Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • OPEN ACCESS Analysis of the competency standard of its graduates for the developing of physics e-book with tsunami theme To cite this article: R Firaina and A Fauzi 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1876 012036 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 26/09/2021 at 08:03 3rd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics (ICRLP) 2020 IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1876 (2021) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1876/1/012036 Analysis of the competency standard of its graduates for the developing of physics e-book with tsunami theme R Firaina and A Fauzi* Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof Hamka, Padang 25131, Indonesia *[email protected] Abstract: Tsunami threat preparedness is important to reduce the risk of disaster. Tsunami disasters can be used as themes in physics learning to support disaster mitigation education integrated into teaching materials in the form of e-books. Tsunami disaster mitigation efforts are closely related to student competencies, so it is important to do preliminary analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competency standard of its graduates as a qualification criteria for the students' ability that is expected to be achieved. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with the population being all high schools in Pesisir Selatan and the sample selected using a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire that included several questions on aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills. The results showed that the attitudes and skills competency were in less category with values of 75% and 72.44% respectively. The knowledge competency is in very less category with a value of 56.86%. These results indicate that the three competencies need to be further improved, especially the knowledge competency with the lowest percentage value. 1. Introduction Indonesia's geographical condition is surrounded by three tectonic plates that are constantly moving, namely the Indo-Autralia, Eurasia, and the Pacific Plates. This has made Indonesia known as a country prone to natural disasters. One of the regions in Indonesia, namely West Sumatra Province, has a very complex geological structure due to its location in the collision area of 2 tectonic plates. The negative impact of geology is that West Sumatra is an area that has the potential for natural disasters with a geological perspective in the form of tectonic earthquakes, both centered on land and centered at sea. Tectonic earthquakes centered on the sea, namely the western part of the Sumatra coast, are sometimes followed by sea level rise which is better known as Tsunamis [1]. At least it has been recorded in history that tsunamis have occurred twice in the west coast of Sumatra, namely in 1797 and 1833. A tsunami disaster is a sudden occurrence of a large wave in the sea which has a large wavelength, period, frequency, wave propagation speed and energy caused by seismic or non-seismic events carrying a large amount of energy in its propagation towards the coast which can be causing damage and loss as well as casualties in the coastal areas, islands and its surroundings [2]. By looking at the magnitude of the impact of the damage caused by the tsunami, serious handling is needed to deal with it. In the event of a Tsunami in West Sumatra, several districts/ cities on the West coast that are directly facing the Indian Ocean will be affected. One of the districts that is potentially prone to disasters is the Pesisir Selatan Regency. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 3rd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics (ICRLP) 2020 IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1876 (2021) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1876/1/012036 One of the strategies that can be implemented to reduce the risk of Tsunami disaster is by integrating disaster learning in the education curriculum [3]. This strategy is supported by article 27 of Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management requires everyone to carry out disaster management activities and also to provide correct information about disaster management to the community [4]. Efforts to reduce disaster risk in Indonesia have been carried out by many institutions (government), institutions, and world bodies. UNESCO (United Nations Agency) states support for international cooperation through education, science and culture in developing disaster preparedness materials as additional learning at the junior and senior high school levels. This activity is a way to increase students' fundamental knowledge of what a disaster is and how to reduce disaster risk [5]. Natural phenomena including these disasters are part of what is studied in physics. Physics is an interesting science because it studies how the world works [6]. In addition, physics is also a basic science in supporting the development of science and technology, so that it has a major role in supporting science and technology [7]. Therefore, the solution that can be given is by integrating disaster material according to the potential of the student's area into physics teaching materials. Physics teaching materials in schools should be developed based on regional potential. This is in accordance with what has stated in Government Regulation Number 32 of 2013 article 77 B section 9 that the curriculum structure for secondary education units is one of which is general content which is potential and local wisdom. Local wisdom in the form of regional potential is a source of learning aimed at students so that they have the ability to know and understand regional characteristics [8]. If the content in the book is adjusted to the environment, students can learn easily because it is related to the environment and daily life. The learning process is very important because besides being able to improve students' cognitive, it can also improve students' affective and psychomotor aspects [9]. Analysis of the regional potential clearly states that Pesisir Selatan has the potential to be prone to tsunami disasters. Therefore, the appropriate disaster material to be integrated into the Physics teaching materials of students in Pesisir Selatan is the Tsunami theme material. Along with that, education is currently trying to continue to take advantage of technology in the learning process that takes place continuously without time and space. This education is known as Revolution-based Education 4.0 or Education 4.0. The learning created is expected to help solve problems, find solutions, and make it possible to find new innovations. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 required quality Human Resources (HR) to help face this competition in order to be able to keep up with the era of education 4.0 and be competent in a healthy manner in their field. In this case, educators must also have competence in order to guide students into the era of the 4.0 revolution, including competence to help students face difficulties and solve problems [10]. The challenge of education 4.0 can be answered by using the use of electronic-based teaching materials (E- books). E-books can provide fun learning because they are able to present interactive simulations by combining animation, video, images, audio, and navigation that make students more interactive. An e- Book can improve students' conceptual mastery [11]. Through an e-book that is integrated with the Tsunami theme in the Physics learning process, educators can provide material on tsunami disaster mitigation and assignments easily without being constrained by place and time. The development of an integrated physics e-book with Tsunami mitigation materials aims to improve the competence of students towards learning Physics and natural disasters. Therefore, an initial analysis of the competency standards of graduates from Pesisir Selatan schools is necessary. Competency Standards for Graduates are criteria regarding the qualifications of graduates' abilities which include attitudes, knowledge and skills [12]. The analysis carried out on the competence of graduates is more focused on the study of the profile of the graduates as what is expected to be achieved after completing the study period, especially in terms of the competence of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The results of this analysis are able to show which competencies are in the high, medium and low categories so that they can become a guide in the development of the Tsunami- themed physics e-book. This research is part of the development stage of Research and Development, precisely at the research stage. Therefore, the development of the e-book that will be carried out will 2 3rd International Conference on Research and Learning of Physics (ICRLP) 2020 IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1876 (2021) 012036 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1876/1/012036 have a strong foundation for improving student competence in learning physics and in responding to the potential for Tsunami disasters in their environment. 2. Research Method The quantitative descriptive method used in this research is to describe the problem under study through the related variables as well as the exploration and clarification of social reality phenomena. [13]. Based on the analysis of regional potential, the determined population is all high schools in Pesisir Selatan. Samples were taken using a purposive sampling technique. All schools in Pesisir Selatan were initially grouped based on the average score of the latest national exam scores (2019) into upper, middle, and lower groups.
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