Te Shutle May 2015 The Next NASFA Meeting is 6:30P Saturday 16 May 2015 at the Regular Location Concom: 3P Saturday 16 May 2015, at the Church meeting days, at least until we get close enough to the con to d Oyez, Oyez d require going to two meetings a month. Stay tuned, though, and ! consider all meeting dates past this month as tentative until The next NASFA Meeting will be 6:30P Saturday 16 May confirmed. 2015, at the regular meeting location—the Madison campus of FUTURE PROGRAMS AND ATMMs Willowbrook Baptist Church (old Wilson Lumber Company Future programs for 2015 are TBD at press time. We need building) at 7105 Highway 72W (aka University Drive). ATMM volunteers all remaining months in 2015 except possi- Please see the map at right if you need help finding it. bly November. PLEASE NOTE that per a vote at the October 2014 meet- FUTURE CLUB MEETING DATES ing, the start of the Business Meeting has changed from 6P to All but one remaining 2015 NASFA meeting dates are cur- 6:30P. Programs are still scheduled to start at 7P. MAY PROGRAM The May program is TBD; Judy is working on something but did not have a confirmation at press time. Road Jeff Kroger MAY ATMM The host for the May After-The-Meeting Meeting is TBD at press time. We can assume the ATMM will likely be at the US 72W church and that the usual rules will apply—that is, please bring (aka University Drive) food to share and your favorite drink. Also, assuming it’s at the church, please stay to help clean up. We need to be good guests and leave things at least as clean as we found them. CONCOM MEETING Road Slaughter The next Con†Stellation XXXIII Concom Meeting will be at Map To 3P on 16 May 2015—the same day as this month’s club meet- Meeting Parking ing. It will be held at the same place as the club meeting, Wil- lowbrook Baptist Church. There will be a dinner break between Location Willowbrook Madison the Concom Meeting and the NASFA Business Meeting. 7105 Highway 72W The intent going forward is for the concom to meet on club Huntsville AL 35806 Continuing Our 35th Year of Publication Inside this issue… Awards Roundup ........................................................................4 News & Info ...............................................................................2 Locus Awards Finalists ...............................................................6 Minutes of the April Meeting .....................................................2 No Need for a Questing Beast—Chapter 14 .............................7 NASFA Calendar ........................................................................3 Letters of Comment ....................................................................8 Hugo & Worldcon Site Selection Voting Open......................... 3 Art by Jean-François Robert ......................................................9 Deadline for the June 2015 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Monday 1 June 2015 rently scheduled on the normal 3rd Saturday. The July 2015 opened their 2015 nominations <tinyurl.com/kepqx2n>. In- meeting has been shifted to the 4th Saturday (25 July 2015) to structions on the website allow you to make noms in any or all avoid a conflict with Con Kasterborous. of the 16 categories. As noms are made, they are added to the CHANGING SHUTTLE DEADLINES list at <www.parsecawards.com/2015-parsec-awards/ The latest tweak to the NASFA Shuttle schedule shifted the nominees>. Winners are selected by jury and will be an- usual repro date somewhat to the right (roughly the weekend nounced at DragonCon <www.dragoncon.org>, to be held 4–7 before each meeting) but much of each issue will need to be put September 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta and surrounding to bed as much as two weeks before the monthly meeting. hotels in Atlanta GA. Please check the deadline below the Table of Contents each HUNTSVILLE MAKES ANOTHER LIST OF HITS month to submit news, reviews, LoCs, or other material. We The Shuttle occasionally reports on various accolades for will generally need to enforce that deadline strictly. areas in and around our home base. This time Huntsville was JOINING THE NASFA EMAIL LIST named as one of the best cities for pay in STEM fields (science, All NASFANs who have email are urged to join the NASFA technology, engineering, and mathematics) in the US—coming email list, which you can do online at <tinyurl.com/ in at number 15 on the list. As the only Southern city so named NASFAEmail>. The list is usually low traffic, though the rate is (unless you count DC or MD as Southern), survey compilers rather variable. Generally the list is limited to announcements SmartAsset.com deemed Huntspatch the “STEM capital of the about club activities plus the occasional message of general South.” interest to north-Alabama sf/f/h/etc. fans. Non NASFAns are ! both encouraged and welcomed to join the list, but please only ! do so if you’re interested in the above restricted topics. NASFA CALENDAR ONLINE April Minutes NASFA has an online calendar on Google. Interested parties by Steve Sloan can check the calendar online, but you can also subscribe to it ! and have your Outlook, iCal, BlackBerry, or other calendar The April meeting of the North Alabama Science Fiction automatically updated as events (Club Meetings, Concom Association was called to order on Saturday, April 18, 2015, in Meetings, local sf/f/h/etc. events) are added or changed. You the Madison satellite location of Willowbrook Baptist Church can view the calendar online at <tinyurl.com/NASFACal>. at 6:37:35P by President Mary Lampert. The usual crickets and ! gavel were used to start the meeting. ! OLD BUSINESS None. News & Info NEW BUSINESS ! We still hadn’t selected a 2016 Con†Stellation con chair. TIPTREE FELLOWSHIPS CREATED (Cue the furniture jokes.) There were no volunteers. Administrators of the James Tiptree, Jr. Award <tiptree.org> Adam and Maria were going to Hypericon, and they wanted have established the Tiptree Fellowships, to be awarded annu- to take Con†Stellation flyers. ally beginning this year. The two $500 fellowships will be for CON BUSINESS “creators who are doing work that pushes forward the Tiptree Shelly, Con†Stellation 2015 co-con chair, was asleep, so mission.” The announcement mentions “writers, artists, schol- others made announcements for her. We had Orson Scott Card ars, media makers, remix artists, performers, musicians, or as our Guest of Honor. Our list of Also Attendings included Les something else entirely” who are “doing work that is changing Johnson and a new addition, Allen Lewis. the way we think about gender through speculative narrative” Doug asked if we could pick out guests of honor for as possible recipients. Con†Stellation 2016 without a con chair. We would probably Applications are expected to open at this year’s WisCon need to know the date and hotel first. This far out, maybe we <www.wiscon.info>, to be held 21–24 May 2015 at the Madi- could get someone to agree to a flexible schedule. son Concourse Hotel & Governor’s Club in Madison WI. Sam moved to adjourn at 6:47:14P. GUFF CALLS FOR CANDIDATES April’s program was trivia for chocolate, focused on trivia The Going Under/Get Up and Over Fan Fund <www.taff. about constellations and Con†Stellations. Doug and Mary org.uk/guff.html> is taking nominations for a European fan to Lampert hosted the After the Meeting Meeting at the meeting travel to Australasia in 2016. They will be expected to attend location. (at least) Contact2016 <contact2016.com>, the 55th Australian ! National Science Fiction Convention, to be held 25–28 March ! 2016 in Brisbane, Australia. Depending on the length of trip the winner can make, they NASFA Calendar are also encouraged to visit other parts of Australia as well as ! New Zealand. With the NZ natcon in early June that year, it MAY would require a somewhat long trip to make it to that as well. 01 May Day/Law Day/Loyalty Day/International Workers’ Nominations are open until 31 May 2015. Full details can be Day. seen at <www.taff.org.uk/guff/ann-1504.pdf>. 01–03 Oasis 27—Orlando FL. 2015 FILK HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 02 National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day. Three new inductees—Kay Shapero, Nick Smith, and Steven 05 Batalla de Puebla/Cinco de Mayo. Joel Zeve—have been announced for the Filk Hall of Fame. 06 National Nurses Day. Selection was by a jury, with representation from 10 in- 07–10 Full Moon Festival—Nashville TN. ternational filk conventions—including GAFilk (Atlanta area). 07–10 World Horror Convention—Atlanta GA. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS—PARSEC AWARDS 08–10 Outlantacon—Atlanta GA. The Parsec Awards for speculative fiction podcasting have 10 Mothers’ Day/Fête des Mères/Día de la Madre. "2 14 BD: Nancy Whittle. due to a convention conflict. 14 Ascension Day. 18 Eid al-Fitr. 15 Peace Officers Memorial Day. 26 Parents’ Day. 15–18 CostumeCon—North Charleston SC. 29 BD: Mark Paulk. 16* Con†Stellation XXXIII Concom Meeting—3P, at Wil- AUGUST lowbrook Madison. 07–09 Akaicon—Nashville TN. 16* NASFA Meeting—6:30P Business, 7P Program, at Wil- 07–09 Fandomfest—Louisville KY. lowbrook Madison. Program: TBD. ATMM: TBD (but 07–09 Shore Leave 37—Baltimore MD. probably at the church). 07–09 BronyCon—Baltimore MD. 16 BD: Linda Bolgeo. 08 BD: Jim Woosley. 16 Armed Forces Day. 12 BD: Sue Thorn, 18 Victoria Day. 14 BD: Edward Kenny. 19 BD: David O. Miller. 14–16 Onyxcon 7—Atlanta GA. 21–25 Game-O-Rama—Atlanta GA. 15* Con†Stellation XXXIII Concom Meeting—3P, at Wil- 22–24 Mobicon XVIII–Mobile AL. lowbrook Madison. TENTATIVE. 22–24 Nashcon—Franklin TN. 15* NASFA Meeting—6:30P Business, 7P Program, at Wil- 22–24 Timegate—Atlanta GA. lowbrook Madison.
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