;/1;(. IIt'II m;.·wr; Irw/II,.i",,,r! )1I1"('IIUI Instauration® CARL ORFF -- THE COMPOSER WHO STAYED o Nordic genes in Russia are diluted in a sea of Alpines and Finnics. There is very little Tartar blood. Most slanty-eyes and pinched-cheeks In keeping with Imtauration's policy of ano­ o When the Germans discovered the mass result from the Finnic infusion. Nordic genes in nymity, communicants will only be identified graves of Polish officers in Katyn in 1943, they the original heartland of Nazism, South Ger­ by the first three digits of their zip codes. immediately invited international organiza­ many, are diluted in a sea of Alpines and Dinar­ tions, foreign forensic experts, journalists and ics, with a goodly dusting of (Ural-Finnic) Mag­ o For some time I have been collating the even Allied prisoners of war to view the grue­ yar. There are also Mediterranid elements in profound similarities between the (southern) some site. If Auschwitz had really been the the Rhineland and Finnic among the East Prus­ Irish and the Jews. Both revel in their sufferings extermination camp the Zionist propagandists sian (refugees). Underpinning the Nordic is a and dwell on the past. They are maudlin and have claimed it to be, the Soviets, who "lib­ stratum of heavy-skulled Paleo-Atlantid. Hitler melancholic in their music and drama. The men erated" it late in January 1945, could have won was a classic "Norisher" (mixed Nordic-Dinar­ are all dominated by their mothers. Their au­ a very valuable propaganda victory by doing ic) from his mother, with strong Alpine appar­ thoritarian and rule-bound religion impresses just what the Germans had done in 1943. They ent in his father. The name Hitler, HOttler, on them that sex is dirty; that they should be did no such thing. A long time passed before the Heidler, Hiedler is Moravian Slav, originally ashamed of their bodies. They are both hyper­ Communist authorities were able to show for­ "Hidlar" from the Czech "Hidlarcek." As the emotional and prone to exaggerated grieving. eigners the "reconstructed" gas chambers "racial hygienist" Max von Gruber noted at While the Jews sanctify Bar Kochba and the which have now made the place a macabre Hitler's treason trial, the latter was "typically mass suicide at Masada, the Irish have their Polish Disneyland. un-Nordic, East Slav." Bobby Sands. What other people would fight 741 829 their enemies by killing themselves? The Ulster people tend toward being dour, dull and stuffy o As I recall it, the vilification of Carleton o The recent Antwerp bombing has no longer -­ but they are honest, hardworking and me­ Coon resulted not so much from the publica­ been systematically related to "extreme right­ chanical. The Southern Irish have a much rich­ tion of The Origin of Races (1962), a very thick, ists" as in the Copernic synagogue blast. Radio er cultural heritage, and are therefore much technical book in which the theory of separate commentators have even accepted the view more attractive on a superficial level. But they and parallel evolution was ensconced deep that this bombing might well have been a left­ are schizophrenic and neurotic, not being able within other anthropological material, but wing action against the monstrously rich Jew­ to make up their minds whether they want to stemmed rather from the fact tI-~at Coon had ish diamond dealers of Antwerp. party or pray. They are an oral people. Person­ the audacity to write a taunting and highly Belgian subscriber ally, I feel much more at home with the pio­ readable synopsis of his theory for Harper's neering spirit of the Ulster folk than with the (Dec. 1962). The article was entitled "New o I gave out some copies of Instauration (Sept. wheeler-dealer attitudes of the Harps. Findings on the Origin of Races." 1981). No one objected to the thesis of the lead 900 Canadian subscriber article, "For Nordics, It's Pioneer or Perish" (although one businessman complained about o I was for years a well-known writer, but I am o Forty years ago, Negroes in Africa had the the tribute to Whitman, "a homosexual a goy and square. Consequently, I am now a highest standard of living they had ever had. pseudopoet"). One academician suggested nonperson. I agree with you about the activities They got this from their white rulers, under tentatively that the virility of our race and the of the Jews and other destructive elements which they were forced to labor. When the great self-confidence that comes from physical among us. However, I think some policies of white man's rule ended, the Negroes got their superiority did not lend itself to intellectual In"taur ation weaken your efforts. "The Safety freedom -- freedom to loaf. In Africa, the achievement in the absence of a leaven of Med­ Valve" section does provide a vent for Majority whites were not quickly murdered, as in Haiti; iterraneans or the equivalent. And I was frustrations. However, much of the stuff reads but they are being slowly wiped out. In coun­ pleased that another friend thought of the Nor­ like Greyhound bus station graffiti. tries like the former Belgian Congo, some Ne­ mans in Sicily as a prime illustration of our 895 groes realize that they were better off under habit of destroying ourselves while making use white rule than under black dictators. But they of other races as "allies" whom we fail to keep o Cholly is top-notch and haunting. don't dare say so. in permanent subordination. 041 199 618 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Francis Parker Yockey and the Politics of Destiny ........................................... 5 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Lumpen Faces and Races ................................................................................ 8 Annual Subscription Mind Control, U.S.A ....................................................................................... 9 $25 regular (sent third class) Carl Orff ......................................................................................................11 $15 student (sent third class) Add $ 10.50 for first class mail Two Yankees Move to the Southland ............................................................ 12 $32.50 Canada and foreign Cultural Catacombs...................................................................................... 16 Add $17.00 for overseas air Inklings ........................................................................................................ 18 Single copy price $2, plus 75~ postage Cholly Bilderberger ...................................................................................... 20 Wilmot Robertson, Editor Notes from the Sceptred Isle ........................................................................ 24 Make checks payable to Howard Allen From the Ould Sod ........................................................................................ 25 Editor's Hot Seat ........................................................................................... 26 Third class mail is not forwardable. Please advise us of any change of address Talking Numbers .......................................................................................... 26 well in advance. Primate Watch ............................................................................................. 27 Elsewhere ..................................................................................................... 28 1982 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved Stirrings ........................................................................................................ 30 PAGE 2-INSTAURA TlON-FEBRUARY 1982 o The November Instauration arrived yester­ o In a remark attributed to Dale Bumpers o I work in downtown New York and during day and as usual I found it a "packed pro­ when he was campaigning to replace Senator my lunch break today I witnessed a "peaceful" gramme," as our British friends might say. The William Fulbright (who belied his name and demonstration of the National Black United only feature that lost me was "The Prehistoric terminated his career by mildly criticizing Jew­ Front in City Hall Park. It was Black Solidarity Culture of the Northern Europeans," mostly ish control of Congress in a TV interview) that Day, and large posters urged blacks not to because the discussion of serpentine symbol­ he could have purchased one-half of his native work, not to buy, and not to travel. There were ism struck me as off-the-wall. Is this valid cultu­ Arkansas with the help proffered by the Jewish ominous cries by the leaders to unite against ral archaeology or someone's crank notion? lobby, one can hardly be impressed with the the "white establishment" and fight to achieve 517 self-proclaimed "agonizing" he went through "justice" and "equal opportunity." I happened in voting against the AWACS sale. to be in the way of the marchers on the side­ o Reagan, a sage of "intelligent moderation," 864 walk and was rudely pushed aside with shouts is beyond the comprehension of doctrinaire of "Make way, honkey!" The wave of raw extremists like Instaurationists. o To Zip 991 who pointed out that the package hatred was palpable and frightening, a glimpse 761 Reagan offered PATCO was "$40 million, or of things to come. less than three days aid to Israel": PATCO 070 o During ex-President Carter's administration members were making too much before Rea­ his treatment by the press and TV became no­ gan offered them anything. o According to the October 26 Spotlight, ticeably more insolent and hostile after
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