)CTOBER 1948 • ~ , I IF LOOKS I. COULD KILL .• . II (Su Pag e 2) 50 CENTS bscription Rate NE YEAR $4.75 POSTAL CHESS ALBUM With CHESS REVl EW's famous POlltal Chess Albu m you can easily keep track or the games you play by mall. Makes record-keeping easy and elim inates mistakes. T he cur re nt posi­ tion and up-lo-elale score of each game IIrc before you at all times (ace cut). Score ca rda arc remova ble, When a game iii finished , remove the old score-card and insert II new one. Album Is alao extl'ernely useful for playing over games In magazines and books. The plastic- bound album contains six chessboards Hi" x 5") printed Oil s mooth, buff board with heavy cardboard back ing. Tough, long-las ting c hessmen, III 2 colora, sllp Into t he s lotted No. 275- Postal Chess Album, co mplete wi t h squares. six sets of chessmen and six score cards with corner mounu ___ __ ____ ________________ $1 • 75 Album comes complete with six aets of chessmen, six score­ cards and corner mounta tor carda. 6 EXTRA S ETS OF MEN-50e 12 EXTRA SCORE CARDS-25c DIAGRAM STAMPING OUTFIT NEW TRAVELLING SET No. 308--As used by postal players for No. 197-Thls new peg·in travelling set recording pos itions on move·mnliing bas a bIg playing board 8- squa re! You cards descri bed below. Outfit Includes can really p la y with thIs set. Heavy com· complete set of twelve rubber stamps SPIRAL·BOUND SCOREBOOK position board. Com plete wit h plastic ( K , Q, R, B, Kt & P for each color) and men in cardboard box _______ ON LY $2.00 two Ink pads, red and blac k. This size No. 304-Keep a record of your games No. 19B-De Luxe Model. Same pieces for diagrams 1 *~ sQual'e _________ $2.50 in this handy, spiral·bound scorebook. and same size board but comes In sturdy. 50 pages for t he scores of 50 games, each No. 307-8ame as above but Iltrger size, clot h·covered case with compartments for diagrams ~ square ________ __ $2.75 ruled Cor up to 70 mOlles. Every page has 2* for captu red men. P lywood pla ying a 2* " diagram blank after 40th move. H H boal'd. Close d s ize: 8*- x 10*- x l")l~. S coreilook is coat pocket size 5 x 8 • Complet e w Ith men-A BARGAIN AT $5. S piral bind ing and h eavy cardboar d covers provide wr iting comfort wh il e playing- ONLY SOc EACH. BARGAI N QU ANT ITY PRICE : 5 BOO KS FO R $2. GAME SCORE PAD No. 305-P ad o r 100 sheets , 6~ x II' ruled fO I' 60 moves. P ri nted 011 bond pa· c per. H eavy card· board back - 50e - EAC H OR 3 PADS - FOR O NLY $1.35 • CHESS WALLETS No. 235--Clot h walle t with 5!4· playIng DIAGRAM PAD board slotted to hold flat celluloid pleceB. POSTAL CHESS CARDS • No. 3ll- Pad ot 100 Closed s ize: 4 ~ x 7-. Complete with men _____________ __________________ . $2. No. 351- T hese s pecial cnrds make It d ia g r a m blanks, • 2%" Cie ld, Cor use easy to send moves and posltlo ns to yOll1' No. 23B-Leather wallet. Same as above with Stamping Ou t· postal ches s opponcnts. They a lso pl'e· but with leather playing board a nd fit 307-50c EACH vent costly mistakcs. Diagram blank leat ilel' COlier. Complete with men ____ $4' 1*- square. Box of 300 Postal Chells OR 3 PADS FOR Car ds ___ _____ _____________________ $2.00 ONLY $1 .35 No. 240-E xtra set of men __________ 75c ORDER BY CATALOG 250 WEST 57TH S NUMBER FROM . •• CHESS REVIEW NEW YORK 19, N. CHESS REVIEW 'Hf ,,(fUll( CHESS MAGAZINf V.l um. 16 N U.. ... ' I ~ O' lolM r, 1948 EDITE D &. P UBLIS HED BY I. A. H orowitz INDEX Readers are invited to use these columns for their FEATURES comments on matters of interest to chessplayers. Game of the Month _______ _____ 10 U. S. Championshi p Games _____ 7 WHERE TO PLAY C H E SS W/llkcr Chess Team of Peoria (Ill inois) DEPARTMEN TS Boo k o f t he Mon th ___________ __ 32 Sirs : as almost sure slarters. The teams are Chess Caviar _____ ____ ___ ___ ___ 6 T he moment that I caught the line, comjJose{1 of four players each with a Chess Quiz _______ _______ ___ ___ 12 IVhere 10 Play Ch ess, in C Il t:;SS R t:; v l t:; w. move ral e nf 25 moves pcr player per hOIl r. Games from Recent Events ____ 13 I kne w Iha! here was a spl endid fea ture. We think this is the beginning of a new Postal Chess _____ __ __ _______ __23 \\lhic]} ehess lover has no! often asked era in chess in which small clubs can en· Rea ders' Ga mes ______ _____ _____ 20 himself this question with regret ? Su re, j"y pla yin g with Jargl,r. CHESS Br.VIEW is Sol itai re Chess __ ______________ 19 the add resses of the Li g cluhs are in the r e~ l ) ()n ~i b le for the start of Ihis thing and. T ou rn ament Ca lendar __ ________ 2 We hope, may help stir up further interest. World of Chess ____ ___________ _ 3 telephone hook. but they are hou rs from home and therefore of no use to one who ,\"1r. Condon and myself wi ll Le glad to Jives high up in the Bronx and has only I H~ ar from anyonc wh" cares to join. EDITO R a few hours to indulge in hi s hobby. T he "Hams" or amateur radio operators r. A. Horowj(z I do hope the idea will ca tch on and the I'ave been glad to help liS because they M A N A GING E D ITOR gel publi city also. I do think th() y m ight J oh n Rathe!" smaller clubs es pecially will recognize its EXECUTIVE ED I T OR I'ossi hi I i ti ()s . rUll sOIl".; thillg ill Iheir Na tional Jl.Iagazin e J " c k S lr alc ~' B"l ldl K Ant G n o SS MAN a ~ k ill ;; memhe rs of thc [{ adio Gu ild to CO NTRI BUTI NG EDI TOR S Bronx, New York hclp us. J . \V. Coll ins. T . A. Duns t, I l f:N IlV G . CIlAMf:ll . Capt. ReulJe n FIne, H "ns I\:tlloch. L E GION Albert S . Pinkus Hira m Walkcr Chess Team A SSI STANT EDITOR Si rs : 11 7 Machi n Street Duvid Hosklnd, J r. I n you r Chl~ss Qllh No. 10 in the Augu 6l Peoria, Ill inois. CORRESPONDENT S i s suL~wh y all the three moves'? Quiz • CHE SS I!f;\' I EW haib the c reation 'of the Califo r n ia Herbe r t Betk er. J . B . Gee. yourself. You take Blac k. I 'll take \Vh it e. Hadio Chess Lcague, wishes it all success. Leroy Johns on, Dr, H. Rnlston . M . J. Wha t do you do when I go N- B5§? Ho rer . :\11'. Comlon's ad(iress, as given in August, Dilt. o f Colum bia X , P. Wi~l':i n ton . CHESS I' 1.'\ Y Ell i ~ 40 1 C rt:"k Ave .. Ba rlles\·ille, Okla.-Eo. F lor ida Major J. 13. H o lt. B. 1 ~ l ein. • The ahove is typical of countlcss in· QUOTE - MISQUOTE? _ U NQU OTE E ~ n e ~ t G . \Ve '·ber. q uiri es on problem No. 10. So we must Georg ia G rad)' N. Cok<lT. J r. Illi no is Howard J . Be ll . J . Sch imme l. reply. We simply go .. i{- i{3 and ask Si rs : In d ia na Bert Hor""", ,, . D. I':. Hheu(l. where's the mate in two?- Eo. \Vlw t's wi th th is U ves of Musters All Iowa '\'illis G. Va nderburg. U I!/I/illd Us (Caplion 10 letler in the Kentucky J . ' V. "la ye r . ON THE AIR Kansas K. H. .\t nc l)onald. August Hemler's F url/III ) ? You wouldn't Ma ryla r. d Charles U,,,·asch. Sirs : mean Great lIfel/. inste'ad of Masters, by Massact, u.e l ts Franklin J. S,w bo,'n. F rancis E. Condon. Secretary.Treasurer any chance? Mi nne sota Robert Ber ggre n. Chartes .\f. H a rd inge. of the Bartlesville (Oklahoma ) Chess E. i\ 1. SIIlJI,TE S, 3d Michigan It, Huskage r. J . It. W atson. Cl uo, reported via CHESS R EVIEW that Piltsficld, Mass. Neb r a ska B . E . E ll swo rth. A . C . Lud­ they would like a Badio Chess 1\h tch. We w ig. Jack Spence. R. E. W enre, • No! by chance, we were quoting from New J eroey ,\1.8. Will. A. ·1'hom . answered a nd they accepted and the the unpublished wo rb of J. S. Bauell, as New Hamps hi re A lec Sadows ky. match will be played hy short wave ama· bclow.- Eu.
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