May 1, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E413 a joke ready to lighten the mood, even if the the top GMC dealership in Texas. James HONORING THE MEMORY OF HAR- reactions to his own jokes were funnier than Wood Motors built a new facility in 1989 and OLD REID, A FOUNDING MEMBER the jokes themselves; became Wise County’s full-line General Mo- OF THE STATLER BROTHERS Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the House tors. of Representatives of the United States of The Woods expanded their geographic foot- HON. BEN CLINE America, That the life and legacy of Cornelius print and vehicle offerings by purchasing a OF VIRGINIA ‘‘Corky’’ Levi Knowles, who peacefully passed Buick/GMC dealership in Denton. James IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES away on April 24th, 2020, be remembered and Wood Motors added Pontiac, Chevrolet, Olds- Friday, May 1, 2020 honored. mobile, Jeep, Eagle and Mazda to their deal- Mr. CLINE. Madam Speaker, I rise to recog- f ership portfolio and created the James Wood nize the passing of Harold Reid on April 24, CONGRATULATING BRYCE AutoPark by 1994 in Denton. The Woods fam- 2020, and to honor his legacy of commitment FAWORSKI FOR HIS WIN AT ily currently owns General Motors dealerships to family, community, and music. CLASS 1A STATE FINALS FOR in Decatur and Denton, a Hyundai dealership Harold Reid was born August 21, 1939, the WRESTLING AT THE IHSA STATE in Decatur, as well as Neighborhood Used Car son of Sidney Boxley Reid and Mary France TOURNAMENT dealerships with multiple North Texas loca- Craun. He married Brenda Lee Armstrong and tions. together they raised daughters Kim, Karmen, Mr. Wood was recognized for his many con- Kodi, Kasey, and son Wil. He is survived by HON. CHERI BUSTOS Brenda, their children and spouses, and ten OF ILLINOIS tributions to the community as Decatur’s ‘‘Cit- izen of the Year’’ in 1989. In addition, he was grandchildren. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES elected to the GM Presidents Dealer Advisory Harold Reid loved his family, entertaining, Friday, May 1, 2020 Council in 1987 and served as a board mem- and the small-town they call ‘‘home’’—Staun- ton, Virginia. Together with high school Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise today ber of the Wise Health System for ten years. friends, Harold formed the Four Star Quartet, to recognize Bryce Faworski, a senior from He was instrumental in founding the Cham- debuting as gospel singers, who were wel- Winnebago High School, who won the Illinois pions and Blue Ribbon Club for the Wise comed in churches across the Staunton, High School Association’s Class 1A State County Youth Fair and due to his time and ef- Waynesboro, and Augusta County area. They Finals Wrestling Tournament in the 160 pound forts in support of the Fort Worth Stock Show, performed for high school dances and other weight class. he was elected to the Stock Show Board of local events before winning the 1955 Kiwanis Bryce went a perfect 4–0 at the state tour- Directors. Amateur Talent Show in Staunton, earning a nament to complete a 39–1 record on the sea- While a very successful business owner and live performance on a Richmond television son. As a former athlete, I appreciate the for- community philanthropist, Mr. Wood was also station. titude Bryce displayed to achieve his dream of an avid farmer and rancher and dedicated By 1960, the group’s membership changed, being a state champion and commend him for family man. He enjoyed cutting horses and and Don Reid joined his brother in the group his efforts and attitude. Bryce is an example of raising cattle but most importantly, spending which became known as The Kingsmen. They the importance of dedication and a strong time with his wife of sixty years, Shirley, and played for the Miss Virginia Pageant and work ethic, and I am proud to see him rep- their three children: daughter Janetta, son earned a contract to appear regularly on a re- resent Winnebago so well throughout the state Raymond and late son Josh, grandchildren gional television station. In 1962, they opted to with his talent and passion. and great grandchildren. change their performing name again, becom- It is because of student leaders such as James Wood was a respected business and ing The Statler Brothers. Bryce Faworski that I am especially proud to Histories of the renowned Statler Brothers serve Illinois’ 17th Congressional District. community leader and a beloved husband, fa- ther, grandfather and great grandfather. He credit Harold Reid with the vision and cha- Madam Speaker, I would like to again formally risma that encouraged the quartet to continue congratulate Bryce Faworski on his Class 1A will be sorely missed by his family and friends to whom I extend my sincere condolences. their musical performances. His deep bass State Finals title in Wrestling. voice undergirded wonderful harmonies when f the quartet was on stage. His sense of humor f kept audiences engaged and his fellow IN MEMORY OF JAMES WOOD ABIGAIL TROESTLER bandmates upbeat through long hours of road travel. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS It was Harold Reid who approached another OF TEXAS HON. ED PERLMUTTER country music legend, Johnny Cash, following IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cash’s performance in Roanoke, Virginia. Har- OF COLORADO Friday, May 1, 2020 old reportedly told Johnny that he should hear the quartet sing. A few days later, the Statler IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise Brothers opened for Johnny Cash for shows in today to honor the life of James Wood. Well- Friday, May 1, 2020 Berryville, Virginia. The Statler Brothers be- known in North Texas, he was businessman, came a part of Cash’s roadshow on March 1, veteran, and philanthropist. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise 1964. Fans of country music will recall where Mr. Wood was born on November 4, 1937, today to recognize and applaud Abigail that road led. in Decatur, Texas and grew up the youngest Troestler for receiving the Arvada Wheat The Statler Brothers earned their first hit the of five children. After graduating high school in Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. following year with ‘‘Flowers on the Wall.’’ The 1956, he left his Wise County hometown and Abigail Troestler is a student at Arvada group released more than 50 albums. They went to work in a shipyard on the Harvey West High School and received this award be- won three Grammys, nine Country Music As- Canal in Louisiana. After a short time working cause her determination and hard work have sociation Awards, six International Country in Louisiana, he entered the U.S. Army, serv- allowed her to overcome adversities. Music Awards, and numerous Music City ing his country for three years. Upon his hon- News Awards. The Statler Brothers Show ran orable discharge from the military, Mr. Wood The dedication demonstrated by Abigail on The Nashville Network from 1991 to 1998. went to work at Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth. Troestler is exemplary of the type of achieve- ‘‘Flowers on the Wall’’ garnered renewed inter- He decided to try his hand at selling cars ment that can be attained with hard work and est when the lyrics were included in the movie just like his father. Mr. Wood became man- perseverance. It is essential students at all ‘‘Pulp Fiction’’ (1994). In 1996, a Harris Poll ager of Cocanougher Ford in Bridgeport. For levels strive to make the most of their edu- ranking America’s favorite singers listed the a decade, with his wife Shirley, they success- cation and develop a work ethic which will group as second to Frank Sinatra and ahead fully operated Tanwood Motor Sales in Deca- guide them for the rest of their lives. of many other singers across various genres. tur before taking over the General Motors I extend my deepest congratulations to Abi- The Statler Brothers have been inducted into dealership. gail Troestler for winning the Arvada Wheat the Gospel Music Hall of Fame (2007) and the In 1989, under the leadership of Mr. and Ridge Service Ambassador for Youth award. I Country Music Hall of Fame (2008). The group Mrs. Woods, James Wood Motors became the have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- performed for over 40 years. largest GMC truck dealer in the United States. cation and character in all of her future ac- Harold Reid and the Statler Brothers never During the next decade, their dealership was complishments. forgot their small-town roots. Harold was a co- VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 May 02, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01MY8.024 E01MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with REMARKS.
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