Salado Villageillage Voiceoice VOL. XLI, NUMBER 32 V THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2018 254/947-5321V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ BoA discusses sewer issues BY TIM FLEISCHER tie in to the sewer system EDitOR-in-CHIEF when it comes online next year. Salado’s sewer customers The monthly demand may have up to 12 months to charge for residential prop- decommission their septic erty may be $20 per month, systems after tying in to the according to the preliminary collection system early next numbers. The monthly rate year. per 1,000 gallons usage for Village administrator residential properties may Don Ferguson told aldermen be $8. The average resi- Nov. 15 that Bell County dence, according to the Im- Health Department will al- pact Rate Study conducted low sewer customers up to by HDR, uses approximately 12 months to decommission 100 gallons per day, or 3,000 their septic systems, rather per month during the winter than decommissioning the months. system at the time of con- This would bring the av- nection. erage monthly cost for resi- This may alleviate some dents to $44 per month. of the upfront costs of tying According to the pre- in to the system for the 137 liminary numbers, the de- Salado will light up for the annual Salado Christmas Stroll Parade at 6 p.m. on Nov. 29. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) initial customers. mand charge for low impact Customers will also be non-residential properties allowed to pay out the $3,750 is $40 per month. The rate per Living Unit Equivalent per 1,000 gallons for non- Lighted parade on Nov. 29 kicks (LUE) Impact Fee over 48 residential customers is $11. months at no interest This rate is determined, ac- As the completion of the cording to Grady, by the off annual Salado Christmas Stroll Salado sewer system nears, total water used per month, the Village of Salado will including outside water. The 2018 Salado Christ- to roll by no later than 5:45 rated for the Christmas sea- viewers should arrive early conduct two public informa- The monthly demand mas Stroll Parade will kick p.m. son. Because this is a lighted enough to find their spot to tional meetings for property charge for a high impact off the two-weekend event at No drop-off vehicles will parade, all entries floats and watch the parade. owners that will be required non-residential customer 6 p.m. Nov. 29. be allowed in the staging vehicles must be lighted The final entry (Salado to tie in to the sewer system. will be $80. The monthly Lighted entries will take area. Only walkers, march- with at least 300 Christmas Volunteer Fire Department) Ferguson told aldermen that usage rate may be $16 per the parade route from Royal ers and parade vehicles will lights. is the only one that will have one meeting will be held 1,000 gallons. Street up Main Street to the be permitted. Floats, trail- All walkers must display Santa Claus. in December and a second Reed defined the high- Salado Civic Center. ers, wagons and motorized battery operated lights or Deanna Whitson is serv- meeting in January. impact users as those whose Staging for entries in the vehicles must arrive at their neon/glow-in-the-dark ac- ing as Parade Chairman for Ferguson also told alder- water is more expensive to Parade will begin at 3 p.m. lineup position already load- cents. the event sponsored by the men at their November 15 treat, not necessarily those at Royal Street and Center ed with riders and ready to Main Street, Royal and Salado Chamber of Com- meeting that the village will who use more water. He Circle. All entries must be go. Center Circles will be closed merce. develop a customer informa- gave no examples of the in position in line and ready All entries are to be deco- during the parade. Parade tion package with informa- types of users that would be tion on septic system decom- considered high-impact. missioning, specifications Residential customers for tying in to the system, will be based on the winter Twelve Gifts of Christmas tickets impact fees calculations and months usage average. Non- sewer rate fee calculations. residential customers will be The Village has not yet based on annual average us- now available from Salado Lions adopted the sewer service age. Salado Lions Club has Creek” framed print valued • Black onyx & pearl ued at $350 donated by First rates, although aldermen ad- Belton Sewer Rates a collection of gifts for its at $770 from Prellop Fine necklace set in sterling sil- Community Title. opted Impact Fees of $3,750 Up to 2,000 gal.: $13.50; Twelve Gifts of Christmas Art Gallery. ver valued at $599 donated • French country console per Living Unit Equivalent $5 per 1,000 gal up to fundraiser. Members are • 10” X 20” tub filled by Salado Creek Jewelry. table (52” long, 22” deep and (LUE) calculated at 100 gal- 15,000. selling tickets now for $10 with gourmet jams, salsas, • Hand sculpted mystery 31” tall) valued at $550 do- lons per day. Temple Sewer Rates is each or four for $20. coffees and gourmet foods gift donated by clay artist Ro nated by 21 Main. HDR, Inc. at the time that based upon size of sewer line The fundraiser is actually valued at $495 donated by Shaw, valued at $400. • Deluxe Suite for one it presented the Impact Fee plus $4.50 per 1,000 gallon. 12 drawings. Your ticket(s) The Strawberry Patch. • One year of pest con- night Weekend Stay at and Study also presented prelim- 3/4” - $10; 1” - $16; 1.5” - will enter you in each of the • Hand blown glass bowl trol application (interior and Dinner for Two at the his- inary service rates. $20; 2” - $64; 3” - $128; 4” drawings that will be held at with silver inlay donated by exterior) valued at $335 do- toric Stagecoach Inn, valued Grady Reed with HDR, - $200; 6” - $640. 9 p.m. Dec. 8 at The Straw- artist Gail Allard II of Sal- nated by Ace Pest Control. at $350. Inc. on June 21 outlined a Harker Heights Sewer berry Patch. You need not be ado Glassworks, valued at • Christmas wreath with One night weekend stay preliminary rate structure Rates: In town, up to 3,000 present to win. $395. a matching companion vase at Inn on the Creek and din- that would include a month- gallons, $17.99, $3.01 per The following prizes have • Battery-powered Stihl valued at $350, donated by ner for two at Alexander’s ly demand charge and a rate 1,000 gallons; out of town, been donated by local busi- blower and trimmer valued Magnolia’s. Distillery valued at $300. per 1,000 gallons to the 137 up to 3,000 gallons, $35.98, nesses: at $400 donated by Fairway • Holiday basket with or- customers that will have to $6.02 per 1,000 gallons. • “Morning on Bee Sports. naments and succulents val- Nominate your favorite local business or citizen for annual Salado Chamber of Commerce awards Salado Chamber of Com- Hall of Fame Award – Business of the Year: Business of the Year: 2009 Award Winners Thelma & Herbert Fletcher. merce will present the Busi- What person or couple have Barrow Brewing Co. Springhouse of Salado. Business of the Year: 2005 Award Winners ness of the Year, Citizen of significantly contributed to Citizen of the Year: Kaye Citizen of the Year: Gail Brookshire Brothers #69 Business of the Year: the Year and Hall of Fame the development of our com- and Frank Coachman. Allard, Salado Glassworks. grocery store. Gregory’s of Salado. during its annual awards munity in the past. They Hall of Fame Inductee: Hall of Fame Inductee: Citizen of the Year: Ra- Citizen of the Year: Jack- banquet held every year in could be alive or deceased. Jane Wilmer Jack Husung, Magnolia’s. mon Carver. ie Mills. January. The Chamber is so- Have they contributed to Ambassador of the Year: Ambassador of the Year: Hall of Fame Inductee: Hall of Fame Inductee: liciting nominations for the making Salado what it is to- Marjorie Hairston. Maurine Nathanson. Bill Bartlett family. Susan Stockton; Don Mack- award recipients. Letters of day? 2015 Award Winners 2012 Award Winners 2008 Award Winners ie. nomination may be sent via A Business or Citizen Business of the Year: Business of the Year: Business of the Year: Inn 2004 Award Winners email to chamber@salado. that has received the award Mill Creek Golf Course Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be- on the Creek. Business of the Year: com. Call 254-947-5040 for within the past five years Citizen of the Year: Skip Que. Citizen of the Year: Su- Stagecoach Inn. more information. cannot be nominated until Blancett Citizen of the Year: Terry san Terry. Citizen of the Year: Hul- Business of the Year – the time period has passed. Hall of Fame Inductee: Potts. Hall of Fame Inductee: da Horton. What business has made a Following are previous Hulda Horton Hall of Fame Inductee: Troy & Vickie Kelley. Hall of Fame Inductee: considerable contribution recipients of the awards, Ambassador of the Year: Carolyn Williams. 2007 Award Winners Dr. Harry Wilmer; Dion Van to our community? They which have been presented Ann Moore. 2011 Award Winners Business of the Year: Sal- Bibber. must be a Chamber mem- during the Banquet each 2014 Award Winners Business of the Year: Ace ado Silver Spur Theater. 2003 Award Winners ber. What has set them apart year since 2002. Business of the Year: Hardware.
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