PROPOSAL FOR PRIOR ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE FOR PONNIVADI ROUGH STONE AND GRAVEL QUARRY PROJECT OF P. SURESHKUMAR SUBMITTED TO STATE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY (SEIAA), GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU, CHENNAI SUBMISSION OF FORM -1, FORM -1 M, APPROVED MINING PLAN & PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT) (PROJECT CATEGORY-“B2” / PATTA LAND) (LEASE PERIOD – FIVE YEARS) LOCATION OF THE PROJECT AREA PROPOSED BY Extent : 4.85.62Ha Thiru.P.Sureshkumar, S.F.No : 1551/2(P) S/o.Ponnusamy, No.7/139, Nalla Thanni Village : Karunsamy Goundanpalayam Thottam, Taluk : Madukkarai Sulur Taluk, Kadampadi, District : Coimbatore Coimbatore District. State : Tamil Nadu PREPARED BY Dr.P.THANGARAJU, M.Sc.,Ph.D., Qualified Person 1 INDEX FILE PAGE S.No DESCRIPTION NOS 1. Environmental Clearance Format 1-9 2. Declaration Letter 11 3. Demand Draft 13 4. Form-1 15-53 5. Form 1M 55-85 Approved Mining Plan along with Approval 6. 87-203 Letter 7. Pre-Feasibility Report 205-265 8. Baselines Studies 267-285 9. VAO signed for Quarry site 287 10. Habitation details from VAO 289 11. Details of Quarries 291 12. Affidavit Document 293-295 13. Copy of Explosive License 297 298 Consolidated Above Document In PDF 14. Format (DVD) Checklist for receiving the application of Minor Mineral Proposals S. No Documents/Information required for Initial Scrutiny Yes/No Page No 1. Processing fee in the form of DD as per GO Yes 13 2. Duly filled and signed by both RQP/Consultant & Proponent in Yes 1(f) Mining of Minor Minerals Checklist 3. Duly filled and signed by both RQP/Consultant & Proponent in Yes 53 Form-1 4. Duly Prepared and Signed by both RQP / Consultant & Proponent Yes 265 Pre Feasibility report 5. Approved Mining Plan duly attested with seal by Assistant / Deputy Yes 87 Director / Commissioner of Geology and Mining 6. Precise area communication letter from District Collector / Principal Yes 135 Secretary to Government 7. Certificate from the VAO /Tashildhar stating details of habitation Yes 287,289, 291 located within 500m radius from the boundary of the proposed site along with FMB sketch 8. Acknowledgement copy of the application submitted to NBWL if Not - applicable applicable 9. Letter from the AD/DD mines about the details (Name of the Owner, Yes 241 S.F.No, Extent & distance from the boundary of this quarry) of other quarries (Proposed/Existing/Abandoned quarries) within a radius of 500m from the boundary of the proposed quarry site (Applicable for Rough stone/Granite) 10. Affidavit from the applicant regarding all the general conditions Yes 293-295 stipulated in the EIA notification 2006 11. Affidavit from the applicant stating the habitation, details of other Yes 293-295 quarry permanent structures within 500m, child labour etc 12. Documents of village records, FMB, Combined Sketch, Patta, Yes 137-145, Chitta, Adangal, consent letter, etc., and also 1km & 10 km radius 153, 155 map, surface plan duly attested by the AD/DD/Commissioner of Geology and Mining and signed by concerned authorities Verified by Checklist for Mining of Minor Mineral 4.85.62ha for B2 Category mines S.No Details of the proposal : Data furnished Page No: 1. Name of the owner/Firm : P.Sureshkumar 19,79,171 Correspondence Address S/o. Thangamuthu Gounder, with Pin Code S/o.Ponnusamy, 2. : No.7/139, Nalla Thanni Thottam, Sulur Taluk, Kadampadi, Coimbatore District Mobile No - 98422 44677 Mobile Number and Aadhaar 98422 44677 19,79,171 3. : Number 5668 5227 7871 4. Email : 19,79,171 Type of quarrying It is a Rough stone and Gravel Quarry project in 17,83,171 5. (Earth/ Rough stone and : Karunsamy Goundanpalayam Village. Gravel/Sand/Granite) S.F. No of the Quarry site S.F.Nos:80/2A (P) & 81/1 (P) Karunsamy 19,83,171 6. : Goundanpalayam Village, Madukkarai Taluk, Coimbatore District Village , Town Panchayat/ Village : Karunsamy Goundanpalayam 19,83,171 7. Municipality in which the : Panchayat Union : Madukkarai village is situated 8. Taluk in which situated : Madukkarai Taluk 19,83,171 9. District in which situated : Coimbatore District 19,83,171 10. Extent of quarry (in Ha) : 4.85.62ha 17,83,171 New or existing quarry It is Rough stone and Gravel quarry (the area had been 17,77 11. : quarrying operation earlier ) in Karunsamy Goundanpalayam Village. If in case of existing Rough 17, 77 Length in m Width in m Depth in m stone and Gravel/ Blue (max) (max) (max) Metal/ Granite Quarry, the 12. length, width and depth to : 190 175 44m [14m above which quarrying has already ground level + 30m been done (below the ground below ground level] level/ above the ground level) If quarrying had been done It is a virgin area 17, 77 13. below the ground level/above : the Ground level, the height of quarrying Name of the owner who had It is Rough stone and Gravel quarry (the area had been 17, 77 14. earlier undertaken the : quarrying operation earlier ) in Karunsamy quarrying & a copy of mining Goundanpalayam Village. lease issued with date Proof of land ownership. It is a Patta land, Jointly Registered in the name of KCP 83,141, 165 15. If owned patta copy. : Engineers Private Limited and head of the earth board, vide If not own patta land Patta Nos.241 & 394. Refer the Patta copy as Annexure agreement/ lease copy Nos. IV entered with the owner (to be enclosed) 16. Period of quarrying : Five years 79,133 Production (quantity in m3) The proposed quantity of reserves is 7,39,998m3 (or) 17,91,95, 123333 Lorry Loads of Rough stone up to a depth of 101,165, 44m[14m above ground level + 30m below ground level] 189 for a period of Five years only . Gravel is 99750m3 ie., 16625 Lorry loads. 17. : Gravel Rough stone Description formation in m3 in m3 Geological Resources 1507244 144210 Mineable reserves 739998 99750 Five years plan period As in 739998 99750 the Approved mining plan The quarrying operation will be carried out by Opencast 23,97,165, Method of Mining Mechanized Method mining with 5.0-meter vertical bench 191 with a bench width is not less than the bench height. The 18. : quarry operation involves shallow jack hammer drilling, slurry explosives in blasting, excavation, Loading and transportation of Rough stone to the needy crusher. Top soil/ Overburden in case The overburden is in the form of Gravel Formation, the 19. of Rough stone and Gravel/ : Gravel will be directly loaded into tippers for filling and 95,101, Blue Metal leveling of low lying area. 167,193 Quantity of rejects in m3 in There are no rejects 95,101, 20. : case of Roughstone Mining. 193, Length, Width, Depth & Length Width Depth 105, 193 Proposed Quarry in meters: : (Max) (m) (Max) (m) (Max) (m) 190 175 44m [14m above 21. ground level + 30m below ground level] Land use pattern for a radius Land use pattern 153, 167 of 1Km around the quarry Quarry pits – 07% site such as Agriculture, Trees/Coco.farm – 42% 22. : Habitation etc., Seasonal agri land – 28% Roads – 05% Habitation – 04% River/Odai – 14% Details of other quarries for a There is few quarry located within the radius of 500m 153, 207, 23. radius of 1Km, around the : 241 quarry site. Aerial distance from The Nearest habitation is Thirumalayampalayam village in 49,121, 211 24. periphery of the site to the : 1.5km on Northern side of the area. nearest habitation Aerial distance to the The Interstate boundary is situated in 8km from 49,207 interstate borders, in case of Southwestern side of the lease area Rough stone and Gravel/ 25. Blue Metal/ Granite quarry to : be obtained from IRS, Anna University. In case of Rough stone and Reserve Forest – Ettimadai reserve 113,207 Gravel/ Blue Metal/ Granite forest 5.0km North quarry no objection West side certificate from the Wildlife sanctuary – Nil concerned district Forest Bird Sanctuaries – Nil 26. : Officer/ Wild Life National Park – Nil Sanctuaries/ National Parks/ Monuments – Nil HACA/ Western Ghats region if the quarry site is within 10 Kms of these areas. Aerial distance to the nearest There is no eco-sensitive areas, CRZ, within the radius of 113,207 eco-sensitive areas, CRZ, 10km 27. : Forests, Monuments etc., within 10Kms of these areas. Latitude and Longitude of all 10°51'32.92''N to 10°51'45.38''N 19,83, 28. : corners of the quarry site. 76°55'35.18''E to 76°56'43.56''E 153,165 29. Topo Sheet No. : 58 - B/13 19,83,153 Copy of explosives license 245-247 and a consent letter/ A copy of agreement is enclosed. agreement of competent recognized person who has 30. : agreed to handle explosive for the blasting, in case of Rough stone and Gravel/ Blue Metal/ Granite quarry. Brief details of APC The Air quality will be affected during the quarrying period 121 measures proposed to be due to blasting and jackhammer drilling, which will be proposed to be implemented. within prescribed limits. Air quality will be monitored 31. : periodically as per norms and Mitigation measures will be carried out to prevent dust and air propagation in to air. Mist water spraying will be carried out to suppress dust and also wet drilling practiced. Mine Closure Plan to be There is no proposal for back filling, reclamation and 129 furnished in Mining plan. rehabilitation. The quarry pit will be fenced by barbed wire to prevent inherent entry of public and cattle. The quarried- 32. : out pit will be allowed to collect rain and seepage water which will act as a reservoir for storage. This water storage will enhance the static level and ground water recharge on nearby wells.
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