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Or, clearing the history of your visits to the site. I have other questions or need to report the error Please email the diagnostic information above to help2020 and pglaf.org (removing the gaps around q) and we will try to help. The software we use sometimes will cause false positives, i.e. blocks that shouldn't have happened. Apologies if this happened because human users outside Germany who use e-books or other site features should almost never be blocked. Last updated: January 28, 2020. P-adic Numbers, p- adic Analysis and zeta-functions, (2nd edn.) N. Koblitz, prom text 54, Springer 1996. Algorithmic number theory, Volume 1, E. Bach and J. , MIT Press, August 1996 Automorphic Forms and Presentations, D. Bump, CUP 1996 Notes on Fermat's Last Theorem, BY, AJ van der Poorten, Canadian Mathematical Society series of monographs and extended texts, texts, January 1996, ISBN 0-471-06261-8 Theory of Supplemental Numbers: Classical Basics, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 164, Springer 1996 Additive Theory of Numbers: Reverse Problems and Geometry Sumsets, Melvin B. Nathanson, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 165, Springer 1996 Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, Proceedings Conference at CIRM Luminy, June 28 - July 2, 1993, Ed. R. Pellikaan, M. Perret, S.G. Vladut, de Gruiter 1996 Duality in Analytical Numbers Theory, P.D.T.A. Elliot, Cambridge Treatises in Mathematics 122, CUP 1996 Invitation to Arithmetic Geometry, Dino Lorenzini, PhD in Mathematics 9, AMS 1996 Prolegomena to Mid-Brain Curves 2, J.W.S. Cassels and E.V. Flynn, LMS 230 Lecture Note Series, CUP 1996 Multiple Kits, R.R. Hall, Cambridge Mathematics Treatises 118, CUP 1966 Limit Theorem for the Function of Reymann A. Laurincicas, Mathematics and Its Annex 352, Kluwer 1996 Combinatorica Handbook, (ed.) R.L. Graham, M. Grutchel, L. Lovash, MIT Press 1996 Friendly Introduction to The Theory of Number, J.H. Silverman, Prentice Hall, Autumn 1996 Room Theory: Introduction, D. Redmond, Pure and Applied Mathematics Series 201, Marcel Decker 1996 Square, Lattice Points, and Exponential Amounts , M. N. Huxley, LMS Monograph 13, OUP 1996 (with errata) Order of the quarter field, J. Nakagawa, Memories of AMS 122/583, AMS 1996 Multidisciplinary Structure Galois, A. Weiss, Monography Institute Fields 5, AMS 1966 Topics in Advanced Scientific Computing, R.E. Crandall, Springer 1996 Analytical Theory of Numbers: Proceedings of the Conference in honor of Heini Halberstam (ed) B.C. Berndt , H.G. Diamond, A.J. Hildebrandt, Progress in Mathematics 139, Birkhauser 1996 Basic Structure function field arithmetic, D. Goss, Springer, Ergebies. Volume 35, september 1996 Table content (dvi 32K) New book prime number records, 3rd edition,. Ribenboim, Springer 1996, First Edition Review, S.S. Wagstaff Jr., Bull. Amer. Mat. Soc. 21 (1989), 365-369 Selected Documents by Yu I. Manin, 20th Century Mathematics Volume 3, World Scientific 1996 Perfect, Friendly and Sociable Numbers - Computing Approach, Song by J. Yang, World Scientific 1996 Mahler Features and Transcendence, K. Nishioka, Springer Lecture Notes 1631, 1996 New York Room Theory Workshop 1991-1995, (Red) D.V. Chudovsky, G.W. Chudnovsky, H. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn, M.B. Nathanson, Springer 1996 Warp Galois submissions and modular forms, Lectures by Barry Mazur Chuck Doran and Seaman Wong, International Press, Harvard 1995 Mathematics paul Erdes, Volume I and II, R.L. Graham, J. Nesetril, Spring Algebra and Combinatorics 13 and 14, 1996 (no longer listed Springer) Riemann-Roch Theorem arithmetic for singular arithmetic surfaces, Wayne Aitken , Memories of AMS, Vol 120/573, 1996 Seminaire Theorie des Nombres (15th place: 1993, Paris), Ed. S. David, CUP 1996 Theory of Algebraic Integrators by Richard Dedekind, Translated by John Stillwell, CUP 1996 Cohomology drinfeld Modular Varieties, Part II: Arthur-Selberg Trace Formula, G. Laumon, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 56, CUP 1996 (J.L. Waldspurger Annex) Proceedings Conference on Analytical and Elementary Room Theory (Vienna, July 1996) to mark the 80th anniversary of Edmund Hlawka's 80th birthday Chinese theorem, C. , D. Pei, A.Salomaa, World Scientific Theory and Analysis of Numbers 1996, Ed. A.A. Karatsuba and V.I. Blagodatskikh, AMS 1996 Multi-dic Structure module Galois, Afred Weiss, Monographs Institute fields 6 1996, View, Cornelius Greter, Bull. Amer. Mat. Soc. 34 (1997), 173-176 Armin Leutbecher, Springer, 1996 Book of Theory Numbers, 1997 Number Theory III, Serge Lang, Springer 1997 Bilian algebra, Introduction to the algebraic theory of square forms, K. Shimicek, Taylor and Francis 1997, Analytical Theory of Numbers and Applications: Collecting documents on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Anatoly Alekseyevich Karatsuba, The Prok. Glass Institute 218 (1997) Probability Methods in Number Theory, J. Kubilius, 5th Printing 1997, AMS Hardy-Littlewood Method, R.C. Vaughan (2nd Edn) Cambridge Tract 125, CUP 1997 Sequences, Divergences and Applications, R. F. Tichi, M. Drmoth, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1651, Springer 1997 Semi-Simple Function of the Shimura quaternion zaterinion varieties, H. Reimann, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1657, Springer 1997 (no longer listed Springer) Algorithmische Zalentheori , Otto Forster, Vieweg 1996 Spectral Theory Riemann , Y. Motohashi, Cambridge Tract 127, CUP 1997 Implementation of Polylorhitms, J. Wildeshaus, Springer, Lecture Notes on Mathematics Vol 1650 (no longer listed Springer) Theory of Numbers IV: Transcendental Numbers, Yu.V. Nesterenko, N.I. Feldman, Springer, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences Volume 44 Theory of Numbers with Computer Applications, R. Kumanduri and K. Romero, Prentice Hall 1997 Fundamental Theory of Numbers with Applications, Richard Mollin, CRC Press 1997 Book of Numbers, J H Conway, R.K. Guy, Springer 1996 Les Nombres Premieres, G. Tenenbaum, M. Mendes France, Ke-Se? NH 571, PUF 1997, ISBN 2-13-048399-2 Zahlenteori, Algebreishe zalen and Funktinen, H. Koch, Aufbaucurs Mathematician, Vueg Studioum, 1997, ISBN 3-528-07272-5 Proceedings of Organic Mathematics, Seminar, Dwein. Borvein, R. Corless, L. Jorgenson, Canadian Mathematics Soc. Conference Proceedings No. 20, 1997 Pi: Book Source, L. Berggren, J. Borwein,. Borwain, Springer-Verlag 1997 No. V.K. Murthy, M. Waldschmidt, Contemporary Mathematics, 210 AMS 1997 Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms, H. Iwaniec, Graduate School 17, AMS 1997 Euler Products Eisenstein Series, G. Simura, CBMS Regional Conference Series 93, AMS 1997 Exercic's Corrigis de Th'orie Analytique et Probabiliste des Nombres, G. Tenenbaum, Specialis Course - Collection SMF 1997 Elliptical Curves, Feature Theory, Geometry, Arithmetic, H. McKin, W. Mall, CUP 1997 Diofantin Approach and Abelian Variety, B. Oedichoven, J.-H. Evertse, Springer Lecture Notes 1566 (second print 1997) Introduction to the geometry of numbers, J.W.S. Cassels, Classics in Mathematics, Springer 1997 the queen of mathematics, Historical Guide to Room Theory, Jay Goldman, CRC Press Modular Forms and The Last Theorem of Fermat, G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman, G. Stevens (Editors), Springer 1997 Automorphic Forms at SL2 (R), A. Borel, Cambridge Tract 130, CUP 1997 Non-Disappearance L-Functions and Applications, R. Murty, W.K. Murthy, Progress in Mathematics 157, Birkhaser 1997 Analytical Theory Numbers, D.J. Newman, Graduation Text 177, Springer 1997 Sensual (square) form, J.H. Conway, Karus Mathematical Monograph 1 26, 1997 MAA Analytical Number Theory, Edited by J. Motohasi, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997 Sieve Methods, Exponential Amounts and Their Application in Room Theory, Edited by G.R. H. Greaves, G. Harman , M.N. Huxley, LMS Lecture Note Series, 1997 Analytical and Probability Methods in Number Theory, Volume 4, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Edited by A. Laurin'ikas, E. Manstavicius and V. Stakenas, VSP Science 1997 Lectures on Mordell-Weil Theorem, J.-P. Surrey, Aspects of Mathematics 15, Vieweg 1997 Books of Number Theory, 1998 Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdes, K. Alladi, P.D.T.A. Elliot, A. Granville, G. Tenenbaum, Volume 1, Developments in Mathematics, Kluwer 1998 SL2 (R), Serge Lang, Graduate Text 105, Springer 1998 Elliptischetion Funky Modul Max Kecher, Alois Krieg, Springer Lehrbuch, 1998 Division Theory, G.E.
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