One 'Bold tan tell tlie story rf con­ Take inventory of . your printed supplies. I f you need anything-, tinued business activity in the ■ The Times stands , ready to give you service. ... community—Advertising . A S D .T H E .SHSH O IIEAS R E T IM E S VOL. LXVI. No. 27 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 FOUR CENTS H otel A ssociation at Banquet The American Spirit A uditorium Sunday Preachers Hears Dr. Henson, M ayor M ooney See Religion A bove W orld Strains Group in Annual Affair at North End Drs. Holmes, Socl<man Speak to About Hotel Told Ocean Grove Must Appeal 5,000 at Two Auditorium Services; See to Those of High Moral and Spiritual Religion Only A id For Life’s Dissapoint- Character; Director Coffin Speaks ments; Dr. Henson Presides Gathering for the sixth annual banquet, members of Despite extreme heat in the morning and a thunder the Ocean Grove Hotel Association were told by various shower in the evening, nearly .5,000;persons, attended the; ’ '■ speakers to look for a '“season of prosperity” in these ris­ services at the Ocean Grove Atidiorium to hear Dr. Harry ing times. The get-together was staged on Monday even­ X. Holmes, assistant secretary of the World Allia'nce 'for ing in the North End Hotel. International Friendship, and Dr. Ralph W. Spckman, of Dr. George W.-Henson, president of the Camp Meet­ Christ Church, New .York, bring the messages. Dr. George W. Henson; Association president, • ' ~ ing Association, expressed sorrow Organist Clarence Kdhlmann for presided at both'Meetings. and will are, in conflict,- imagina- that we must find:prosperity in a his rendition of. sacred music each SpeakingSneakiiig for almost 3,000 in the-;4.®".a lw a y s wins.': Do you believe world cataclysm but stressed the afternoon on these chimes. availability (, of Ocean Grove as a morning, Dr. Holmes used as his that,” -he queiTied. Group-singing, was led by 'Ray­ seaside resort for "health, rest and Recalling liis own personal life ,• mond Holcombe, of Asbury Park, theme, the strains iii life that cause happiness." He was impressed by Dr. -Sockman told of his early and dinner music was furnished by life, to fall a bit short of the expec­ ' the hostelers’ slogan for Ocean childhood in a town where there the ; Cotterill Sisters,, thc North tations, hopes and desires of many. Grove—A World-Famous Seashore^ were held: regular yearly “ revival” - ! End hotel trio. '“Life for most of us,", he said, Resort—and added that it is actu­ meetings, because,-he said, in' that", “ falls jiist a little ehoii of the de­ ally a reality and not an empty Owing to the fact that the state case the wills were set but the im­ sire, intent or hope.' •.'■•s'/ agination not, and thus needed thc ■/slogan. ..-'/' legislature was in session, Sena­ • “ We do.not reach the goal of our The Camp president continued, tor Haydn Proctor and Assembly­ reguiar-. yearly “ revival,'' to., thc . hopes, we do not make the pattern ‘‘I have -met people, everywhere man J. Stanley. Herbert were un­ way of the true1 Christians. we have planned, we're counting on who are fam iliar with Ocean Grove. able to be present and participate “ The part o f ‘the’ Lord's Prayer,” . making’life as we -want it,' accord­ There are multitudes of famous in the program as planned by the Dr..'Sockman said, "in which we ing to our plan, but God sometimes (preachers and laymen in England committee. pray, ‘ Lead us not into temptation,' does not follow our. plan but His,” means only Oh Loril take my im­ :: who know or have heard of Ocean The local hotel proprietors who said Dr. Holmes. s : agination and keep it from ' Grove.” He added that this re- planned the dinner were H. A. Wil­ Telling the story of a strain ciius'- thoughts_of evil. f- sort does hot appeal to those who liams; chairman; R. B. Frede.v, F- '-ing -n-breali- in : the."great"Golden “Now a'ariari may possess his will ■vacation at Coney Island, but that G. Mount, C. B. Rohland, and C. B. Plan Patriotic ;:'. / AUDITORIUM CHIMES TO l'I.AV i Gate bridge in. .California, ' Dr. and,' imajsinationsand yet not. have , it must appeal-to those of-tlie Hennig._\Th"ey'\vere aslisfed by the MRS, JAMES McRELL HEADS FOR ITH OF JULY SERVICE Holmes said" that the break did not highest spiritual and moral char­ reception committee: Mrs. C. B. possession of .liis.soul. 'F o r lie has OCEAN GROVE U.S.O. DRIVE Song Celebration ' '■ ■ ' ‘ , b.ririg to a halt the work-on tile' not control of his feelings—he still acter. • Hennig, Mrs. E: J.'Bovton, Mrs. H. ' ■ .. ' 1 briigiv but l ather stirred the nieu M ayor Mooney Speaks lets. his. feelings run' away, with A. Williams, Mis. Jean H. Han- The' Auditorium chi m e s , ! to .greater speed to repair arid con-- “Representing, your suburb, As cox, Miss Anne Rohland; Mrs.. Har­ A call has been issued this . Program To Be Held In which have bee;i. silent for. the . him.- - • ,. ... - . ■ r , . | ttnue “Two- thirds of the .world’s sor­ bury Park,” Clarence V. Mooney, old Stratton, Mrs. J. W. Hiller, , week to residents and visitors ^ Auditorium Fourth of July Nigiil pust few (lays due to the mak­ ! Life Reveal., Strains, . ' row .arid; dissapoiiitment are diie to Asbury’s new and popular, mayor. Mrs. P. J. Young, Mrs. J. II Hem­ in Occan Grove for donations Temple Program In Morning, ing of repairs to the spealvn .- ‘‘Life., reveals.'its ■ strains ill o U-iliper, yet, a • man niiist - haye . ' placed emphasis on tlio spirit o f phill, Mis. L. K. Beider, Mrs.'E. L. system, will play for . the. toward, the United Service Or­ Parade .In Afternoon .. Iiur.d od places,'’ D j, Holmes con- temper, fo r temper is'to a liiaii as : cooperation that: should' exist be­ Bernhart; Mrs F. G. Mount, Miss Fourth of Jiily;'services, ac- ganization's- program of -retire? , : timied,: "and as .Kiplir.g, said; tween, the neighboring resorts. coiding :to.Managffi'. Joseph temper is to steel.' Jane McKee, Miss E. K. ShawyMrs, i spite, of .bei:'.g . broke—because of “Our chief asset and; your, chief Anna T. Dey, Mrs. J . P. Dunn and ation' centers for m ilitary Ocean Grove will celebrate the -Thema, who Stated.that he had • ■ "Jl^dispii Square. Garden’s great. i being ‘broken and. frustrated, you hall , in -New- York: is filled from asset is the beachfrontr-second to Mrs, M. J, Woodring. camps. Contributions may be Fourth of July with a pro^rarii of received /word fi-om/ 'Ranald can rise and build anew,’ orie-weclt to another, with gather- v none. We must make, our-places at­ given to , Mrs. Janies McRell! patriotic arid traditional sontts'; pre­ ' Bench that , tbe •■heeded .parts ! '"Sin. unemployment,. .defeat of o&people. all .working against tractive, both physically , and mor- sented'lindei' the direction of Wal­ would, • be installed by that. 71 Benson avenue, or to • tho / Hopes, strain-.:6f loneliness, uhex-j something. .Al: anti-something ral i: ally."; John Clark, president of the ter D. Eddowes, Ocean Grove: Min­ time. ' Mr.. Beach made the FIRST AID SQUAD ISSUES Ocean Grove branch of the . I pected. sorrow, .and' other ' strains pies: The trouble-today is that peo- ^ Asbury Park Hotel Association, ister of Music, and to be held in original installation of the BATHER SAFETY RULES i all have their effect- on the: strain pic ban be rallied around their hat- / . followed Mayor . Mooney: in, ac- A . P. and: O. G. bank Dr. Hie evening at the Auditorium. : chimes and speaking system.: of life .. Life’s: diss'apointments' and ■ accenting cooperation. He extend- George W. Henson announced The program will follow along tha The chimes, which are thc reds, but r.ot their loves.. An anti-; Rules of safety, for ocean i/strains come, but' 'we’ve not ma- Hitler' rally fills the hall to the . ed n cordial invitation to dll hotel collections front the Auditori­ same style of the ‘‘Sinking Skule,” , gift of B. Smith, given bathers have been issued by ■j chines, we’re bigger thair machines. doors, but a help China rally i3 'guests in Ocean Grove to attend so popular at'last year's celebra­ iii memory of his w ife ,; Mary,. Instructor Russell 0. Francis,' um Fourth of July celebratioin ! What has religion to say to those. poorly attended.. the series of N. Y . A. philharmonic tion. ; . - -' Johnston Smith, were installed of the Ocean Grove First Aid will be donated to the local ; black moments in' .history ? . Relig- “10,000 sit at-a prize fight and' concerts in the Convention Hall. In the morning:, at the Young last year and were played foi. Squad. | ion, is. tbe first thing and tiie .last watch a man .be torn apart,' but Recalling his first experience in U. S. O. drive by the Associa­ People’s Temple, a special Fourth lowing each '.Sunday , service ‘ (1) Cooperate with life­ j thing,; and', until man finds and no one shows up at the hospital on, the Grove, A. W. Coffin, manag­ tion. The drive will close on of July program under the leader­ and during each Week-day af­ guards—they arc your pro­ j knows God,; he begins be­ the next morning to see him put ing director of the New Jersey August 2. ship of Dr.
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