J. Bioi. Control, 1 (2), 122-125, 1987' Control of Heliothis armige~ (Hbn.) on Chickpea with Controlled Droplet' Application of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Combination with Endosulfan and Boric Acid R. J. RABINDRA and S. JAYARAJ Centre for Plant Protection Studies Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Coimbatore 641003 ABSTRACT Results of a laboratory experiment showed that boric acid 1 % or magnesium sulphate at 0.5 and 1.0 % increased the mortality of second instar larvae of Heliothis armigera (Hbn.) due to nuclear polyhedrosis virus. In the field experi­ ment with chickpea cv. Shoba, application of NPV @ 250 LE + boric acid 125 g/ha significantly redu~ed the larval population over application of NPV alone. Addition of endosulfan 175 g a.L/ha to a mixture of NPV 125 LE + boric acid 125 g/ha was significantly more effective than application of NPV + boric acid in controlling H. armigera larvae. However, a combination of NPV 250 lE + endosulfan 175 g a.i./ha was the most effective in controlling the pest and increasing the yield. Key Words: Nuclear polyhedrosis virus, boric acid, MgS04, ZnS04, endosulfan, Heliothis armigera, contro', ULV, chickpea Successfu I control of the gram ULV application of NPV in combina­ caterpillar Heliothls armigera (Hbn.) tion with boric acid and endosulfan with controlled droplet application for the control of H. armigera on (COA) of nuclear polyhedrosis virus chickpea. (NPV) in' 20% crude sugar (jaggery) was demonstrated by Rabindra and MATERIALS AND METHODS Jayaraj (1986). Application of N PV A laboratory bio-assay was con­ with half the recommended dose of ducted Jo evaluate the efficacy of boric endosulfan had also given good control acid, MgS04 and ZnSo4 in increasing of H. armigera on chickpea (Rabindra the efficacy of NPV against H. armigera and Jayaraj, 1988b). Boric acid is larvae. The nuclear polyhedrosis virus known to increase the effectiveness of propagated in fourth instar larvae was nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (Yadava, purified by differential centrifugation 1971; Shapiro and Bell, 1982; Rao and suspended in distilled water. et al., 1987). This paper deals with Counts were made with a new the results of laboratory and field improved Neubauer haemocytometer experiments to evaluate the efficacy of and the strength of polyhedral occlu­ a combination of NPV with certain sion bodies (POB) assessed. A virus chemicals like boric acid, MgSo4 and suspension containing 104 POB/mJ ZnS04 as well as the field efficacy of was prepared in distilled· water contai- 122 Control of H. armigera with NPV on Chickpea 123 ning 0.01 % Triton X 100 as a surfactant The data on larval numbers were and weighed quantities in each of converted to I X + 0.5 and the percen­ boric acid, MgSo4 and ZnS04 added tages into angles and after analysis at 1.0, 0.5 and 0.1 % concentrations. of variance, the means were separated The efficacy of these treatments was by Duncan's mUltiple range test. compared with that of N PV applied RESULTS AND DISCUSSION alone against second instar larvae of Results of laboratory test showed H. armigara by the leaf - dip method that boric acid 1 % and MgSo4 at 0.5 described by Rabindra and '-'ayaraj and 1.0% could significantly increase (1988a). The treatments were repli­ the mortality caused by NPV. Boric cated thrice and suitable control was acid at lower doses and ZnSo4 at all maintained to check for virus infection doses were not effective (Table 1). in the test insect population. In the field experiment, the data The field experiment was conduc­ on larval population recorded on the ted in a randomisedblock design with fifth day of treatmgnt showed that three replications and with a plot size of 5 x 4 m using chickpea cv. 'Shoba'. Table 1. Efficacy of some Chemicals in The plots had a gangway of 1.5 m all increasing the mortality of ·seeond around. By suitably diluting the stock, instar larvae of H. a,migefa due virus tre3tments representing 250 LE to NPV (1.5 x 1012 POB) and 125 LE (0.75 x Treatrnents* 12 Mean % 10 POB) per ha were prepared. Mortal1ty,~ Before application of· different treat­ Boric acid 1.0% ments (Table 2), the larval population 78.5a· 0.5% 48.5d on 10 randomly selected plants in 01% 51.5ed each plot was recorded. All the treat­ MgSo4 1.0% 777a ments except NPV without adjuvant 0.5% 71.3ab and endosulfan were applied in 20% 0.1% 62.8bcd crude sugar. Teepol was added at ZnS04 1.0% 60.4bcd 0.5% to all the virus treatments. A 0.5% 58.6bcd cloth screen (1.75 m high) held all 0.1% 63.8bc Control around the plots prevented the spray (NPValone) 51.3cd drift to adjacent plots. The treatments were applied twice at 20 days interval * All treatments. contained NPV @ 10' with a hand-held, battery operated POB/mt controlled droplet applicator (Heli spray @ In a column. means followed by similar of Thompsons Motronics, Ahmedabad) letters are not different statistically using a spray fluid of 12.5 litres per ha. (P=0.05) by DMRT Larval counts 5 and 7 days after each treatment and at podding stage, the appl ication of N PV at ·125 LE + endo­ percentage pod damage were recorded sulfan 175 9 a.i + boric acid 125 gjha in 10 randomly selected plants leaving was as effective~ as NPV 250 LE + the plants In the border. At harvest, end~sulfan 175 g a.i.ha or endosulfan yield of grain was recorded. at 350 g a.i./ha (Table 2). Addition of .... ~ Table 2. Field efficacy of UlV application of NPV in combination with endosulfan and boric acid in the control of Hefiothis armiger8 on chickpea cv. Shoba Number of larvae/10 plants* days after Mean -----~-------~ Mean % yield Treatments Fi rst spray Second spray pod of damage grai n in o ** 5 7 o ** 5 7 kgfha --",,---_.- -------~- NPV 250 LEtha in 20% crude sugar 7.3 2.3b 1.3a 7.7 0.7a 1.28 6.8a 1042.5ab ~ !OJ NPV 250 LE + Endosulfan 175 9 a.i.lha ~ in 20% crude sugar 10.0 2.0ab 0·3a 6.7 1.7ab LOa 4.3a 1248.0a S· ~ ~ NPV 250 LE + Boric acid 125 g/ha in 20% crude sugar 11.3 2.3b 4.0b 8.3 3.0ab 2.3b 8,6a 1013.0b ~ Q NPV 125 LE + endosulfan 175 9 a. i. + ~ boric acid 125 g/ha in 20% crude "III sugar 9.3 1.7ab 0.7a 6.3 1.7ab 1.0a 6.6a 1014.0b ......~ NPV 250 LE/ha 10.7 5.3c 7.7c 9.0 33b 3.5c 17.1 b 982.5b Endosulfan 350 9 a.i.Jha 11.3 1.0a 0.7a 6.7 0.7a 0.7a 5.5a 977.5b Control 10.0 a.Od 14.7d 8.7 7.3c 5.7c 27.1 c 787.0c * In ;] vertical column, means followed by similar letters are not different statistically (P = 005) by DMRT ** Differences between the means not significant Control of H. armigera with NPV on Chickpea 125 only boric acid to N PV did not improve gypsymoth larvae Lymantria dispar L. the efficacy of the virus substantially, (Shapiro and Bell, 1982). Boric acid though the laboratory study revealed acts by weakening and predisposing that boric acid at 1.0% enhanced the the host insects to the virus rather than larval mortality due to NPV. The same by enhancing the virulence of the trend was observed in the subsequent pathogen (Aizawa, 1971). Recently, three observations. Pod damage was a wettable powder formulation of N PV significantly reduced in all the treat­ effecive against H. armigera has been ments when compared to control developed (Ethiraju et al., 1987) and Lowest pod damage was seen in endo­ there is scope for increasing its effec­ sulfan 350 9 a.i./ha which was however tiveness by the addition of boric acid on par with those of N PV -endosulfan­ in the basic formulation. boric acid mixture, NPV-endosulfan and NPV-boric acid combinations, as wefl REFERENCES as NPV alone with 20% crude sugar Aizawa, K. 1971. Strain improvement and as adjuvant. Data on grain yield virulence of pathogens. In: "Microbial control of insects and mitu", (H. D. Burges showed that application of NPV at and N. W. Hussey eds.), pp. 665-672, 125 LE + endosulfan 175 g a.i. + Academic Press, New York. boric acid 125 gjha was as effective as Ethiraju. S., Rabindra, R. J. and Jayaraj, S. 1987. Efficacy of talc-based wettable NPV at 250 LEJ ha or NPV 250 LE + powder and dust formulations of nuclear polyhedrosis virus against Helie/his boric acid 125 g/ha. However, appli­ armigera. Newsletter of the International cation of N PV 250 LE + endosu !fan Heliothis Bi%gical ContTo/ Work G,OUp, 6. 8. 175 9 a.i.jha gave the highest yield Rabindra, R. J. and Jayaraj, S. 1986. Efficacy of NPV with adjuvants as high which was on par with N PV 250 LE volume and ultra low VOlume applications alone applied with 20% crude sugar. against Heliothis armigora Hbn. on chickpea and influence of varieties on virus control. Newsl6trer of the International Heliothis Biological Control Work Group, 5, 6. The results of this trial indicate Rabindra, R. J. and Jayaraj, S. 1988a. that H. armigerll can be successfully Evaluation of certain adjuvants for Nuclear controlled by the CDA application of polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of Heliothis armigera (Hbn.) on chickpea. Indian J. NPV at 250 LEjha in 20% crude sugar ExptJ.
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