of the first class, not All supernumeraries holding ranks in the ser- commanding-in-chief, chief engineer:—Twenty- vice above the ranks or ratings specified in the eight shares each. fifth class of this Our Proclamation, who have Fourth Class.—Lieutenant or quartermaster of been ordered to do duty in any of Our ships and marines, lieutenant of marine-artillery, lieutenant, vessels by the Lord High Admiral, by Our Com- quartermaster or ensign of land forces doing duty missioners for executing the Office of Lord High as marines, secretary to a commodore of the Admiral, by the senior officer of the fleet or second class, chaplain, surgeon, paymaster, naval squadron, or if none senior, then by the captain instructor, sub-lieutenant, chief gunner, chief or commanding officer of the capturing ship or boatswain, chief carpenter, assistant surgeon, vessel, if not by special authority employed in second master, assistant-paymaster in charge, As- higher capacities, shall share according to the sistant - paymaster, engineer, assistant - engineer, ranks which they respectively hold in the service ; gunner, boatswain, carpenter :—Eighteen shares but in all cases, to qualify them for so sharing, each. and not merely as supernumeraries in the ninth Fifth Class.—Midshipman, master's assistant, class, due notation of their being thus respectively pilot, clerk, master-at-arms, chief gunner's mate, ordered to do duly, must be made on the victual- chief boatswain's mate, chief captain of the fore- ling lists and prize lists. castle, admiral's coxswain, chief quartermaster, And with respect to supernumeraries of ratings chief yeoman of the signals, chief carpenter's mate, in the 'Service below the denominations of those naval schoolmaster, chief stoker, ship's steward, specified in the fourth class of this Our Procla- ship's cook, chief bandmaster :—Ten shares each. mation, and who at full victuals are engaged in Sixth Class.—Naval cadet, assistant clerk, the ordinary duties of the ship, it is Our will and ship's corporal, gunner's mate, boatswain's mate, pleasure that they shall ahvavs share according to captain's coxswain, captain of the forecastle, the ratings which they bear in the service. quartermaster, yeoman of the signals, coxswain of And in order that Our Royal intentions herein the launch, captain of the maintop, captain of the may be duly carried into effect, We further direct foretop, captain of the afterguard, captain of the that when any capture or seizure is made, or hold, sailmaker, ropemaker, carpenter's mate, service performed, for which a distributable grant caulker, blacksmith, armourer, plumber, painter or reward is to be, or is expected to be, conferred first class, leading stoker, sick berth steward, or awarded to any of Our ships or vessels of war, bandmaster, sergeant of marines, of marine the Captain or Commanding Officer shall transmit artillery, or of land forces doing duty as marines : or cause to be transmitted, as soon as may be, to —Nine shares each. the Secretary of the Admiralty, a true and perfect Seventh Class.—Coxswain of the barge, cox- list of all the officers, seamen, marines, soldiers, swain of the pinnace, captain of the mast, second and others who were actually on board on the captain of the forecastle, second captain of the occasion, with a notation thereon, stating whether maintop, second captain of the foretop, signalman, any other of Her Majesty's ships or vessels second captain of the afterguard, captain of the was in sight at the time of the capture, accom- mizentop, sailmaker's mate, coxswain of the panied by a separate list containing the names of cutter, cooper, caulker's mate, painter second those belonging to the crew who were absent on class, sich berth attendant, musician, head kroo- duty or otherwise at the time, specifying the cause man, corporal of marines or of land forces doing of such absence ; each list to contain the quality duty as marines, bombardier of Marine Artillery : of the service of each person, with their several —Six shares each. ratings, to be subscribed by the Captain or Com- Eighth Class.—Leading seaman, shipwright, manding Officer, and three or more of the chief stoker, and coal trimmer, yeoman of store rooms, officers on board. second captain of the hold, sailmaker's crew, And when a list of those actually on board, with blacksmith's crew, tinsmith, armourer's crew, the separate list of persons absent, though be- carpenter's crew, stoker second class, cooper's longing to the ship or vessel, shall have been veri- crew, able seaman, bandsman, tailor, shoemaker, fied on examination with the ship's books lodged butcher, second head krooman, lamp trimmer, as official records, the Accountant-General of Our flag officer's steward, cook and domestic, captain's Navy shall grant a certificate that such lists arc steward and captain's cook in all rated ships, correct, or have been corrected, as occasion may ward room steward and ward room cook in first,, require, in order that distribution of the respective second, third, and fourth rates, ship's steward's prize or other proceeds, payable as prize or salvage assistant, ordinary seaman, private and fifer of monej', may be duly made in the Department of marines or of land forces doing duty as marines, the Accountant-General of Our Navy. drummer and bugler, gunner of Marine Artillery : And in the event of difficulty arising with —Three shares each. respect to any of the regulations hereby ordered, Ninth Class.—Captain's steward and captain's or if any case should occur not herein provided cook in vessels below sixth rates, ward-room for, or not sufficiently provided for, We are pleased.
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