.... ................... l■■'lrl ~ 40 - EVENIIJW HERAIA Wtd.. Nov, tl, 1979 Benefit Tag Day Set By Police Explorers Manchester High Penney, 6; Houston, 30; Detroit, 21; EAST HARTFORD — The East Hartford Police East Hartford Explorers will conduct a Ug day to benefit the Muscular Dallas, 25 Chicago, 0 Dystrophy Association on Saturday, Dec. 1, at the East Catholic, 13 I High 3 Complete Wrap-up Charter Oak Mall and the Showcase Cinemas. This will l>e a day-long event. The Explorers, consisting of youths Of Sporto Activities from 14 to 20, will ask for a donation. In return, con­ tributors will receive a MDA tag. All proceeds will On Pages 15-21 ' benefit the Northern Connecticut Chapter of the MDA. iiaitrhpBtfr The Muscular Dystrophy Association provides exten­ sive patient services and medical care to all patients with any of the 38 neuromuscular diseases which the associa­ tion covers. In the state, $236,000 was appropriated for research / 1979 at the University of Connecticut, the UConn Health SALE Center, Quinnipiac College and Yale University. The local Muscle Disease Clinic is located in Newington Crisis Spreads Children's Hospital. G)ld vveiather clothhig lEuf ntng Mrralb Two School Staffers Vol. kbix, NO. 46 — Manchester, uonn., Friday, November 23, 1979 * ^inca 1861 • 2Qf Single Copy • l 6« Home Delivered Under Leader’s Named to MGC Unit to keep you warm! VERNON - Two members of the staff of Vernon public Rallying Call schools have been appointed to a newly created Educational Associate Advisory Committee at Thirteen American hostages came Manchester Community College. ordered by Washington because of home from Iran and American the destruction of the U.S. Embassy Dr Robert T. tinstone, assistant superintendent of dependents streamed out of Pakistan schools and Anthony Magliocco, supervisor of special in Islamabad by a screaming mob of ■III today in a worsening U.S. crisis in Moslem youths. education were named to the committee by Dr. Martin D. the Moslem world spearheaded by The 309 Americans, most of them 2 Godgart. coordinator of Education Career Programs, to Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini’s call serve on the committee to assist the college staff with embassy personnel and their for Islamic nations to expel this families, took off in a chartered 747- program course offerings. Men’s Outerwear “corrupt germ from history.” jumbo jet for Karachi to pick up The Career Education Program will be conUnuously Regularly $45 to $49 Forty-nine other American evaluated by the seven members of the committee. other evacuees. Forty of the hostages spent a bleak Thanksgiving passengers were not related to the in the American Embassy in Tehran. embassy, but were “just Americans Men’s Union Sets Meeting The anti-American vendetta, which who want to go home," embassy 3 has turned the U.S. Embassy into a spokesman James Thurber said. VERNON - The Men's Union of Union Congregational fortress prison for 49 American “They are beaten into their socks.” hostages and left the embassy in Church will meet Nov. 28 at the Rockville Methodist One of the 90 embassy employees Islamabad, Pakistan a smoldering trapped by the fire inside a third- Church. Grove Street. ruin, spread Thursday to Turkey and A roast beef dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. by the floor vault where they initally fled Bangladesh and a fifth city in for safety, broke down weeping as members of Rebecca Circle. Pakistan. Following the dinner. Dom Pemo. head coach of she entered the airport building. Police turned back crowds of chan­ basketball at the University of Connecticut, will be the Wiping away tears, she recount^ Now'S the time to save on the coats you ll ting Moslems who marched on U.S. how the employees eventually I guest speaker wear all winter! Choose from good- looking Those planning to attend must make reservations in ad­ *■■■ •*» « diplomatic posts at Lahore. crawled up a staircase at the em­ corduroy car coats, ranchers, and bush Pakistan, the Turkish city of Izmir vance. If they haven't been called by a member of the bassy and made their way to coats that sell for as much as $10 to $20 and Dacca, the capital of freedom. -I group they should call Robert Hoermann. more in other stores. Most feature ai^ lic Bangladesh. No Americans were pile or sherpa linings, collars, and trims. The aircraft taking the evacuees They're ideal for the cold weather ahead. hurt but some windows were broken home also carried the bodies of two Financial Program Slated Sizes S-M-L-XL. at the U.S. Consulate in Izmir. U.S. soldiers. Marine Cpl. Steven Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini, Ellis, 19, and Army Warrant Officer SOUTH WINDSOR - " Dollars For Scholars.” a Iran’s acknowledged leader, chose Brian Ellis, 30, who died when the program about financial aid for college students will be ’Thanksgiving Day for one of his most mob invaded the embassy compound held at the South Windsor Public Library Novem^r 29 at strident anti-American speeches, Wednesday. Five Pakistani 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Jerome Cunningham, warning the students holding the U.S. employees also died in the fire, director of Financial Aid at Wesleyan University in Boys’ Outerwear Embassy would blow up the building which witnesses said was started by Middletown. Dunningham will discuss the latest informa­ Regularly $35 and kill all the hostages if the United demonstrators running through the tion available on financial aid for college students, in­ States used military force against halls with torches. The embassy was cluding adults returning to school. The orogram is spon­ Iran. completely mtted. sored by Friends of the Library and is open to the public. “If the United States makes the Some sff^ erembassy personnel .XT mistake, and people see them com­ remained in Islamabad, where tem­ N Hospital Has Vineyard ing, see their parachutists coming, porary embassy headquarters have € let them do it and test it: we shall kill been set.up. MADISON, Ind. (UPl) - Wine from its own vineyard is all of them (the hostages). Even if Thirteen American hostages, eight served to selected elderly patients at Madison State we get killed, we shall kill them." black men and five white women who Hospital in this south central Indiana town. ■i. r;; Khomeini, distancing himself had been released from the U.S. Em­ By prescription only, geriatric patients receive wine diplomatically ’ from the students, bassy in Iran earlier this week.flew- with their evening meal. Hospital superintendent Dr. added if the U.S. took military ac­ home for Thanksgiving Day 1 Otto MeAtee conceived the program a few years ago as a Save on our cold weather collection of tion, “We cannot control these proud reunions. way of stimulating patients' poor appetites and helping machine-washable jackets, all designed youths who suffered so much." A spokesman for the students oc­ 0 them relax.'The wine is made by Villa Medeo Winery to keep a boy warm in winter. Choose In a feverish appeal to other cupying the embassy said Thursday from concord grapes grown on hospitaUland. quilted poplin parkas styled with pile-lined 1 hoods, rugged corduroy jackets with warm Moslem nations, Khomeini urged a was a “normal day” for the 49 sherpa lining and trim, and many more united driv ed toss the United States remaining captives. When asked styles in a variety of colors. out of the Islamic world. what the Americans ate, he said, Al SliFFERT'S SAYS “All of us must unite and revolt “You mean if they had turkey. No, together and expel this corrupt germ they just had what they have been from history,” Khomeini said to eating." Pakistani officers in a speech broad­ The militant students, in another They're Off cast on national radio and television. slap at the United States, released V Shetland Sweaters HY PAY MORE? In Rawalpindi, Pakistan, more five more captives — two Philippine entrants and the number of spectators who lined the route. Regularly $17 )The field of nearly 4,000 runners in Thursday’s Thanksgiving than 300 shocked and exhausted nationals, one South Korean, one Day Road Race start to spread out from the start along Main (Herald photo by Pinto) Americans, their children crying Bangladeshi and one Pakistani. ^ Lambswool Sweater-shirts Street. The race set records in winning times, the number of loudly, left for home in an evacuation Regularly $18 ■ 0 . Shah Won’t Go To Irain Saudi Troops jlirMl-' Elarlier, in a television interview, NEW YORK (UPI) - The deposed Mexico but first must undergo a York Hospital-Cornell Medical procedure to remove a gallstone the shah's wife. Empress Farah, also Center., N ew ^gMiriL stei shah of Iran told a television inter­ said that once the shah's treatments from his bile duct sometime within Take Mosque viewer he wants to leave New York Miss Walters said on the wall of the s I- the next two weeks. are completed, the shah wants to Hospital and return “as soon as return to his villa in Mexico. shah’s room is a poster depicting a possible” to his home in exile in Miss Walters said, during her in­ Turn down your heat! Our luxurious The shah, who arrived in New York gorilla holding his head. “Don't be vaders as the Mehdi. or Messiah. Mexico. terview, the shah, who she described hard on me — I've had a bad day,” JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (UPI) - INTEGRATED woolblend sweaters are perfect to keep as “very alert,” sat in a chair for an on Oct. 22, is under heavy guard in a Saudi Arabian troops today wrested Saudi sources said.
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