May 16, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 10341 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, May 16,1994 The House met at 12 noon and was H.R. 2440. An act to amend the Independent brought into this country for the Food called to order by the Speaker pro tem­ Safety Board Act of 1974 to authorize appro..: and Drug Administration trials. I will pore [Mr. MONTGOMERY]. priations for fiscal years 1994, 1995, and 1996. include in the RECORD a letter from a and for other purposes. family I helped get RU 486 2 years ago. The message also announced that the DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER This was a man who had · many sur­ Senate agrees to the amendment of the geries for brain tumors and they told PRO TEMPORE House to the bill (S. 2024) "An Act to The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ provide temporary obligational author­ him he would be dead in several fore the House the following commu­ ity for the airport improvement pro­ months if he could not get RU 486. That nication from the Speaker: gram and to provide for certain airport was his last hope of stopping the growth of the tumor. WASHINGTON, DC, fees to be maintained at existing levels May 16, 1994. for up to 60 days, and for other pur­ The letter said that he had just had I hereby designate the Honorable G.V. poses" with an amendment. his MRI and the tumors are all gone. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY to act as Speaker pro The message also announced that the Thank goodness we will no longer have tempore on this day. Senate agrees to the Report of the the kind of restrictions that were on THOMAS J. FOLEY, · Committee of Conference on the dis­ when I was trying to get it and had to Speaker of the House of Representatives. agreeing votes of the two Houses on have congressional intervention to get the amendment of the Senate to the it. Progress is beginning again for PRAYER resolution (H. Con. Res. 218) "Concur­ American women and everyone else. The Chaplain, Rev. James David rent resolution setting forth the con­ gressional budget for the United States The letter referred to follows: Ford, D.D., offered the following ANDERSON ADVISORY , INC. prayer: Government for the fiscal years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999.". Atlanta, GA, May 6, 1994. 0 gracious God, we remember with Representative PAT SCHROEDER, great praise those who have dedicated The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the Report of the U.S. Congress, Rayburn House Office Building, their lives by alleviating the pain of Washington, DC. the neediest among us. For those who Committee of Conference on the dis­ agreeing votes of the two Houses on DEAR PAT: David and I wanted you to know feed the hungry, provide shelter to that RU-486 has erased any sign of the four homeless, protect those who are most the amendments of the House to the bill (S. 636) "An Act to amend the Pub­ brain tumors David had when we met you in vulnerable, heal those who are ill, and July, 1992. who encourage those who are weak, we lic Health Service Act to permit indi­ viduals to have freedom of access to David had an MRI yesterday after which express our appreciation. With thanks­ we met with the doctor and received this giving we recall the many volunteers certain medical clinics and facilities, and for other purposes.". wonderful news. The side-effects are minimal who use their abilities and time in a The message also announced that the (certainly less than those of his three sur­ ministry of service so that hope will be geries). Our family is living a normal, pro­ Senate had passed bills and a joint res­ ductive (and grateful) life. reborn and shattered lives given solace olution of the following titles, in which and cheer. Bless all those good women We continue to thank you, Representative the concurrence of the House is re­ Wyden and your staffs for making this life­ and men who see in needy people Your quested: divine image and Your eternal mark. saving medicine available. S. 720. An act to clean up open dumps on Sincerely, In Your name, we pray. Amen. Indian lands, and for other purposes. S. 1935. An act to limit the acceptance of DIXIE ANDERSON GROW . gifts, meals, and travel by Members of Con­ THE JOURNAL gress and congressional staff, and for other The SPEAKER pro tempore. The purposes. Chair has examined the Journal of the S.J. Res. 190. Joint resolution to designate THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND THE last day's proceedings and announces May 15, 1994 , National Peace Officers Memo­ rial Day. FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COM­ to the House his approval thereof. MITTEE Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ nal stands approved. MEDICAL CENSORSHIP HAS BEEN The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under LIFTED IN AMERICA the Speaker's announced policy of Feb­ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was ruary 11, 1994, and because there is no given permission to address the House designee of the minority leader, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for 1 minute and to revise and extend gentleman from Texas [Mr. GONZ..A_LEZ] Pledge of Allegiance will be offered by her remarks and include extraneous is recognized for 60 minutes as the des­ the gentlewoman from Colorado [Mrs. matter.) ignee of the majority leader. SCHROEDER]. Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, this Mrs. SCHROEDER led the Pledge of Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, as I is indeed a great day. Medical censor­ have said repeatedly, the central deci­ Allegiance as follows: ship has really been lifted in America. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sionmaking committee of the Federal As Americans, we anticipate and ac­ Reserve is the Federal Open Market United States of America, and to the Repub­ cept our birthright of always being lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Committee. It is here, since about 1923, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. able to have access to the best sci­ the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 cer­ entific knowledge for treatment of our tainly did not provide for that, but a health issues. Yet, anything that had lot of things have happened since the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE any impact on reproductive areas of A message from the Senate by Mr. enactment of that law and the creation women, no matter what kind of impact of the Federal Reserve Board. Hallen, one of its clerks, announced it had in other areas, had been forbid­ that the Senate had passed with an den to come into this country for a Today, Mr. Speaker, we would think amendment in which the concurrence very long time. that the Federal Reserve Board was of the House is requested, a bill of the Today, Mr. Speaker, the agreement sent from heaven, wilth no responsibil­ House of the following title: was finalized and RU 486 will be ity to anybody, but one thing for sur" , 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 10342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 16, 1994 not to be accountable, either to Con­ So, Mr. Speaker, even though they power of determining the fate of the fi­ gress or the President. The Federal boast today openly, all those years nancial and economic well-being of a Open Market Committee, "open mar­ they refused to accept that responsibil­ whole country? Why, of course not. We ket" does not mean it is an open com­ ity. But they can determine the fate of can forget about it. Not willingly. Is mittee. It is closed doors, absolutely, an administration by simply determin­ the Congress going to rise? I hope, I al­ strict secrecy. Of course, it has the all­ ing what it is they will pay, that is, the ways pray. powerful determination of what your bankers, because the Federal Reserve Mr. Speaker, five of the members of standard of living is or is going to be or Board is private. It is a corporation. this Federal Open Market Committee is currently being determined, and has The Congress does not have any stock who discussed and voted to authorize been for some couple of decades, and in it. The President does not have any these lines of credit and permanent that is certainly, too, the advantage of stock in it. The stock is owned by the loan facilities to foreign countries have the traditional American standard of commercial banks and the members of never been confirmed by the Senate living that we have always boasted of. the Federal Reserve Board System. and, therefore, are not constitutional It is the one that determines the fate They can determine the price of treas­ officers, even if by strict legal defini­ of an administration. uries and thereby in effect have such tion such were the case. They were se­ Members may think, as some citizens rippling effects as interest rates and lected by the 'directors of the Federal have written, very learned and experi­ determine the fate of an administra­ Reserve banks, two-thirds of whom are enced corporate heads who themselves tion. elected by private commercial bankers, have been involved in very, very effec­ Mr. Speaker, actually this has hap­ and there is and always has been seri­ tive and long-reaching financial trans­ pened. It happened in 1972, it happened ous doubt · about the Fed's unilateral actions, both nationally and inter­ nationally, and they keep calling and again in 1980 when the prime interest claim to the power to make these rate went to the incredible rate of 21 deals.
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