PUBLISHED BY 'THE NATIONAL RADIO CLUB . HEADQUARTERS: 325 SHIRLEY AVENUE. BUFFALO. 15, NEW YORK RAY A. EDGE. EDITOR JOSEPH J. BLCKER. SR..PRESIDENT ISSUER WEEKLY---$2.00 PER YEAR VOL 13. 'No 18 Jan 3.5 194b We welconie Gordon Stearns-Chester Depot,Vy. C.E. Sleichter-Rt 2-BOX 2889-Del Paso Hgts,Calif. Dr. John Im Kirk-415% Main St-Point Pleasant,K.Va. Robert Spencer-194 1.5th 3t~Buffalo,13,NIY1and Raleigh Biss-35 N San Gorgonio-Banning, Calif., as new members and alsp the renewals of Bob Kostka-Frank Plheeler-John Curgan and Eric Bristow. May you al.l receive many DX' pleasures frorn your memberships. Thanks. - -+ DX CA1,ENDAH DATE----- CALL--LOCATION---------------- KCS+--CLUB------ ALL TIME EWT---- JAN 20 WLAP Lexington KY 1450 N R C ~:OO- 5:0b AM VGB G-ezt 3end Kan 1-400 N H c 3:~- ~:OO AM RRF Washington N.C. 930 N I? C 4:00 - 5:00 AM 1340 N H C 240 - 2:50 AM 121,o N F, c 4:00 - 5:00 AM f 1240 N R c 3:0u - 3:30 AM Gv Olympia Wash 1240 11 H c 3:30 - 4:00 AM 1470 N l? C 3 to 4 or 4 to 5 AM 1490 N R C 6:00 - 7:00 AM Calif 1290 N R C 2:30 - 3:00 7 N Mansfield Ohio 1.400 N R c 3:OO - 4:OO ? 1340 N R C 5:00 - 5:30 AM 1340 l\ H C 2:,4.0 - 2250 AN 1290 N R C 4:00 - 5:00 AM 11.50 N R c 2:00 - 4:00 nM -WLAP-LEXI,?JGTON ,Kx This is our first DX froia Kentucky in quite some time, and it is frox a station which has been heard often by us on freq check. This will to our knowledge be tneir fitst regul-ar DX prograin or Cl-u3 ded- ication, and with such WLAP is ~velcomeBinto the fold, VvLAP gets out very nicely and we should be able to hear them even with TrTJOE on. \$Je thank Mr. Sanford Holt,c.e. for agreeing to DX for us,znd we thank also PFC Jack Quintrell for suggesting and arranging this DX, KVGB-GRFA.T BEND,KnNSA% Mr. Harold Hardy,whon we have pleased by our num- srous reports t~ his recent two freq checks,~~vantsto yut this Qour (or longer) DX on the air In order to coriduct several tests with US. Natur- ally we are proud to be of service to G friendly station like KVGB. And Harold is going to gi.ve us a. nevi station to log and verify--his broad- cast pick-up station, Fot the ca1.l anZ freq and time it will be OD-].is- ten to the whole KVGB show and Hzrold will tell us when to switch over, Thanks Harold. Flle 1.1 be listening. Arranged by Carroll bcth, WHF-WASHINGTIN N . CAR. Roy Phelps and Mr George Martin want to give VRRF a work out on a clear 'charnel. This ii~orniriashould find 930 kc clear of all QRM. We ask our western members- to try-for this prograrri,for WRRF has never been heard on the west coast and 'the engineers ,are very arlxious to be heard there. But let us a11 listen in--we may hear froriL our member Roy Phelps hinslef on this DX during the second half.. Here's wishing WRRF good reception. Program suggested by Roy Phelps. 1 It wil.1. be noted WCBI wasnt on Jan 14th. Letter received froni Mr. D H Livingston said it was cancelled but wi3.1 be on Jan 78t.h snmp t.im~- NATIONAL RADIO CLUB DX NEWS ----C-dC-lr--C--C-d----------------eBCB Page 2 FREQUENCY FROLICS January 15 1.944 RElARKS 'El Paso,Texas testing 1st Man 3:05-3:20.D Cooper-Kittanning pa) 620 VJCbX fjurlington,Vt tests 2nd MOB 2-2115. (N ~c~eod-~ixfield,~aine) 800 XELO Report sent to El Paso,signed by b1 E; ~runch(~ippir1cott-CeloNC) 930 G!3QR What does Ihomas nean concerning station testing on this freq th~mornirlg of' CJCAfs DX. %hat station was it? How come he could identify it? ill babriel-~akewood,0) 1220 VNCX Sitka,fi.Lnska. Here's one gang. It! s the station of the Amr- ican Expeditionary Forces in "laska. Slogan is IlYour Station North of the Nation" Coue on Lcfty,pul.l this run in(~abrie1) 123b V~BHPHuntsviJ.l.e,~la testing 1st IbION 3-3:15. (D cooper) 2240 XEMQ Merida,Yuc. definitely hrd 2849-3:13 s-off, sigs c4 R7, No possible doubt of call. (~ippincott-Ce1.o&do Car.) KGBG Harlingcn,Texas tests 2nd WED 4:10-4:20. (0 Wilson-Reading pa) 1340 I<CKll Kansas City,Kan testing 1st @lON 2:15-2:30. (D Cooper) 1380 WAWZ Zarephath,N J coties on daily except Tues a~idSat at 6Aki. This frou verie signed by Donald Wolfren. Gays KPOF rnay DX for US, I (E ~oo~er-~odger) 1400 CJLA Bore1,Que This exist. Idail returned MLW----Qurango,Colo tests .A - 2.. 2.. KRKO ,Everett ,Wash L-~~~.San Antonio,Tex, KTUC Tucson,Ariz seems to be on IZBRN W,zrren,Ohio verie signed by Charles J 1450 KAOV Vincennes,Ind still test 1st & 3rd 1230- KFUN Las Vegas,N LTex next test Jan 25th frou 3-3: 15Ahl (~dgr;) NET: STATIONS POKER KVOP-Plainvicw,Tex-1400kcs 25Ow Ultd KCMO-to 5KW D-r3 frori-ISKlrJD-1KW-N WARW-Clarksdale Miss-1450 kc 250w WTAL-to 25OwD-N froia 250-D; 100-N OWNERSHIP WLAP to American Brdstg Gorp from American Broadcasting Co of Ky. WGES to Radio station lnJGES fro;^ Oak Leaves Broadcasting dtztion Inc. WEIlbl to Radio Station WEIM from Rubin E: Aronhei1,i. WKZO to Fetzer Broadc<?sting Co, froill RKZO inc, APPLICATIONS FOR NEh STATIONS -- United Broadcasting,Akron 0 640 Bcs-1Klv liuited.(~ontingent upon grant- ing deletion of WCLE. WHKC use facilities of WCLE on 610 kc and Akron station use VJHKCf s facilities) AMGRICAN-COLONIAL BRDBTG COHP. Arccibo,P.R. l24U kcs 250 watts. CRLUL'IET BROADCASTING CORP, Halrimond Ind, 1520 kc s 5Ki'd day time WARC INC, Rochester, N.Y. 1240 kcs 250 watts (~nci~itiesof WSAY) The grants of now stations is a contruCiction of thc FCC's rule of UNo CP grants for duration" but excusc is that those localities are not ser- ved sufficiently by radio. KVOP is ovuned jointly by J C l3othkvell and W J Hdrpole, call is for Voice Of Ploinvil1.e; WARW is owned by attorney the Robin Weaver Sr, hence caLl,, A11 by Bill. Gabriel. Jr. STAN LiIIORSG-BRADFORD. l1ASS Veries in fro& WCAX to clenn up Veri;lont, also WBAB on NRC-DX-WAOV-lV!IIENY-WSLU; KGNO good here but no dedications to NRC. WSNY was h-9 on NRC-DX. Here are a few skods fror2 a Corpus Christi pap- er. KfiIS-7AM-lfiliI on 1360 kc; KTRH from 6:30~M-lAhl on 740 kcs; KEYS from 7:30ATvl-1AM on 1490 kcs. No mention of IC,tlBU so guess they are not on tho qir yet. WARVJ in ClarksdaI.c,lhiss mgta new station on 1450 kc 250~. Mhat happen& to I1,XNY and WEGO, never did get any answer from them. VVEGO is ,good here at 7: 50 A&' on Sundays. NATIONAL RADIO CLUB DX NEWS January 15 1944 TIP5 amd LPO REPORTS. BCB Page 3 --------------+i-------------------- BOB SPENCER-BUFFALO N Y I have been a DXer on and,off for years,having got miy staft on an old tube Atwater Kent BCB set which we still keep as it cost $150. I never sent ou& reports for verifications until. just recentl-y except for a couple of short wave stations. Because of working an avergae of 1.4 hours a day Ulon to FRI and 1.0 hours on Sat with Sunday off I dont get to do much DXing. Late1.y I have managed to squeeze in a bit. On Oct 5 1943 I started to keep a lag which I expect to make per- menant (for BCB only) Receiver here is 6 Hall.icrafter Sky Champion 820R without the l1Sr1 meter. Know where I can get one these days? (sorry Bob I dont) Antenns is pretty wel.3, blocked off by z tree to the east, and tabl.er houses to the north and south. It is made of several pieces-Hi. Is 45 f t inverted ftLI1 running East-West . Late EX vias WJBO in Dec-CJRL who havent verified as yet and KVGb-IYCBI, Going for KGNO this AMVI. lUEWTOIq MC LBOD-DIXFIEL'D YE, First off skip the &ope on KOH as to s-off. I got then this AM 1/7. 1/3 No sign of' CJCA by 4:55 so I quit, CJFX on top of 580 kc at 5Pbl just like there wasnt any other station on; CHML cover- ing XE:W sol-id from 11.:45-MDT; I./,!+ CKVdS on top 960 kc 12-1.2:lOAM s-off. A Say Emee Coo s-off at 1:15AIVi on 920; lUo sign of KW9N as WSLB was on with ecluiptment test. VIC.PLU messing up 1.1.90 to 1.2:30 Pdxm kc so if CFAR was on I didnt get them. Went to sleep before CF3R. BBC on 670 kc with sitting up exe~cises.Kows your figure boys? \;ill some one please take out that Frog on 1.190 so I can get KEX? 1/6 Spiclcs on 1000 kc which se~med to be testing, Iicpcnteci records,signal distorted at times.
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