Senator Dan Hays SPEAKER’S REPORT Canada’s commitment to a peaceful world Winter 2001 Inside this edition ... Page 1 Remembering September 11th and Canada’s commit- ment to a peaceful world Page 2 Senate business Page 3 Visiting Ground Zero Senate motion resulting from the events of Sep- tember 11th Remembering September 11th and Page 4 Canada’s commitment to a peaceful world L. Col Hays and the King’s Own Calgary Regiment We were all shocked and horrified by the tragedies that occurred brief Her Majesty, on September 11th in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. Commander-in-Chief As we struggle to deal with these senseless acts, we remember those who died and the fragility of life, freedom and democratic Delegation of environment values. ministers visit Alberta In the wake of these events, Canada finds itself at war. This Page 5 “war”, as it has been characterized, sees us actively supporting the U.S. as it defends itself and its allies against terrorist forces Speaker leads mission to that continue to threaten the shared values of most of the world. China Canada is first and foremost a peaceful nation, but one that is prepared to do what it must to ensure that the goals of peace Page 6 and freedom continue to be supported in the world. In this edi- Senate news tion, we remember September 11th, but also, we continue on. Inside is a revue of issues before the Senate and some of my re- Page 7 cent activities in both Ottawa and Calgary. Despite the difficult times, we must all strive to live our lives, to do what is necessary Alberta roundup to uphold the values we cherish and to ensure that Canada re- Page 8 mains a peace-loving and fair nation. Senator Hays’ notes Sincerely, Dan Hays Page 2 SPEAKER’S REPORT Winter 2001 SENATE BUSINESS S-22, An Act to provide for the recognition of the Canadien Horse as the National Horse of Canada. Sponsored by Senator Lowell As readers will see, numerous Private Members Bills and Govern- Murray (P.C.). ment Bills are now before the Senate. This section provides a review of the legislative agenda for the fall session as of Novem- S-26, An Act concerning personal watercraft in navigable waters. ber 1, 2001. Sponsored by Senator Mira Spivak (P.C.). S-29, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act (review of decisions). Private Members Bills Sponsored by Senator Jean-Robert Gauthier (Lib). This Act would allow the CRTC to review, rescind or vary its decisions and would S-6, An Act to assist in the prevention of wrongdoing in the Public allow it to re-hear a matter before rendering a decision. Service by establishing a framework for education on ethical practices in the workplace, for dealing with allegations of wrong- S-30, An act to amend the Canada Corporations Act (corporations doing and for protecting whistleblowers. Sponsored by Senator sole). Sponsored by Senator Norm Atkins (P.C.). This Act would Noël Kinsella, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition in the Sen- amend the Corporations Act whereby office holders in non-profit ate. corporations are viewed separately and distinctly from office holders in for-profit corporations. S-7, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act. Sponsored by Sena- tor Sheila Finestone (Lib.). This amendment would allow the Government Bills CRTC to review and award costs to parties appearing before CRTC hearings. S-2, An Act respecting marine liability, and to validate certain by- laws and regulations (Senator George Furey) S-8, An Act to maintain the principles relating to the role of the Senate as established by the Constitution of Canada. Sponsored S-3, An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 and by Senator Serge Joyal, P.C. (Lib). This Act would allow for the to make consequential amendments to other Acts (Senator Marie involvement of the Senate to the same degree as the House of Poulin) Commons in certain legislative processes. S-4, A First Act to harmonize federal law with the civil law of the S-9, An Act to remove certain doubts regarding the meaning of Province of Quebec and to amend certain Acts in order to ensure marriage. Sponsored by Senator Anne Cools (Lib). that each language version takes into account the common law and the civil law (Senator Pierre De Bané) S-10, An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Poet Laureate) Sponsored by Senator Jerahmiel S-5, An Act to amend the Blue Water Bridge Authority Act Grafstein (Lib). This Act would create the position of Parliamen- (Senator Lorna Milne) tary Poet Laureate. S-11, An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act S-12, An Act to amend the Statistics Act and the National Ar- and the Canada Cooperatives Act and to amend other Acts in con- chives Act (Census records). Sponsored by Senator Lorna Milne sequence (Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette) (Lib). This Act authorizes the transfer of census records from Statisitics Canada to the National Archives for permanent safe- S-16, An Act to amend the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) keeping 92 after the census year in question. Act (Senator George Furey) S-13, An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the S-17, An Act to amend the Patent Act (Senator Jack Weibe) Governor General in the Queen’s name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament. Sponsored by John Lynch-Staunton, Leader S-23, An Act to amend the Customs Act and to make related of the Official Opposition in the Senate (PC). This Act provides amendments to other Acts (Senator Raymond Setlakwe) for an alternate procedure for royal assent, namely a written dec- laration of royal assent in addition to the present procedure S-24, An Act to implement an agreement between the Mohawks which requires the physical presence of the Governor General in of Kanesatake and Her Majesty in right of Canada respecting gov- the Senate chamber. This Act began as a private bill, but has ernance of certain lands by the Mohawks of Kanesatake and to been adopted as a public or government bill, now called Bill S-34. amend an Act in consequence (Senator Joan Fraser) S-14, An Act respecting Sir John A. Macdonald Day (January 11) S-31, This Act may be cited as the Income Tax Conventions Imple- and Sir Wilfred Laurier Day (November 20). Sponsor Senator mentation Act, 2001 (Senator Marie Poulin) John Lynch-Staunton, Leader of the Official Opposition in the Sen- ate (P.C.). S-33, An Act to amend the Carriage by Air Act (Senator Ross Fitz- patrick) S-18, An Act to amend the Food and Drug Act (clean drinking wa- ter). Sponsored by Senator Jerahmiel Grafstein (Lib). S-34, An Act respecting royal assent (Senator Carstairs) S-19, An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act. Spon- C7, An Act in respect of criminal justice for young persons and sored by Senator Michael Kirby (Lib). This Act would require do- to amend and repeal other Acts (Senator Landon Pearson). mestic and foreign air carriers to file public reports on matters affecting the public interest. C-11, An Act respecting immigration to Canada and the granting of refugee protection to persons who are displaced, persecuted or S-20, An Act to provide for increased transparency and objectivity in danger. (Senator Jane Cordy) in the selection of suitable individuals to be named to certain high public positions. Sponsored by Senator Terry Stratton, (P.C). C-14, An Act respecting shipping and navigation and to amend the Shipping Conferences Exemption Act, 1987 and other Acts S-21, An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy. Sponsored (Senator Catherine Callbeck) by Senator Sheila Finestone (Lib). Page 3 SPEAKER’S REPORT Winter 2001 Senate motion following September 11th The Senate reconvened for the fall session on September 18, 2001. With the tragedies in New York, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania in mind, Government Leader Sharon Carstairs moved the following mo- tion, seconded by Leader of the Op- position John Lynch-Staunton: That the Senate express its sorrow and horror at the senseless and vi- cious attack on the United States of America on September 11, 2001; That it express its heartfelt condo- lences to the families of the victims and to the American people; and That it reaffirm its commitment to Speaker of the Senate the humane values of free and de- visits Ground Zero mocratic society and its determina- with Canadian delegation tion to bring to justice the perpetra- September 29, 2001 tors of this attack on these values and to defend civilization from any future terrorist attacks. On Saturday, September 29, 2001, at the invitation of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, Senator Dan Hays, Speaker of the Sen- In total, twenty-three Senators from ate, joined Deputy House of Commons Speaker Bob Kilger and the leaders of all Opposition parties to pay Canada’s official all political parties spoke in favour of respects at Ground Zero in New York City. the motion, which was passed unani- mously. A second motion, to send This non-partisan delegation was invited by the United States the resolution to the United States government to view the destruction and to mourn the loss of Congress, was also passed unani- lives. Senator Hays reacted to his official visit with the follow- mously. ing statement: Afterward, Speaker Hays made the “It is impossible to overstate the incredible loss that America following comment: “I am pleased and, for that matter, all peace loving nations have witnessed.“ that Senators chose to join together “The scope and scale of the destruction is impossible to repre- with one voice on this issue.
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