E1080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 27, 2019 Mrs. Parker was a loving mother of three vide top-tier higher education to the African Miles College’s existing campus. He has seen and wife of longtime newsman, Glynn Boyd. American community and to educate the the college successfully accredited by the She was a veteran journalist at FOX 8 News minds of future local, national and global lead- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools where she was both a nominee and awardee ers. Miles College has deep roots in the Chris- Commission on Colleges, an affirmation that of several Emmy Awards. Outside the news- tian Methodist Episcopal Church, whose guid- will stand through 2023. room, Mrs. Parker wrote two beautifully written ing principles helped to shape the school’s In addition to his exemplary work at Miles children’s books tailored in the culture of New mission and curriculum. Miles College also College, Dr. French has been a true servant Orleans. She was also a proud member of played a major role in Birmingham’s struggle leader within the broader Birmingham commu- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. for civil rights. When the Southern Christian nity, boasting numerous awards and accom- Mrs. Parker was a treasure to us all. She Leadership Conference was scouting a city in plishments. In 2011, Dr. French was appointed lived a fulfilled life doing what she loved to do which to test methods of peaceful protest, Bir- Treasurer of the Birmingham Civil Rights Insti- for so many years. We are forever grateful to mingham was decided upon in large part be- tute, and in 2013 he was named the Bir- Mrs. Parker for her eternal impact and we cause members of Miles College were already mingham Spotlight ‘‘Man of the Year.’’ He cur- keep her friends and loved ones near and engaging in activism. rently serves on the Regions Financial Diver- dear to our hearts. A native of Louisville, KY, Dr. French joined sity Advisory Council and as an officer of the Madam Speaker, I celebrate the life and Miles College with a strong educational back- Birmingham Business Alliance Executive Com- legacy of Mrs. Nancy Parker. ground, having earned his Bachelor of Arts in mittee. Dr. French was invited by former Presi- f Political Science from the University of Louis- dent Barack Obama to a meeting at the White ville. He was then competitively accepted to House and, per the recommendation of U.S. RECOGNIZING DETECTIVE GREG the University of Richmond Law School before Congressional leaders including Reps. NANCY HORTON being recruited by Miles Colleges’ former PELOSI, John Boehner and TERRI SEWELL, was President Albert Sloan to join Miles College as appointed to serve on the National Advisory HON. TRENT KELLY the Director of Development. Dr. French com- Committee on Institutional Quality and Integ- OF MISSISSIPPI pleted his final year of law school at Miles Law rity, an entity which serves to advise the Sec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School where he earned his Juris Doctor. He retary of Education. Dr. French was also ap- received his Ph.D. in Higher Education from Tuesday, August 27, 2019 pointed by the U.S. Congress to serve on the Jackson State University in 2018. U.S. Department of Education Negotiated Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, As Director of Institutional Planning and De- Rulemaking Committee, which was estab- I rise today to recognize Detective Greg Hor- velopment at Miles College, Dr. French lished ahead of proposed regulations for the ton with the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Depart- oversaw the offices of Alumni Affairs, Federal Federal Student Aid programs authorized ment for being named one of the Top 10 Contracts and Grants, Title III, Institutional Re- under title IV of the Higher Education Act of Computer Forensic Examiners in the country search and Effectiveness, Congressional Rela- 1965. by the United States Secret Service. tions and Public Relations. He was also pri- On a personal note, I have had the great Detective Horton is one of 3,000 examiners marily responsible for fundraising, a task he honor of knowing and working with Dr. French on the United States Secret Service Electronic met handily. As part of the Capital Campaign for over a decade. He has been an exemplary Crimes Task Force. Detective Horton has Fund Drive, Dr. French raised twelve million President of Miles College, an outstanding been working with the Electronic Crimes Task dollars, making it the largest drive in the his- mentor and a dear friend. I know that Miles Force since 2011 and has performed over tory of Miles College. College stands tall today as one of the ‘‘Crown 2,200 forensic examinations. Out of all his During his fourteen-year tenure as President Jewels of Alabama’s 7th Congressional Dis- peers, the United States Secret Service has of Miles College, Dr. French has worked to trict’’ because of Dr. French’s visionary leader- ranked him number four in the country. strengthen the college’s academic standing ship, fundraising prowess and inspiring and in- I thank Detective Horton for his dedicated and offerings. Under his direction, faculty has fectious charisma. Thank you for your twenty- service to our law enforcement community and secured some of the largest grants in the col- three years of supreme service to Miles Col- the nation. lege’s history, and the initiative of ‘‘culture, lege and congratulations to you for the out- f class and civility’’ has been put into action, in standing legacy that you will leave here. I am the classroom and throughout all other initia- forever grateful for our friendship and for the TRIBUTE TO THE EXTRAORDINARY tives. During his presidency, Miles College re- amazing partnership that my congressional of- LIFE AND LEGACY OF DR. ceived a federal grant to become a Center for fice has enjoyed with Miles College. From GEORGE T. FRENCH, JR. Academic Excellence in Intelligence. As a sen- growing the college financially and literally to ior member of the House Permanent Select all of the outstanding academic programs and HON. TERRI A. SEWELL Committee on Intelligence, I am especially athletic events, you will leave this institution a OF ALABAMA proud of the work of Miles College within the stronger and better place. For that I say, ‘‘Well IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Intelligence Community. During visits from the done,’’ my friend. I know that your brilliance, Tuesday, August 27, 2019 Director of the Office of National Intelligence love of learning, faith and determination has to campus presentations before two Directors and will continue to serve you well in your new Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Madam Speaker, of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the stu- endeavor as the incoming President of Clark I rise today to honor Dr. George T. French, dents and professors at Miles College bril- Atlanta University. Jr., the 14th President of Miles College, on his liantly personified why diversity in the Intel- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join twenty-three years of exemplary service to ligence Community is so important. In addi- me, the Miles College family, the Birmingham Miles College and his recent appointment as tion, Miles College was rated by HBCU Digest community and the State of Alabama, in pay- President of Clark Atlanta University. Under as one of the ‘‘Top Three Most Underrated ing tribute to the extraordinary life and legacy the impressive leadership and oversight of Dr. Historically Black Colleges and Universities.’’ of Dr. George T. French, Jr., the beloved 14th French as President since 2005, Miles College Under his impressive leadership, Dr. French President of Miles College. has met unprecedented fundraising goals, has has also increased Miles College’s allocation f more than doubled its existing campus size to education and educational support services through land acquisition and, most importantly, by 11.03 percent. The school’s total operating IN HONOR OF FRANCISCO has continued to fight for and implement the budget has increased significantly as a result PORTILLO values upon which it was founded—providing of Dr. French’s superior fundraising abilities its students with quality, first-class higher edu- and has realized a 32.28 percent increase in HON. DONNA E. SHALALA cation. A man of steadfast and unwavering operating revenue thanks to state and federal OF FLORIDA faith, Dr. French’s experience as a pastor in grants and contracts aimed at reducing stu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church has dent debt. Dr. French’s administration has also Tuesday, August 27, 2019 lent him strength and purpose as he has navi- worked to progressively increase student ac- gated his impressive career. cess to education funding through a 54.31 Ms. SHALALA. Madam Speaker, I rise in Miles College was established over one percent increase in awarded Pell Grants. honor of Francisco Portillo, the Honduran polit- hundred years ago in 1898 in Fairfield, Ala- Dr. French has also kept an eye to the fu- ical activist who fought for immigration reform bama. The college is a historically black col- ture, acquiring the North Campus, a forty-one- in the United States. He passed away earlier lege, whose mission has always been to pro- acre site whose inclusion doubles the size of this month at the age of 64. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:32 Aug 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27AU8.026 E27AUPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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