City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works The Reporter Archives 1973 The Reporter, February 13, 1973 How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu/bb_arch_reporter/168 Discover additional works at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact: [email protected] THE TO Reporter GEORGE BRANDAU The Bernard M. Baruch College Vol. LXXX - No. 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY l3, 1973 �34S A Free Press Opening Your .H�use lo You (/,is/,o/m To Speak By Linda Neufeld be available for students, and it the tab for the entertainment. Live entertainment, champagne is hoped that students will sta1·t A wide variety of po.pular food . At SEEK Awards punch and food will be featured using their center. will be served. StJ.1dent Council is throughopt tbe Open House to ·be The Open House will start at trying to g,et the food free from held next week. Evening Session 5 :30 on next Tuesday (Monday is large companies as a promotional, Student Council is sponsoring this George Washington's Birthday and but is prepared tb purchase what­ Open House, which wiH 1un from school will be closed), and will end ever is needed. On Tuesday, Chi­ February 20th to the 22nd in the on Thursday night. The party is nese food will be served. Fried newly renovated Student Center. open to evening session under­ Chicken and salads are scheduled The purpose of the Open House graduate students only, and ID for Wednesday, and hamburgers ° is to reacquaint the evening ses­ cards or bursa1 s· receipts will be are planned for Thursday. A 1 sion student body with the stu­ required. Kosher table will be provided each dent center and the club programs. A raffle will be held nightly night. A champagne punch will be During the last few years, there for prizes at 9:45. Every night a served every night while the sup­ number of small prize ply lasts, from a fountain. A non­ 1rns been a noticeable drop in the s ( will be number of evening sessjon stu­ given, and in addition a Grand alcholic punch will be available for dents participating irt extracun·ic­ Prize will be given on Thursday. those who want it. The center ular activities. In fact, few stu­ Live entertainment will play housekeeper, Mrs. Dorothy Conov­ dents even drop in the center to nightly. On Tuesday, painist Mur­ er will be serving n�ts, cookies take advantage· of the services pro­ ray Grand with torch singer Dawn and other assorted tibits ' from vided, which include free refresh­ Hampton and Vaughn deForest on Baruch's pantry. The hot food will ments every night. Every student, bass will perform from 5 :30 to be available from 5:30 on in the whether he participates or not, 7:30. DeeDee Bridgewater and jazz Marble Lounge in the Student pays for the center and its pro­ trio will play on Wednesday from Center. grams through the registrllition 5:30' to 6 :30 and 7 to 8. For the All faculty members will be in­ fee. finale on Thursday, a soft rock vited to the Open House, as well The Student Center is now be-, group, China Davis and trio, will as the, administrative officers. ing renovated and it will be finish­ perform from 5:30 to 6:30 and 9 Come to the Student Cente1· ed in time for the Open House to 10. The J)epartment of Student next week for the Open House, next week. More lounge space will Personnel Services is picking up and get involved! Bragging About BRAG: Black Retailers .Actio·n Group .Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm On February 15, i973 the Baruch College SEEK Scholar­ sit idly by hoping that progress J. Korvette's, New York; and Wil-. By Bill Parker ship and Welfare Fund will sponsor the Second Annual Awards will come and they will be du).y liam H. Parker, Buyer and Con­ Only recently has American rewarded by long and faithful sultant of National Shirt Shops, Ceremony for SEEK students wl:J.o have distinguished them­ Industry begun to pay its debt service. New York, 2nd vice-president. selves academicall, y d:uring their college career. to the Bla<ik men and women Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of Brooklyn, New York Rather, they have come together "Our aim," Mrs. Schofield re­ . who through the years have as a group to insure the quality ports, "is to improve the climate will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Chisholm has been a consistent toiled in the worst jobs at. the of opportunity promised by the of retailing for minority people - advocate of the SEEK Program and other educational opportu­ lowest pay to· build the American . American dream. The organization Puerto Ricans, Mexican-Americans nities for minority persons. We anticipate that her remarks economy. is Black Retail Acting Group and other ethnic groups as well as ·will be inspiring and timely. The Award ceremony will be held The ·retail industry did not and (BRAG) with a membership and Blacks." She adds: "In the next in the college_ auditorium at 17 Lexington Avenue at 7:30 p.m. still does not differ from its in­ mailing list of about 300 in the half dozen years, a majority of A reception and refreshments will follow the ceremony. dustrial contemporaries in its New York - New Jersey metro­ the working force in the retail in­ The SEEK Scholarship and Welfare Fund was established treatment of Black workers. They politan area. The group is a non­ dustry in major cities will com­ have been relegated to the "Negro profit corporation with a mailing prise of minority groups. The in­ by the faculty and staff of the Department of Co�pensatory jotis" - stock, receiving, porter address at 309 Lafayette Avenue, d1ilstry must start-now to elilninate Programs. It is supported by co-ntributions from the faculty · and mati;on work. Only rarely Brooklyn. Executives of practical­ a lot of dead-end jobs by training and staff of the Department and others interested, in the pro­ were they allowed to penetrate ly all the leading department and more minority people for man­ gram. The·purpose of the fund is to proviqe scholarship awards even the lowest strata of the sales, specialty stores and national chain agerial and executive positions." to SEEK students who have outstanding scholastic averao·es0 clerical, or executive ranks. headquarters in this region are . Members of the executive com­ and to inspire other students toward academic excellence. Retailers have been scared out represented in the membership. mittee besides the officers: Walter Eighteen students will be honored for their outstandino· of their wits by Watts type phe­ Specifically their goals are: Justice, Frederick Atkins; Carolyn 8,cademic achievement. Cash awards of $125 will be presented - nomena, and by Operation Bread­ Ashe, buyer, Martin's; Barbara to three students with A-averages. They are John J. De Simone basl3:et phenomena. The white ex­ a. To promote the total accept­ Bolden, fashion distribution, Pen­ Teri'ence V. Leid and Don S. Smyer. The following 15 student� odus to the suburbs and the con­ ance and participation of ney; Marilyn Brown, employment sequent tightening of urban mar­ Black men and women · at projects manager, Bamberger's; will be awarded plaques for having maintained a B-average: all levels of the retail in­ kets have forced the retail in­ Margaret Carter, training director, Gloria E. Calvelo, Karen R. Chester, Evelyn Jackson, Anna IvI. dustry. dustry to accept Blac;:k personnel Gimbels; Ophelia Gilliam, systems Johnson, Jerry Y. Lum, Fay G. McAlister, Aurora Morales into 'other than the "traditional" b. To attract' Black high school analyst, A & S; Patricia Horne, Patricia A. Nevius, Keith A. Nicholson, Lenvert D. Nicholson'. jobs. · Continual pressure on the and college students to the assistant buyer, Sak's 'Fifth Ave­ Gail G. Quam, Raul Quiroz, Doris Santiago, Robert B. Sewell of retail industry, as mar,iagerial part governmental agencies, nue; Charles. Houston, warehouse and John Velez. civil rights groups and concerned and executive candfdates. supervisor, Gimbels; Walter Coles, c. To insure that their industry individuals has made jobs avail­ accounting supervisor, Korvettes; ment and referral - counsels job­ is responsive to the problems headed by Dennis Henry, . in at­ able - jobs which for the most Willis Jamison, department man­ seekers, helps them prepare re­ facing their cities - espe­ ·tracting minority students to re­ part have been at the entry level. ager, A & S; William Parker, men's sumes and acts as a liaison be­ cially the "disadvantaged." tailing careers. BRAG's members Rare is the Black man who has division buyer, National Shirt tween retail companies and minor­ d. To bring to the buying pub­ act ·as "friends in the industry" to advanced to a policy-making job Shops; Sherry Williams, consul­ ity recruiting agencies. 3) Work­ lic's attention those enter­ these students. The group's work­ for it has only been recently that tant; Edward Wilson, divisional shops, seminars and a speakers' prises which are not respon­ shop committee hopes to hold pe­ one sees Blacks entering the ex­ merchandise manager, Macy's in bureau on retail careers and entre­ sible to the needs of Black riodic roundtable discussions with ecutive level as buyers, group White Plains, New York; Julian· preneurship. 4) Fund-raising pro­ Americans to participate in top store executives. BRAG held managers, and personnel represent­ Worrell, manager of divisional gram and publicity including a the economy. its second annual dinner-dance on atives.
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