
TELEVISION*RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY TELEVISION (Channel numbers follow the station identification in program.) The hours for radio and television programs are received by The Times as reported by the various stations. Lastminute program changes made after The Times goes to press are not the responsibility of The Times. 10:00 KTLA (5) News; Music KECA (7) "Wild Horse TV HIGHLIGHTS Stampede" 10:30 KTLA (51 Tricks and Treats KFMB (8) Ed McConnell 5:00 KNBH (4) Victor Borge, 11:00 NTLA (5) "Boss of Rawhide" Vera Zorina. KECA (7) StitErwin Show 6:00 KNBH (4) Sid Caesar- KFMB (8) Date With Judy Imogene Coca. 11:30 KECA (7) Date With Judy KECA (7) Space Patrol. KFMB (S) Two Girls Named7:00 KTTV (11) Red Ryder Smith Series. 12:00 KEC.A. (7) Two Girls Named KTSL (2) Sammy Kaye. Smith '7:30 KNBH (4) Hit Parade. KFMB (8) I Cover Times KTSL (2) Beat the Clock. Square. KLAC (13) Hometown KTLA (5) "I'm From Jamboree. Arkansas" 8:00 KTSL (2) Ken Murray. 12 0 RECA (7) I Cover Times KHJ (9) Football: Pasadena Square JC-Long Beach JC, KF3113 (S) Frontier Theatre 8:30 KTTV (11) Vets TV Center. 1:00 KECA (7) "Garden Shop" KTLA (Si Spade Cooley. 1:15 KECA (7) Scouting in 10:00 KTTV (11) Cosmopolitan Act ion Theater. 1:30 KTLA (5) "Sudden Death" KFMB (8) Football 6:00 KTTV (11) Western Highlights Featurette 1:45 KTTV (11) News. Film KECA (7) Space Patrol Oddities KFMB (8) San Diego Zoo 2:00 KTTV (11) Santa Monica KNBH (4) "Your Show of Fair Shows" KFM8 (S) Smokev Rodgers KLAC (13) Pro Football 2:30 KTLA (5) "Sign Of Wolf" Highlights 3:40 KTLA 45) "Etepnant Boy" 6:15 KFMB (8)Little Theatre 4:00 KTIT (11) "Boys Will Be 6:30 KTLA (5) Fantastick Girls" Studios, Ink. KFMB (8) Hopalong Cassidy KFNIB (8) Trouble With 4:15 KTSL (2) Parade of Hits Father 4;30 KNBH (4) Football KECA (7) Gene Autry Highlights KTSL (2) It's A Neat Trick KTSL (2) and KLAC (13) KLAC (13) "Winner Take Public Service Film 4;45 KLAC (131 Hitching Post 6:45 KTSL (2) Pat Bowman 5;00 KTTV (11) Range -Riders KHJ (9) Action Theatre RECA (7) "Gallant Fool" 7:00 KTTV (11) Red Ryder KTSL (2) Ed's Gang KECA (7) Theater KFNIB (S) Super Circus KFAIB (8) Ken Murray KTLA (5) "Man's Best KTLA (5) Tim McCoy Friend" KTSL (2) Sammy Kaye KNBH (4) All-Star Revue 7:30 KLAC (13) Hometown 5:30 KTLA (5) Cowboy Thrills Jamboree KTSL (2) Ghost Rider KNBH (4) Hit Parade KECA (7) United or Not KTSL (2) Beat the Clock 7:45 KHJ (9) Football Review 8:00 IiTTV (11) In Our Times KNBH (4) One Man's Family KECA (7) TV Teen Club KFMB (S) Grouch() Marx KTSL (2) Ken Murray. KHJ (9) Pasadena-Long Beach 8:30 KTTV (11) Vets & TV Center KFMB (S) Martin Kane KLAC (13) "Tanks A Million" KTLA (5) Spade Cooley 9:00 KTTV (11) "Shadow of Cloak" KECA (7) Song Time KFMB (8) Playhouse of Stars KTSL (2) Fare Emerson's Wonderftil Town 9:30 RTTV (11) Hands of Destiny KTLA (5) "I Met My Love Again" KTSL (2) Show Goes On I:LAC (13) Al Jarvis KECA (7) "Racing Romance" 10:00 fiTTV (11) "Be Just and Fear Not" KFMB (8) Paul Whiteman Revue KTSL (2) "Racing Blood" 10:30 KFMB (8) Man Against Crime K1-1J (9) Movies: "One Year Later" KLAC (13) Owl Movie L0:45 KTLA (Si "Strangler of Swamp" KECA (7) "Bank Alarm" KNB11 (4) "1 Met a Murderer" 11:00 KT"Flr (11) "Night Has Eyes" KFMB 181 ''Crime Syndicated" ,w,:174n lax: 1::g ligWERB: 13:0 KIEV: Vg ligaL : ; Ng Ma : 11148g RADI(0 TODAY KALI . 1430KFSG - 1150 KGFJ - 1230KLAC -570 KPMC - 1560 KWKW 1300 SATURADY OCTOBER 271951 KFAC - 1330 KFVD - 1020 KGIL- 1260KMPC -710KPPC . 1240 KXLA - 1110 2:15 P.M. KNX-Frank Goss 8:30 P.M. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS KECA-Wismer's Score-K.RKID-Race Results KFI-Jane Ace DRAMA SPORTS- board KECA-B. Garred KHJ-Lombardoland, S:00 fiECA- Lone Ranger 11:30 KFOX. KALI. KGFJ- 2:20 P.M. U.S.A. 7:30 KEI-Magnificent Montague Notre Dame-Purdue .i.EC.k.Saturclay 6:00 P.M. NECA-Defense Atty. 11:45 NECA.Northwesterm Afternoon With Bill KFI-Talent Search KNX-Gene Autry 9:00 KNX-Gang Busters Wisconsin K LAC-News; Jarvis KMPC-Hollywood PUBLIC INTEREST- KtAC-Minn.-Mich. 2:30 P.M. KNX-HopalongCassidy Calling 6:45 NECA-Report to People 12:05 KNX-Foothall Roundup KNX-Fun to Be Young,I:MB-News, Music KWKW-Hollywood 1:45 NEI-Wash.-Stanford :FWB-Peter Potter KMPC-News Park Races 7:00 K11PC-Congressman Sneaks 1:45 NH.I-SC-Tekas Christian KRKD-News KHJ-Hawaii Calls .15 NI1J-Calif. Nat!. Guard NMPC-CaL-Oregon State 8:55 P.M. MUSIC- 3IUSIC- 2:45 P.M. KECA-World Opinion KECA-News 7:30 NECAAll WA: Band 7:30 NECA-All Wac Band .Fl-Wash.-Stanford KGFJ-Request 9:00 P.M. s:00 NVAC.Evening Concert `..:00 I:Et:A-Evening Concert 3:00 P.M. Performance 10:30 NW-Dance Music 10:30 KILI-Dance Music KFAC-Dinner Concert KFI-Bob & Ray :.FAC-News, World 6:15 P.M. KECA-Navy Hour KFI broadcasts the news today at 6*, 6:45*, 7, 7:15, 7:45 8, 9*, Opera KFWB-Sports RoundurKHJ-News :FWB-Peter Potter KINIPC-Calif. News, KNX-Gang Busters 10:30* a.m.; 12 noon; 3:45, 5, 5:15, 5:45, 8:15, 10, 10:15*, 1i* p.m.., NX-P. Nor an Bob Kelley KFWBOn The Beat and 12:511a.m. Newscasts starred (*) use the newsgathering :LAC-News. 570 Club KMPC-Eve. Rhythm KMPC-Cal.Oregon 6:30 P.M. KLAC-News, Music facilitiesof the Los Angeles Times for localcoverage. liFIJ-SC.Texas KFI-Grand Ole Opry KILT-Caribbean 9:15 P.M. Christian - KHJ-Calif. Nat. Guard 7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. KFVD-Union Rescue Crossroads Mission 3:30 P.M. EFWB-Strictly From 9:30 P.M. KFI-For Men Only NH-George Dvorak KGFJ. NALL KFOX- KFAC-Musique a la Dixie KFI-Orchestra Kill-F. Hemingway NECA-No School Today Carte KNIPC-Joe Hernandez ENX-Brdwy. My Beat NNX-Theater Today Notre Dame-Purdue KNX-This Living News - KFAC-Musie Hall KECA-Science Editor KHJ-Rav Robbins KFWB-News NFWD-Salv. Army KHJ-Sports Parade KRKD-News I:GP...I-Monte Randall KFWB-Stop Fooling KECA-Aluslc NFAC-Rose Room KFWB-News, Maurice 3:45 P.M. Presents Yourself KMPC-Service Show I:LAC-News; Haynes Hart KFAC-News KNX-Johnny Dollar KECA-Laymen's Hour KFAC-CotTee Cup K3IPC-Whittinghil1's KECA-Pres. Truman Show KNX-Meet the Missus 6:45P.M. KMPC-Dance Time Concert 11:45 A.M. KFI-Wash.-Stanford 9:55 P.M. KNX-Ralph Story KHJ-Flying Feet KG RI-News KFI-Sunday Previews KLAC-News; Clete 9:15 A.M. NECA-Northwesterm 4:00 P.M. KECA-Rep. to People KFAC-Fed. of Churches Wisconsin Roberts NUJ-Music KFAC-Masterpieces 10:00 P.M. KECA-Ira Cook's KECA-Junior Junction 7:00 P.M. KFI-Night Reporter 7:15 A.M. Beach Party 12 NOON KNX-This Is L.A. KNX-How To KHJ-Breakfast Gang EFWD-Musical Frog. KNX-10 O'Clock Wire Kit :IA-News FYI-Farm Reporter [LAC-News:Jukebox K.H.I-Drexel Institute EFWB.G. Norman I:LAC-Haynes at Reins 9:30 A.M. KFAC-Lunch. Concert KMPC-Cal.-Oregon Choir KECA-Late News KA1PC-Ani. Story KNX-Stars 0' 1-Ilywd. and News KH.J-Se-Texas KFAC-Evensong. Dr. KLAC-News; Make KFWB-Bill Leyden NUJ-Pres. Truman KNX-Galen Drake. Christian James W. Figeld Mine Music NFAC-PianoPar. Football Roundup 4:15 P.M EL AC-News, Clete KMPC-Dance Time 7:30 AM NLAC-Jarvis KFWB-B. Anson KGFJ-News Roberts KHJ-News, Monica KA: X-Frank Goss I:FWD-Strange Fits KM PC-Congressman KEC A-News: Bob KFcA-Spare Patrol NI-Li-Sid Fuller, 4:30 P.M. Wlialen Garrett KFWB-Blind Artists KOF.I-Musical Digest 10:15 P.M. 9:45 A.M. ELAC-Football-Big 10 KFI-Dangerous KFI-Ray V. Darby KAIPC-Storv Circus C KECA-S.F. Sketchbook Assignment KNX-Thin Harmon 1:GE:I-Country Church Defense KNX-P. Masterson 12:15 P.M. KECA-As We See It & Carroll Alcott 7:40 A.M. REND-News KGFJ-Dixielanci li.HJDance Music KECA-Sports Menu l(FWD-Music liFWB-B. Anson iHJ-T'.flerningway 7:10P.M. KFI.Coast Guard KMPC-For You LAC-Crosby and Co. NECA-Dancing Party 7:45 A.M. 10:00 A.M. on Parade 10:30 P.M. KNX-Mirandy's NFAC-News. MorningKW-Bands for Bonds 4:45 P.M. 7:15 P.M. KnOld Barn Frolics Almanac Concert 12:30 P.M. iRKD-News liD-5.1 Time Waltz KNX-Tom Harmon, 1.:H.I.Nows: Bob FreedKNX-Grand Central KFIVB-News KFWB-Red Rowe KMPC-Hour of St. Phil Norman NECA-Prega me PlatterNM PC-For Von KFI-Moon & Six Pence :LAC-Racing, R'nclun Francis KRI-Arthur Van Party Wndup KF1-News KECA-Orchestra I:Ft-News I.:FWD-Maurice Hart b1iJ-Man on Farm FI-Here Comes the KECA-Talking It Over NECA-Pre-Game 12:45 P.M.
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