Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Voi 21 No 2 0 \ p p i p | i l i l Saipan, MP 96950 s4©1993 ^ananas Serving CNMI for 20 Years W a b o l s u e d ' W l k f o r b r e a c h ■ ft: of contract I f ; l № . * TRANSAMERICACorp., which the court to order Wabol to accept was recently evicted from a piece the payment. of land along Beach Road, has The company said Wabol com­ filed a lawsuit against land owner mitted breach of contract by ver­ Concepcion S. Wabol for breach bal and written threats, refusal to of contract. accept the full payment for the Transamerica claimed it had the leases and by asking the Superior ' V I r..y,.y«ÊtL a “ 'Toy-- T -I right to continue occupying the Court to authorize her to possess two adjoining lots based on 55 the property where Transamerica SOME 600 Japanese students from first through sixth grade visited La Fiesta San Roque Shopping Center year leases signed by the com­ operates a construction supplies last week. The group came to Saipan as part of an educational cruise arranged by Pacific Micronesia Tour. pany and Wabol in August 1991. store. It is also the location of In its complaint filed on April Transamerica’s offices/ware­ 1, the company asked the Supe­ house and housing facility for 40 rior Court to declare the new leases workers. CDA opposes loan condonation as valid. Transamerica has occupied the COMMONWEALTH Develop­ rectors Ray Guerrero and John 52 low-cost housing units at the According to the su it, Wabol property for several years and has ment Authority (CDA) has op­ M. Sablan have voiced their ap­ Sugar King Park in Garapan. accepted partial payment for the made substantial improvement to posed the condonation of S58 proval of the intent of Saipan Leg­ MIHA has been declared in new leases in the form of a two- the property, the suit said. million obligations of Common­ islative Delegation Resolution 8- default of the loan early this year. bedroom house worth $18,500 Less than two weeks ago, Wabol took over possession of the ad­ wealth Utilities Corp. (CUC) and 5. CDA Executive Director Jim Saipan Legislative Delegation which was built in another Wabol Mariana Islands Housing Author­ Ripple, Sr. is vehemently object­ Resolution 8-5, authored by Sena­ property in Chalan Kanoa. joining properties after the Supe­ ity (MIHA). ing with the intent of the measure, tor Juan S. Torres, proposes the Wabol, 37, signed a memoran­ rior Court issued a writ of posses­ “The loans executed by CDA, saying such a big amount cannot condonation of the two govern­ dum of agreement within the same sion. MIHA and CUC were made un­ just be wiped out with a resolu­ ment corporations’ loans. month the leases were allegedly The writ of possession was is­ der the existing laws of the Com­ tion. The measure received a 7-7 vote agreed, which gave Transamerica sued at least three months after monwealth and of the United CUC owes CDA some$50 mil­ during the Feb. 26 session, authority to build the two-bed- the US Supreme Court upheld States. It would be inappropriate lion, including $30 million used prompting Delegation Chairman room house as part of the lease Article 12 of the Northern Marianas Constitution which re­ if not illegal for us to forgive and to finance various power projects Pedro R. Guerrero to refer it to a payment, the suit said. stricts permanent ownership and write-off these loans,” CDA Ex­ in Saipan, Rota and Tinian. Pay­ special committee headed by However, Wabol allegedly re­ leases covering more than 55 years ecutive Director Jim Ripple Sr. ment for the S30 million is loan Torres for further study. fused to accept the S96,990 re­ maining cash payment for the only to persons or corporations of said. scheduled to start this year. It is expected to be taken up Northern Marianas descent. Commonwealth Utilities Cor­ MIHA, on the other hand, still again in forthcoming sessions land. Philippine Goods, the first corn- poration and Mariana Islands owes CDA S8 million out of S10 called by the delegation. Transamerica placed the Housing Authority Executive Di­ million used for construction of continued on page 2 amount in a trust account. It asked continued on page 2 10% cut in OITA budget proposed WASHINGTON (AP) - The The proposed reduction largely Bush administration and the CNMI marily through permanent appro­ terior has oversigh t responsibili­ Clintonadmmistration ispropos- were based on less money for the last December. Authorizing legis­ priations. Those monies would ties for federal programs and ing to slice funding by nearly 10 Commonwealth of the Northern lation for the multi-year funding not become available until Palau compact funding in the Marshall percent to operate the Interior Mariana Islands; the fulfillment of a program already is opposed by some voters approve the pact and Palau ’ s and FSM. The representative Department’s Office of Territo­ five-year, $90 million Bikini Re­ US congressmen. government implements its terms. also would serve the FSM out of rial and International Affairs dur­ settlement Trust Fund agreement The proposal ask $17.964 mil­ Under provisions of the Com­ Majuro even though there is an ing fiscal year 1994. and the elimination of interest pay­ lion for Palau operations, nearly pact of Free Association Act. US embassy in Pohnpei. The administration said Thurs­ ments on a Guam Power Authority $500,000 less than it received for OTIA’s budget includes perma- The agency has requested day it is asking S320.6 million promissory note. this year. The proposed budget nentappropriations of an estimated S112,000 to co ver salary, travel for OTIA, a $33.8 million drop The FY 1994 budget estimates asks $ 1 million to be used to repair $38.85 million for the Marshall and administrative expenses for from the $354.4 million Con­ that $50.1 million in federal income a bridge which connects Koror, Islands and $88.17 million for the the president’s special represen­ gress appropriated for fiscal year taxes would be rebated to Guam. the capital and business center, to Federated States of Micronesia. tative in commonwealth cov­ 1993. The budget proposal request Babeldaob Island. In addition, the OTIA budget enant 902 talks with the North­ “In recent years, OTLA has con­ $22.69 million in operation grants Another $500,000 is asked to includes $10 million for a health ern Marianas. sistently been required to sup­ for American Samoa and$l million run the Trust Territory office in and education block grant for the Another $100,000 was re­ port budget proposals signifi­ for two new classrooms, $500,000 Koror. two freely associated states, $7.5 quested for a president’s special cantly below the enacted levels for medical equipment, and $3 mil­ Interior’s territorial and interna­ million for mandated federal ser­ representative, to be named, to of the previous year,” Acting lion for water improvements. The tional affairs office in Washington vices, $1.09 million for continua­ conduct commonwealth status Assistant Secretary Ruth G. Van operation grant amount is the same said Palau’s budget requests “are tion of the Enewetak food and ag­ talks with Guam. Guam’s gov­ Cleve said in a prepared state­ as Congress appropriated for fiscal again predicted on the assumption riculture support program and ernment asked for someone out­ ment. 1993, which ends Sept. 30. that the Palau compact is not going $ 1.98 million for the Rongelap Re­ side the OTIA to conduct future She said the budget proposal The budget includes $22 million to be implemented in the immedi­ settlement Trust Fund. Enewetak negotiations. reflects the administration’s fed­ in capital development funding for ate future.” and Rongelap are part of the The House Appropriations eral deficit reduction and reflects the Northern Mariana Islands. This The office said under terms and Marshall Islands. Subcommittee on Interior is the completion of projects or isa$5.7milliondecreasefiom 1993. conditions· of the proposed com­ OTIA also has asked for scheduled to begin hearings on compliance with terms of negoti­ It represents the level of funding pact, Palau would receive an esti­ $200,000 to base a representative the OTIA budgetrequeston May ated agreements. negotiated and agreed upon by the mated $220 million in 1994, pri­ at the US embassy in Majuro. In­ 4 in Washington. Toe 2beks 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- APRIL 12,1993 MONDAY, APRIL 12,1993 -MARIANÂS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 CDA... continued from page 1 “MIHA’s financial problems Torres proposes free land Labor begins garment could be attributed to the lack of appropriations from the Legisla­ ture that could have assisted us in factory payroll watch providing the infrastructure needs for jet maintenance center of MIHA’s residential subdivi­ sions,” MIHA Executive Director THE DEPARTMENT of Com­ day. toring includes the following: John M. Sablan said in a letter to merce and Labor last week In addition, pay envelopes must • To assist employers comply Torres on April 17. started monitoring payroll dis­ be distributed only in the pres­ with applicable laws relating to Joaquin S. Torres He said MIHA absorbed over tribution of garment companies ence of a representative of the employment in the CNMI; and employees regarding work SI 0.6 million in infrastoucture to. ensure that workers in the department. • Enhance understanding of the hours and payroll for 1992 and projects for housing projects industry, numbering 5,000, are The department also distributed responsibilities and obligations of housing conditions.
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