VOL. XXIII NO. 121 MONDAY , APRIL 9, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Landmark financial aid plan announced by Beauchamp By PAUL PEARSON grants based upon their finan­ Assistant News Editor cial need. Beauchamp said that they Notre Dame has announced a plan to eventually triple the plan to eventually meet the full number of Notre Dame Schol­ financial needs of every under­ ars during the plan. He called graduate student. this “a giant step towards the Father E. William eventual plan to fulfill the fi­ Beauchamp, executive vice nancial needs of all students.” president and chief financial of­ ficer, said that the board of According to Richard Conklin, trustees has authorized spend­ director of Notre Dame Public ing $5 million from unre­ Relations and Information, the stricted gifts over the next four bulk of the revenues from the years on Holy Cross grants and 1991-95 football television Notre Dame Scholars. The contract w ith NBC has been board has also announced a committed to this endowment. plan to increase endowment to However, Beauchamp said that student aid by a total of $100 the decision to implement this million over the next 10 years. program was made independent Holy Cross grants are given of the contract. to minority students selected Joseph Russo, director of fi­ for their academic potential nancial aid, said that the uni­ The Observer/ Andrew McCloskey and ability to overcome social versity hopes to increase the Rock around the clock and economic disadvantages. amount of minority students A group of students spent Friday and Saturday rocking in an attempt to raise money for the CSC. Lau­ Notre Dame Scholars are admitted each year, lie said ren Nathe, Dave Krier, April Ehret, Kristin Ballard, and Damien Gaul are interested in going to Oaxaca, named by the Admissions Office Mexico this summer. The Maryknoll Missionary sends fourteen students every summer for three as the best-qualified among en­ weeks to teach English, work with children, and gain a better understanding of the Third World. tering students, and are given see AID / page 8 AIDS victim White dies at 18 after brave five-year battle INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Ryan ■ Reactions to death / page 3 continue the fight, his fight, White won the right to attend White, who won a long court against this dreaded disease.” school. However, pressures on battle to attend public school “ At the end, his family and a White, born Dec. 16, 1971, in his family later drove the and overcame prejudice against few of the others who loved him Kokomo, was 13 when he was Whites to the town of Cicero, himself and other AIDS victims, were close at his side,” Kleiman diagnosed with AIDS in Decem­ and he enrolled at Hamilton lost his 5 1/2-year struggle with said, “ lie never regained con­ ber 1984. He had contracted Heights High School in nearby the deadly disease on Sunday, sciousness, and I am confident acquired immune deficiency Arcadia. lie was 18. that he suffered no pain at the syndrome through a blood-clot­ In his new home, townspeople White died shortly after 7 end." ting agent used to treat his he­ and fellow students rallied a.m. at Riley Hospital for Chil­ Carrie Van Dyke, a mophilia. It is estimated that around him and befriended dren, where he had been hospi­ spokeswoman for Mrs. White, more than half of the nation's him. talized since March 29 with an said the family needed “ time to 20,000 hemophiliacs were in­ He became a national AIDS-related respiratory infec­ be alone, to recover, to grieve.” fected with the AIDS virus be­ spokesman for children with tion. He had been heavily se­ John, who stayed at the hos­ Ryan White fore better blood donation AIDS, appearing at congres­ dated and on a ventilator. pital with the Whites nearly a President Bush, who last screening procedures were sional hearings and fund-rais­ White’s mother, Jeanne, and week, dedicated the song week planted a tree in White’s adopted, and 1,200 have devel­ ers. lie was on the cover of sister, Andrea, 16, had kept a “ Candle in the Wind” to White honor in downtown Indianapo­ oped AIDS. People magazine and made bedside vigil, joined at times by during the Farm Aid IV concert lis, said he and his wife, Bar­ In 1985, White was barred friends with such celebrities as celebrities such as singer Elton Saturday night at the Hoosier bara, were “ deeply saddened” from Western Middle School John, Michael Jackson, former John and the Rev. Jesse Jack­ Dome, about a mile from the by White’s death. near Kokomo after school of­ President Reagan and Olympic son. hospital. “ All Americans are impressed ficials and parents rejected diver Greg Louganis. Dr. Martin Kleiman, White’s “ This one’s for Ryan,” John by his courage, strength and health authorities’ reassur­ Michael Jackson arrived Sun­ physician throughout his ill­ said to the cheers of 45,000 his ability to continue fighting,” ances that AIDS cannot be day afternoon by private jet ness, said death followed a fans at the concert to raise Bush said in a statement. spread through casual contact. with developer Donald Trump slow deterioration that had be­ funds for financially troubled “ Ryan’s death reaffirms that After months of school board gun Saturday. farmers. we as a people must pledge to battles and court hearings. see WHITE / page 4 ND and SMC students help Firefighters remove the bodies of poor in Christmas in April victims of Scandinavian ferry fire By KELLEY TUTHILL Sophomore Jill Miller, News Editor community service commis­ sioner from Siegfried Hall, LYSEKIL, Sweden (AP) — Ex­ Firemen were seen leaving the blaze was caused by arson, cit­ Notre Dame and Saint said that this year’s project hausted firefighters braved ship in tears during the night. ing two fires that broke out at Mary's students worked to seemed more organized than metal-melting heat and poi­ Each firefighting team under­ a short interval on two differ­ repair homes Saturday in Christmas in April last year. sonous smoke from a two-day- went psychological care after ent decks. the West Washington Miller spent her day old fire Sunday to begin remov­ being relieved, officials said. District police chief Roar neighborhood of South Bond painting the interior of a ing bodies of about 150 victims The fire spread early Sunday Onso, revising earlier figures, as part of the second annual South Bend home. She said from the Scandinavian Star from the gutted middle section said 345 people survived the Christmas in April. that other volunteers ferry. to the captain’s bridge a few fire, which broke out about midway on the ship’s ten hour Approximately 3,000 vol­ painted the exterior of the Firemen struggled to reach hours after the blackened ship unteers from the community home, fixed a furnace, cabins where victims burned to was towed into port. The blaze, voyage from Oslo to Frederik- participated in the one-day installed a kitchen floor and death or suffocated in the sus­ which finally was extinguished shavn. Ferry captain Hugo project designed to improve cleaned the garage. picious blaze. It began before late Sunday, sent plumes of Larsen told police of 395 pas­ smoke over Lysekil, on Swe­ sengers and 97 crewmen. If his the living conditions of pre­ Although there was no dawn Saturday while the ship selected elderly, handicapped heat inside the home. Miller was in the North Sea carrying den’s southwest coast 250 figure is correct, 147 people died, Osno said. and low-income homeowners said she was lucky to be in ­ about 500 tourists and miles southwest of Stockholm, in South Bend. side as Saturday's weather crewmembers on an overnight the capital on the east coast. In Oslo, police said six Am eri­ can musicians were among the Other volunteers included was rather cold. trip from Norway to Demark. Tugboats doused the ship rescued. A seventh member of approximately 800 com­ “ One of the best parts of The heat was so intense Sun­ with water. Holes were blasted into the side of the 10,500-ton the group was not on the list of munity residents, 250 mem­ the day was when the day that it melted aluminum ship to allow the water to drain survivors, but police did not bers of local skilled labor woman who lived in the aboard the bridge of the Dan­ out, for fear that the badly list­ know if she had boarded the unions and 200 employees of house started to work with ish-owned ship. Firefighters in ing ship would topple onto the ship. The Americans were not the City of South Bend. the volunteers and help with masks and breathing equipment identified. Christmas in April is a their efforts," she said. “It fought through one corridor concrete dock. Officials with VR-DANO Line, Onso said a burned passenger joint project between the City felt like a real group effort.” “ until their gear started to the company in Copenhagen list was found in the debris but of South Bend and the Uni­ burn,” said fire consultant Olle Wennstrom. One firefighter that owns and operates the Ba­ versity of Notre Dame. see X-MAS / page 5 was slightly injured, he said. hamian-flagged ship, say the see FERRY/ page 9 Monday, April 9, 1990 page 2 The Observer I n s id e C o l u m n W e a t h e r Forecast for noon, Monday, April 9. Volunteer Lines show high temperatures.
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