www.eusa.eu EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION YeaR MAGAZINE 2012 2012 E ZIN A G A R M ea EUSA Y WELCOME ADDRESS Welcome Address Dear friends, it is with my great pleasure to present you our yearly magazine and at the same time encourage you to spend a couple of minutes reading it. The year 2012 undoubtedly symbol- The past year was also marked with ises an important milestone in the his- the elections of EUSA governing bodies. tory of the European University Sports I am honoured to have been elected as Adam Roczek, EUSA President Association, and it is my privilege to the 3rd President of our Association. highlight some of the most important I hope and believe that the newly elect- achievements and share them with you. ed Executive Committee, assisted by the EUSA Commissions and other work- In 2012, the 1st European Universi- ing bodies, relying on the support of ties Games were organised in Cordoba, member federations, partners and FISU Spain. The event was a great success, – World University Sports Federation as attracting over 2500 participants rep- the umbrella organization, we will be resenting more than 150 universities able to continue the story of success, from 32 countries. EUSA Games man- develop EUSA and strengthening its aged to reinforce our philosophy of position in the upcoming years. supporting and promoting values of sport and academic education, sup- It is important to note that the or- porting and encouraging student ath- ganisation can be only strong by having letes throughout Europe. powerful and active members. EUSA Success of the event was not just in currently associates 45 national mem- numbers, but also in the experiences, bers. Unfortunately, not all members opportunities and cooperation. Thanks enjoy the same possibilities and sup- to the devotion of the University of port in their home countries, so we try Cordoba and its Rector prof. dr. José to give additional attention to such or- Manuel Roldán Nogueras, the Organ- ganisations, offering them support and izing Committee chaired by dr. Manuel assistance. In 2012, we used resources Torres Aguilar, involvement of Spanish of development fund mainly to support University Sports Federation, local, re- participation in Cordoba Games, and gional and national public and private we plan to continue our activities in partners, due to local and international this field in the future as well. for sports, cultural and educational ac- volunteers, the first EUSA Games were tivities. With the active involvement of EUSA truly memorable, and have set a bench- in European projects, we are proud to mark for further events. In 2013, we are therefore excited to develop our social responsibility and see a record number of 17 European I would like to applaud the engage- gain also wider recognition. General, Universities Championships to be or- ment and enthusiasm of entire EUSA as well as project-specific partnerships ganised all around Europe. The an- Family before, during and after the with other organisations and NGOs nual General Assembly will be held in event. I would especially like to thank greatly benefit the visibility of EUSA, Madeira-Funchal, Portugal and will de- the Executive Committee members in its as well as giving us additional poten- cide, among others, about amendments current and previous composition and tials to grow and develop. to EUSA Statutes. The year will also be the National University Sports Associa- busy with the preparation of the 2nd Eu- tions for their involvement and activi- By cooperating with European Uni- ropean Universities Games, to be held ties. They, together with the Honorary versities and Institutions, in partner- in 2014 in Rotterdam, and our other President, commitment of the Technical ship with the International University regular activities. Delegates, Medical and Students Com- Sports Federation (FISU), other Conti- mission members and the Office staff, nental Organizations and with the help I warmly invite you to read the maga- showed that EUSA performs at high level of our sponsors, lead by Asiana Airlines, zine, visit our website and join us in our and is a strong and responsible partner. EUSA demonstrates a strong platform activities! 2 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION / YEAR MAGAZINE 2012 Contents Welcome Address 2 Contents 3 EUSA Structure 4 2012 European Universities Games 8 EUSA Patronage 36 EUSA Conferences and Projects 40 EU Initiatives 52 Our Partners 62 Future Program 80 EUSA Events Calendar 2013-2014 87 Publisher: European University Sports Association; Realisation: Andrej Pišl, Sara Rožman, Matjaž Pečovnik ISSN: 1855-4563 Design, Layout, PrePress: Studio Narobe, Ljubljana; Printing: tiskarna VEK Koper Photo: EUSA, FISU archives 3 EUSA STRUCTURE Member Federations ALB Albania Albanian Students Sports Association Rruga e Durresit 11, a. 26, AL-1001 Tirana CRO Croatia Phone/Fax: +355 4 239 255 Croatian Academic Sports Federation Email: assa.federation@yahoo.com Horvacanski zavoj 15, HR-10000 Zagreb www.albanianssa.info Phone/Fax: +385 1 301 4737 Email: sport@studentskisport.com ARM Armenia www.studentskisport.com GRE Greece Armenian Student Sports Federation Hellenic Committee for University Sport Agatangeghos Str. 6, AM-375010 Yerevan CYP Cyprus A. Papandreou Str. 37, GR-15180 Athens Phone: +374 10 525 410 Cyprus University Sports Federation Phone: +30 210 682 7905 Fax: +374 10 545 831 Amipoleos 21, Strovolos, Fax: +30 210 682 3509 Email: s_haroutunian@netsys.am CY-2025 Lef kosia Email: eate@minedu.gov.gr Phone: +357 22 449 864 AUT Austria Fax: +357 22 449 865 HUN Hungary Austrian University Sports Organisation Email: cusf@cytanet.com.cy Hungarian University Sports Federation Auf der Schmelz 6A, AT-1150 Vienna www.cusf.org.cy Istvanmezei ut 1-3, HU-1146 Budapest Phone: +43 1 427 728 660 Phone: +36 1 4606 915 Fax: +43 1 427 728 661 CZE Czech Republic Fax: +36 1 4606 916 Email: office@unisport.ac.at Czech University Sports Association Email: iroda@mefs.hu www.unisport.ac.at Atleticka 100/2, CZ-160 17 Prague www.mefs.hu Phone: +420 25 721 0787 AZE Azerbaijan Fax: +420 22 051 2561 ISL Iceland Freewill Student Sport Society of Email: caus-samberger@cstv.cz University of Iceland Azerbaijan Republic "Genjlik" www.caus.cz Students' Athletics Association Khagani Str. 21, AZ-1000 Baku Thorunnarstr. 83, IS-600 Akureyri Phone: +994 12 498 7342 EST Estonia Phone: +354 665 6081 Fax: +994 12 493 7463 Estonian Academic Sports Federation Email: uisaa.fm@gmail.com Email: genjlik@box.az Lai 24, EE-51008 Tartu www.notendur.hi.is/is/ Phone/Fax: +372 7 333 233 BLR Belarus Email: easl@easl.ee IRL Ireland The Republican Center of Physical www.easl.ee Colleges and Universities Education and Sports for Pupils Sports Association of Ireland and Students FIN Finland Sport HQ, 13 Joyce Way, Park West Pobeditelej Ave. 2, BY-220004 Minsk Finnish Student Sports Federation Business Park, IE-12 Dublin Phone/Fax: +375 17 203 5712 Lapinrinne 2, FI-00180 Helsinki Phone: +353 1 625 1173 E-mail: admin@sporteducation.by Phone: +358 447 800 210 Email: admin@cusai.ie www.sporteducation.by Email: oll@oll.fi www.cusai.ie www.oll.fi BEL Belgium ISR Israel Belgium University Sports Federation FRA France Academic Sports Association Minderbroedersstr. 12, BE-3000 Leuven French University Sport Federation Tel Aviv University Sports Center Phone: +32 16 290 375 Avenue de Fontainebleau 108, Lebanon Str., IL-69978 Tel Aviv Fax: +32 16 290 342 FR-94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre Phone: +972 3 648 6626 Email: vssf@skynet.be Phone: +33 1 5868 2275 Fax: +972 3 648 6822 www.busf.be Fax: +33 1 4658 1273 Email: info@asa.org.il Email: federation@sport-u.com www.asa.org.il BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina www.sport-u.com Sports Federation of Bosnia and ITA Italy Herzegovina - Committee for University GEO Georgia Italian University Sport Centre Sports University Sports Federation of Georgia Via Angelo Brofferio 7, IT-00195 Rome Marsala Tita 9a, BA-71000 Sarajevo Vazha Pshavela Ave. 76b, GE-0186 Tbilisi Phone: +39 06 372 2206 Phone/Fax: +387 33 226 417 Phone: +995 322 183 696 Fax: +39 06 372 4479 Email: ssbih@hotmail.com Email: usf.georgia@gmail.com Email: cusi@cusi.it www.usfg.ge www.cusi.it BUL Bulgaria Association for University Sports GER Germany LAT Latvia "Academic" German University Sports Federation Latvian Universities Sports Federation Student Campus NSA Vasil Levski 1700, Max Planck Str. 2, DE-64807 Dieburg Brivibas Str 333, LV-1006 Riga BG-1000 Sofia Phone: +49 6071 208 610 Phone: +371 29 110 691 Phone: +359 882 438 000 Fax: +49 6071 207 578 Fax: +371 67 543 419 Email: office@aus.bg Email: adh@adh.de Email: sportaklubs@lspa.lv www.aus.bg www.adh.de www.studentusports.lv 4 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY SPORTS ASSOCIATION / YEAR MAGAZINE 2012 SLO Slovenia Slovenian University Sports Association Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386 1 520 7826 Fax: +386 1 520 7827 Email: info@susa.org NOR Norway www.susa.org The Norwegian Association LIE Liechtenstein of University Sports ESP Spain University Sports Federation Ulleval stadion, NO-0840 Oslo Spanish Committee of University Sport of Liechtenstein Phone: +47 2102 9860, Av. Martin Fierro s/n, ES-28040 Madrid Furst-Franz-Josef-Str, LI-9490 Vaduz Fax: +47 2102 9003 Phone: +34 915 896 712 Phone: +423 265 1104 Email: nsi@studentidrett.no Fax: +34 915 896 760 Fax: +423 265 1265 www.studentidrett.no Email: spain@eusa.eu E-mail: office@lhsv.li www.csd.gob.es www.lhsv.li POL Poland Polish University Sports Association SWE Sweden LTU Lithuania Kredytowa 1a, PL-00-56 Warsaw Swedish University Sports Federation Lithuanian Students Sports Association Phone/Fax: +48 22 849 7136 Box 2052, SE-750 02 Uppsala Sporto 6, LT-44221 Kaunas Email: zg@azs.pl Phone: +46 476 54 90 Phone/Fax: +370 37 302 654 www.azs.pl Email: info@saif.se Email: lssa@lkka.lt www.studentidrott.se www.lssa.lt POR Portugal Portuguese Academic Federation of SUI Switzerland MKD Former Yugoslav Republic University Sports Swiss University Sports Federation of Macedonia Av.
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