Thirteenth Series, Vol. X II, No. 20 Friday, Decenibtr 15, 2000 Agrahayana 24, 1922 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fifth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabha) QazafUl & Oab£t«« Vnit Parliamsnt Libr»ry ftuffdinf Room No FB-02B Blosic 'Q * (Vol. X II contains Nos. II to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Pricc : Rs. 50 (H) EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. RK. Sandhu Joint Secretary RC. Chaudhary Principal Chief Editor Y.K. Abrol Chief Editor A.R Chakravarti Senior Editor Sanjay Srivastava Assistant Editor [Original English Proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi Proceedings included in Hindi Version wil. be treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof]. CONTENTS [Thirteenth Series, Vol. XII, Fifth Session, 2000/1922 (Saka)] No. 20, Friday, December 15, 2000/Agrahayana 24, 1922 (Saka) S ubject C olumns ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ‘Stgrred Questions Nos. 381-383 3-28 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 384 to 400 29-49 Unstarred Question Nos. 4146-4323 49-271 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE ... 271-282 ASSENT TO BILLS ... ........... 282 STANDING COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sixteenth Report 283 5 BtJSlNESS OF THE HOUSE ........... 183-294 CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE Nationwide strike by postal employees Shri Basu Deb Acharia 297 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 298 Shri M.V.V.S. Murthi ... ... .... 306 Shrimati Shyama Singh 308 Shri Ajoy Chakraborty... 309 , Shri G.M. Banatwalla ... 310 BILLS INTRODUCED ........................................... 320 NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (AMENDMENT) B IL L ............................. 320 STATEMENT RE: NATIONAL BANK FOR AGRICULTURE AND ' ipURAL DEVELOPMENT (AMENDMENT)-OffD/AM/VC£ ... 320 .Water (preservation and co ntro l o f pollution IICESS (AMENDMENT) BILL ...................................... 321 JUVENILE JUSTICE (CARE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN) BILL Motion to Consider Shrimati Maneka Gandhi 328 Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal............................................................................................. 330 *The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indk:ates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. S ubj ect C olumns MOTION RE: ELEVENTH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS* BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ... 333 PRIVATE MEMBERS RESOLUTIONS (i) Problems of Sugarcane Growers Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh 334 Shri Prakash Mani Tripathi ... 338 Shrl K.K. Kaliappan 341 Yogi Aditya Nath... 345 Shri Ramji Lai Suman 348 Shri Adhir Chowdhary... 351 Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy 353 Shri Prabhunath Singh 355 Shri Girdhari Lai Bhargava ... 359 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 361 Prof. Rasa Singh Rawat 367 Shri Shanta Kumar 369 Dr. M.R Jaiswal ... 372 (ii) Proper utilisation of Funds for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Dr. V. Saroja ... 374 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Seventeenth Report 376 HALF-AN-HOUR DISCUSSION Production of Pulses Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya ... 376 Shri Kharabela Swain... 380 Shri Shripad Yasso Naik 382-386 %- LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA [English] MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : You allow me to conduct the Friday, December 15, 2000/Agrahayana 24, 1922 (Saka) House. Let me conduct the House. (Intenvptions) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock MR, DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Shri Pappu Yadav met the [Mr. Deputy-Speaker in the Chaii] Speaker. Hon. Speaker allowed him to take up this matter during 'Zero Hour’. I will be allowing him to take up this [Translation] matter during ‘Zero Hour’. Let him please take out all the SHRI RAJESH RANJAN ALIAS PAPPU YADAV placards and not rush to the Well of the House. Let him (Purnea) : Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Srr, I have moved an kindly wait till ‘Zero Hour’. adjournment motion. Therefore. I should be heard... Question Hour starts now. No. 381, Shri PR. Kyndiah. (Intemjptions) SHRI VIJAY GOEL : I am on a Point of Order, Sir. SHRI VIJAY GOEL (Chandni Chowk) : Sir, now they have started demonstrations in the House as well, what MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : No Points of Order now. We is \his7...(Intenvptions) have not even started. [English] (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Now Question Hour. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Shri Vijay Goel, I have not given permission to you. We have not even started the 11.01 hrs. Question Hour. What is it? At this stage, Shri Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav [Translation] came and stood on the floor near the Table. SHRI VIJAY GOEL : Sir, I am on a Point of Order. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Shri Pappu Yadav, display­ Business of the House has started. ing placards is not permitted. Please go to your place. Please go back to your seat. [English] [Translation] The rule says that a Member shall not display any exhibits in the House. Mr. Pappu Yadav, please go back to your seat. I wi|l listen to you,..(lnternjptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I have already asked him SHRI KIRIT SOMAIYA (Mumbai North-East) : Mr. not to exhibit it. You are raising the Point of Order now. I Deputy-Speaker, Sir, this is Lok Sabha and dignity of the have already ruled that he should take out all the placards. House should be maintained. Question Hour should be Why are you interrupting the House? allowed to run smoothly. It is a very wrong practk:e that SHRI VIJAY GOEL : I am sorry, Sir. Thank you. Question Hour should be disturbed every day. You shoukJ bring this point home to such members...(Hiterruptions) SHRI VARKALA RADHAKRISHNAN (Chirayinkil) : There cannot be any Point of Order during the Question MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I am telling you. Hour. (Intemjptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : What is It that you are raising SHRI VIJAY GOEL : What is all this; they are now? Please resume your seat. demonstrating in the House...(lntemjptions) [Translation] 11.02 SHRI MULAYAM SINGH YADAV (Sambhai) : Why are At this stage Shri Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu you getting annoyed Shri Pappu Yadav, he is just shpwing Yadav went back to his seat the photograph. Ora! Answers DECEMBER 15. 2000 to Questions MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Why are you getting circulated to all the State Govemments/concerned agen­ annoyed. You are blaming that I am getting annoyed but cies. Wide publicity has also been given. I am not. An Empowered Committee has been set up in the SHRI MULAYAM SINGH YADAV ; Sir, it is the month Department of Commerce to consider and approve the of Ramjan and you should be happy. proposals. The committee will also monitor the implemen­ tation of the sanctioned proposals. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : That’s why I am happy. Funds are to be released on receipt and examination 11.03 hrs. of proposals. So far, no funds have been released under ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the scheme. [English] ' SHRI PR. KYNDIAH : After the partition of the country, the North-Eastem region has been sliced off from the main Export Development Fund for land of India except for a very narrow land corridor of 22 N.E. and Sikkim miles. The entire region is surrounded by four foreign countries, namely, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and *381. SHRI PR. KYNDIAH : Will the Minister of China. The entire economy is dependent, in fact, on the COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state : relationship that we have with the neighbouring countries. (a) whether Export Development Fund has been There is a very long intemational border with our region. set up for the North Eastern Region and Sikkim; It is about 4793 kilometres which is one-third of India’s land border. (b) if so, the modalities for operation of Export Development Fund; and When the Prime Minister came to Shillong, my Constituency, he made an announcement for the socio­ (c) the Export Houses/Entrepreneurs who have economic development in the North-Eastern region and been benefited from the fund and the amount disbursed Sikkim. In that context, he made two very important points so far to each State, agency-wise and purpose-wise? concerning the Commerce Ministry. The first one is the one THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF which I have asked atKJut the Export Development Fund. COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (SHRI OMAR ABDULLAH): I have got the Written reply. But, unfortunately, it appears (a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the Table of the that there are no proposals and no funds have been House. released from the scheme. Statement Now, I would like to draw the attention of the Minister, through you Sir, to one very important aspect. That (a) to (c) An Export Development Fund (EDF) has announcement also consisted of the development of been set up with the objective of assisting specific activities border townships of Moreh in Manipur, Zokhawther in for promotion of exports from the North-Eastem region of Mizoram, Dawki in Meghalaya and Subrkhandi in Assam. the country including Sikkim. All activities, which have a These four townships are to develop within two years at linkage with the exports from the region and are designed the cost of Rs. 20 crore. When this amount was announced to help exports, are eligible for assistance from the Fund. by the Prime Minister, it was a very solemn announcement All govemment and private sector agencies engaged in considering the importance of the North-East in relation to promoting exports from the North Eastem Region arKi the border trade and border exchange. Now, December is Sikkim can seek assistance under the Fund. going on and the announcement was made on 22nd January of this year at Shillong. We would like to know The Fund has been set up in September 2000 with the factual position. What is the present position of the an initial corpus of Rs. 5 Crores drayvn from the Non- progress of the development of these townships t>ecause Lapseable Pool of Funds. The Funo is being maintained basically, it is very important that we develop these by the Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export townships? Development Authority (APEDA) under the Department of Commerce.
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