LOCAL AFFAIRS. on account of the bad weather. The sale generally. He la known throughout the County Commissioners’ Court. will take place to-morrow at 10 a. m. State as a gold democrat of the most The county commission***- *«"****• FlTjgw for their session. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. uncompromising kind. It’s not generally worth yesterday regular BURRILL & J. in the loss of their little known that he passed some years of bis Petition of Arthur M. Neveils, of Sedg- SOX, In Willard H Perry Langley bankruptcy—Eat Phillips. in son of was to have the road Probate notice—Kst Kben L Higgins. daughter Catherine, aged three and one- boyhood Ellsworth. He is the wick, presented, notice—Kst Chas C Beaman. mill- Probate half years. The child died this Rev. W. O. Holman, at one time pastor of from the highway to the Dnrgain Probate notice—Est Chas A Sinclair. morning the which was laid out the !ML insurance agents, Admr notice—Kst John Paul Gordon. in convulsions, after but one day’s illness. Bnptist church here, whom older yard, recently by Exec notice—Est Wm Klttredge. residents will remember. Mr. Holman selectmen of Sedgwick, discontinued. Burrill Bank ME. Exec notice—Est Jesse H Pease. The marriage of Miss Maude Myrtle Bldg., ELLSWORTH, bad not been in Ellsworth to The petitioner says the road m unneces- Exec notice—Thomas S Clay. Crabtree and Samuel T. White, of Ban- except pass Exec notice—Est Georgia E Clapham. through on the train for twenty-live sary, and that adequate damages were not WE REPRESENT THE Lemuel IJtilefleld—Notice of foreclosure. gor, will take place at noon on Monday, allowed him for land taken. Probate court—Est Janetta P 8awyer et als. May 20, at the home of the bride’s years. Commissioners’ notice. The commissioners t Reliable Home and County Mrs. Julia Charles A. of Bangor, aged county appointed a Foreign Companies. F T Addlton— Garment cutting. mother, A. Crabtree, in this Phillips, hearing on the petition for Wednesday, Lowest Rates Name of steamer changed. city. forty-five years, attempted suicide yester- Compatible with Safety. G A Parcher—Apothecary. June 19. day afternoon, during a fit of despond- _ 8 L Lord—Carriage repository. A Sunday train from Bangor will begin ill W R Parker Clothing Co-Clothing. next ency resulting from health, by throw- *n Bum8 *° suit on real estate and running Sunday, May 19, arriving at Have you seen that handsome silver tea set at TO LOAN improved Lewis Friend A Co—Clothing. ing himself in front of a trolley car. ■■■" collateral. ———■*. C R Foster— Furniture. Ellsworth at 7.18 a. m., and leaving Ells- four pieces that Hodgkins is going to give B C The dasher of the car struck him, knock- Hodgkins—Confectionery. worth at 5.31 p. m. The full summer ser- away ?— Advt. Wlggin A Moore—Apothecaries. ing him partly from the track and thus Rockland, BluchlU & Ellsworth Steamboat Co vice will begiu about the third week in —Change In schedule June. saving him from instant death. He re- 2U)6nti£stmmls. • Bank statement—Condition of First national ^ ceived injuries necessitating the amputa- bank. F. T. Additon has opened a school for PAYING J A Cunningham—Confectioner. tion of part of his left hand and foot. ladles’ garment cutting at room 6 Man- BUCK8PORT: At the Bangor hospital last night doubts Old Reliable Drug Store. Ve have ning block. The school opened this some BENTTHTEivElhomes on our books Bank statement—Condition of Bucksport na- of his recovery were expressed. Mr. Established 1838. exceptionally good tional bank. afternoon and will be open Monday, was known in where that are Phillips Ellsworth, ag—properties going to increase in value right Bangor: Wednesday, and afternoons and Friday he formerly resided. 'He is a brother of White dental rooms. A Medicine? BUY NOW and you’ll get a snug, cosy home at a evenings. y/' j Frank Phillips, o4 this city. His family Spring At a of the masonic loor Which do or meeting grand also resides here. need one, of course. Most people price. you want, city country prop- For other local news see t pages 4,5 and,S. lodges in Portland last week, James E. Youdo at this time of the year. After the Ve have both. Ellsworth sustains its reputation for heavy meat diet of the Winter the blood gets Mies Hannah Holmes has arrived home Parsons, of this city, was elected warden in such a condition that it needs a j furnishing the unusual in runaways. A purifier. from Belfast. of the council of high priests, and Curtis plain, every-day runaway, resulting in Mrs. A. J. of Old is R. Foster, of this city, was one Goodwin, Town, appointed smashed wheels and bruised heads is Clover Bitters EO. H. GRANT Me. Mrs. C. R. Foster. of the stewards of the grand CO., Ellsworth, visiting lodge. so common as to cause little comment. are made particularly to purify the blood. D. L. of is her Mrs. H. B. Saunders left to Mrs. Yale, Bath, visiting Tuesday Perhaps it is for this reason that Ells- Restores strength, renews vitality, regulates her husband in Portland. She was the liver and bowels. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Foster. ^ join worth horses occasionally furnish some- kidneys, her Miss Miss Bessie Joy has returned from a accompanied by granddaughter, thing out of the ordinary in the way of Another excellent remedy for .Spring is Mrs. J. F. Wine and Iron. It’s a tonic and u SPRING IS HERE AT LAST! chort visit to her Mrs. at Dorothy Whiting. Manning entertainment. The latest runaway of Beef, sister, Stanton, blood builder. Beef wine invig- will leave to-morrow for where this kind nourishes, her Camden cottage. Portland, took place last Friday, when orates, iron makes blood. Pint bottles 50c. she will remain for some time with her Carlton McGown’s horse ran with a \V. B. Campbell is making extensive away parents. spring-tooth harrow. The horse ran Parcher, the now to show the finest line ot and summer improvements on his house. A circular Druggist. prepared spring Mrs. Phcebe mother of B. F. from Mr. McGown’s on fflglm is being added. Grindle, place Washing- Telephone Call, No. 52-4. piazza f ton street to and thence goods. Clothing was never so cheap as it is now. Gray, of this city, died at Eddington Sat- High street, Store open Sundays from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Dr. E. L. Mason, who has had dental Remember free urday, aged ninety years, nine days. Mrs. down Beal avenue to Patrick Mullan’s cur delivery. rooms at Bar Harbor, has secured a posi- Grindle formerly lived at Bluehill and place at the corner of Main street. Here Men’s Suits $3 Youths’ Suits $2.50 up. Children’s Suits $1 up. tion in the office of Dr. T. J. Boston. up. King, Besides Mr. of Ells- he took to the yard, and ran up on the 1 Sedgwick. Gray, The circle of the Methodist ladies’ worth, she leaves one other son, Calvin cellar door to look in the kitchen win- COMING EVENTS. I have a great variety of fancy shirts with two collars will a dime sociable at the Iafcberttannent*. church give H. Gray, of Bangor. dow. The cellar door gave way, and the and cuffs, for SO cents. New line of neckwear, fur- horse slid Wednesday evening, May 15, at home of Old friends of C. P. down into the cellar, back- DeLaittre, formerly Mrs. Madison Tower—Dime social of la- nishing goods, etc., etc. Latest styles in hats and caps, ing. ward. Net results, a broken cellar door, dies’ circle of Methodist church. direct from the manufacturers. broken window and a twisted harrow. Rev. S. C. Beach, of Bangor, will preach that besides being a successful banker at church next in The horse was Thursday, May 16—Quarterly meeting at the Unitarian Sunday Aitkin, Minnesota, he carries on large uninjured. with the Rev. A. H. of Hancock county district lodge, I. O. exchange pastor, lumbering operations. This season he is Coar. DISTRESS WARRANTS. G. T., at South Hancock. OWEN BYRN. furnishing to the Minneapolis mills over Owing to the storm last Sunday the 7,000,000 feet of pine logs. Thursday, May 16, at Odd Fellows ball Elisworth’s Two Collectors Must Hook —Entertainment and sociable anniversary concert of the Epworth The Boston Reduction Co. is rebuild- by Lygonia After Back Taxes. lodge, F. and A. M. Invitations from league was postponed to next Sunday ing the portion of the dam which was C. W. 4.V E. E. MASOX,^aa Tax Collectors Whitcomb and Holmes members. evening. carried away during tho freshet. The must do some lively scurrying around for The annual meeting of the Abenaquis work will be completed in about a week. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21 and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. back taxes during the next three months. club will be held at the clubhouse in this It is expected the mill will begin running 22—Hancock county W. C. T. U. con- Treasurer is tired of Bank ... Maine. City Higgins looking vention at First National Building, Ellsworth, city on Tuesday, June 4, at 8 o’clock in soon afterward. Ore sufficient to start Stonington. into an empty treasury when thousands of the evening. the mill is now on the way to Ellsworth. Saturday, May 25—Meeting Mt. Desert dollars of back taxes are outstanding, and A of time in the Island League and Christian Unlicensed Ellsworth dogs are In dan- change Rockland, today he is getting out distress warrants Epworth LOCAL AGENTS FOR Endeavor union at Manset.
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